Settling the American Colonies

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Settling the American Colonies. Chapters 2 & 3. Jamestown - 1607. Primogeniture Joint-Stock Companies… Virginia Company of London Jamestown site…. John Smith. Kidnapped… “He who does not work, does not eat” “Starving Time”. Powhatan. Father of Pocahontas… - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Settling the American Colonies

Slide 1

Settling the American ColoniesChapters 2 & 3Jamestown - 1607PrimogenitureJoint-Stock CompaniesVirginia Company of LondonJamestown site

John SmithKidnappedHe who does not work, does not eatStarving Time

PowhatanFather of PocahontasHis Indian Confederacy falls to the Three DsDiseaseDisorganizationDisposability

John Rolfe Tobacco 1612

1619 - Irony20 Africans sold as slaves in JamestownLondon Company authorizes the House of Burgesses 1st Legislature in America

Barbados Slave Codes

MarylandLord BaltimoreRefuge for English Catholics...Tobacco CultivationAct of TolerationGranted toleration to all ChristiansJews & Atheists get death penalty

English Civil WarOliver Cromwell

RestorationCharles IIEmpire Building Resumes

The CarolinasSouth Carolina Rice Cultivation & Plantation Economy similar to the West IndiesNorth Carolina outcast small farmers who didnt like aristocratic VA or SC

GeorgiaJames OglethorpeServe as a buffer to Spanish in FLHaven for imprisoned debtorsReligious Toleration (except Catholics)John Wesley

Plantation Colonies Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina , Georgia & the West IndiesStaple CropsSugarTobaccoRice SlaveryWestward MovementGreater Religious Tolerance

Martin LutherWittenberg, Germany151795 ThesesIgnites the Protestant Reformation

John CalvinCalvinism dominant theology of PuritansConversion intensely personalPredestination God had determined who was going to heaven***Puritans wanted to purify the Church of England***

Separatists Wanted to Separate from the Anglican Church (Pilgrims)

James I harassed the SeparatistsThey flee to HollandBoard the Mayflower bound for JamestownArrive in Plymouth Bay

Mayflower Compact

Wampanoags Befriend the PilgrimsSquanto

Thanksgiving - 1621

William BradfordChosen governor of Plymouth Colony 30 timesEconomy based on fish, fur, & lumber

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Great Puritan Migration 1630s

John WinthropGovernor of Mass. Bay Colony 19 yearsA City Upon A HillAll freemen (churchgoing adult males) could voteTown Meetings majority voteBible Commonwealth

Challenges to Puritan AuthorityQuakers & BaptistsFinesFloggingsBanishmentDeath Penalty

Anne HutchinsonAntinomianism truly saved shouldnt bother to obey Gods or mans lawsBanished from Mass. Bay Colony

Roger WilliamsExtreme separatist, challenged authority of Mass. BayBanished and formed Rhode IslandFreedom of ReligionIndividualistic & IndependentDevout Puritans called it the sewer

ConnecticutRev. Thomas HookerFundamental Orders of Connecticut- 16391st written constitution in AmericaLegislature elected by popular vote governor chosen by legislature

Pequot War

King Phillips War

Dominion of New EnglandSir Edmund AndrosGoaded colonists to the verge of revolt, they begin smuggling goodsGlorious RevolutionBloodless revolution removes James II and installs William III and MaryDominion of New England collapsesYears of salutary neglect begin

New NetherlandsHenry Hudson - 1609.New Amsterdam foundedWall StreetAbsorbed New Sweden.

Peter StuyvesantSurrenders New Netherlands.Becomes New York...Dutch LegacyEaster EggsSanta ClauseWafflesBowling, sleighing, skating, golf Harlem, Brooklyn, etc.

William Penn - Pennsylvania

Quakers- Religious Society of FriendsQuaked .Refused to Pay taxesTake oathsServe in the military

Philadelphia the city of brotherly lovePenn tolerant of all religions Treated Indians wellSoon Quakers were outnumbered

Middle ColoniesGood Soil - the bread coloniesIntermediate sized landholdingsMore ethnically mixed populationUnusual degree of religious toleration and democracy