Setting up your profile

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Setting up your profile



OUR NEW MEMBER DIRECTORY We are very excited to launch a new directory for members of the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce. Our goal is to connect you with customers and citizens through this powerful on-line platform.

OUR NEW MEMBER DIRECTORY There are a number of benefits that this new platform offers compared to past on-line Chamber directories: – You manage your own business profile. No more

calling the Chamber to make changes

– The site features rich content options, such as photos on your profile, events, maps, social media connections,

– The directory is highly searchable, and easy to navigate for the user

WHAT YOUR PROFILE OFFERS (all controlled by YOU)

Photo Box

Contact Information

Social links and customer contact


Text area for telling the

story of your business

Customer Ratings & Reviews

WHAT YOUR PROFILE OFFERS These features are just the beginning. As the site gets up and running we’ll continue at add more features and opportunities for your business to take advantage of the site to reach customers.

OUR NEW MEMBER DIRECTORY To make the process of getting your profile set up as easy as possible we’ve created a training guide provide step-by-step instructions. We highly recommended reading through the instructions before you begin to familiarize yourself with the process.

If you have any questions or issues with setting up your profile, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (937) 382-2737 or


First, you have to create an account.

Click the "Create your profile" to begin.

Enter your contact e-mail and a

username and click” Register


Before moving forward you should set a new password. Click

“Edit Profile”

Enter a password for your account that

you’ll remember and click “Update”

Make sure you get this confirmation

Now you’re ready to create your profile. Click “Add place”

The profile page includes a number of steps. We’ll start from

the beginning.

You’ll need to sign in. Make sure the “Existing user” button is clicked.

Enter the username and password you just

created and click “Submit”

You’ll know you’ve successfully logged in if

the log in box disappears. Also, you’ll

notice a black bar at the top.

1. Make sure “Clinton County, OH” is selected

2. Select the category for your business. Please select the categories that apply to your business.

3. If you can’t find an appropriate category select “Other” and e-mail so that we can work on adding a category that fits your business *disregard the prices

1. Enter your business name

2. Enter the complete address of your business

3. Click “Set address on map.” A marker should appear on the map at your location

LISTING DESCRIPTION: Enter a full description for you business that you’d like to appear on your profile EXCERPT: Enter a short description that will appear in search results

Sets which style map will display on your profile. We recommend “Default”

If you’d like to feature a special on your profile page, enter it here. This is optional.

If you’d like to feature a special on your profile page, enter it here. This is optional.

Contact information for you profile.

You can upload photos and images to display on your profile. After you’ve uploaded the images, use the green arrow icons to arrange them in the order that you’d like.

Insert embed code for a video here

When you’re finished, click “Review your listing”

You now have an opportunity to view your profile as it will

appear when published. If you see anything that you’d like to change, click “<< Go

Back and Edit”

If you’re satisfied with your profile, click “Publish”

You’re successfully submitted your profile!!

Click “View your listing >>”

to view your profile