Set a Good Example for Your Teen Driver and Keep Your Insurance Rates from Increasing

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Set a Good Example for Your Teen Driver and Keep Your Insurance Rates from Increasing

Set a Good Example for Your Teen Driver and Keep Your Insurance Rates From Increasing

Parental driving practices can influence a teen in many ways, especially behind the wheel If you’re always courteous and use your turn signals… chances are your teen will follow in your driving footsteps.

By practicing safe driving habits within a safe driving environment, your teen is more likely to avoid participating in risky and potentially dangerous behavior while driving.

Don’t get into one of those “do as I say, not as I do” lectures with your teen. If you don’t follow the advice you give them yourself, you’ll have a tough time changing your teenager’s driving habits once they’ve developed them

According to a study conducted in 2012 by Students Against Destructive Behavior (SADD), 91% of parents were observed by their teenagers using their cell phones while driving

Teens are responsible for their own actions. Parents play an enormous role in their judgement.

Next time you get behind the wheel of your car with your teen, simply ask yourself if the way you’re driving is the way you want them to drive….

If the answer is “no” — change your behavior. You’ll both benefit from it.

You can also benefit by making sure you’re getting the best rate on your car insurance.