SERVICOM Compliance Evaluation...

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Transcript of SERVICOM Compliance Evaluation...

SERVICOM Compliance Evaluation Report

The People’s Right to Be Served Right

University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

November 30 – December 04, 2015 Version: Compiled by: Abbas Hamid, Falmata Gaji Approved by: SSAP/National Coordinator, SERVICOM


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Table of Contents

Acronyms 3

Acknowledgement 4

Executive Summary 5

1.0 Introduction 7

4.1 SERVICOM Evaluation Index 8

4.1 Background on University of Maiduguri 8

4.1 Mandate: 9

4.1 Vision: 9

4.1 Mission: 9

4.1 Objectives: 10

4.1 Structure of the Report 10

2.0 Methodology 12

4.1 Authorisations and Co-operation Sought 15

4.1 Discussions with Customers and Partners 15

4.1 Discussion with Management and Staff 16

4.1 Documents Review and Observation Checklist 16

4.1 Scoping and Mystery Shopping 16

3.0 Results and Findings 19

4.1 Results 19

3..1 Key Findings 20

4.0 Recommendations and Next Steps 23

4.1 Key Recommendations 23


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MDAs Ministries Departments and Agencies

MSU Ministerial SERVICOM Unit

NO Nodal Officer

FO Focal Officer

KPI Key Performance Index

BPSR Bureau of Public Service Reform

SERVICOM Service Compact with all Nigeria


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We acknowledge the co-operation of the following for their contributions in the

course of the evaluation exercise:

S/No Name Designation

1. Alhaji Adamu Adamu Minister, Federal Ministry of Education

2. Dr. Mac-John Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education

3. Professor Julius Okojie Executive Secretary, National Universities


4. Professor Ibrahim Abubakar


Vice Chancellor, University of Maiduguri

5. Professor Haruna Abdullahi


Deputy Vice Chancellor (Central Administration),

University of Maiduguri

6. Professor Aliyu shugaba Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Services),

University of Maiduguri

7. Mallam Tijani Bukar Registrar, University of Maiduguri

8. Mr. Bitrus H. Usmana Bursar, University of Maiduguri

9. Professor Emmanuel


University Librarian

10. Dr. M. A.Umar Dean, Student Affairs University of Maiduguri

11. Professor Bamidele Rotimi


Chairman SERVICOM Committee

12. Mrs. Khadija K. Muhammad

Mallam Adamu M. Kambra

Federal Ministry of Education (Observer)

Desk Officer SERVICOM Unit

14. Mal. Mustapha Z. Laminu Desk Officer SERVICOM Unit


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Executive Summary

Date of Evaluation: 30th November – 4th December, 2015

Score: 1.9 out of 4 (47.5%)

Ranking: Star (**)

Description: Fair



Ethics committee of the university has been able to reduce incidence of

rape, cultism and exams malpractice by monitoring dress code in the

University and sensitization on the dangers of cultism and cheating in

exams etc.

The security situation in the school has improved in past four year with

the introduction of patrol team made up of Military, police and the

University’s security joint tasked force

Provision of nets on doors and windows, cleaning materials (dustbin,

rakes and brooms) and standby borehole on each students hostels as

provision for healthy environment and water needs

Provision of 24hrs service by hostel administrators and selection of hall

presidents among the students for easy contact by students in the case

of students needs

Special consideration given to disabled students in provision of hostel

accommodation and space and entry into the lecture halls

The University has an FM Radio Station run by the students to provide

entertainment and quick and reliable information within a short time

Recreational facilities e.g. common rooms in every hostel block with TV

and Video, rest areas with seats at all academic area are provided for

students comfort


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Massive inter departmental movement of junior and intermediate

administrative staff of the University to tackle stagnation and to

reinvigorate the system for better performance

Provision of a new vehicle to the SERVICOM Unit by the University on

request by the team of evaluators at the SCE Exit meeting

Sensitivity to Married and nursing women by providing a special hostel

accommodation (the Shettima Ali Manguno Hall) to them.


The University authority does not consult students on major decisions affecting


some hostels do not have particular notice boards to read information

disseminated by the University


The SERVICOM index awarded to University of Maiduguri, is 1.9 out of 4.0 (50%)

which represents Two Star (**) and indicates ‘Fair’ service delivery. Although this is

still far from praiseworthy, it is our belief that University Management would aim at

continuous improvement on the quality of service delivered to its customers if the

recommendations contained in this report are faithfully implemented.


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1.0 Introduction

The ultimate purpose of any legitimate government is to serve citizens. Citizens are

served through the provision of services, which are intended to make positive

changes on the life and situation of the citizens. Such services are provided through

MDAs, which are allocated the human, financial, material and other resources for the

purpose. For the purpose of ensuring accountability and citizens’ right to quality and

effective service is not only respected but also enhanced government has renewed

its commitment to evaluating MDA performance against their Service Charter.

In this regard, government has strengthened the main service evaluation agency the

SERVICOM to support MDAs in developing and implementing Service Charter.

Government has also empowered SERVICOM to evaluate the performance of MDAs

and report to it. The mandate of SERVICOM issued to it by Federal Executive

Council in a circular Ref. No. CM.260/S.2/T.2/23 of 29th November, 2012.

1. To coordinate efforts by MDAs to formulate and implement Service Charters;

2. Regularly monitor and report to His Excellency, the President on the progress

made by each MDA in performing their obligations under their Charters;

3. To carry out independent surveys of the services provided to citizens by the

MDAs, their adequacy, their timeliness, customer satisfaction and widely

publicize the results to keep citizens fully informed;

4. To heighten public awareness of the damaging effects of service failure to the

Nigerian society and social structures;

5. To promote attitudes by which citizens would recognise the need to challenge

service failure as their civil rights as well as responsibility.


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3.1 SERVICOM Evaluation Index

There is a subsisting presidential directive in circular, Ref. No. SGF.19/S.48/C.2/296

of 27th June 2005 that all MDAs be evaluated for compliance with the SERVICOM

Index. The Index measures the performance of an MDA or service window against

six dimensions, which are weighted according to their importance on the

implementation of Service Charter. These dimensions are:

Policy Commitment – 10%

Service Delivery – 25%

Customer – 20%

Organizational Effectiveness – 20%

Accountability – 15%

Innovation – 10%

3.1 Background on University of Maiduguri

The University of Maiduguri is one of the seven institutions of higher learning

established by the Federal Government in 1975. It is an autonomous University that

awards its own degrees.

The University is situated on the Southern outskirts on Maiduguri town, about twelve

kilometres from the city centre. At its founding, the University had no infrastructure of

its own until the takeover of the North East College of Arts and Science (NECAS) in

April 1976. This provided the University with a nucleus of facilities such as

Laboratories, Lecture theatre/halls, a library, Students and Staff residential quarters

and other facilities.

The University’s firs academic year commenced on the 28th October, 1976 with

degree programmes offered in three Faculties; Arts and Education, Social and

Management Sciences and Law, Sciences with an initial enrolment of 743 Students.

By the 2001/2002 session, the total Students enrolment has risen from 743 in

1976/77 session to 23,076, showing an increase of 3100% for the period of

25years.within this particular period, academic programmes are being offered in a


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College and nine Faculties: the College of Medical Sciences, Agriculture, Arts,

Education, Engineering, Law, Management Sciences, Sciences, Social Sciences

and Veterinary Medicine. Post graduate programmes are also offered in all the

aforementioned Faculties and Colleges.

In addition to the infrastructure the University inherited from NECAS in 1976, it has

been provided with a new site of 100,000acres bordering on its present location. The

Master plan for the development of the new site had been completed and approved

by the National Universities Commission (NUC). This Master plan sets out the

overall long term physical Development of the University.

In the last two decades more projects regarding the development of the University

had been completed. So far about 20% of the Master plan had been achieved

3.1 Mandate:

The University in line with other Nigerian Universities is established to perform the


Research and Development

Teaching and Learning

Community Development


“The University, apart from achieving competence in basic arts and Sciences aims at

excellence in Agriculture, pastoralism, engineering, Human and Veterinary Medicine,

and information Technology as well as in Arid Zone, Trans Saharan and Inter African

Peace and Strategic Studies. The University also aims to promote the Development

of Private and Public Morality, discipline, accountability and probity, and also

international cooperation through participation, research and dissemination of


3.1 Mission:

The University of Maiduguri shall be an institution dedicated to scholarship and

learning in Arts, Sciences, Humanities and Technology and development of moral


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and civic character of all persons who pass through her portals. The University shall

facilitate and advance scholarship and learning, especially in the light of her location

in the Sahelian environment of North-Eastern Nigeria and at the cross roads of Africa

and Middle-Eastern Cultures“

3.1 Objectives:

The overall objective of SERVICOM Compliance Evaluation is to ensure citizen-

focused service delivery in MDAs. The specific objectives include identifying gaps in

service delivery and making recommendations to MDAs to improve customer

satisfaction and accountability

3.1 Structure of the Report

This report is structured into six (6) sections namely:

i. Introduction: This section highlights the purpose and mandate of

SERVICOM, the SERVICOM Index, the background and mandate of

University of Maiduguri, list of the evaluated service windows and the

objectives of the evaluation.

ii. Methodology: This section discusses the rationale for the selection of

University of Maiduguri for evaluation and details of the processes followed in

the evaluation.

iii. Results and Findings: Provides details of the scores generated through data

analysis and the findings are presented based on the six (6) dimensions.

iv. Recommendations and Next Steps: Presents recommendations based on

the findings identified in section three (iii). The section further proposes short

and medium term actions to be taken to remedy the identified weaknesses.

v. Opportunities, Lessons and Challenges: This section highlights the

opportunities for change and reform in University to improve service delivery,

the lessons learnt and challenges faced during the evaluation exercise.


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vi. Annexes: This section presents additional documents and data used during

the evaluation exercise.


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2.0 Methodology

The University of Maiduguri was selected for compliance with the SERVICOM Index

from 30th November – 4th December, 2015. The University was selected as a result


The Presidential Directive that all Government Ministries, Departments and

Agencies (MDAs) be evaluated for SERVICOM Compliance and


To ascertain the actual state of services provided to the citizens

The service is a necessity and thus has a high level of customer interface

Evidence was gathered at the service windows evaluated through customer

interviews, discussions with management, discussions with staff, discussions with

partners (some of which are – Jafi Security Guards ltd., Marion Global Concept ltd.,

Musfat Cleaning Services as well as the Student Union Government, review of key

documents and general observations.

Services are provided to citizens by University of Maiduguri through several Service

Windows, namely:

1. College of Medical Sciences

i. Department of Anaesthesia

ii. Department of Bio-Chemistry

iii. Department of Chemical Pathology

iv. Department of Community Medicine

v. Department of Dentistry

vi. Department of Ear, Nose and Throat

vii. Department of Haematology

viii. Department of Human Anatomy

ix. Department of Human Physiology

x. Department of laboratory Science


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xi. Department of Medical Radiography

xii. Department of Medicine

xiii. Department of Microbiology

xiv. Department of obstetrics and Gynaecology

xv. Department of paediatrics

xvi. Department of Pathology

xvii. Department of Pharmacy

xviii. Department of physiotherapy

xix. Department of Psychiatry

xx. Department of Radiology

xxi. Department of Surgery

2. Faculty of Agriculture

i. Department of Agricultural Economics

ii. Department of Animal Science

iii. Department of Crop production

iv. Department of Crop Protection

v. Department of Food Science and Technology

vi. Department of Forestry and wild life

vii. Department of Fisheries

viii. Department of Soil Science

3. Faculty of Arts

i. Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies

ii. Department of Creative Arts

iii. Department of English

iv. Department of History

v. Department of languages and linguistics

vi. Department of Mass Communication

4. Faculty of Education


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i. Department of Continuing Education and Extension Services

ii. Department of Education

iii. Department of Library Science

iv. Department of Physical and Health Education

5. Faculty of Engineering

i. Department of Agricultural Engineering

ii. Department of Chemical Engineering

iii. Department of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

iv. Department of Computer Engineering

v. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

vi. Department of Mechanical Engineering

6. Faculty of Law

i. Department of Private Law

ii. Department of Public Law

iii. Department of Sharia

7. Faculty of Management Science

i. Department of Accountancy

ii. Department of Business Management

iii. Department of Economics

iv. Department of public Administration

8. Faculty of Science

i. Department of Biological Sciences

ii. Department of Chemistry

iii. Department of Geology

iv. Department of Mathematics and Statistics


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v. Department of Physics

9. Faculty of Social Sciences

i. Department of Geography

ii. Department of Political Science

iii. Department of Sociology and anthropology

10. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

i. Department of veterinary Anatomy

ii. Department of veterinary Medicine

iii. Department of veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology

iv. Department of veterinary Pathology

v. Department of veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology

vi. Department of veterinary Public health and preventive Medicine

vii. Department of veterinary Surgery and reproduction

11. School of Post Graduate Studies

12. Remedial Arts and Science Programmes

3.1 Authorisations and Co-operation Sought

To carry out this evaluation, SERVICOM Office wrote to the Minister of Education,

Federal Ministry of Education, Executive Secretary, National Universities

Commission, the Vice-Chancellor of University of Maiduguri, informing them of the

SERVICOM Mandate, dates, number of days and the purpose of the Compliance


3.1 Discussions with Customers and Partners

Several customers and partners of the MDA were selected and interviewed. The

customers were asked questions on their perception of quality, value of service and

whether services meet their expectations. For example, the customers were asked

[Did the University of Maiduguri provide you with information on how to make


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complaints when necessary?]. Partners of the MDA were also interviewed. Among

the questions the partners were asked are: [Has the University of Maiduguri made

arrangement for consultation with your Organization?].

3.1 Discussion with Management and Staff

Separate interviews were held with the Management and Staff of the University of

Maiduguri. The interview for the management staff centres on Policy Commitment,

Service and Organizational Effectiveness. Discussion with staff also focuses on

service delivery. In addition, staff were asked questions on innovation and treatment

of customers. Specific questions for management include; “Does the the University of

Maiduguri regularly conduct internal performance evaluation and are these reviewed

at appropriate meetings by management?” Staff, on the other hand, were asked;

“What evidence exists to show that it is a practice in the University of Maiduguri to

provide explanation to customers for delays that are not a regular occurrence?”

3.1 Documents Review and Observation Checklist

Several documents were reviewed as evidence to support discussions with

Management and Staff. A list of required documents was sent to the University of

Maiduguri two weeks before the evaluation. Some of the documents requested


a. The Service Charter of the University of Maiduguri,

b. Evidence of consultation with stakeholders,

c. Performance Contract Documents;

d. The University of Maiduguri Strategic Plan,

e. Training list,

f. Annual Report

g. Customer Care Policy,

h. Financial & Audit Report

i. Customer Increase/decrease and Satisfaction Surveys,

j. Record of Staff Training, etc.

Some of the documents reviewed are as follows:


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i. The University of Maiduguri Service Charter

ii. The University of Maiduguri annual reports (2010-2011, 2011 – 2012, 2012-


iii. The University of Maiduguri Strategic Plan (2007-2013)

iv. The university of Maiduguri Administrative Manual

v. Student’s Handbook from various Departments

vi. Conditions of Service of Senior Staff

vii. University of Maiduguri Act

viii. Unimaid quarterly bulletin

ix. Financial Statement for 2013

x. Book of Resolutions

xi. Criteria for Appointment, Appraisal and Promotion of Academic Staff

xii. Annual Appraisal Form

xiii. Calendar of events for 2015/2016

xiv. Schedule of Registration fees and Charges for 2015/2016

A checklist of items and issues to be observed during the evaluation was also

prepared. Among the issues to be observed are:

a. Clear directional signs and signage,

b. Reception area,

c. Access needs for the physically challenged,

d. Available convenience and its accessibility by customers

e. Facilities for comments and suggestions,

f. Use of names tags by staff,

g. Displayed time to access service,

h. Quality of information available for stakeholders including those with special

needs and vulnerable groups, etc.

3.1 Scoping and Mystery Shopping

A letter was sent to Management of the University of Maiduguri intimating it about

the intended evaluation. As part of the scoping process series of meetings were held


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with the Nodal Officer of National Universities Commission ahead the evaluation

where details of the exercise were discussed.


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3.0 Results and Findings

3.1 Results

The table below summarises the results of evaluation for the University of Maiduguri

which was calculated as an average score of the six (6) dimensions, based on a

scale of 0 – 4 weightings for each indicator. The overall score for the University of

Maiduguri is: 3.0 out of 4 which is 75.% as detailed in Table below:

Composite score for University

of Maiduguri

Overall Index score 1.9

Policy Commitment 2.0

Mandate & other Policy Documents 2.3

Budgetary Allocation and Release 1.7

The Service 2.1

Service Offer 2.5

Service Standard 2.3

Service Experience 2.3

Staff Attitude 2.2

Reward and Measurement Systems 1.5

Staff Orientation 1.5

Staff Relationships 2.5

The Customer 1.4

Perceived Quality 1.3

Perceived Value 2.0

Expectation 1.0

Organizational Effectiveness 1.8

Structure and Positions 1.3

Processes 0.8


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Management Style 2.5

Partnership and Collaboration 2.5

Accountability 2.0

Staff Awareness of Action 2.0

Reporting 1.6

Innovation 2.0

Readiness for Change 2.0

Employee Capabilities Upgrade 2.3

Lesson learning 2.0

3.0 Findings

The findings presented in this section comprise of an Index score and observations

on the quality of service delivery found at the service window.

3.1.1 Key Findings

Policy Commitment

Budget (Capital and over-heads) are inadequate and not regularly released,

this affects the activities of the University e.g. completion of on-going projects

The Service

Systematic consultation with Stakeholder is not regularly conducted on

services and their standards provided by the University. This shows

stakeholders views are not considered in the design and delivery of services

by the University

There is no system in place to monitor waiting time so there is no record of

monitoring of how many times/places a customer visits for service provision


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Analysis on summary of complaints received over a period of time and actions

taken are not published and reported to Management. As such, the university

management is not aware of the frequency of similar complaints by the

students and other service takers so as to proffer solution

There is no reward, performance based incentive or award given to staff for

excellent performance nor ‘extra’ incentive for quality customer service, this

discourages Staff to put in their best in service delivery.

There is no evidence shown for guidance and counseling and career advisory

services for especially non-academic Staff. This hinders their development

and translates to poor service delivery

It was observed that the Students in the University do not wear their Identity

card conspicuously on the camp for easy identification

The university Service Charter made in tabular form though still under review

is not suitable as it was not in line with SERVICOM guidelines on Charter

formulation. Thus making it difficult for customers to read and be informed of

their expectations as to the quality of services to receive and what to do when

service fails

Quite a number of students and the staff are not aware of the university

Service Charter. This makes it difficult for them to know their rights to

complaint whenever they experience service failures

The Customer

The There is no display/publication of customer care policy in place to guide

Staff on customer treatment

University does not have a system in place to record changes in the

customers expectation and perception of services provided

Customer satisfaction survey are not periodically carried out to gauge the

perception of the customers on the quality of services provided by university

Organizational Effectiveness

There is no display of name/desk easy identification by students


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Contact Names, Office location and the phone numbers of the person in

charge of customer service and complaint officer is not displayed everywhere

for Staff, Students and other stakeholders in the University to access. Thus

stake holders are not informed as to who to contact when they are not

satisfied with services rendered

The staff confirmed that performance targets are not set jointly with their

supervisors or head of departments. This makes it difficult to know what

targets are for Staff to measure their successes and failures


There is no performance report on The absence of performance contract with

the National Universities Commission hinders the university ability to manage

clients’ expectation, issues and service performance


There is no system in place for training and career development of especially

non-academic intermediate and junior Staff for improvement in service nor

terms and conditions of service flexible or attractive for the Staff. This effects

their service delivery and professionalism

Though the university feels it compares well with best known universities in

the world, there exists no formal system in place to actively engage in peer

review with the other universities to share lessons and challenges, compare

performance, set new and challenging benchmarks in the year under review.


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4.0 Recommendations and Next Steps

3.2 Key Recommendations

Policy Commitment

The university management should develop its Key Performance Index (KPI)

as a key driver to guide the operations of the university towards achieving its

mandates and sign a Performance Contract with the National Universities

Commission. This will enable the university measure its level of performance

in relation to its stated KPIs over a period of time

The Service

Systematic consultations should be regularly conducted with stakeholders on

services and their standards to be provided by the University. This will assure

the stakeholders that their views are considered in the service delivery


A system should be developed to collate and monitor waiting times and repeat

visits. The record can be analysed and the result used to hasten service

provision for more effective and efficient service

Summary of complaints received and actions taken on justified complaints

should be periodically analysed and report submitted to Management for

service improvement. It should be published and clearly displayed for the

benefits of all customer groups

There should be a system (to periodically reward the best Staff in service

delivery) in place to encourage especially the nonacademic staff to strive hard

in service delivery. that will create a competitive atmosphere and as a result,

improve service delivery

There should be a guidance, counseling career advisory Unit for especially

the nonacademic Staff, to encourage self and career development. This will

improve the skill of Staff and will translate to more efficient service delivery

The school authority should enforce the display of name tags (identity cards)

conspicuously in the Premises to ensure accurate identification of Staff and


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Students. This will discourage intruders and ensure a more secure


The University’s service Charter should be reviewed to conform with the

SERVICOM Offices approved guide for service Charter formulation and the

draft sent to the SERVICOM Office for evaluation and approval before final

publication. This will ensure uniformity in the Charter formulation.

The approved service Charter should be widely publicized (using fliers and roll

up banners of the abridged form of the Charter) among Staff, Students and all

other stakeholders of the University. This will increase SERVICOM awareness

and information on service provision and how to seek redress when service


The Customer

The University’s Customer care policy should be widely publicized to Staff to

serve as a guide on how to treat customers for a satisfying service experience

There should be a system in place know to record changes in the customers

expectation and perception of services provided. This will ensure that

expected services conform with the service provided

Customer satisfaction survey should be periodically carried out and analyses

made to gauge the satisfaction of the customers on the quality of services

provided by university. This will help the management determine the level of

service provision for service improvement

Organizational Effectiveness


The Federal Government should properly investigate into the situation the

university is having with the host communities regarding the acquisition of

land. Boundaries between the university and host communities be mapped

out and fenced round to forestall reoccurring squabbles between the two



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The university should prioritize the online application and collection of

transcripts and other services for efficiency

Performance targets should be set jointly and be periodically reviewed to

enhance efficiency, accountability and productivity. This enable measurement

of success and failure of the staff

Details of the designated Complaints Desk Officers in various faculties and

halls should be clearly displayed and widely accessible to enable the

students complain when the need arises


The Ethics Committee should encourage students to report cases of extortion

in the Post-graduate school. Such cases should be properly investigated and

measures taken to forestall future occurrence

The Performance Contract signed by the Honourable Minister of Education

should be cascaded to the university management to enhance policy

formulation and performance management


Periodic and systematic training programme for Staff, especially the non-

academic, intermediate and junior Staff should be developed. This will

enhance professionalism.

Though the university feels it compares well with best known universities in

the world, there exists no formal system in place to actively

Periodic peer review process with Key services and processes of peer

Universities should be engaged to share lessons and challenges, compare

performance, set new and challenging benchmarks. This will ensure best


Next steps

Although the question of how these recommendations might best be implemented is

a management issue for University of Maiduguri, SERVICOM Office through the

SERVICOM Institute will work with the management of the university and its

SERVICOM Unit to develop and guide the implementation of appropriate Service


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Improvement Plans.

Opportunities, Lessons and Challenges


Explore other sources of power generation and supply i.e. gas

Engage in Public Private Partnership for infrastructural development



Land issue

Most of the documents sought and requested before, during and after the

evaluation exercise are yet to be provided.

Section Five: Annexes [attach additional document – document checklist, list of people

met, etc]
