Service Design Drinks Milan #4 - Sketchin - Service design for journalism and contents

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Transcript of Service Design Drinks Milan #4 - Sketchin - Service design for journalism and contents

Service design for journalism and contentsApril 28th, 2016

Service Design Drink

Marco Pesani Experience Architect


Valeria Grauso Senior Service Designer


We are Sketchin team

Our experience

6mil unique users each day

Currently live

We are going to talk about

Role and responsibilities of the service designer when working for a newspaper.

Some practical tip-&-tricks to deal with complex editorial projects.

Be part of the conversation, your questions will be answered!

We want to talk with you today

Annotate your questions for the final Q&A

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@sketchin #sketchintalks #sddmilan

@sketchindesign #sketchintalks #sddmilan

The project

Eco di Bergamo

- 40% population daily reach

- 50+ journalists in the newsroom

- Valuable historical heritage

- A complex ecosystem of products

- Social and economical role

The relevance of a local newspaper

District newspapers locally outsell national ones by 5 to 1.

A local newspaper is an important economy accelerator.

Its brand reputation is established by delivering quality information and enabling small and medium businesses to communicate with the population.

The problem

Struggling to find new revenue sources

Understand how the population use the news and feel about local information.

Define a strategy to enlarge their audience.

Help the newsroom to improve the content production flow.

01. 02. 03.

Project goals

Approfondisco la sera su pc cercando su Google le

parole chiave relative alla notizia

Da Google scelgo in base alla pertinenza del titolo e all’immagine relativa.

Sull’Eco sfoglio le pagine nazionali velocemente e mi

soffermo solo sulle notizie che mi interessano

Approfondisco leggendo la notizia dettagliata sul





A volte leggo i giornali nazionali (Corriere, il


La politica fa solo venire il nervoso... come la girano ti fregano sempre!

L’Eco è un buonissimo giornale a livello locale, ma per il resto è troppo generico.

Parte del mio tempo libero lo trascorro al pc sui social

e giocando

L’Eco in casa non è mai mancato, fa parte della mia tradizione.

Ho molto rispetto per la carta, sfoglio il giornale con la massima cura per non rovinare le pagine.



Leggo l’Eco tutti i giorni, al bar oppure lo

compro e lo leggo a casa

Sull’Eco leggo subito la cronaca della città e le

notizie sull’Atalanta


La TV è quasi sempre in sottofondo mentre faccio altro.

MI interessano sconti e offerte, utilizzo molto


Certo che tifo Atalanta... son bergamasco!”

Il TG e i giornali offrono spunti di confronto e discussione con gli altri.

Mi piacerebbe imparare a usare meglio le nuove tecnologie.

Il giornale me lo godo più del TG: posso leggerlo, rileggerlo e studiarmelo bene.

Preferisco il cartaceo, ma se non c’è leggo il sito o guardo i TG.

Ho molti interessi su cui mi piace tenermi aggiornato e attivo.

Guardo i commenti alle partite su Mediaset

Premium e Bergamo TVHo utilizzato Kauppa per

servizi specifici

Kauppa è comodo, ha prezzi molto vantaggiosi.

Compro L’Eco quando so che

c’è uno speciale o un inserto che

mi interessaAscolto la radio in auto e al lavoro

Seguo i TG durante il giorno


Commento le notizie che leggo con i miei amici

Mi piace confrontarmi con i miei famigliari per capire

meglio e approfondire

Uso il telefono per condividere le foto con i

miei amici

Leggo di feste e avvenimenti in

zona sull’Eco

- Research report

- Strategic report

- Customer journey maps that describe the fruition of the information per personas

Final deliverables

Editorial project goals

Content distribution

Content production

Information retrieval

Editorial ecosystem

The goal is to improve the main aspects of the ecosystem.

Content distribution

Content production

Information retrieval

A matter of touchpoint

Content distribution

Content production

Information retrieval

A matter of newsroom efficiency

Content distribution

Content production

Information retrieval

A matter of permeation

How to measure project’s success

SalesAudience reach Brand reputation

KPI: Circulation of the newspaper that is considering the amount of people reading it per day (Audipress).

KPI: Net-promoter score.

KPI: Revenues that is considering the sum of sold pieces and amount of sold advertisement.

Structure of the project

Assess Understand Define Design

Structure of the project

Newspaper Reader

The project

A two-sided work Assessments, research and design always have to be conducted reader’s side and publisher side.

Assess Understand Define Design

- Content creation process

- Political relations inside newsroom

The news quality strongly depends from the content creation process. It starts with the way the information is collected and it ends with how the contents are published.

Assessment findings

In order to guarantee journalists independence, the newsroom is highly regulated, this increases the complexity of the project on a political standpoint.

Assessment findings

Assess Understand Define Design

- Reader’s goal

- Reader’s behaviour

- Competitive landscape

- Constraints

Research insight

The “Hindsight” bias

Hindsight bias is the effect whereby people think that past events were predictable, or at least more predictable than they actually were.

People strives for information to feel safe

The “Illusion of Control” bias

The illusion of control is the tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events.

Research insight

1. Emotional 2. Social 3. Practical- care for loved people - feel safe

- have conversation topics - have an opinion

- solve specific problems - obtain information

News fruition is related to entertainment and is mostly time-based.

Research insight

Research insight

People compare information to create a personal version of the truth

Assess Understand Define Design

Converge all the information and data



Cluster behaviours to understand people’s interests and activities.

Specific constraints of the editorial sector have emerged in the assessment phase:

1. Newsroom hierarchy and regulations 2. Newsroom tools and skills 3. Content rights

Editorial sector constraints

Define: a research synthesis

Research findings & insights Internal constraints & needs


Path to develop a design solution

Assess Understand Define Design

Create multi-purpose touchpoint

Start from the existing newsroom organization.

Internal service planning

Front stage planning

Adapt the front stage to readers behaviours.

Content planning

Use the customer journey to define the role & format of the content.

Customer journey definition

Read the customer journey as a marketing funnel to take strategic decision.

Publish Produce


Project development

Provide daily support to the journalists in order to iteratively improve their workflow.

Summing it up…

Learned lesson

Valeria have learned that……it is crucial for the success of the project for the publishing sector, to deeply understand the processes and the needs of the publishing machine and its regulated environment.

Learned lesson

Marco have learned that…… a newspaper does not only have an informational purpose but also an economic and social one. Therefore the redesign of the news production process has to take great care of the impact of political and human factors.

Learned lesson

What have you learned?


Something not clear yet?


Want to go deeper on something?

Make it your treasure and try it out in your next project!

Be part of the conversation, your questions will be answered!

Let’s talk

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Q&A for now or later for now or later

@sketchin #sketchintalks #sddmilan

@sketchindesign #sketchintalks #sddmilan

evolving experience over people expectations

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