SERMON NOTES FOR CHURCH LEADERS FOR USE ... › downloads › adventwonder › ...SERMON NOTES FOR...

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INTRODUCTION Page 3 SERMON ONE Page 4 Zechariah and Elizabeth: Journey out of the shadows SERMON TWO Page 8 Mary and Joseph: The long walk SERMON THREE Page 11 Angels and shepherds: The return SERMON FOUR Page 14 Mary and Joseph: following God’s compass

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The Advent story is full of journeys.

We all know about the journey of the Magi, but there were

other journeys too: angels and shepherds; the Holy Family;

and a barren older couple, Elizabeth and Zechariah. Each

of these journeys is different in time and purpose, people

and destinations.

But there is a common thread that connects them all: faith.

For some, there is outstanding growth in their faith; some,

like Herod, only have faith in themselves – for him there is

no spiritual growth. Some grow together as a faithful

community (the Magi; the Holy Family) and others grow as

lone individuals (Zechariah).

The great chapter on faith, Hebrews 11, says this in part

about journeys of faith: ‘By faith Abraham obeyed when he

was called to go out to the place he would receive as an

inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was

going. By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a

foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the

heirs with him of the same promise, for he waited for the

city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is

God’ (vv. 8–10, NKJV).

The verbs in this passage define not just the essence of

Abraham's journey but the steps of all faith journeys. Firstly,

Abraham ’obeyed when he was called to go’. If God calls

us, if he places an opportunity, a heart desire, a word from

a brother or sister or himself moving us to go, we must obey

and go. If we get a green light from God, it’s for us to go,

move, journey.

Secondly, sometimes we go in faith ‘not knowing where we are going’. We don't need clarity for the journey but

what we do need – as Paul tells the Philippians – is contentment: ‘for I have learned to be content whatever the

circumstances’ (Philippians 4:10–12).

And this contentment leads to the last steps of our journey. We ‘dwell’ and we ‘wait’. Abraham lived in tents waiting

for God's city. He never saw this physical city in his lifetime. But he lived in whatever places God called him to.

Abraham was able to wait because he was dwelling with God. He walked with God, he talked with him and he

trusted him.

It is how we live, walk and trust every day that builds a faithful life.


These notes are divided into sections to provide structure to each talk as follows: Introduction: Sets the scene Here, the speaker sets the tone, the expectations of their sermon. Background: Provides context We go behind the scenes, focusing on historical facts to see the scriptures in context. Purpose: Sharpens the focus What are your two, three, four sermon/talk points? How do they integrate with the scripture? The outline suggests points, but these are there as a guide only. Focus: Tunes in with scripture A word, an image, a phrase needs to be stated and unpacked here. Closing connection: Makes connections This is the ‘how to’ part of the sermon. The hardest bit. Now we are in the closing and what should be the most important part - what the listener takes away. It has the potential to feel rushed and incomplete to both the speaker and the listener. The connection points in each sermon outline are generally in question form so that the speaker can leave the questions open, as a challenge, or even answer them within the sermon. The choice is theirs. Challenge/additional resources: Provokes action The focus shifts to the listener with a series of questions; how are they going to act on the message? There are also some suggested additional resources for each talk which are there for you to make use of as appropriate. They are offered simply as ideas and you may prefer to use others or omit them entirely; it’s your choice.


SERMON ONE Zechariah and Elizabeth: Journey out of the shadows Introduction

We start this sermon series by

looking at a couple who were

seemingly near the end of life’s

journey and yet were about to

embark on such a journey of

faith. Though their destination is

the same, they take quite

different routes to get there.


Luke 1: 5-25

In the time of Herod king of

Judea there was a priest named

Zechariah, who belonged to the

priestly division of Abijah; his wife

Elizabeth was also a descendant

of Aaron. Both of them were

righteous in the sight of God,

observing all the Lord’s

commands and decrees

blamelessly. But they were

childless because Elizabeth was

not able to conceive, and they

were both very old.

Once when Zechariah’s division

was on duty and he was serving

as priest before God, he was

chosen by lot, according to the

custom of the priesthood, to go

into the temple of the Lord and

burn incense. And when the time

for the burning of incense came,

all the assembled worshipers were

praying outside.

Then an angel of the Lord

appeared to him, standing at the

right side of the altar of incense.

When Zechariah saw him, he was

startled and was gripped with

fear. But the angel said to him:

“Do not be afraid, Zechariah;

your prayer has been heard. Your

wife Elizabeth will bear you a son,

and you are to call him John. He

will be a joy and delight to you,

and many will rejoice because of

his birth, for he will be great in

the sight of the Lord. He is never

to take wine or other fermented

drink, and he will be filled with

the Holy Spirit even before he is

born. He will bring back many of

the people of Israel to the Lord

their God. And he will go on

before the Lord, in the spirit and

power of Elijah, to turn the hearts

of the parents to their children

and the disobedient to the

wisdom of the righteous—to

make ready a people prepared for

the Lord.”

Zechariah asked the angel, “How

can I be sure of this? I am an old

man and my wife is well along in


The angel said to him, “I am

Gabriel. I stand in the presence of

God, and I have been sent to

speak to you and to tell you this

good news. And now you will be

silent and not able to speak until

the day this happens, because

you did not believe my words,

which will come true at their

appointed time.”

Meanwhile, the people were

waiting for Zechariah and

wondering why he stayed so long

in the temple. When he came

out, he could not speak to them.

They realized he had seen a

vision in the temple, for he kept

making signs to them but

remained unable to speak.

When his time of service was

completed, he returned home.

After this his wife Elizabeth

became pregnant and for five

months remained in seclusion.

“The Lord has done this for me,”

she said. “In these days he has

shown his favour and taken away

my disgrace among the people.”


For people living in Israel

immediately before Jesus’ birth,

especially an older couple with no

living children, increasing age

brought with it the advent of

darkness. Children were security,

offering provision for old age;

without them the future would

hold no hope or promise. For a

couple who had lived honourably

before God, careful in following

the law and with clear

consciences, maybe their love for

each other was enough. This was

Elizabeth and Zechariah’s life.

But as they sat in the shadows of

life’s closing, God entered in an

amazing way.

Elizabeth, despite being ‘well on

in years’ and ‘barren’ (v. 7), is

singled out by God to bear a son

who will be ‘great in the sight of

the Lord’ (v. 15), so she finds

herself not just brought out of the

shadows but thrust into the

limelight. She is destined to bear

the child who will prepare the

people for the Lord’s coming, but

she also provides reassurance to

her young cousin Mary and in her

words to her echoes her own joy:


’Blessed is she who has believed

that what the Lord has said to her

will be accomplished!’ (v. 45).

Zechariah belonged to the

priestly division of Abijab, whose

name in Hebrew means ‘YHWH

is (my) father’. His name means

‘God remembers.’ Zechariah is

offering incense in the temple

when the angel Gabriel appears

saying, ’Don’t fear, Zechariah.

Your prayer has been heard.

Elizabeth, your wife, will bear a

son by you. You are to name him

John. You’re going to leap like a

gazelle for joy, and not only you –

many will delight in his birth.’ (vv.

13–14, MSG).

As a priestly leader in his

community, as a male member of

the tribe of Aaron, Zechariah was

entitled to offer sacrifices in the

temple in Jerusalem. There were

so many descendants of Aaron

that they were divided into

groups, and each group served in

the temple only two weeks in the

year. Within each group that

served, lots were cast to decide

which priest would be permitted

to officiate and give an offering.

No priest was allowed to do this

more than once in a lifetime, and

even then many never had the

opportunity to participate the way

that Zechariah was privileged to

do on this morning.

So, alone in the temple,

Zechariah placed the incense on

the altar, and he prayed for the

deliverance of Israel and offered

prayers of intercession on behalf

of the people of Israel. When he

prayed, ’a great multitude’ had

gathered outside the temple

(v.10) praying in unity with the

priest Zechariah as he stood

alone in the Holy of Holies. Fifty

weeks of the year he lived in the

hills of Judea. Today he was in

the temple of Jerusalem, praying.

And God answers.

God’s angel appears with not just

an answer to prayer but the

biggest possible miracle: this very

old couple will have a son, a

future. A dramatic turnaround in

terms of Middle Eastern culture;

they would emerge from the



Despite his position and the

enormous significance of the

moment, Zechariah is worn down

by experience – years of serving

fatherless in a priestly division

called ‘Father’ have left him

hopeless: ’Do you expect me to

believe this? I’m an old man and

my wife is an old woman’ (v. 18,


His faith is at a very low ebb.

He cannot accept the angel’s

words because his heart is

darkened with hurt,

disappointments and unanswered

prayers. He can’t believe he will

be a father or Elizabeth a mother.

Despite his faithful service and

daily devotions he can’t believe

the miracle of answered prayer

even when it stares him in the

face. But even in Zechariah’s

unbelief, God in loving generosity


The angel responds, ’I am

Gabriel, the sentinel of God, sent

especially to bring you this glad

news. But because you won’t

believe me, you’ll be unable to

say a word until the day of your

son’s birth. Every word I’ve

spoken to you will come true on

time – God’s time’ (vv. 19–20,


And so Zechariah doesn’t utter a

word until he becomes a father.

God allows him to journey from

unbelief to faith during nine

months of silence. All he can do

is watch and wait and say nothing

and during this time his faith

grows day by day.

This is God’s gift to Zechariah: to

grow a priest’s faith in the


Meanwhile, Elizabeth’s response

is quite clear: ‘The Lord has done

this for me,’ she says. ’In these

days he has show his favour and

taken away my disgrace among

the people‘ (v. 25). Her response

to this blessing is personal – three

times she says ‘me’ or ‘my’. God

has seen her; he has heard her.

He knows her.

She doesn’t need Zechariah to

tell her that this is the Lord’s

work. When the baby is born she

is also quite clear that the usual

convention of giving the boy his

father’s name isn’t to be followed.

She speaks up and says he is to

be called John.

Everyone looks to Zechariah for a

response, expecting him to keep

with convention, but his journey is

complete and, asking for a tablet,

he writes: ’His name is John’ (v.


63). The meaning of ‘John’ is

‘God is gracious’.

Zechariah’s voice returns in a

cascade of praises to God and he

celebrates his journey from

unbelief to belief with the

following words:

‘And you, my child, “Prophet of

the Highest,

” will go ahead of the Master

to prepare his ways,

Present the offer of salvation to

his people,

the forgiveness of their sins.

Through the heartfelt mercies of

our God,

God’s Sunrise will break in

upon us,

Shining on those in the darkness,

those sitting in the shadow of


Then showing us the way, one

foot at a time,

down the path of peace.’

(vv. 76–79, MSG)

Zechariah’s song is a prophecy

that shatters not only his silence

and darkness but the world’s

darkness for all time.

Closing connection

Zechariah experiences for himself

the ‘heartfelt mercies of our God’

and so is able to sing his praises

from the heart. God is gracious in

dealing with his unbelief and

allows him time to reflect. While

Elizabeth ‘gets it’ from the start,

Zechariah needs a bit longer, so

God gives him time – nine

months in fact.

Zechariah’s journey gives hope to

those who are hopeless – that

overflowing generosity and joy

can burst out when God enters.

In this instance, God acts

because this is part of his loving

plan, not just for this particular

childless couple but for all people.

What is his plan?

To save; to heal; to provide; to

love; to comfort; to be with us for

all eternity. That is his plan – to

be with us so we can fully enjoy

his presence.


What areas of your life does

God need to enter and


Have you any God-given gifts

that unbelief has caused to be

unused? Maybe you have

ignored, dismissed or

questioned them. Take some

time in self-imposed silence,

pondering what these gifts are

and how God may be calling

you to use them in the year to


Additional resources/worship


1. Opening prayer

Faithful and generous God, draw

near to us now as we begin our

journey of Advent Wonder.

Enable us to be a welcoming and

ready community, and to be

obedient to you. Join us together

now in one hope and one faith.

Make us confident in your calling

and in the fulfilment of your

promises. Enter us and transform

us, we pray. Amen.

2. Suggested songs

‘From the Breaking of the

Daylight’ (‘Plans’) by Tim

Hughes and Nick Herbert

(Thankyou Music 2015)


Advent song ‘Waiting in

Silence’ by Carey Landry


3. Prayer of confession

In a time of silence, we look back

over the week that has passed.


In a time of silence, we consider

where we have not loved God and

our neighbour.


In a time of silence, we recognise

where we have not loved with

compassion, acted rightly, or

spoken up for justice.


In a time of silence, we know we

have fallen short as your disciples

and as the people you long for us

to be.


We acknowledge, too, that at

times we feel overwhelmed by the

needs of those around us and by

our own pressures and troubles.

Loving and compassionate Lord,

forgive us and grant us your

peace. Guide us and grant us

purity of heart that we might keep

you at the forefront of all we say

and do. Amen.

4. Poem

Dear Master, in whose life I see

All that I would, but fail to be,

Let thy clear light for ever shine,

To shame and guide this life of



Though what I dream and what I


In my weak days are always two,

Help me, oppressed by things


O thou, whose deeds and dreams

were one!

(John Hunter, 1848–1917)

5. Prayer for today

Most true and trustworthy God,

your servants Elizabeth and

Zechariah continued to be

righteous in your sight and

blamelessly observed all your

commands and decrees despite

years of waiting for their most

heartfelt prayers to be answered.

Like them, may we be patient and

ready to hear your calling

whenever it comes. May your

sunrise break upon us, giving us

light and showing us the way on

your path of peace. Amen.

6. Nature reflection

Imagine a seed in your hand,

lying dormant but with all the

potential for life that it contains

within it. Think of its journey from

seed to plant to flower. Offer up

your gifts and talents to God and

ask him to use you for his good


7. Prayer of guidance

Help me to journey beyond the

familiar and into the unknown.

Give me the faith to leave old

ways and break fresh ground with


Christ of the mysteries, I trust you

to be stronger than the storm

within me.

I will trust in the darkness and

know that my times, even now,

are in your hand.

Tune my spirit to the music of

heaven, and somehow, make my

obedience count for you.


(Prayer of St Brendan the

Navigator, AD484–577)

8. Suggested video clips

A clip prepared for RE lessons

about life as a journey:

Musical, photographic and

reflective clip on the value of

waiting in Advent:



SERMON TWO Mary and Joseph: The long walk Introduction

All journeys involve a decision

about what to take. Time and

weather and the age and health

of the travellers are factors in

deciding what you carry on the

journey. Also, whether you are

travelling for work, for family or

for pleasure, the reason for the

journey plays a crucial role.

Mary and Joseph’s journey to

Bethlehem was no different in

many senses but it was

significantly different in the most

important way. They were setting

off on a literal journey to

Bethlehem to be part of a census

but that journey was the start of a

much bigger one.

Their journey was about trusting

God in faith as they moved into

the unknown; their journey was

about resting in him no matter

what. They instinctively

understood Romans 8:28 even

though it had yet to be written:

And we know that in all things

God works for the good of those

who love him, who have been

called according to his purpose.

Note that God promises that ‘all’

things work to the good, not

some or most but ‘all’. We just

have to love him with each step,

each moment, each worry of our

journey. We have to journey as

Mary and Joseph did, in faith,

hope, trust and love.


Luke 2:4–7

So Joseph also went up from the

town of Nazareth in Galilee to

Judea, to Bethlehem the town of

David, because he belonged to

the house and line of David. He

went there to register with Mary,

who was pledged to be married to

him and was expecting a child.

While they were there, the time

came for the baby to be born,

and she gave birth to her

firstborn, a son.


Mary and Joseph had by Roman

decree to register in Joseph’s

ancestor David’s home town. The

main reason for this census was

to aid military conscription and

tax collection. As a Jew, Joseph

wouldn’t have been required to

serve in the Roman army but he

could not avoid paying taxes.

The journey from Nazareth to

Bethlehem is about 70 miles.

There are two routes for this

journey, each about the same

length. The last parts of the route

lead from Jericho’s desert (Jericho

is the lowest city on earth) by

means of an uphill hike of about

3500 feet to Bethlehem. Being

’great with child’ (KJV), Mary

probably did not ride a donkey

but walked. This would have been

safer for the baby.

Joseph and Mary’s journey would

have taken at least five days, and

then they would have planned to

bring the child, eight days after

his birth, to the temple in

Jerusalem for dedication (a much

shorter journey of only 6 miles).

Nevertheless, they had to plan

carefully for not one journey but

for two. They also had to think

carefully what to bring with them.

Less would have definitely been



Both Mary and Joseph are in

uncharted waters. Each has had a

plan and that plan was to wed.

But when Mary finds herself

pregnant, and Joseph knows he is

not the father, he plans to stop

their passage to a joint life

together (Matthew 1:18–19).

But then God enters in

extraordinary ways and their faith

grows in both him and each

other. So in confidence they walk

into the unknown, and they do so

by faith.

First God increases Mary’s faith

when she is visited by the angel

Gabriel. First she is troubled, then

she questions, then she accepts.

By the time she turns up at her

cousin Elizabeth’s house she is

singing for joy. Meanwhile,

Joseph is ready to do the ‘right

thing’ and call off the marriage

when he is visited by an angel in

a dream and all his doubts are

put aside (Matthew 1:20–24).

Like the wood he works with, he

yields to the hand of the master

and is ready to be put to use for

God’s purposes.

So now both Mary and Joseph are

ready to journey together into the

unknown, carried by their

increased faith. It’s worth taking


time to consider all the things

they would have carried along

with them on their journey.

Things that would comfort and

sustain them – both physically

and spiritually.

Firstly, the tangible things:

Mary carried water for the


She carried special swaddling

cloths to wrap and anoint her

son in. The same cloths he

would probably wear for the

temple dedication.

They would have carried warm

bedding for sleep during the

chilly Judean nights.

And they would have carried

the dust of the roads and hills

on their clothes and feet.

And then, many unseen things:

Mary must have carried the

memories of her plans that

were put aside after she

became with child. Her life

had been changed forever by

the angel’s visit. Plans were

altered; people changed; life

was interrupted.

She carried the song she had

sung with her cousin Elizabeth,

’… the Mighty One has done

great things for me – holy is

his name’ (Luke 1:49).

And Joseph carried the angel’s

words of instruction to marry

Mary and the knowledge that

she was carrying the One who

was to save his people from

their sins.


Above all, Mary carried the

memory of the angel Gabriel’s

words, ’… you have found favour

with God. You will conceive and

give birth to a son, and you are to

call him Jesus. He will be great

and will be called the Son of the

Most High’ (Luke 1:30–32).

For this was a special child. Mary

was carrying God in her body.

She carried Immanuel – God with

us – and she walked this journey

by and in faith. Confident and

assured in her faith, she walked

with Joseph. Joseph is described

as a ‘righteous man’. The word

for righteous in Hebrew is ‘yashar’

and it means ‘straight’. Joseph is

a God-built man and Mary can

rely on him to be with her in this


Closing connection

That must have been quite a

journey into the unknown for both

Mary and Joseph. From our

perspective it is part of a story we

know so well that it all seems

straightforward. A young couple

pack their bags and make the

journey of a lifetime. On the face

of it to sort out their tax affairs

but fundamentally to fulfil the


’But you, O Bethlehem

Ephrathah, are only a small

village among all the people of

Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will

come from you, one whose

origins are from the distant past.’

(Micah 5:2, NLT)

The ‘distant’ past is with us now,

in our present. Christ Jesus

continues to journey with us. He

carries us; he walks with us; he is

our past, present and eternal

future. All journeys are safe with



Into what unknown territory

does God want you to travel

this Advent and beyond?

Are your plans already

mapped out for the future or

are you listening for God’s

voice to give you direction?

Additional resources/worship


1. Opening prayer

Mighty and eternal God, in this

time of worship, help us to focus

afresh on you and on your Word.

Be our hearts’ desire as we

embark further on our journey of

Advent Wonder. Be our reason,

be at the centre. Assist us to be a

faithful and incarnational

community that takes each new

step with you. Fill us anew, we

pray. Amen.

2. Suggested songs

‘Higher than the Mountains

that I Face’ (’One Thing

Remains’) by Brian Johnson,

Jeremy Riddle and Christa

Black (Bethel Music 2010)


‘Christ be in my Waking’ by

Stuart Townend and Simon

Brading (Thankyou Music



3. Prayer of confession

Ever-present God, you make

yourself manifest by the Holy

Spirit in and through creation, the


invisible through the visible. We

confess that we have deliberately

ignored you and your Spirit’s

presence in our lives and in the

world around us. We confess that

we have failed to distinguish the

other idols that we prioritise

above you and not separated the

objects we hold sacred from you

the one true God. Teach us

humility and help us to be

constantly vigilant to what is truly

important. We confess that we

have tried to manage the agenda

through our religious customs and

to control the work of the Spirit by

our own credentials. Teach us

humility and help us to be

constantly vigilant to what is on

your heart. Forgive us and grant

us your peace. Amen.

4. Poem

Two roads diverged in a yellow


And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I


To where it bent in the


Then took the other, as just as


And having perhaps the better


Because it was grassy and wanted


Though as for that the passing


Had worn them really about the


And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden


Oh, I kept the first for another


Yet knowing how way leads on to


I doubted if I should ever come


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages


Two roads diverged in a wood,

and I –

I took the one less travelled by,

And that has made all the


(‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert

Frost, 1874–1963)

5. Prayer for today

Covenant God, through your

precious Son, Jesus Christ, you

promised to be with us to the

ends of the earth. So, like Mary

and Joseph, who kept close to

you through the twists and turns

of their journey to Bethlehem,

may we have confidence to trust

you through changing and

difficult circumstances and to

know, deep in our hearts,

Immanuel ‘God with us’. In

Christ’s name we ask this. Amen.

6. Nature reflection

Imagine a soft fruit such as a

peach or a plum that carries a

stone within it, and which itself

may be carried by an animal or

fall to the ground so that the

stone seed can be deposited and

spring to new life. Its journey may

be long or short. It may simply

even end up in the waste. Know

within your heart that you carry

the good news of Immanuel so

that it can be shared with others,

rather than buried away and

forgotten about.

7. Prayer of blessing

God, bless to me this day,

God, bless to me this night,

Bless, O bless, Thou God of


Each day and hour of my life;

Bless, O bless, Thou God of

Grace, Each day and hour of my


God, bless the pathway on which

I go,

God, bless the earth that is

beneath my sole;

Bless, O God, and give to me Thy


O God of gods, bless my rest and

my repose;

Bless, O God, and give to me Thy


And bless, O God of gods, my

repose. Amen.

(The journey prayer from Carmina

Gadelica iii 179)

8. Suggested video clips

Clip from Finding Nemo –

finding our way – problems of

asking for directions from a

school of fish.


Short extracts from this clip

may be useful to introduce

how Advent differs from

stressing about Christmas.



SERMON THREE Angels and Shepherds: The return


So far in this Advent series we

have looked at the faith journeys

of four individuals: Zechariah and

Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph. We

now turn to two groups – the

angels and the shepherds – nd

the events of one particular night:

the night of Christ’s birth.


Luke 2:8–12, 15–20

And there were shepherds living

out in the fields near by, keeping

watch over their flocks at night.

An angel of the Lord appeared to

them, and the glory of the Lord

shone around them, and they

were terrified. But the angel said

to them, ’Do not be afraid. I bring

you good news that will cause

great joy for all the people. Today

in the town of David a Saviour

has been born to you; he is the

Messiah, the Lord. This will be a

sign to you: you will find a baby

wrapped in cloths and lying in a


…When the angels had left them

and gone into heaven, the

shepherds said to one another,

’Let’s go to Bethlehem and see

this thing that has happened,

which the Lord has told us about.’

So they hurried off and found

Mary and Joseph, and the baby,

who was lying in the manger.

When they had seen him, they

spread the word concerning what

had been told them about this

child, and all who heard it were

amazed at what the shepherds

said to them. But Mary treasured

up all these things and pondered

them in her heart. The shepherds

returned, glorifying and praising

God for all the things they had

heard and seen, which were just

as they had been told.


The history of the world began in

a garden. This garden was pure

and beautiful, but the first man

broke it in disobedience, in sin.

God’s original intention was to

walk with man, to be in full

community with him. After this

breaking, there has to be a

healing. Heaven has to re-join

with earth.

Revelation talks of this re-joining.

Chapter 21 begins:

Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a

new earth,’ for the first heaven

and the first earth had passed

away, and there was no longer

any sea. I saw the Holy City, the

New Jerusalem, coming down out

of heaven from God, prepared as

a bride beautifully dressed for her

husband. And I heard a loud

voice from the throne saying,

’Look! God’s dwelling place is

now among the people, and he

will dwell with them. They will be

his people, and God himself will

be with them and be their God.

‘He will wipe every tear from their

eyes. There will be no more death

or mourning or crying or pain, for

the old order of things has passed


What began in a garden returns

as a city. This is the meaning of

the good news: the healing of the

broken is in process, it is coming.

Heaven and earth will be


On the night of Christ’s birth the

healing begins; heaven begins its

return – this time to a field.


The angels travel to this field

outside Bethlehem because they

have a message to share: a

message of hope and

reconciliation, of God come down

to earth. Good news for all

humanity but also compelling for

the angels themselves.

1 Peter 1:12 describes this

intense attraction for angels as


’It was revealed to them that they

were not serving themselves but

you, when they spoke of the

things that have now been told

you by those who have preached

the gospel to you by the Holy

Spirit sent from heaven. Even

angels long to look into these


What are angels longing to look

into? The gospel news that the

shepherds hear is spoken by a

sole angel before the angels’


‘Do not be afraid. I bring you

good news that will cause great

joy for all the people. Today in

the town of David a Saviour has

been born to you; he is the


Messiah, the Lord’ (Luke 2:10–


The shepherds take their cue

from the angels and set off on the

journey to Bethlehem, and they

are immediately catapulted from

obscurity to the very heart of

things. Arabs in this area of

Bethlehem joke that the Lord God

knew what he was doing when he

sent angels to deliver the

message of the Saviour’s birth to

these particular shepherds.


Because shepherds in this ancient

field that Boaz owned are known

historically as gossips: they love

spreading news, telling stories,

knowing and speaking about

what is going on.

And this is exactly what the

shepherds do after visiting Mary

and Joseph on the night of Jesus’

birth. But they are not telling just

any story. They are telling the

story, the story of heaven coming

to earth.


As the angels returned to heaven,

they sang and continued their

song of worship. We know this

because God’s word states this is

what angels do in heaven. Isaiah

6:3 tells us:

And they were calling to one


‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord

Almighty; the whole earth is full

of his glory.’ NIV

Their journey is one of calling to

one another in one voice. This

calling or singing in community is

their act of worship on earth the

night of Jesus’ birth. And this is

the gift they leave as they return:

the gift of joyful worship, and in

this case, worship in song. They

sing to the shepherds in the field:

‘Glory to God in the highest


and on earth peace to those on

whom his favour rests.’ (Luke


They worship in community and

now their community has been

expanded to include all humanity.

They are messengers who


The shepherds journey to

Bethlehem as a group of

worshippers – like the angels, they

long to see the good news – but

on their return they become


When they had seen him, they

spread the word concerning what

had been told them about this

child, and all who heard it were

amazed at what the shepherds

said to them. (Luke 2:17–18)

Messengers become worshippers

and worshippers become


Closing connection

Return journeys can at times be

hard – particularly when it means

leaving behind a high point, a

special moment that we want to

hold on to.

Returns for both the angels to

heaven and the shepherds to their

fields could have been difficult. A

return can be deflating, especially

after an amazing experience. But

it isn’t here.


Because a special gift has been

given to each: the good news of a

saviour’s birth.

The angels and shepherds of the

Advent narrative have the same

journey: they journey into the

good news, the gospel. This is

what each group sings of, praises

and speaks to others about: a

child is born, a Saviour. They do

this by gazing on, by seeing the

child Jesus. Their message flows

from this joyous experience. The

shepherds cannot stop speaking

to all about it; the angels cannot

stop looking at it. The Lord comes

to rescue his sheep, rescue his

creation. This is the gospel

message and both angels and

shepherds experience it and give

it voice.


This Advent season look for

opportunities to speak this gospel

message: that a Saviour has been

born, not just for one small

Palestinian town, but for all the

towns, all creation. Share his

story, your story, this season.

Glorify and praise God for all the

things you have heard or seen.


Additional resources/worship


1. Opening prayer

Creator and Saviour God, you are

the source of all our hope and

you are the hope of salvation for

the whole of creation. As we meet

today to go deeper on the journey

of Advent Wonder, help us to

contemplate the good news of

the Christ child in his coming as

Messiah. Build us up as a

worshipping and witnessing

community who are ready to

speak up for you. Show your

glory, we pray. Amen.

2. Suggested songs

‘Standing on the Mountain

Top’ (‘Never Once’) by Matt

Redman, Jason Ingram and

Tim Wanstall (Thankyou Music



‘Shout to the North and the



3. Prayer of confession

For the times in worship when we

have abused your gifts and not

used wise judgement,

For the times in worship when we

have not been open to the growth

of the Spirit’s fruit,

For the times in worship when we

have chosen selfishness over


For the times in worship when we

have over-relied on human input,

Dear Lord, we are sorry. Help us

to be empowered and immersed

in the Holy Spirit.

For the times in our witness when

we have focused on the

peripheral at the expense of truth,

For the times in our witness when

we have been divisive or sectarian

in our own defence of truth,

For the times in our witness when

we have put restrictions on the

offer of salvation held out by you,

Lord Jesus Christ,

For the times in our witness when

have not put you, the living Jesus

Christ, above all things,

Dear Lord, we are sorry. Help us

to live lives that are founded on

the Word of God, and on you the

Living Word of Life. Amen.

4. Poem

Love came down at Christmas,

Love all lovely, Love divine;

Love was born at Christmas,

Star and angels gave the sign.

Worship we the Godhead,

Love incarnate, Love divine;

Worship we our Jesus:

But wherewith for sacred sign?

Love shall be our token,

Love be yours and love be mine,

Love to God and all the world,

Love for plea and gift and sign.

(Christina Georgina Rossetti,


5. Prayer for today

Glorious and most praiseworthy

Lord, like the prophets, shepherds

and Magi of old who spoke the

good news of your coming as

Messiah, may we draw near to

you, searching intently and with

the greatest care, that we might

be equipped to speak the gospel

truth by the power of your Holy

Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ

we ask this. Amen.

(Based on 1 Peter 1:10–12)

6. Nature reflection

Imagine a bee as it journeys from

flower to flower, carrying pollen in

its baskets and fertilising flowers

as it moves from one to another.

Ask God to help you energise

your journey as a faithful disciple,

spreading the good news day by


7. Prayer of guidance

You are love,

And you are the Maker,

And everything which is made

Endures, and will always endure,

Because you love it;

And thus everything has being

Through your love.


(‘You are the Maker’, Julian of

Norwich, 14th century)

8. Suggested video clips

Three very short funny clips on

the value of travelling in

groups – this helps us to

consider our role as church –

the gathered disciples who

help one another on our life



Music and words reflection on

Advent peace and the Prince

of Peace.


SERMON FOUR Mary and Joseph: Following God’s compass


Previously we looked at the

journeys that Mary and Joseph

took both in their faith and in

travelling from Nazareth to

Bethlehem, and what they carried

with them.

Following Jesus’ birth, they

undertook a second literal

journey: to the temple in

Jerusalem for his dedication. After

their time in the temple they

returned to Bethlehem only for

Joseph to be told in a dream to

flee Herod.

Herod was a king who liked to

keep a very tight grip on his

power and wanted to eradicate

any threat to it. So, after realising

that the Magi were not returning

to him with news of the location

of Jesus, he formed a new plan:

to kill all the boy babies under

two in the area around

Bethlehem (Matthew 2).

Joseph heeded the warning of the

angel and they prepared their

escape. Another journey. But this

time Mary and Joseph must

journey in secret to avoid

detection. There’s a lot at stake –

the whole world in fact. Mary and

Joseph carry the ‘hopes and fears

of all the years’ in the person of

Jesus as they smuggle him to



Matthew 2:13–18 NIV

When they [the Magi] had gone,

an angel of the Lord appeared to

Joseph in a dream. ’Get up,’ he

said, ‘take the child and his

mother and escape to Egypt. Stay

there until I tell you, for Herod is

going to search for the child to kill


So he got up, took the child and

his mother during the night and

left for Egypt, where he stayed

until the death of Herod. And so

was fulfilled what the Lord had

said through the prophet: ‘Out of

Egypt I called my son.’

When Herod realised that he had

been outwitted by the Magi, he

was furious, and he gave orders

to kill all the boys in Bethlehem

and its vicinity who were two

years old and under, in

accordance with the time he had

learned from the Magi. Then

what was said through the

prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:

“A voice is heard in Ramah,

weeping and great mourning,

Rachel weeping for her


and refusing to be comforted,

because they are no more.”


Once again the Lord speaks to

Joseph in a dream. Once again

Joseph listens and acts. In a

moment, Joseph and his family

become refugees. He carries

them into exile in Egypt, which lay

outside the sphere of King

Herod’s influence. Safety would

have been uppermost in Joseph’s

mind, so they would probably

have travelled by the coastal road

which linked Egypt and Israel at a

time when both were part of the

Roman Empire and the family

would blend in with the regular

travellers along the route.

One day the family are showered

with gifts and adoration; the next

they are in flight from the

murderous Herod, who would

certainly have killed the baby. The

‘high’ is immediately followed by

a ‘low’.

Just like the experience of today’s

refugees, exile means isolation,

separation, and emotional and

spiritual hurt. It brings hardship,

uncertainty, and fear and

dangers. This is the Holy Family’s

experience upon fleeing

Bethlehem shortly after Jesus’

birth and the visit of the Magi.


But the Holy Family are not only

fleeing from the threat of physical

death; they are fleeing from the

possibility that God’s plan for the

world’s salvation will be ended

just as it begins to come true on

earth. They must flee not just for

their own safety but for the

world’s. They are travelling in

faith for those they cannot and do

not see. They journey on our

behalf, to save Jesus’ life so he

can save ours.

God uses their humility; they hear

the angel’s words and obey. No

questions; no doubts. The world

depends upon their generous


obedience to God’s plan. They

are intrinsic to God’s plan, his

best provision for the child’s

protection. Mary and Joseph rise

in the middle of the night and

leave their temporary home and

most of their possessions.

Darkness covers their night flight.

All they have is each other and

their faith and trust in God.


They travel not knowing where

their exile will lead to, when they

might be able to return or where

God’s compass will direct them.

They cannot fully understand but

in faith they travel to a foreign

land. Refugees, humble in their

resources, they walk in the

footsteps of their ancestor

Abraham, as the writer of

Hebrews describes:

By faith Abraham, when called to

go to a place he would later

receive as his inheritance, obeyed

and went, even though he did not

know where he was going. By

faith he made his home in the

Promised Land like a stranger in

a foreign country; he lived in

tents, as did Isaac and Jacob,

who were heirs with him of the

same promise. For he was looking

forward to the city with

foundations, whose architect and

builder is God. (Hebrews 11:8–10


The Holy Family, too, journeyed

by faith; they lived in tents and

caves; they obeyed and protected

our inheritance, the salvation gift

of Jesus. They journeyed for us.

Closing connection

Herod was a master builder of

cities and fortresses. Herod built

things, but destroyed people. The

king as terrorist desires all

journeys to end in complete

darkness, for what can bring

more darkness than the senseless

death of a child?

The purpose of Mary and Joseph's

journey is to protect the life of the

child Jesus, who as the light of

the world brings life.

In the beginning was the Word,

and the Word was with God, and

the Word was God. He was with

God in the beginning. Through

him all things were made; without

him nothing was made that has

been made. In him was life, and

that life was the light of all

mankind. The light shines in the

darkness, and the darkness has

not overcome it. (John 1:1–5)

People at times comment that

John’s Gospel contains no

mention of Jesus’ birth. They are

incorrect. He was with God in the

beginning. Jesus is one with God

the Father and God the Holy


There is no birth, no physical

beginning. Jesus just is. He is, as

John points out through the

Gospel, the great ‘I am’. He was

with God from the beginning. His

earthly birth only underscores the

purpose: bringing heavenly light

into our darkness.

This is what they are smuggling

into Egypt – light – the child



Advent journeys start in darkness

– some metaphorical, some literal

– Zechariah and Elizabeth in the

shadows of life; the shepherds in

their field at night; Mary and

Joseph fleeing the darkness of

Herod. These journeys are

undertaken by faith in God’s light.

What journey does God want

you to undertake this season?

What steps might he want you

to take to build your faith?

Additional resources/worship


1. Opening prayer

Gracious and most merciful God,

we acknowledge your presence at

work for good in our broken and

hurting world. We rejoice in your

presence here with us now.

Empower us to be a listening and

responsive community that

reaches out to others in

compassion and love. Hear us, O

Lord, we pray. Amen.

2. Suggested songs

‘King of Love and Grace’

(‘Guardian’) by Ben Cantelon,

Nick Herbert and Stu Garrard

(Thankyou Music 2011)


‘When Darkness Deepens’

(‘Here with Me’) by Tim

Hughes, Nick Herbert and Phil

Wickham (Thankyou Music




3. Prayer of confession

Holy Father, forgive us your


When we have dodged the pain

and suffering of others and

avoided our responsibilities to act

and pray,

When we have been hypocritical

or over-critical of others or even

of ourselves,

When we have acted in ignorance

or devalued the truth,

When we have neglected the

community of faith and sought

instead our personal good at its


Help us, holy Father, to be a

thoughtful and reflective people,

who live a life of loving attention

to you.

Holy Father, forgive us your


When we have not fully

understood or have distorted the

holiness of your name and truth,

When we have shifted the focus

away from your truth and either

trivialised it or been over-


When we have acted arrogantly,

believing we can do things in our

own strength,

When we have striven to meet our

own standards of perfection,

rather than recognising our

weakness and looking towards

you the perfect God.

Help us, holy Father, to be a holy

people, who live a life that

functions well for you and your

purposes here in a suffering and

dysfunctional world.

4. Poem

When will you ever, Peace, wild

wooddove, shy wings shut,

Your round me roaming end, and

under be my boughs?

When, when, Peace, will you,

Peace? I’ll not play hypocrite

To own my heart: I yield you do

come sometimes; but

That piecemeal peace is poor

peace. What pure peace allows

Alarms of wars, the daunting

wars, the death of it?

O surely, reaving Peace, my Lord

should leave in lieu

Some good! And so he does leave

Patience exquisite,

That plumes to Peace thereafter.

And when Peace here does house

He comes with work to do, he

does not come to coo,

He comes to brood and sit.

(‘Peace’ by Gerard Manley

Hopkins, 1844–89)

5. Prayer for today

Compassionate and protector

God, who offered up a salvation

plan for all creation in your Son

Jesus Christ, you know what is in

the hearts of all people and

whether they are seeking good or

evil. May we, like Joseph and

Mary in their flight to Egypt in the

wake of Herod’s fatal threats and

actions, respond to your

promptings with humility and

faith. Be our light in the darkness,

our hope in times of fear, our

peace in times of distress and

uncertainty. We ask this in the

name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


6. Nature reflection

(Small pebbles can be used for

this activity.) Offer everyone a

small stone, or ask them to

imagine holding one in their

hands. Invite them to

place/imagine placing it on a

pathway traced on the floor. At

the same time invite them to offer

up the hard places or details of

their lives at this moment to God

and to seek his infilling of peace.

7. Prayer of guidance

Lord, I want to follow this humble

stirring of love which you put in

my heart.

For you will be my guide in this

life, and bring me to grace in the


Your love in my heart is the

substance of all good living;

without your love no good work

can be begun or ended.

You direct my will to you and you

give me satisfaction and gladness

concerning all that you do.


(‘The humble stirring of love’, The

Cloud of Unknowing, 14th

century, ch. 49)

8. Suggested video clips

Music and words reflection on

Advent – Light in the


Thanksgiving clip from the

Disney film Frozen about

coping with the unexpected in

our daily journeys.