Sermon Notes – Relief – Psalm 23€¦ · Psalm 23:4 . This isperhaps the Psalm of David’s we...

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Transcript of Sermon Notes – Relief – Psalm 23€¦ · Psalm 23:4 . This isperhaps the Psalm of David’s we...

Sermon Notes – Relief – Psalm 23

Big Idea: _____________________________________________


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Application: _________________________________________


Discussion Questions � Are you tired? What makes you tired? What keeps you from getting the rest

you need?

� How do you find rest? Discuss what works and what doesn’t work.

� What do you know about sheep? Why does the Bible say we are like sheep? Compare and contrast people with sheep.

� What does the shepherd do for the sheep?

� Why is Jesus called the Good Shepherd? What are the similarities between what Jesus does for us and what a shepherd does for sheep?

� Why does a shepherd make the sheep lie in green pastures? How has God made you rest? Why did He do that?

� Why is it important that the water is still for the sheep? How does this correlate to our lives? Is there a connection between this statement and our souls being restored?

� What does ‘restore’ mean in this passage? Going back to the Garden, what was God’s original plan for our relationship with Him? How does this connect to the relationship a shepherd has with his sheep?

� What’s the difference between finding physical rest and spiritual rest? Have you experienced the difference? Discuss ways to find spiritual rest.

One-Year Bible Reading Plan WEEK 46 Day 226

Job 40-42 Prov 16:1–9 Day 227

John 8:31-59 Prov 16:10–19 Day 228

John 9 Prov 16:20–33 Day 229

John 10 Prov 17:1–12 Day 230

John 11:1-37 Prov 17:13–28

Monday By Kenny Tibbetts

Scripture “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” Genesis 2:1-3

Pause 1. Why do you suppose that a God who never tires rested?

2. Have you ever made the decision to rest even when you could have continued working?

3. How does this passage teach us that our work is never so important we cannot rest from it?

Pursue Find an opportunity for ten minutes of solitude this week. No noise, no distractions, just you and the Holy spirit for ten full minutes of rest.

Pray Ask God to give you rest this week. Ask God to give rest to the people you know who often struggle to find it.

Tuesday – He Restores My Soul By George Volpe

In my first two years of college I worked full-time at night and studied full-time during the day. It did not leave much time for rest. I ended up dozing during classes and performing the bare minimum at work. I was miserable. After some difficult semesters, I decided this downward spiral had to go, so I quit my job. The rest was a breath of fresh air. It restored me. I wish I would have started my college studies the way I finished them.

Finding rest and restoration in our Lord is vital. Today’s culture celebrates ‘busy.’ It is a badge of honor. It says we are not a ‘slacker’ but the end result is that we are sleep-deprived, stressed out and exhausted. Statistics show we get two hours less sleep each night than people did 50 years ago. Lots of people even continue to work through sickness, when a time of rest is sorely needed.

To-do lists do not sleep, and they don’t go away when you retire. Our rushing around leaves us physically, emotionally and spiritually depleted. God never intended for us to live this way. Work is part of God’s original design for us. We do something very God-like when we exercise the gifts He’s given to us to meet the needs of others and to make our world a better place. But God never designed work to take the place of our time with Him or with those we love, or to rob us of sleep and leave us exhausted.

In Psalm 23, David didn’t say that God asked him if he wanted to lie down. He said that God “makes me” lie down. Resting is not optional. It also says He “leads me beside still waters” – an image of being refreshed, recalibrated and restored. In a culture where many of us are not willing to make time to rest and instead over-commit our schedules, God challenges us to stop and rest. But pushing our energies to the max has become the norm in our culture. Double income families struggle to spend time nourishing relationships with loved ones and wonder why family unity suffers.

Sometimes we just feel like the merry-go-round will never stop, and if we don’t keep up the crazy pace, everything will collapse. But every part of us needs regular restoration. When we deny that principle, we are inviting problems.

Christ is the Good Shepherd. We are His sheep. He never pushes us. He leads. It is up to us to trust and follow. And those who are listening to His voice know the value of the kind of rest only He provides.

Read Psalm 116.

Wednesday By Kenny Tibbetts

Scripture On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

Mark 4:35-41

Pause 1. Our Lord slept while there was yet work to be done. How does this

challenge our ideas of work/rest balance?

2. Our lives are sometimes like the sea the disciples saw from the boat; chaotic and crazy. How can we react to this chaos with more faith than the disciples did?

Pursue Invite a friend or family member to attend one of our weekend services to hear more about how Jesus gives us the rest we need.

Pray Ask God to help you trust Him and His finished work enough to properly rest.

Thursday – He Is With You By Nick Molick

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod

and your staff, they comfort me.”

Psalm 23:4

This is perhaps the Psalm of David’s we are most likely familiar with. Throughout this Psalm and many, many others, we really get a glimpse of David’s heart; remember David’s heart was after God’s heart. What we see David go through in the Bible is exciting, disappointing and at times heart breaking. His thoughts and reactions should get our attention and make us think about how it applies to our lives.

David is a man of action. When David tends to stray from “righteous paths” he is idle or not being about the business God had set before him. I know I can fall into that same trap, as many of you probably can as well. Yet here we see David wrung out from some of his experiences and knowing the one and only thing that can give him rest, peace and relief and that is God.

David had been surrounded by people wanting to kill him or at least unseat him from the throne of Israel. You can sense his weariness through his words. We can relate to weariness and at times feeling surrounded by death. David gives us a wonderful example of how to react in a situation like that ─ to turn to God and meditate on His word, His promises and His love.

David acknowledges that he will walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but he counters that fear and stress-inducing thought by reminding himself that God is with him and He will see him through. Whatever that valley may be in your life, and you may be in it now or just left it, remember God is with you. Even though there will be events in our lives that will feel absolutely soul crushing, the Creator of our soul is there with us, leading us to still waters, green pastures and giving us relief.

There have been times within the last year when God has never felt closer to me and at other times He could not feel farther away. But I turn to His word and remind myself, prompted by the Spirit, that God hasn’t moved. When He feels far away, I have moved and the same God who brought me this far through the valley of the shadow of death will not leave me there because He has prepared a table for me.

Friday By Kenny Tibbetts

Scripture Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.

James 4:13-16

Pause 1. What is this passage about?

2. How does rest relate to control in our lives?

3. How can understanding God is in control of your life help you to rest?

Pursue Read the remainder of James chapter 4 today. Consider the balance between doing what God has called you to do and resting and trusting Jesus.

Pray Pray for this weekend at FBC Palmetto. Pray we would confront the worlds’ distorted view of work and busyness with the truth of the Gospel.

Weekend – Relief By Phillip Hamm

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1

Martins Licis was crowned the World's Strongest Man for 2019 on our very own

Bradenton Beach. To achieve victory, he had to accomplish some incredible, and quite unique, physical challenges.

He had to carry and lift five spherical stones each increasing in weight from 220 pounds to 350 pounds. They then needed to be placed on top of five high platforms that span a 16 to 33-foot-long course. Next, he had to carry two refrigerators, at the same time, weighing in at 940 lbs. Then, to top it off, he had to lift an 830-pound tree truck as many times as possible.

This is the kind of guy you want with you when you have to walk down the proverbial dark alley in the middle of a crime infested neighborhood. You want him around when your wife sends you outside to see ‘what that noise was.’ And you definitely would get out of that fine from the HOA if you took him to the meetings. He’s strong. And he would make me feel safe.

If we slow down enough to recognize it, God is even stronger. And bigger. And more intimidating. What do we have to be afraid of with Him on our side?

In preparation for this Sunday’s sermon read Psalm 23. In an attempt to memorize it, practice saying it out loud without looking at your Bible.

Pray for the World: South Sudan A population of 12 million live in this landlocked African country that is

surrounded by Kenya, Uganda, Congo, C.A.R., Sudan and Ethiopia. Over 77% of the population profess to be Christian. The remainder profess to be Evangelical.

South Sudan is the world’s newest country, gaining independence from the Republic of Sudan in 2011. The nation was born in a great spirit of unity, happiness, and hope.

Thank God for this freedom from the long, painful domination by the north. Sudan is now mainly Arab and Muslim, while South Sudan is mainly Black and Christian. Pray for the Church to have a good influence in society and leadership, to make life better for all people. (operation world)

Prepare for Worship As you prepare your heart for worship Sunday morning read Psalm 27.