
Post on 25-May-2018

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Transcript of[Serinuoclentl....


&-We ha,·e been pr llle 8ul\r4 of Uealth to cont the repor~ preylllttut \o to.wn tn-day tha~ a m11n named l!ic.ldle.. i11 " dowu " witb aiDllllpo¥ nt ~O•<Jaito ; i.!!~r~ ~·Qo fQuo4'ltiou for tho ruallor.

-:P.S~A..\..~Tite Re•. 4 · C. E. Wood, M.A., »l~ tur ~ ~J.oJ•u,'e ox tlli1 fl\Oruin~··~ trili!J Hu ~~ uruq(\ ~1.1. tb,e litcQ, conviction that be baa here ~~ X~'-\\~ ~~~ twd th:~.t 4i• taiaewortby ~bo,c;4. '«m ~ ~o.U~wed 'fitb m11ob c.itn ~oo. fit .. "Q ~· (rieods feel greatly obli~:ed to l•i~ ·~- ..,_,~ "ieh~s -alt<~otl ,bi'JU

'J. 1M~. Wo4Wo\;,aq ~ tb.e Uep~tatlon, AJr. &irlloj!, at ~~' 1JA ~t. ~ou, fro10 tlte Good 'fem~l1111, lol\\:~\ltlM>. ~~~o.ed t!> the Capital. ':l'bey, to~1 h i\Wo '",eu tbM tbe.¥ baye beeu llicr: \ug~ " &O,Q~ ~OJ;k

-A brllooh of the Ct.urob of Euglaod T ent­peraucd Society was ioe1u"urawd by Lbe Rev A (.; F Wood, OIJ !llur.tdllf ~veoio~ lAlit. in St. l'aul'a J,arisia rpom, Although it wu Cnruival lli j::ht, '"""Y pt!raops ~v11re prueut aud curolled t heir UI\IDea Auoaher mectiull will be beld on \' ecJneaJay uext, aL ho.lf·p~~ 7 o'cloclt ·

- Th~ 0ul'nivnl 1\L Ottdton Rink <\Jl Tlncrs~ ainy C \1CII inA Jtu,t. W~S U Vt) l ')' IIUCCtlll-lruJ alfnil'. U ;>WiltcJS u f eight.y per801l.'J altubqH$J'UdetJ, UOU

a In r~b 11 11 mllor of SJ't' witneJ<f\!!ll the •enin<;'H !IJtfll t. 'l'l.o il.:u was in gooJ con~i ..

tion. lly Wcdnesd~ty we will endenvor t o vu• u n t.ho 1Hllll03 of t he ma uud rhui1· COSIIlm es, UQU shtlJI 0ive 1111 llCCQ.U ll ~ of tlll.' prucct:don~s.

-Our III'AiinJt llttl}lll\'rd Vo•IQliOrd, Grtrnlan~. IIIH.I .l/(utijf aru fnu p ruvariuK for tlae nJ..Iproach­i ul.! lidht:J.)'. T!,eir crcwa ha\·u been e~trerully vnccinat.:d ; S'> lhbt this 1:rcM l• tt:\' tllttiVQ lias uot \..:un ue,rltc•..,cl. Thou~lo no daogur froro the clidcRSe io~ uvvrehcudec.l, atill tbetu. Is nothing l iku lteiul.! u u the Mfu aidu. 'j lee .1/rr#i.lf will t"ke h"r l.l~:~wrture nbocu the firtct of Mnrcb for l:hnuud. wh\.'nC\' sht> \\'ill a.UI for I he Hulf fi~b­•·ry. M~ty euccc:88 uttcutl ber ! 1\S welliU ller sia. t e,...IJ_i I

----, -The fo llo .. intr p :u LIO(\ltti"S of II ve ry s1d ar •

fai r Wl\8 ruceiveel [rom (;bronut-1 yeaturt.l11y nrter-1101111 : Geor~e L!mowe, rcvl\irt~t. wit!. his two 111en lch Fourteen :\lil1.1 C:l iii!J oo l•'riday 1o $!81 wood 'l'h1.1 we'llher ~c ou ron!(h ami 1he7 lrn~t their "sy. Tlocy had un provi1110u willa thcrn. ti.1tord11y th'.:y fllnnrl t lh'lllSl l\'1!1 in tho N. W. feutlcr uf (~rtriti Uruolc. l'nor f.,.moiue I,'RVI.I out.

. IJUL thtt Other L\l'l) 1111)(1 r ,•aehell Gllrio, tHIO or t hem wna ue1u IJ&rOne. They s:uL a crew nud rc­tnrucd t!' l.emoiue who t.\iecJ in thtr counuy at S p 111. on ~'''1tday. T!le crew arri•ed at Gttrill lfilh body at? p.w. oo Suuday-Aln-carg. Feb 20

-:\fiSSlO:URT lh:lo.'TlSO AND I>ISTRI~UTION OF fnlZES-A J UYt'oih.illi•iunry A!~ting waabell.l Jn ij: Paul'a llall on Ius ~amdaJ ftftcrnooQ. lo addition to a foil gatherin.r of th,Silnd•1 ~ool childrer. a qawber ol their ~ota and frieoct. were praeut. A clueripriye aoooao& of tha foundation aud lftOW~t of tbe Sie'"' ~ Atla­tdou ... deliw.rt'd bJ the nector, {ptcn ...... •fell a.,m._ A Cllll~tion wa~~ ukeo qp trocu t!l.e children which amon~oted tp S6 63. A& cbe oloae the 1ranaal cll,trlbution of prtst!ll took place, Kboo& 50 chit.lren recei•ins,r book•. t~aoJ of wbieb w~re io bandaome biruiin,:. 'rheae were the a.:ifta of Uii"'kector. Su[Serinuoclentl. Oftlcera aod Teacb~r•. and fritoda or the :icbolara h w:aa JCunouuced tbst I.!Ytnl of tlut recipient• bad ob­•aioed tile bighen po:~~rible number <'( anarka dur­iu~t the .rear, for regular aocl early Mteo~aece, cunduo~ and leuooa. Alqch iot.ereat wa• takeu in the proceediava, ant\ iu tbe bit;b a~f,ldatll o( eflicieocJ of the School.

-llul/OtNJy'• Pilk.-\Vbeo tno)emcn' weather checks .10 a cooaidenble tx,leu~ tho action c>f '"• akin, ao alteratiYe it reqnir.'ed to compOCJ•te tho body by meaoa oJ othl:r cbaQaela. Jlollowfty'a .Pilla can be confide ntly ~CI)tOntended as tbe eaaieat. aun..t, aad ula" meAntD{· at"io¥-g,t.Jl~ tleeirable eod whhoca.i weakerJin)C •h Jfe'tl O•li~ c:ate or ioooau110dtoJ lbe &noet fetsbl~ \~bell from frpqaeoliJ. reoorrfDQ eta ill.: or tl'4i ··al~GJ~ or impure air t\e bloCK! become• foal ... n\t tile eeoretiooa vhil\ted, theato Pilla prMOut " ready Rod efficient me:au or oleaol\llar tldt forrtef and• correotin~t r1•e latter. By this ulutary ptoCc:od· iog diaeaee iavre•ted at it• oat~t. ir. paineavd iocounDieoee &Yerted, at~ff the ne"oua ''rna. turee aand from the depreaioJ decLI entailed \!.POD them bJ ao illbeaa. · · ---

' llY' AUTBORI1T.-Her Alaje~~ly tbe Qoeen hae JilfOtd AD ER4._tur. datf'd 17th Juaart. em 'JIOWerir~g Mr. V. Van DroJ ... I, to~ aa 8elgtao (.;onaol>·Ge"ral In Cana~ ~d !{ewlouocUaud, with ntideaca a& Qttawa..

Ilia FdOIIItDGf tbe (},ol'etoor, lo Cpauoil, bai lleen pi__, )J ... ,. .• r. Wileo~ ott'., J•. Nowl&a, .I . J:.t• .. Job~ ~itb, J .P • JJOitolo v..~ra-rar• lt'redk. lla~PWDIIid/Ciir'l.'il' B411110h Mf, HAI-..i~~.J ~Irtlti~Mtc~,ft• lJriJu J)a•e. Jeuo Rfolla"l4ldli


By Telegraph. H4L1PAX. Feb. 21.-Realdcot Caru~~ 11 ~ed -··- ~

lirard to fa,·or a cabinet. tht fall11d. M iuo tri,d, bot apiu r.ilu'ti. U&fteJOhUit uudortook yeaterday tQ form " cabinet.

At tb._e J..tritiah Acnbl\8a.dor'a reception nt. 5~. P~terabtlfllthe, t.1.uioll, aod h\Oul.y liraud J.>ukea 'fere •'rf'aeut. . • Sir Chat lee 'l'utlper lcnvea Dritaio for Cnond3 to-day.

Pigott, who aold the 11llegeci Parpcll teatifted bel ore. tho co•on•iaalo?" yestert.ll\.f. He swore that E~tan propos,d the pll\o to reltder the Jives or l!in~liab officaola noL w6rtb llll hour'a pur­Cbl!lie ; t.bat faruell vas ll-1\'ftl"ll or tile prC'po113IIJ. ~l'be Parnellitea promia~ to ezplodo tb..e whole Cllle againat .Parnell yery shorUy.

Jo'n 22.-Tbero is a terrible faroine in Corea. Tile Auttrallao ~oreromeot jointly propoae

Sydney for n confercuco "it~ Canada ~ oloaof tmde rel11tiona.

The Britiala farliameut op,ened yeaterday. Tbe qoeeo's Spej)ph aaya that uothio~ happen­ed to dieturb CQr al roiALiot~s wilb tbQ. powera ~e~o~otiationa 'tit 1'hibet hnd pot ·~•cbod a fa­vorable concluai . Pnrliamooc will be wed for ao i_9, peoditure for tbe safety of tbo sbofos llnd commerce of the •ation. A local (io­vcmwcut Uill for ~otland is pro1oised. A me:1· sure will be sqbmiued to doYelop lrelaod'a ma. turial reaources ond to amend tbo lAud ·Conrl8. Morley g~~vo notice of no 1\meudmeut to the ad· dreaa coudemuiug ,lbe adwioillfl\tiou or aJfaira lll J rcla.oti . .

A French cabinet hllYe beeo (or~ed-Tirord, ~lell,!ier. ,Pdreycmet,u.ioiater or war; lt~urier of tiuaucee, F"llierea of oducnt1oo.

' The Novn ~cotin o Les:iiJII\turo met yes terrlny. FttU 23.- J'ho BdtiE h t;ovcroment n~b fo.r

tw~:lvu lui llion pouuds ror untionnl d ere ncu ·1 uo Frencb prc:tl4 onticu;es ~be uew Cllbiuet

nnfuorf\bly Uia.eot~ tcatified uerore tne Commiaaion lle

UODilh~ 1\ blltCh or l'nruell lettera (rom flt'urphy in l'ari\ Cor tive hundred doll11ra Un d ullled mo~' 'rolemuly ua.\'iug forged tho' J_,uera He bon~tht two otbur batcuea. Swore ~o secreoy L~:foryl n tribuu11i or five .Pi~ott conreea.ecl telliu~ A~isllop Walab the lcllllra weru forgeriea.

Tho Weather North nud South. .. 'lwillingnte, }:,b, 21-The wiud blowa ll bree~

fc:ou1 N W ; tl•u weatbec: is. CQld aut.! rQ.ugu ; 110 ice

Fngo. Ftb 2l-\Vaod N W, wc1'ther frosty; alob 111 aloov allore

Catalina, p,tJ 21-Wiod &troug from west and weatller frcJIZy

Bt111aciJ<ta. Fclt!2-Cold1 clear an'd find, -.rhb a atroo~ weatutl~ breete

!Jay ,.f l 11lat1dl, hb 2l-Wind N \V, alrong, very fro ty, bay full ur llob ICe

C/t.(J•mtl, Fttb 21-Wiut.l N W, atroog; lhiok aM•tqn"lla, Wf'ather cQ.Itl. lola otic~ dri•iu.: out

llo1111t /J.1y. Ftl• tt-\\'inti .N W, strong, \"ery cc.ld l,ln~ blnck"d with luo ·

C;'a~ P.JJ~, Pt b 2l- A nor&P.Jeut j;t\)e 11reuila, IICCilllWauied by an.>wabo•era 'l'lle aohoonet Pcorl~nt in•artJ atlO :;o am Bsr":SO; &her 2

FH!JO, l·'tb :t.!-Wiud N \V, froat.J, "-1 full of ICe

T,ci/lilf!Pit. Ftb~Wiod WNW, fair breae, fine bard d&J • ice packPd oo ahore

Clul•rtcl.. f'eb ~- Wiud N W ; floe llDd moderate ; plenltJ of ioe

Bag of {.,_ 1-'tll !".l-Calm, weather fiue ud lrOS\f

.&,a..W.. Feb :lt-Wiod N W, cold, clear -nd flae •

a. .. lkl:f. Ftb 22-N W, light; clear, frost,. . ,fogo, tG ~-\Vl"d &11th; woder.w; icd alacboiq I.!Oaa.~r. .

WHEREAS A, REQU presented to Lbo OU.MIIItl Magi•-

trate, Harill)r Orace, fro~ fJ of Lhe Regialered Electors of tbll Ba.rll()r Grace Divi~ion ol Conct'!Jllion B!*J. Hquiriog tbat a Vote m11y be tqen i9fdetermine aa to whether Two ·Lhirds of tbefalilSttd Elec~ora l')()tle~u-e in fl\v-'r of a P . laaoati.on beinrc i-8ue by Ria EJcelleno.y • GoYernor Jor

'\he hibitiou of d~ Sa of Jntoxi~Ja,ing ~iquora,wlthid ~h., aboye. · ion.

I, the \j,l!O~ruor. do theriloro, ullder the provisions of tt e A.c~ !\6 Victoria, 014p. 5., entatlod '' A,n Act to an:eocl an Aot for th.e Nilteasloo ~tnd prevention Of nbuaea arilling froqa. the c(UQinOq ule of IJlloxicatiog Liqu. ors, and to regul"te the aal• thereof, and the issue o( Licenaes therefor,• ippoint WJWN~· DAY, the ~;'tb dl.\y of Fore~. next ensu· ing, for taking snob ~111 i Q ~anner pro-vided by lAw; and for t purpoeo I do d.irect tb11t Polling Boetbs opened at Har· bor G1-ace, Uppet:"e, Bryaot,s Co,·o, Bishop's Oove, S~'ard'a Bay and Bay Roberta, aud such vo only shall bo taken in tho respective BooL l\S are prescrib~ ed in nnd hy Procltunlllion bo :Ust August 1 885., pro"iuing for tho ~I;' of l'olla at the lust Gtnaeral .Eleciion of' li~ml>ers of t. h& Gencntl Assembly; nod all Pi.raons concernPd nr& reqnia·etl to t ttke due nolioe and go,·ern tlletl\Bel vea accordinlfly.

Dy ~is E..xoel lcttOJ'II Comr:.nnd, M. F.E~ELON,

. Cll/:l!.nial ~ecretc.t·y. Se. J ohn'tJ, Jnr~unry 29tJ':i~~-88-~ _9_·--_,..,..,..

STil A FURTHE8 CHANCE. 'l.'httl all may LlakA 11d\·nu~ o£ the BAR~ GA lNS l11 t.ely oH'twed. we lill extend the

Che.ap <• Sale·· uu' the

Entire sTaCI{ . is olenrert ont · ;?:

THE ·Bargains tU ~ otfcrl'd.

.~UOR.b ETJ .JONES, :l.9 'rY atu Stree.t.


1'\ t )'l'lC.E !

FQU R \VEgKs ufter tho d~tlf' l•creof, np­pliCRtion wm he naudf\ to His Excel~

Ieney the Govemor, tnr'tJ Pllt.ent niadel' the Great Seal of this I~<l~t.W.Uf.or n "'w nnd lllleful in,·eu'tion of a "OdH. iruttion Buoy AAd Dory Attachmllnr,''to begrauterlto FnEn­tmlctt W. 0-o.LDER, of H.arLor Grace, CoQCClJ tion D:~'y, tho 111tent.or thereof. ~( John'ts, Jstbu"ry 22Jul. A.D. 1889.

M<;NXILY 6: McNJ:e.!tiLY 1

Solicitors f<>t ~:Utld J!'nEDER~OK \~ Go~a. Feb~

CalalilHJ, to.Jdf-\Vind S S \V, clur and cold ,flollaD&.la, I~J-Soutb1 atrou' ult>ar Aoo

floe hoy of lJa,;d•,to...,-Stroug t; W to-daywitb NOTICE iR hereby given, that One 1\Io'nLb

enow; milcJ llftero the dt\te hereof, applicac.ion will BoMe. BPJ,to- d4y- Wiod S W, thick auow aod be matle to His Excelhmcy thb ~umiari11trat.or

mild of tho Government, in Council, f.>r Le~ters Ch(armtl; 'to-do~-Wind N W, atrot~g i thick P11tcoL ·uoclet the Great Se11l of the Islnnd, to

.-.~o=·..,.=~~~~~· ~~~~~~~~=:e· be gr"nted. t.o J.\at£S. HtPPIRLE\\ of H~trho'r BmTH.

At Northern Rlttht. U.odo1o, oo lhe lltb lotL, tho wile of llr. Jam ... io'r~ML or a too

MARBIAGBS. At St. Mlchaol aud all Au~rele• (lhoroh, l\oral:ero

nlj:ht, Handnru, ou Dec. 24th , b,r abo Ttov. \V. 1:$, L. l !omllly, William Suward. or llbart•a 11ue. to Lydia .U.sou of NoM hero Blsht.

,At tho .. ame.vlat~tt. oto IAmtL'day, by tho ~~~~~. Alat­lhiit llutlu, to ll.ra ~l(u B.t~lll.llo, boll\ of tllo 11amo p .. co.

l>Jt the l!ltb f11a1., at tho n. 0 . Oatbtdr•l, St. Jot.o'a, 1ur. lho l"ime~ble An:.btfoact~o .forrf,llll, W,r. Wm. lqlly. to .\l~a .Marr AlltfNnrphy,'botb of tf\llt city.

Oo ~t!th lnll. M1 LILLie. Doraec., b7 J.. l'arll:lu, )lr. J · Roole, or Oran•t lll•er, 1.1) .AUa .. l.oeb Erau1, eldHI dltt,lth.rec or Alr. Hc-nr1 1\uigbt..

Jo tbe liaerod ll~rt Ol)apel,lit. K,Ytan'l, l'eb. 11~ •. bY lh Rn. \V-. 1•. Dttotn•.J'. l '.l' .. u•l•ted by the u ..... If. P . 0 Connnr, Brl•lgot,daughwr of &l~an•• Uow­utt, of Pe111dt1e. to ~mond ilalt.J' of ame place

.u the~ plaoe, by ~e, the ti. U, Ohap11, J~e Aoo1 dau~rlot,.r w Ur. a&1ruo Gll.llbn, of bla. Valttn, to Patrft'k Coady, of Spaollh Ruoaa, .Uortlllc:: J.lay,

Oa tbe .. me &ly, aamo place aod by the ume, K..: .. j:atel LOQilllrd, ol dt, J.-.rd't, to .l~h Uo.IJ ot tJpanl1b Boom. Mpnjer BaJ.

DXATliS At Hl Jotin'a, on lbt fO:b

IOD of Patrlcko\allll 4•Die Al t514allft~~»o&,oil


OnaCl', fora new and improved method of Dry­ing Fish alld othPa· S•ahatanc:ea,

Dilled d S~t . .fohn's, &.bia &h cl~ty of Janu~ ary, 18~ .

MqN~ILY & :MoNEJljY, Solicitors for Sllid J.ur£S UtPPlSLEA.


STEWART MUNN & Co, Shipping and Comlnission

' Merchants. . 22 St, ,John Street,IJ Mo'l\treal. -Speei11l attflotion gi~ to the aa!e of 'FLrL

a.nd F11h Oil~!. \ Al11o, to Lhe bnyi111 and of Flout

ud p,...,i&iooa and l:\eoeral Product', Cif"C"!•le AddrnA-llunn, •Montrf>al.

J~st Received and For Sale liX THE SUm;CRlBER.

20-barrels CHOICE APPLES. K. llUfUKKFORl>.


woqld call attention~ their Manufactures fo.r the seek $Pil of 1889.

OUR STANDA~D Iffi~.RIN.G ~ NETS, 40 to· GO Rans, made from the H Shepard Gold Medal" 14/6 Twines, now

almost exclusively ado.pted in the Maritilpe ProVinces. . t . I

COD; C.J.\:PLIN & HERRING SEINES. Merchnnt and Fisherman can deperid upon g~tting a Seine frpm. US th1t will fish w~ll, handle easily, and•wear satisfactorily.

The Bank Fishermen are now tlBing large qtJa~tities .of our 1

"A~fEI{lCAN" BRAND OF LINES lightly nncl e-venly tarred, ~ •

• ; C01;'fON NETT-ING in Sheets, for Wint~r Work and RepairS.

., SHEPARD GGLD MED.AL" soft, Hnlf-Paten.t and Patent, all skcs. .,

WE arc now prepared to supply all the above ~oods nt short notice and our Newfoundland patrons can rely upon LOWEST RATES, Cor .. respondence solicited &nd,samples cheerfully given.

ESTABLISHED 1842. .. CAPITAL;$35"0,000.

~.lfu:e, 34 Commercial St., I Bo.,ton, ~

New York 0./fict, . 199JFulton Street.

' -Ad\·i~ t.o Mothers. Maoy children anfrcr nod

dio from no othot CAuacs thao flO · cxoeM of Worma jn the ' &omdoh or Intestines. to avoid this give D.r.Mcl:.eOJt'$ V(getoble IVorm SgriJP ~auy chiltl will k M.n. H. P A.'\'TON BAIRD : • ~

DtAu Sut,-1 tnke pleu.are io oerttryib~ truit McLcau Worm Syrop ia tho bee~ wor~o medi­cine I hate ever ueed. ~t m&de n perfect. cure oi my cbii:S, ill wilh wor111s formoro' tbau a year, 1111d ~bioh one bottle cured. "'

Yom·s truly, JAS. llASL£\7. ~elson, N.B., Jone 8th, 1887.

fl. p .AXTON 8AUl0: ' DEAlt Sm.- 1 aell a good denl or your Dr. Mo­Lean'a Vel(etllble Worm Syrup, aod tlud that. my ouatomon like it very much. 1 alao hear aome or thAm lpu!lkiolf very bi~hly of.JOIU' B'\ird'a Uoi-meut Yours truly. 1' W. PECK. Woodstock., Albert Co., N.B.,Deo. H. 1887.

Sold by De.alens, Price 26 centa a boUte, 6 bottles for 81.

Did you .ever think what they QOst you after using

the Ba~ing Powder~ -T--

BUT that is saved by huyi'Pg ,



W . H. Tno~n·tiON & CO. Harbor Grnce. IN PAPER P:ACl{AGES. I

Ne'\¥· GOODS~~ tWAs~yqurGrocer for It .. ~---

cru.,.t .. • E.eoe1:~ed. --AT-


A and Varied s~ ot


Tortoise • -:AND:­

Brute Burner


-Mn. ANon&w Dououss,llorcbao~, Stanley, York Co .. N.B., write• :-•1 bs•e old 700.r>­&ird'a J~nimeDt io a cue of aprai 1ed• ltuee, wbeo all otbfr Lloimeot.a aeemed. to fnil to do. -&DJ gooo, aDd caD carUry &ba' i& mad.l a rapid care. 'For II(Diot I belieu ~ O&IUIO' lMI equal­led.

Mn. Jomr B. Htt.QWC.,..,_ . .-your Daird'• Lioimeo& a. '-' ~o& II aer ~

,.~i»untnd~ (Si~) • B.B

SoothamptoD', N.B, NoY. 1 , 1881. I ~

hurch Spaniard's Bay& !....1.-

Aa tbtS.)leoalwra.of ~ae'Oburoh.c~C .Eogl•nd in ~J11Utiald41 &y •re •hout to en~el. a ~t.• Obnroh, cSonlribt\'tionoa ••• ~t\r~lty Mulicitdl and will I.e thaulcfn11' TeeeiYPd · l•v Jt,v. J. A11.hur lC••u11, Clrci;m41ft of: do,.miu.:c ;· Mr. J"oo1' ao... tmd· lfr. Ja111• Hoccbina1, CiuroA • JYcahl•u; M.r. J. F. ~herJ•rd, Tnbr ..,.,. ; M.a. A braham B.uTeJ.t, ~·

s,.m.rd.'M IP.IQ. ..o:: ...... .~.'DII!~

cil / .

&r J'om. ... ~.b. 1•. • After Rle Ezoalleocy the <.G•eroor aDd eolte

bad witbdrawD lrom tbe CoaaCIIl· Cbamber, aid tbe opeDiDJ ~.~h WU ~ad bJ &be eltrk. ,• Hoa. M: ltlonoi ·t'OM to •on u4ddnel Ia repiJ 'thereto. He ea ld he fel& nre tba& &lie CJemben of title • booorable body w011ld aaai&e with hliU ia WD&rria.r to Hie J!:uolleoeJa heatty

• welcome upon Me arrinll::, 1.1¥1 uta1Dpt1oa of, the' ((OYtrt.Onhfp o( &hie COIODJ, • and UpoD tbie hie flrat appearaooe aad addreaa to them lo &heir Leaialalin capaclt.J. All who have co•e lo coo­"c& witb•Hia J!:&oeUeaor moat. be aeDiil\le of the great lntc!reat he baa already maoifeated ~ ever1· ~io~r pe""'oiolt to the colouy, l&.e inaC.,Itutloot

r aod i&a reqiJlrenaeota. From 1.1er, aa 1et, briof aoqnalatabce wi\b him, from tlae record of

. R '· l;aie career tha& haa preoede:i IJia arl•ttnt amooaat

•· be (Mr. M.) felt warrauted In a&JiDC tltaf [U'oof ie a!" that. ~be .. uranoo Hie E&celleuoy·daJ gireo ua tbat. be will

·dMottt hie bett. eo~ict to the •ct•aaettmeo& of c.he eoloor'e woUare·. will be awplf 1111taiqed. \\'bile upon tb'a poll\t ber(Mr. M.) could ooc laelp eayior lhat u Ia a nfaitur of· ~eat. dleap-AbsOlutely Pure.

Tbia powder .never vartea. A marvel of pur­f._, atrenoLh and wbol_,.,meaea.-!\loro eCODO• -:~ .. .... ~-. a · · ' be' mical tbaa t~ ordioary kin a, •ud cannot

-old iil eompetitioo with lbe mult.itudo of low teet. abort weight. al om or phosphate powrlen. ,')old I'IIIJ in caHr-ROYAL B~Kt~O POWDSit Co., 106 \Vall-11tre.t. N.Y. Apl2lly

·PH <EN IX Fire Assurance Co~~~~Y

~tmeot. lO ua here, aa ft. m111t. be co any coloor; to ba,·e it~ Oonruore 10 frequeolly obauaed. Withio the pal\ flYtt or ai& yc,.re no fewer ibaa three genttdmtu, lla1e been 11nc oo& by the Im­periAl Oort:ru•oeo' to till t1le RUberoatorial office io -Ncswfo~ndla~d. · No doubt lbey w~rc uceed­iojtly able :nl!o; but tiJeir opportunity to lend \ho aid of their talenl.ll io the promotion of the col· ouy'a beu~fll, waa marred b1·tbe fact. that no eoonllr bad begun to acquire :m io1laht int.o 111 DOCt!llitl theJ were re~uo•ed el~e~where. 'l'Ut upe of our d,ire, wllich tbey had ~ed bJ atudJ, waa to a cerh•ln llt•

away, Ill theJ were not perwiued to J.ONDON.· aV1Joo~ eqooah to put it to a praoti~l 1tu.

LOll BARD 81R~ET ilk CHARING CUOSS Aoy'dolboy aabjeca.d co cbie procedure u1ua\ aut­


' Jo1epb Wm. &xundale, Esq. .Hriatow Bovill, EI«J· '!'be Hoo • . Jaruea .K\Cf. .lobo Clutlon. Eaq. Octaviu.a E. Coope. Eaq., l\I.P. ~eorge Arthur ~~uller, ~o:.q: Charlet B. Goodbart. Eaq.• lL Rhode Hawkina, Esq. t)irJobn J.ubboek, Uan., M.P., F.R.S . • Charlttll 'l'bomaa Luc:u, Eaq. Cba{lea M~oay, ~*f· l'be rloo. ~dwio U. Port mao.

l>udley ~I>Qrt Smith, El'_q 'Vm. Jame• Tbompaou, Eaq.


WU.LIAK c. !\lACDONALD,l ~ }'ll..lNCIS n. M4CDONALD, ) JoiRt &crtlantl

The enr~tement.a of thi~o Office are gonrnn .. teed by a nurul!rouv ~tniJ wettl~hy .Propri~tluy • ddition t.o & I urge invested ; un•l Lbe promplitude.,.nd libftr•lit·y wiLh which cl.tirus. have alway• been mat, .aro lVell-lrnown ~tud eu:knowledged. importance of the tran!l8ctione of llae

PHtENIX FIRE OFFI0E may h. eetimated from cheJact. tbat elu'ce Ita .. tablialuDeot-nowoY~r0N£HU)IDitED Yua.a­&lae paJmiDla io aatJe~aot.ion of Claito1 fur LuM­ee baYe uceeded Fouarn:nr Mu.t.IOM& St.:auwo.

loeorauoea-.aioat. Lola by Fire and I.Jgbt.O• iag are efec~d by &be Cotnpabr opoo every dtt.orip&i.on of Propertf, ou cbe moa& favorable unue. ·


• W. 6 G RENDEf·L, t;t.JoHN'S,

~fell,. }or Nncfllfl•tiiD<I

NORTHERN Awa.n.nce Company.


JJIOOXII .l1Q) tmrne (1887) : MN~am8 .......................•• .Mf:l"' ,OOCl Lite Prezalai:l:aa •• •••• 11: .: . •• • •••••••• -· lvt,OOO IA~. ·-··· ............... :.... ... .• ..• 1g,ooo ..&ooamn'eted ~ ................ a.a~,ooo

The uDdeni~ ia e~r.powered to eft"ect in­tmnulc)N on all tiacJe of Prcpeatr ia New­fooodland at cnrnmt Rate. .,f Premimn.

Tbe aoove Corn.-rtJ ie well known for it* liberalit.y and t•romrcaeaa lu ~~ettli~ lo~~~e~.

Pro.pectu~~M, l!'or:aat ot AppliCiltion tor Fire aud Life him:ano:e, and alJ o~lun ln­torwa&ioa can ll4t \)Ltajoed d the. ~ffioe ef

L Q. HA YW ..\.RD, 9r. lout,

. ,dgml for NftDIDU:AI!!dM. \V. H. THOMPSON, )

St»Aftmlfor: H,.rl»r tJ#'aci.

.ffllr more ur le11 IG ita witol iotereaa., aod i' i1 a 1uat' of rewret tluat thoae cbaDRBI abould he tnade 10 frequently withou~ the aliahtnt coulili­oratioo for thu iotere•tt of ~he eolo••iau .• but lliiD· ply for l u1perial ezvedietlcy, or from pereooal re­l(&ru for aome gentle•uao wboru It ia deait«< to prootote. t lu did not eymplllhixe ~ilh tloe an. thoritiea aod t.he people of Queunalaud ill thuir objections to ;Our Ia to Go\'11roor, Sir I I. A . Uh ke; but !.i'e woulcJ e&preaa hit opi'uiou that the out­come or re~~ult of thst vrocet:ding will redoum.l to the JtOod of tho colouiu gen~:rally. The ru . ault alu>wa at sll ew~:nll, that they poaaea rillhlP wh1ch ruuat ,bl! rt:ltJected. :md to 101nt1, extent it ruvt:raea tile hith~:r1o unqueatiopeu position tl'"' Oo•ttruora wert1 tile rupn:aeota~iw11a of Jmverilal fcelinloll sod deaires. HereaCtt:r. if a Govt:ruor uf a British col!>111 wish to' 1taoll well w1th tho~"

preaitJua u~ur, he wutt. make thu bton inttr~ll the cc.louiata it.leutical, 80 rar ,. hi• pullhiun

will adulir with tbu&tO or Imperial CIIUCtstll h WOI!t be 1Jlel\ling tO louu. IIII:UIIJcl'lltO hear the 1111• uounct:utuu~ thst all our cuhltllerui•l lUIIU"trit:l cJudu~e thts P~'U yel\r hue becu fllirly aucCI!IISful, a cirouwa!Auce ewvbutx11d by the f"o' 1h11' th11 revenue. as we trc iuformvd, baa fully re~tlixutJ tho e4tiwatel upon which i' Wh baaeJ. lu tl•i• fact wo have a couwincinw vroof of thtt reonllll"' · tivu power of oor trat.ltt Uut a ahort y~U&r or two aaco, oo evury bamJ, tb'ere were lauhmtatioua at iu uupreaaiou. amltho•u directly iut~:~t:lll!d lu meruautlltt overatio>ul were puzzled .. to the llt>pa to bts tatoo to Jt•h•anize 1~ into oew liftl, Hap­pily that uutoward atatu bu, to a Jtruat extuut. .,...d away : " brh:ht11r v11ta ap~-eara to be opeoiog up, aod ao impro.ed oummtnCtlll outlook prtMot.a italf. Lie aiuoerely trual4stl thUI im· proYtiWtmt. will coutioue, aud tha~ with the ap· plicetiou of d\ae care aod41ttttution io tbo proto­o.Woo of tbeenctral iurlu•trial purauite of tl•u Ia· lauct,aeuoue of ad•eraity.auch u we hne rec~:~nt­lf ~ tbroqh, will forw rare ell:oeptloul in ao adwaocioac cart:!Or of proeperitJ. 11ie Y.lteel· leoo7 bad ... rerred to our .eYe~ral iudu1kiea,cbief of which, of oooree, beio1 tt.e ftaheritte. Ue (Mr. AI ) woald touch bat. briefty oow upoa tbia aabject.. · Ue woald •1 &ba& tbe iaabont dahery ntfe1rred &, may DUW - reprded &I a Unog of tb" paL Tbt' aaaall reealta a&teadinr that pordoa of oar lbhel'ha a.& aeuou b&rdl7, be belieted. s-fd beet the ClfOIC Of tbe outBL Were a& lieS& for aaooe. Ia otbet braoobw or tbo lfeberiee eucb ae life Labrador uad Sao~ llahery, aud deep eea IWie.,. ~·d oa frem pare. of tbe ahore,tbe total ........ , would be ... JibiOJr bat • labjeor for ooaacra&ulatloa. 1 be dtte~lhl• fa th'e loabore' ftab· erJ be (&lr. U.J auributttd, Ia a tcrea& meaare, to &be UN of ood&rape. aDd be had ltroUI( hope tU. tho operadoo of tfu• Jaw probibltiug cbe lUll

of thoef"-~tlfo tbjliDcl, which Ia to tJ&l.e of· fee& a& tbe ead of We eeuoa, will aoon be at.· tncJed with aood oouequeDON. All re,carda Ute &ok llabery : we know Ll.IR Ia &be paet eeaaou a mach .. rpr uteot of toonae. au.. be tbtt pNO!tdiDI ,_,, wae IDI(IIH ia ftada.&ry; bat he lbou~b& the aYerep riealt per liND aad per Jellell •aa YerJ wuob below that of thtt few forwer·1can. .Hut, for hie part. be did n6& re· ~tard ic aa IUl lmtmedlablu ct.lioleocy. 'l'bfl e•il lie., to a lar!le ctlttent. lu the fact lb~t, berttto­fore, we b••• be•o looklar IDOre to quautit• tbao td quality. If anew eare were devuted tO pro­per baadliaaad ea'llo~e, urd a.. to wJtat Ia &efm· ed • hij(lt liae,' better renlt11 would accrde to all oonoeroed, ., the marke&oa woatd not be etatted witb an enoruiooe qoaotlty of io(erior ftah. A leaHr qaautlt7 of wttll-ouNd hb would aaaiataiu d.-wa.od a& a I!Jiore proBta_,.. to thf prochao•re. Ia

Gu A MIA. coaoeosioo wit.b tllia aaauer lae &hoqbt he ou.,b&

'~ :A . . · ~ . . 1Cf ,..,It tba' tile llabehoea •PI*r &o be badiJ

lltd.r.ct lu tbe •ot.l• &ale• Itt &lt6e laet tear Ia boldh1l( back tbelr Dab, aad ... -.dl'a~t ii oa

& ---...... a ... ,. for eltpoi'UliOD ••lJea ntJMIJ, aud •lalfe tbe market ......... price •• pod. h ..... be pac.t &o all who

will lfl•e th• matter a Unl- ~~tad,.tlid ... laue tiM Ol( J.,ONDON. ·· eeuou pc .. alla dariar wblob tiMre lea fair oou·

_ _ _ IUIDptloa of fl., there- WOUld .. A bcitlet" eilanolt

LIS D .. L of •lllaa at at. a ,...,.,.ble n&e tbu bJ t .. DlD« ES~A.B KED A. . .a.82 ,, · .... aatu abe wt eacl ot t1,• ... oea. wis~c~a

oa• onl1••d laa redaedoa or prioe, ._...OIII't aV.auaa C...UL ......... .£2,~,000 ate- rinW Ia &h • ...,. .... pa• tb, 1 .. .,.a llle lVI'AL lnll'f&D Jru•Dit IJf• DIUk" aDCI It ~JatO ~. =11

oare llittll a~ affl'" wllea tile Ia utlelkcl alld l& ••" .ea., .. ,...._ hit& ..... ~ ..... -~.,-~...., .. ifait :J -; :t.a-d ... lifti, ...... ..

lrtiatl!l be 10 I~ ~.iaMu lhrl)l .pro••!Mriafa ~~~.~-~ ......... a 10111'08 ol prol&abl. lad~. 'lbla le a dlaoali aabjed &o deal with, uf( UJ .. .,.. .. _. •e•& &lad eo•l4 · be arQ~ed M tio PNfeD&- &be maldplleatloti Of flltMM wi&hfa ·ru.tted' areae we-'cl1NO .. ' ·~ ~· &o &boee ..... afar lbia •'*7· u. (&.lt. lilt.) Ud bad oo6alcl~ble uperleace la ouooeo&loa waa • lobe&er bcdOrlet aod the paaklo~r of loblten, aod be belleYecl a'' portloa of the waol of IUOMI lo ~e naalt of &he lobf&er lahery r ... ..., ... W&l owiar &o ab· aeooe or pi'C)p_er ~ War piaokera are atterf7 reprdl.. of o~aaeqnaoeee, their olaief auietr belor to eell their .cooda apcl' pocte& the mouy for Ulem. \Vba& ia lobe pleo& o( &Ilia auloldal preotloet Tbe oooaaaaer, tf lie 11li one bad tin otlobater oat of ererJ a.. loeea ooalldenoe Ia the article aad abudoae ita eooaa1Dpt.ion alto­~&her, lllbatl~ut.insr IOIGeUllor •••• and &haat!Je cJ•waad being leaaeued ia mutt be dleQkoae to tbe io&ereata or tblt Bab~. Lie eholild reoom· weod every pereoa eop,.d io the prUMou. &loa of U1e lobttf'r llahary, to ao Ia for 1traiabt. braoda; and If \her .ahpald hue e=-mo ioferior aooda, to braod theiD aa N'l. 2, aad aell them uU.fll'i,r. He euboahted that tilt laoreaa· ed~ue of, aad price '"'• tb~ir ftnt-cl ... article • aid more \bau remnoena. tbell\ for &be reduo· d upoo tbe amaller guaatitJ of the inferior, b ~II abo ~ D~llllrf tor lobater paekere bere· afte~ af they :wlih &o retalo ' tbe marketa .1f Franoa.aud...Germaor. to ~Dform tD> the require· u.euta of tb) ••• of &boee coutriee wlldo with

1tbe YWIW to prdii!D& luad poi~oiol(. lt.le pre· aoribed tba\ wbeu tiuaed JOOda are aoldored ID· tide, the eold8r won ooa N»alaio more thao teu pclr ceut. or l11ad. lf &be ale of lobnere be oon­tiod to Uritieh aud Awericao marketa, tbey will be orercrowdtd hy t.he end of Oelt1. MUOD; it UleTttfore t1ehoowol8 thoae .. conce~ttd iu prep.uiu~r tbi• tiab for uxport lo p.ok eo aa to meet the re­quiremuuu ur Gttrwaoyaud . france iu ordmr to widttu ~he aphurtJ of ouo"a•bptlon. 1t ia aatil­factory to uotu thd tbei'Ot1on l.llkeo bJ tbe Go· w"eruweol in iocreaaioll ~ bouuty on ahip-boil•l · injl, baa lecl to benoticiaf re•ult1. It Ia 1carcely oecttasary to ltnte a fAC' ilppartsntly to tboae in­tl!re•ted. tb:tl a luperioi!"'iat.." of vtuela is bt!ing uow built iu the oolouy, ou\ler thil foateriosc atiruulua; a waat imprOYttml'nL upou forw\!r on~JI ~u II Nil •th, atyltt, aucJ be&nty. Uy eorue ptsrtc:>oa ~t, woui\J BtJpear to bts ima.:in11l th"t this ehiJl· b••ilt.lilll( IJuunty it a nuerc ICift or honu11 to the buildt:nt ot thu•e veu.tlf. All a mlltter of filet it caullt!ll lilt~u or uu lgaa. t" thu tt~tcheq••er, but ounouna. lltnjlly to returoiu~.t to 1he hnil•l11r11 of v.:llllel.s thu' cl u•y P"1"1Jle uuou ftfl icle" ul!ed in their cuuatrucu .. •. or v.:rylittlu in t'XCdiA uf 1l11\t A ud If we trtku lhto llOci•nu' the 11111111111t .,, lahor tloey •" .n 'illu, "' " titn~ u( thcs )'<'llf, too, \Yhcll' littlc-u'lhor work Ia ~t'YH tl:\1 • 1"· thu.c t~n·linll tu ill• crt:&dtS Ul IJIIniiU1n111iuu .tn&J reYdllllt', i' III'IY fairly btl nrguo:tl lho&L thtt pub,ll'l fnn•la ll'tiu bt tht.! tranSAr:liO "· II ~ WO\tld J:O r.,rth ~:~ r tiiJIO vr IIA'Cl · in!{ wcnl-bnilt ve~~at~lll iu 1h111 imlir~' """'Y· 1(,. woulcJ 1\JVoc:ttu thd i•nvu•iliu•t of "• mvtlllhlte cJuty UtJnll nJl Yt~el11 COIIJill~ hl'ru fnr 111\l.r-, or ll CIMII •nl..l cb~tmctur th"~ wla:ht uu buih. Y"' nrtl 1101 buil,, iu lite colour. amL 1hn1 t!uha11c.s t.l1u inop81Ui til I l11n1 alru~t•ly ~·tltllkiiiOWt•l UJl!)ll thia bnlnch of hc:>n1tt iudu.Atry.)rith e•uin6utly \;Jlo•l rtt· suits. lttt•peullu~ hia Bxcellctnc{• rule~unou t o

tlttl IJfOCIHIIIIU iuu i11 111i,J IM."l evtina: t•l 8U1Jpru• .. .. blto-INJtecJ t•Our rclid. there! C(l!!UUt hiS a aec•11ul Cfpiuinu aa tu U1u wi~tlow uf th11t mcn1111re. llu (M M .) ltaJ fr~eqnt~ntlt. frorn hi,. pined in this Cuuucil. url!etl tlou r11at tl"t ahle-bl>Jie-i fll\IIJI'lr· ian• w"' \:atin~ out th.s hie of th11 bo•ly poliric. anti that, a~ "" hl%!\r&l~. is ehunhl Uti i111P""'""ell opon the pttoplu of the OUlpur&a pnrtinul~trly. thl\t r. hmnimui011 1houhl b"e put '" the 1•raotacol of makiu!C thu lllZ)' 1111d im~roYident a b11rJeu .. ntl iuoabo• upon their ru•"" hu.luetriou\1 ancJ thrifty fellow-cotoniltl Thi11 door bo!inlf ebut ll)(llin" lbttu. tbttJ wonlll have to nlply 011no thuir o.wu n!IOarcel, anti eudeiiYOtlo IOilft8 tho tnOit of them ia tile aeuou of eutployin'e aud labor. "" No rarda the• o~ratiou or &Ia h Act; onr es:veri­ouce of lu& IOIAI9D, tbo~J(h not. io all reepoota aa eaci•rllctorJ u couiJ IJe dealr.,cl. yet.1 e\"erJthins: OOD~idored, It waJ/ aa milch U miRht f,\irly hve beeu e~tet1. w., muat no~forae~tha~ we had to deal withl wary aocJ uuaoroplslooa rift II, aa well ae with oor O\Vu plople, wbo 1•n re.elicted Ia a traffic to which &hey .,Wore bred aud bora, aad wbicb furu~hed them wltli a prideipAI lnu&DI or auppor&. lleooa, lnatond of (oeliog ~l)point­toeot. a& wha& waa acoumplieta".U, wuabould rather feel aurpriaed tba& 10 maeb waa achiered io ao ahor& a tiute, iu the fiiCfl of the ob..t.lCiea to be oonteoded wi~h. If a miatake llawe beeo made, it baa ariaeo from " too ~treat lemeooj io tho be­(tluuiog of prooeedio~a' opoo the part or thole cbarud wltb tbu eurora.•oeot of tbela w. Tboee ahtod by ita operadon were thu1 led to be· ltct1'e th•l a ebarp waruia~ W&l aboa\ tbe 8Xleut. to which i~ wo111J be euforced againat tbem. aurt they klok adno&.age of tbia• ruode"'tion. Had tbe law beea rigidiJ enforced lu the begioning mueb iubeeqneut trouble woald ban been awo(ded. Now tha& &be Go•eroaaea& are aft'orid­ed witb a aew aDd faaa' craiaer, &he,FioH, &heir facility for patt.lna ..... law lo fo,ce 1a lfl&tl­lyloubli'a\sed 1 aacJ 'With tbe ntaable e&periea\le of the paa& eeaeon ala ga(de, 'here aboald be nrt few breach .. or dle law ia tbe eu­aoiog fe&r. I& ehOttld •be alao bome iD miad &b" thtt tJmo for .,.,.,!Dr 'be pl'D'ileloae of the lJel& .Ac' ooourre.i a& a •ery uafor&caoa&e ~riQCL 1'!le Waeblaat• lreat7 bad ja~ beeu oop-6\aded, a11d Aroerloaa a.bermea freqaeated &btl ooae& uader ad U.lnia atraa .. meo&a eatered into. Jo a few ineiMaoee fee:ill'lea of hooor went DO& po'-n& am0011t ~ to preftat them YiO· latltJJt oar law bycarrJiaR and eelll•tr bai& to the Freuoh; The _.. .-.. ia a.»w lilteiJ &o be dleoootlaaltd, 10 it ... ad appMr; the t1ahed Statu aathorldtt, aoder.,.... of part7 polldoe, huo lorD up the trta&7 eo tlat at pteeeat w .. are ni•P'fd to &be o(J eoodl&loa of tblalf8 Ia ~ to labe17 mat &en '"' Plated pricw to ic. ....... ,foe. ..,. "" .. beiiH..S ... ~ .. ot \be Ia""' a beeCH a~a ...

' l ' ... . ..

be .-ld' pot ... t6. 'f- Pl,nOMl kDOW• ledp.,. How.-at, lae lllid ._ iafGI'IDtd bf-eo~a• ,..., utborhiea tha& &be road wae ..U t.lll. aad &11M I& baa bMo a..Ued of &o a ••rr iarp extent. Wbeo tlae bUl &o l"o•lde for &1M ooa­atrae&loa of tlala brauob· & aae wae before &hie .,cu•e.. be lad rei& lS ble dn&J to oppoee it. He woald oow merell ear lba& tbe lt&teiDtD' .. de Ia hit l!':a:oel'eGOJ•..,... nc~ alae ..aoaa' of &ramo tUJ hM puaed ofer I~ Ia ocwreot. He lMr. M.) bad Dtl idea wbea &Ida lhle wae ooa· t.emplal4sd tlsa' l& woatd obtala abJ'hla.r like tbe amowu of ba.&o..., or tbu '' would be a railed' of 1C lamlfby tbe people fa.ona Pluuda Bar aud the W ea&era. t;bore. U the •t.eamer oo Lba& Bey be bandied wltla care aod iotelllgnoit. aad chae notioe of her m~meu&a be oirCulaUd. 'be fioe iu que.tioa, fa c!Ooa'eotioo wi.tb tlte' e&eaaaer, will beooiDI • fnori&e mode of tranl wit ... &be weetern po_pala&ioo. 'l'be •peeob .. uree aa tbat. cllo ftoanoial ueco&iatioue for our flrat. oateido lon bavt1 ruulted YMJ eatiafaotorily, aod, aa he wae luforme:1, our booda bare beoo aold a~ a· premiarD of fhe per ceo~ 1'bl1 clrcomataoce, If h be true, 1howa the widom of widaohfl{ 'be area for the ealo of boada, noc. odty ae regardio the mooey marketa abroad, but it will •rYe to· eohauco the nlue of loc.l debeotan for former loanL 1'be llarceloua E&bibitioo baa 1howu creditable reeoll• for our uhibita there, anu oar participation io it bu drawu attootion to oar producae. wbicb, i\ is to be hoped, will be coo­doolwe to tbe ut.eoaioo. of trade. We ban re­ceirttd a Iaraia uamber of medala, aod if tba& be anJ eee' of the euelleoce of tbe •m1lu ahoW'11; wo hue, aa a colooJ, ju& reaaoa to feel pride io the appe•raoce i' prttaunted tber•. A refer· ence ia aoade Ia ,tbe 1peech ao lh• failore OD &be pert of the Newrouodlaud Railway Coeupanr to fulftl th1-ir coutraot to CODitrnct a railw~y to f:iall'a Uay. 'J'be U)aoklnan ooot rac' hariug falleo throuall . if a railway uortb, that baa been 10 auucb talkttd abou' dannl( tbe (1&1' eiglu. or ten ycua. ie t6 be undenakllD. i' ia tOaoHu' we rouat look to otiJer pnrtiea to build i~ It would appe11r that the prnailiog aeotimunt of the couutry fayor. railway o1tt~u11ioo, and h reat.a whh thosu baviuiC the m .. oa~erueot of affairs to

'meet thnt vtew 1t0 f11r as th lly can couai•tently, with a duo anrt C:M~:~fnl reanrJ to \bo fin11ucial condition of the culony. If rAilway eneuaion uorth bu ulldertMk\'O, it i1 qUelluo)•abl~t whuthur, inll' t!llol of prOCef'din({ rh:ht. On Uptln thu linea formerly sstreeiJ opou. it woulol not be 111ore rui· ~,.ill""'" 10 c•mutruc' 11horr. a.r:utiuna to conu~ct with lhtt •hllurunt b"Y• IUI•I ha toertt met hy 11tenmer•, nnd ~:ra•lnnlly t!XIeu•l !Ius work as the tlna'ucAI uf ,t lo o c tluuy ~ron ld pern:it. flu felt aure th-.t the hou' ~lr. llnrvcsy mun rcsol I'II!MilJ a~ \ho intiw lticm conlainl!•l in t he IIJti<'Cb tl" '' tho dr~:""' .. r, i.anbout to b ll cnu~nutniiHt:•l; lh't 11ftl'r weuy yunr11 uf pMiuut l!lpeo~uun and h•>P\1 rt erolrred we are re ,Jiy "' ltlua: th t•• howes 11

tls•wry burenu. Tu lb.1t hou. s.t~:~o t l~:~nt•llt'll !Jt!l · lli.tlt'D ' 1\lod a hie lloiYU('IlOY, IIIUI"\' thllll to o&llf

,,h .. r mlln, Wtl llre indeb1u I for \he 'l\Ct th~tt tbia prnjo:Cfo i• M I"" wi,h in lll8U•t""hle fl ifuaue>o o f rolll'lza ion. Tbu BI)Y.:ru•IH!IIt 1\n•l eohuov a1 e to a," conl(rlltul"h!•l u puu thia c~ro:un~tl\uoe. ""~ ~~~~~~ hlu•iul( St!CII'nul ft>r the -ci .. ntifio an•l IJfiC•

tical lnptsriutt:u•l~nCd or nnr fl,.huri~• Ill) :lllnpe t1111t a l(t:ntlttm'tu u Mr. N11ilal!u, who willall,.rt­ly b amuu11at. "'· t le' ptr.: :\1 ) antioip"'"' l lllllCt Ut'fiCIIII COnlllq·IUIIUIJII fru111 th11 •I11;>Ht· lntlll, 11•1 htl bo!lii.WchJ that trOll\ the ru•o lt or co il· llhJhiiiiC, auo thtl olholition or cu&ltrapl, our lltJtho uJtiahcrJ .. ill , in " r_,.., yeara. hav111 re­a:•iuts•l i pri11tinu Jlrutluctivllueu. Thtt llj)l!t:ch ,,r hia l'.~Otslleucy iot a lonJ,C .>uti a111J embracu

tcu"ny puialttl ur vritOil importA ll~ to tbu COUll · trJ; ~ut (htlre "I'P""" t.o bu oue o111iulou whiuh vrv~llly. yun, Mr. Pr1111i·lent, 1n11y ft:l'l aorpriilt!d at. lt tullke• no 111eution whlliCVI!r of thnt buro. in~ q1111aliou which t.lurinlt tiJu paa' few UJonthl, s:'rcatly 11a:it.att!d thts public miul.l ; the queatioo of Cvnfe•l11ration. The aiJseuctt uf auy r.:ferenott t.o thi.l ea bj.eo' i• reu•ukllbltt. if uo' eigniflcant Fo'r hia owo par& he coulu ouly aay the~ lie bop· ed the eilllnc" couccrninsc I~ 11 au evidence that It 1~ad aucJ burittd; that tbe trouble and ex­citenli:Jct it l.taa caoa.U the commullil1 dorlnsc tho P"'~ eight or woe 1uootbe were bnt the IJIUP· &.ow.a of or, uopll!\llut dteam, aou tba' ft bavtt ac lu& beoumu awakttoerl to our 10ber eeuaea. enabling a• to Toaltze tba~ i& waa but a dr~m and uutbinJ,C wou. lo cooolulioo, wbilo uoitiog witb hie l!:xeelleuoy iu the bope tba& J)irioe &ruldauoe aball lead 01 to wise aod beoe6oeos coootuaione, be be~tAed to moYe tho appointment of a couunitttt'tt to prepare aa addrea In nplJ to hia Excelleocy'a Speech.

( 7o be COIII~tttd)

1 bavo't. \lui ooora~ttt to die air, HardiJ the oourajle to live :

o.,,., dn11k onougb to forJret.. air, Aiu't Chriatiau eoougb to fotJi•e.

Thil..a tbe wail of a mao who bad eodurtld tho tur1urea of " liror cowplr.lot" and drapepaaa for yean: and he toiab' hue . eodured them for life. bad he oo& hoard that Dr. Piera.'e Goldea

'Medical DiecoYtrJ would make blm a wellmaa. He pYe it. a trial aod wu 011red. Oboe be wae holfvWed•IJOd, emaciated, aod alow~J tolteriDJ &oward \be tomb: but. oow be ia •i~roae, ro. but. aad -.beal&hJ. 'fbere '- ao&biog tha& can oompara wl~ tbo .. Diaoorerr aa a oura\ln aaeat for IOQr et.oaaacb, oooeti~&ioo, lmpare biQOd aod billoueaeea.

Tbe wont cate of ethnic Nual Catarrh poel­d•ely aad permueotlJ cored b7 Dr. Saae'a Ca· tarrb Remedr-

1'boee who tellJOU of «»'ben' faolte will make tbf'meeiMtl aa lr" to nUien of JOOr owo.

W • rewalu yoaoc 10 Ia~ ae we oao leera, oaa adoP' Qew babite. aod oao bear OODCradiodoD.

If tbere Ia a pertOD of wboas 70a feel a dia­llke. that. ia tlat penoa "' wlao• ,oa lboald Dlhf .peak.

or bela.- fall, c.nitld tiM Apa_etlaiaaa • dtt7 will be led ........... .,., ~-.-~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;!~~~~§


1'.• .& -(1B -BBO.ZB)


' ':=!!S



lYiedioal Ball . tSTABLISHED IN 1855. --WKOLESAJ,E & RETA!.L.

The~ S~b8CrH>er h•s apiu added to hi11l~trgo and vnied l::itook, a few or U1e newea~ Je,.diu;{ Patent .Metlicines and Sundriee, '"' follows: Green'• .Augos~ Flowea, W~trner's Safe Ou!'fl Lirue Fruit. J nice. Boschee' a Oermrm Syru p, Eno's Fruit Sttlt, Holloway• Oom Cure, Ottner's Little Liver Pilla, Wi~tt.ln's Bttllhlm of Wild Oberry, 'Vyeth's Liquid M1llt. Extr~tct, BtLZeliue Mother 0t'llnl8' \Vorm Ex~rmiua\u1·, Liebi~'s Ext.rllct of Meat, Drwiuage Tubine­P~>~tr's Soap, 'Pea •·'s Sh11."ing ~tiolu1. W hiCe Euamel (for tilling,) Bt~nzine (for ciOMusing pnrpo~cS~~,) M~ttt.&>n'a Fun1ify tiyringeft. L emon 5yrup, Raapburry My1np, lk Wihson'~t Ro .. bine Bitten1, J oluuson's Anodyue J.inicnent, '1'RiliR r [ud lt-11 (fOr COIIt i \' OilCIIIC ' 1

Eno',. .. h.hs·licllt..-d S nstllr (tur wo rrus), Uuurd'11 H~tir Jyfl, 'L'ric•>!' heruu«' Te .. bor:y T ooth Po\\IJur, ·• nrrK_v's FlniJ rtt.gnt!hiOl, Httl!f, Iron and Wiut-, N' ortlu'Op& LymMn'g Ve~t'taltiA Oi11e0rery

clo clo Q tliuiue W iu~, l.(elloJ:g's A11t.lJml\ l<t!medy

do <J.tt11rd1 Suutf • -;-• Oa!Ty'11 Elixir, Hop Bitters " Or. \VI\lke r'a Vinel(lll' B1t.ttua Putman'• Cum Extl-ucLor K~tttiu~·~~ ln&I\Ot P o wder N • r~hrop Jt Lytnau'• Emulaior ~yor'a ti•rftlll'arilltt. Put.ner'11 l:!:nau l11ion

.Jo Ohurry Pt'Ctor~tl Pierce's Ooldeu MediCill Ui~covery

Jo Pu,~at.iHl PAllets do N a11ttl J ujecr.or.~

W~ttOI'[lroof Nursing A prone do Spoogo &,a do Bil,a (for oltildt-en tee~biug. )

Ff'llows' Cowponnd Syru~ ~teedman'oc Teet.hiug PowJera Rubber TubinJt for F~et-a Ay~r'a Hair Vigor, &1 Rum Allen'11 Hait· Reattner, Ohild'e Truaaee Adult'e Truaaat~, Minard's Linimon~ C.i vert'• Cllrbolio Soap, Fuller'• .E~trLh Dried s.,·ery, Dried Sage, Dried Tl.a1me Wrigb~'a Unlerment.ed Wine B'urdook Blood Bitter. K~1ler'11 Ood Li•,er Oil and .Maa. .East!noo ot Sprnce, Allell'e Lung &lum Judeon'11 Go1d Paint, Judson'• Oold Ink Citrate oC Magnoeia, Cayenne f.otengea­BRIAR,PIPES,A M B.ERS, PERl!'UM !:RY

Hair and Olotbee BRUSHF.S.

. .....


W Preaerp\io~ carefully compounded aacl. • witb }'Uro drop.



A~~a~~ ClmJmtJ .. --- . FI;RE AND LI}.,E •




o .apitl: m,.ooo,ooo Stg. Inauranoea el"eo&ecl OD almoat all kiacla ot

pntperty in Newfouncliaact && low•t POIIibla ra&ee. .J. A UOU8TU9 OLUT.

Souanoa, Sr. lou'a. A.f!J" lor litlflllw.adltatJ E. & TllOJIPION,

' {


CBkPTU Xltl-(CoRtillwtd.) T81 &ITOUID AOSTRALtAH

Aa he doea tbia Ralph Errol · ttering . to hi~aetr: '~o I No I My h en11 I Tell

my own lOA-I can't 'do it 1' and inking in to a chaia·, ia ~Ill bia bllDda et.ber u if in tleepair.

· Advanuiag toward the two~ th eteotive witb a deprecatot'y bow uya: '.Bes: p~trdon, gents. - Yo\l'lt excu~~& me, air, but. I wR& di· rected· t.o do ~hia bu11ineaa poli~ One of you ~::i Mr. Ralph Errol, juat frow A uatnltia.· My uume is Bntekett, eergeant at Scotland Y end l'

• Scotland Y:trd I' '!Ilia is" ory,and R alph, pule as a ghost, apdnga up aud glllps : 'You - you cowe~· .

• Fllther, you hue been rob~ on ship .. board, l 8UJlJ•oee,' aaya the aon. 'I'll attend to the mattea·.' And then, aeeing hia -st.ugg.,rin~, ruua to him and saya: 'You are f~&int. By George"! I abould not hue let -you fut so 'lung.' •

~ut M··· Brackett cont.inues in a dogged sort. of WtJ.J as if be didn't li~e the jo_b : 'I luwe a warrant and instructions from the .Home Office to arreat R..t.lph Errol !'

• Arrest my-roy flltbeL· I' bries Charley ; then he hurst& out Rnd laugbs : ' You are

-cruzy I .He's the foremost man in· Mel· uouroe !'

To this Mr: Brackett says nothing, but is producing a document, when Ralph ia uetween "he officer and his son begging, pleading, cry· ing: • Don't tell '"'"I J:le ia my soo I In •IDOI'CJ1 c.Jon't. tetJ BfX 1'

.But .Brackt:tt,Lt~.\"ing a hOllrt, doesn't tt ust liicnsalf to look "t him, llDd &lya ahllrply : · As .a •returned convict I'

• .a .rttunled convia I' shrieks tbe son. • liJ y tf,,ther 1 S~k ! Tt:ll him he lies I' hut. •not waiting tor un RnRwer I~ hisses : "You ia; scoundrel ! You daue to &tY ."thls of wy d~r old go,·ernor I 1'11--'

And would du O\"t:n more th11n he ·tha·, for lais 11r0l is upr~tiaed in his r~~. . •tlaer's cause, wben thatt. fuLLer s tas.rge rs to him, nntl t:tk&s tho power out of him body untl Roul lay mnLtering in a b roken voice:

4 ! Tue o111n only docs his duty and­tell::i 5011 wlmt,I l ~tn·o never uatred to tell you, t.h1tt your fat t.her is 1t tick~t·of-l t>ave-mau sou t.c ncl!tl t.o t.nmsportaLiqn fot· life, forbi•ltlen to t e t.urn to his tmtive land for the crime of lmrglllrr uod theft I' und stllnds trembhng 1111d wringing Lis luuuls und bowing JJi.s head hefore hi~ son.

Wuh these words the world aeem• to elumgo to Chlltley Er·rol, ~tnd no more ue the loric;ht pl:tce he lal!ed W tbink it.; IJut. l~king on Lia f~ther'a faee, frocu which 11. tfllir of t •loodshot f!ye. ~r.e imvlming O!IO word from laiw.. t'o h~lp him bear shame a~od agony of the momeaH, somet-hi~ dies into the eon's tnind Rnd he givea ltia fllther hope l!ntl conao­l~ttioo, for ho cri&l ba.nely: 'BUT IN~(). "CENT!'

' You b6lieve it 1 Thank God I' and .Ra1pb .Errol \tt aohbing in Charley'• armlf.

'I knOtD it, dear olli geverner I Your ROll,

. who knows and lovea yoo, aooldn't bttlieve you • t.bieC I' anawera t.lte yonn1 man.

'lam a martyr to circumat.antw evidence,' mnt&en the father. • Othtlr men have aid thil, and lied, ba.t.l •Y it, and it'e the living arn~ul hope &o 1M your muther in fle.ven I' Thea tooldns ia&o Ilia bqy'• eyea, Ralph Er-1'01 OQOO aore atanda .-ect, and Ser;eant ._.eU, who bu clrewn back a Jit.ale !rom the 14'-n'iew, eea rathesr dimly-Cor ue old aaar.1a awf11l ahaame baa 'brought. the &elln· to ~e detec&.h•e'a eyea-tbat there ia from now •n ao ahrioking ia the f•ther's look, and that hia only--r.r had been bia 1011 would t.hink ilim JlUilty. '

AfWtr a moment the eftler Errol continue., witb gra•e digr.ity, apelkiog atraight at bia boy •• if be had li"le.&ime t.o loee, for Ser­czeant. Brack&U ia looking uneaaily at. hia watch: 'Sevf'ral timea in my lite I have tried to tell yon, but it-it was too humiliating to cx•nf• to myaon that the Ia..-a of my coun try had mad .. me &n ontc;ut. IUld a felon, and branded me the con\iM and the thief.'

Bll'f lhe 100, who hu become ateadied by hia fatw-'1 mauer, Mt.uma ~ • ·But IOID&o tbiq,aoaae one mOlt be able .. to prov..,on in­nocent. r

' Only one man can, and I came qver to find him, bat ah.all not now be pPrmiued,' repliet~ Ralph udly. ' Bot he b .. never been eeftn ainoe t.bat night ; be lbay have been the guilty part.y hilldelf.'

' Hia name 1' .

FlnJIIDAT,Jeb. 1,, 1889. The Speeob froiD \be tbroae wu aeooadecl by

Mt. Roc.u . . He wlabed Ula ExoelleaOJ a bear~y welcome amonRtt ua-trutted tbat bla atay will be of lool(er duratioa tban bla predec1110r's. h wu a matter of CODJrabalatloa tht alae iadua­trial cperatiooa of our people were Ia\& year at· tended whli " fair meunre of eaoceta. 'l'be aeal ftibery wu a ""1'1 aood oae arouocl the aborea of Notre Dame Hay ; ba~ tbe ahore ftllhery [ belo• tbe anrage. The lAbrador ftabery u bener tbaa lu~ Je'f; but tbe ooro. owiog 0 bad weather, wu oot ao flOOd, He would a · Yite tboee who send •euela to Labrador to load fta}l, to take a little more timtf. •oct hi\Ye the tlab better made. If aoutetbing lila:e tbia be aot dooe, Labrador .fish will not be worth th" lookin~t for. The aalmoa. ftlhen laat year f~ll oa a little, bat thia wu made up. by bet~r pricea. Thia is au­other of our iuduatriee that ia rapidly.dia"ppear­iug-•ocl that owing to tb~ law agaiuat atoppiug brooks . not ~in I( pro periJ ca9fied out. fbo borring 611lu~ry oo abe coaat waa uouaualry ~ood, aad tbe 6•h of a flue qual~ty ; but it waa not half ao pro6t"ble at it abould have been, owing plainly to tbe fiebermen uo' beiog aapphed wit-lr barrels. io w&ich to pack the fiah t"lteo, aa it ia oo tba abore a aew ~xperieoce to baul berrio~t io eucb large quantities. but maoy will be alive to tbia neu IC!aaoa • . and are prepariog them­aelves witb materials to work with eboulc\ occa· aioo require. '!'he lobater fiabery; ia uow a very impNt.aC t. 111duatry ! u tbia .:ountry and one tbat deaerves our bee~ uontion, uaore eapecially on the so·callcd Fre II Shore, where duriog tho pa•t sea ou eople hue been abimefully. tree . Aszrtcohnre baa during tbe put year mtde a good start, due in a greut oaeaeure to tbe boo us syatuen. He (Mr. R.) bad applied for land grauta for more tbao fthy peraon1, who have szooe from their tiabini atatiooa and settled down ia ou r Hay•, where they will clear their laud. during the fall and early spring, and put in their crope before coiniDIC back to their old home. Thia ia a mo,·o io tbe right direction. Shlp· boildiull baa beeu largely carried on 'J'bi!re 11re about :JO nnt:lr building in Green HaJ thi1 wio­tcr, 111imulated by the bounty. The proclam"­tion iu n: poor relief bad a good efft~ct, and was very oeceuary. fhe euforccmca•t of tho BBit .Ae~ wna uo doub~ aueuded with good reauha, aud but for tbo atoppage of bait to the French, t hey would have had a much lar~cr quantity of tieb to put into the foreiJlD markute, which would, of course. llave lt'oded to leaseu the de· m11ud for ours, and tberuby luuen tllu prinea. ~e tr'r'tcd this year we aball aee atill bauer ro­aal~od keep a more \"igilauat watch upon the doins;:t of tlloae who ba\'e been in the habit of supplying bait to .St. Paerre . . Steam communica­t.oo ou the llaya was a public convenience ee· pecially ou the weatern coan; be hoped \bit ft!IU

to IICd it extended to th~ more northeta li"YI. uapecially io thtl diatrict of Fogo, wbich uow baa bot t.toe port of call for the mail ateauoer. Tho Placentia nilway, he waa gl~ to bear, ia about completed, IUld it is·aleo pleaaiog ro know tbd it will be carried on with a profit The llarcelooa Exhibition at wbicb tbia colony waa so ably repreaeuted bt th~t hoo Receiver G~o­eral, waa, we muet all admit, atteudcd with much aucceu to Ull. 'fhia has cepecially heeu ahown by tile lar$re ordera that hue alr~Sady been IC!ot here for our produce. We are indeed ~rlad to aee that the rneo~ ia aome.;here about the eadmate, and tbet aome of oor propbeta pro. pheeied falaeiJ Ia thia ooaa!9'ioa laat aellioa. The ,abjl!Ct of flab ba&Ghial( lnd ftall protection ia oae'tbat be (Mr. R.) takea•areat ioterH' Ia, and be traated tbat wbeo Hr. ~eilaea ~rrivee ou the aceae wa aball baye all aaob mat\en fully looked into, and the maar abuaea which are aow ruaoior riot put a atop to, for we oeed to look after Ute III&DJ diJfereo& fiaber!ea, we hue j111t u mach •• we eaa do to iuoreue them by artiftclal meaua. "!bat" our merohau&a are csuite ali'"• to tbeae taaWI:. ia well demooatrated br the anbltulial war io wbiob tbeJ hu" come for­ward &cnrarda providlua for the atipend of &be eeatlemaa appoloted .. ftahery ioapeotor. Local aelr·KOY•mment ia a sabjeo& wbicb . moat com­mead itaelf • to all ritrh& tbiokiDJ people and therefore aeecll DO oommea& from bim here.

..-ao look fJII';,~5i~i~~; .. .,~-bacl bela .... Tlaa laqa ..... tlt'J oa\np -~•tUtcl aam•er; &a. to u i101it1Mt1jjc .. t tbe Freaob Stew tlaM all tbe loblt.r r.o& aob-jeoc. oo lb~t .l!'reacla Slaon a naa.ed. He (Mr. M.) 111ktd if '' oaa '-'.Polllble &b•t &bt GoYerameatwilr allo• oar peoplelo ba ttoabl· ed io &bia biab·baaded man~, aod will ao& at the Imperial. CioYeramont &o ..._ .&helD. The boo. member ia oonelatiQD · Nretred to nrl­oua other mattttn,amoutr theta tbe bait proteotioa ae"ioe, which be uaerted co-' tilt ooloDJ •eo .. 000, and baa been the meaua of deprf•lot 16,000 of our people of empl.,Jmen&, a9d baa not . u wu expected, eolarged our markec. i~ Lbe Medl&~~r· rauean'. . •

, Mr. P ARSONI followed,critloiaiuaa&ao~ge lenl{tb the opening apeecb. He had boped tbat iL would have portrared aomta liberal aod p~n mea­tare for tbe adnncement. of ~~.ot\oDJ' and p~o­ple; ba' to ita barreoneaa be muas apply she ad~tge tba' out of tlotbio~ ocf~ ootblog He refemsd. among other thiogt, tc; the extrangtoce of the ~crlerument. Kince their cerm of offtce, O!ltaide ~their large reYenuea ooo~equeot upOn ia..creue taxation, theJ have tquaodered with laviab baa upoo abemaelvea aa enra .2.(00.~0. wbicb baa eeo-'ddod to the 'ppblic deb~ of the colony. Fo' tb~eoorrno~s expeucliture, flotbiog can be abowo but 'tweat.y 111ilea of a badiJ ooo­atructed railway, w~ich .onder economic manage­ment eould be bnilt for ooe aixLb of the of tbe public .dtsbt.. .

Hon, ATTORNt:Y GENERAL preaented tile report of the comwittee appoioteclto • tetiae tbe report of the Cooaolidatioo of the l.Awa, and upon mo. tioo leave was ~trauted to cootiuoe tbeif func­tion• for "few chya, wbeb the\r work.would be completed.

After aome notice• ot Jl)otioo bad been made tbe Bouse adjourued till 'l:uetdaJ at :Ji o'ciQck. . ..

FISimRIB~J889. 'Vo shall prepare for Newfoundland

merchants-1000 ~ Quality, Verr Strong,

4 X· 6 Herring NEJS, · ~;~~~ --- 100

Capli( Herring & Cod, light. strong and easy-handling; light. ness is prof!\.

We continue to advocate, as a means to increase the nett profits of the voyage, the light Cod Seine. '

We desire to business with the mer-chants of Newfoundland. ... . _ )

GLOU(fflSTER BET & twiNE COMP 00, Novro4ro

, Baston· omce. 9fCUmmeteial street ~ I

Queen lns~ranc~;Company. CAPITAL-£2,00~060 Sterling.




' LONDON. TWENTY-NINTH 4\.NNUAL ~EPORT, l!he .Reports abd Aoooo~s. f·or the year

1886, presentedf to the ~b~r:eboldera "t the Annual lieetink, on Thqrada.y 5th Ma~, 1887, showed in the r

. JU,RE BRANCH, That tho ~remiums for'1886! afte"-.tlednc·

ting ~e·inauranceli, amoil9ted w £601,649, and tlie ~asea to £353,~94; or 58.75 per uent. .., .

JN. THE LlFE BRA~OH That ~ew Policies h~ beeo iasued for

£268,990, yielding in premium £9,916. and that tbe total nett preruiam 'qcoaoo was £8~,r 374. Tbat the payments tO pohoy~holdera were .£4S,Hl, and that the ~ife land waa increased by £40,003. · •

The Ba.lanoe at Crf'Jit oi Profit and I,oaa, after adding £23,000 to th& Fire :Vund, wQ abown to •mount to .£131,196 lOa -ta., ancJ was diapolt8d of a11 foJlows :- ' FJ ,006 e5 0 _.or DivicleD4 aud Bon•

18,70117 0 ... ,. .... ~~· !Pund, an4 90,4,89 84~~ ·


EVER KNC?WN.._ For Sale (Wbole¥&1e and .he~l) at ~PIOJI'a M~ical Bal,J, Ba~bor GraC!

Golder's Patent Victoria. Anchor and Oil Buoy.

Medals ~Orders for tbe lluoya Lo be h•d of, Jo~

MuNN & Co, Harbor Grace. F. W. GOLDER, Inventor,


1 • Uu officer of A. A. T. Co. S. S Minia,

let-The 'VlCTU U I A ANC u.' IS not ..a- and recipimt o/ tb.e Gold Medal and peciaiiJ adapted for any particular, but euery cla.u Diploma jor rruxfeu at tAt Fiikrie• t1f V(Ut~la, from tho Gu al Ecutun to tho JJory. 1 L"-'ib ·1· ,_ 1 ooo "" ~.,. 1 ton. 9 .. • 00o1.

2nd-Jt auperaedea all othere, u i' .,aa more ~-=---=::-:-:--=-=-~::-::-:-:-::-:-:=~=---=-~~..,..._..,.

~~~~;:/o~er tbao aoy otber tweuty per ceut. GOLIIER'S VIIITOUIA PATENT OIL BUuY· 3rd-It cannot be f oukd by cablea over it or Awardltd A Gold Kedal •t the Ba.rcelo.DA

11arept by i ta owu. Bzhibition, 1888, ~tb-It &low11 io one-fourth tho r04m on depk And now used oy lbe large fleet .of eaililur, for­

Cir rail, only projecting about ..a f ool frow tbe t~ign CLod bankiog Veuels -out of tbia- port. a. '"eaeel'a ai e when etowed. bugiven geoerala&ti.aCacU.oo. teaWnoni&la coo&o-

6tb-lr. n be let go Stock cmd Flute from the jug i!l daily. rail bJ' m oa, o£ a Tumbler. No coct-b{Uinfl,, TESTI;;:-QNIALS. bill-boord8 or £ron oo bu111 neceaaary. OL

6th-] onot pouibly fo•tl the fore-fool or The following teaLifnoniala are from Capl BAW• prink the bo wbih•t beio~ ucured. JUNS, of tbe banking aohoooer Epp~,.11Jd Cap~

7tb-lt ia , ..-ier to cat aodfoA and 1tow HuDSON, of the aobo.mer &lina. bot.h ol Har-aoy~tber ao~~r. . bor Grace :- •

8th-The }ifulte·cao be tnl.:en out aud rtpln«d StR -I have aaed. lbe Yictou Oil Baort io a. few m.UuhM. ~pare Flukes caa be aopplied. tl1e put alfi:IIOn wbil" eupged in. tho Bank Fiab· which iafof great adrantage, by aeodiog nw.ober er.J. and, du.riag the werJ bea..~J atorma euaoaa-. of si~e. tered, bue foWid it t.o. be all that ia. deaired aod.'1'bia Anchor up to five haoc\red weight Ia olahned for it -whether Ia )ling to Ol' cau be tAorauglaly rtpaired by any ordinary Wack- rtlllniog, ia bMYJ aea, o• ridiog h aoohor on tb4> mill, wbereu tbe common.anobor ia totally u.'t- llanka·-there is perfect qfety while yoa bue­ltu wben once broken. tbe 0.1 Buoy afloat. I wo'o..Jd not oow be with-

lOth· - Tbe Stock of the 11 VICTORIA' L'i- out it at aaJ coat. · Yoa. cannot eatiiD4te tb& CHOR'~ leaa tbao o~·half as long aa tbo 1toc.t aaviog bylbe of tbe Oil BuoJ. or the co~mon anobor, and if needed in a AArT! srEPHE!N. HAWKINS, can be thrown ove.r tcillwut Atoclc, and it will be __ found jullt u available. No anchor of tbe da~:a I baYe t¥ed the &tent Oil Buoy tbis aeaaoo 0~ so easily cleared "f chaiu. the Hanke and C4n testif)t to ita aaefulneM, aod • N.B.-The VIOTUlliA. ANCHOR is the ooiJ would.oot care to 'be witboot it, as it often.aavo4 alfchor of tbo da7 fo f or ge~ttltn~n'l yachll wbere mJ veaael wbilat ridiD& at anchor . Aoldi,1g poarer combined with ligblneu aod ntal.nua. ROBERT HUTSON: ia the lkmand I

Were ahown thereaf't8r ~~taqJlu rottowa :-Cap•~~• .t».td up . , ............... .. , ~180,089 • ,ao.ert"el ••• ••• • •••• ; .,. 1• •• ••• ••• ... 440,4-86 &.ire MsOumulat.ioPFap4 . , .... ... . . · 661,016 Anaulty Yaod ...... .l. •· ... ... ... 24,~ 'l'O"l'AL JONDS IN 8A~D ......... ,l,J96,06a

.Tel:l.N OORMAOK, G~l ~ptfor ~Jld.


Harber Gnoe

Look a' the advettuementa in the London Tima aince 1860 to to day, alao in thoae of c.he New York BmMil ainoe 1860, and )'Oil will oCt• W \he name cC &be otlloe boy of Jatrey.tS&evUI Bammyl'o&U r

· ' Brml•y. Potta I t~t'e tbe man yoa wapi. to..._ labaiDJ :rot&~, I'll reQM~Dber &ha' I'

&lr. MDRFBT oritiaiaed tbe Speech at aome' lea.~rtb ; aaid·l& wu mueb after the atereotypld atJie of apeeebea from the tbroae; takea a moa' eocouraalaa aad pleuiaJi •lew of tbe ooaotry'a oooditioa tba' tbe raota do po& warrant, and be Yeoturecl to uaen tbat it &boae wbo can beat I(U&C& tbe..deprtllioa that prenila. the workiog­mea of &bia coaotry, bad the dlctatiog of tbe apHCb ita. tooe would bue beea aet oa a "''1 dlfereat key. Tbe oaly paragraph iu the BfetSCit &bat at all eommeada itaelf &o tbe coalidera&ion of the l:louae ia tha' which deale with &be eaub­llaln$leD& of a .Fiaben- Bureau, aod in relation to tba& aubjeot he would appeal &o tbe boo. member for Triatty, Mr. Wataou,wbetber the aorerameat oaa claim aoy credit foT wbat bu beeo done in ~be maJ&er. de wu aure that \be boa gentle­mao wbo baa alw•r• abowo a linly iatereat in anob mattira, will not deo7 lbn the ol8di& be. loop t.o boa membera upoo tbia aide of tbe Aootber paragraph wbicb commeaded i~Mlf fa­?>rablT to bim {Mr. ltl) wu Lbat which referred t.o abe adnaceaaeot made Ia a,cricql&ural panaila &.be pu~ aeuoo. h••' hllre q.aio the goverameq& ia uojaat io taLiog credi' to themaelyee for a mea. •IJ}".>the succeae of whicb Ia ea&irelr dae to tba boo meaaber for Fortune Uay, Mr. Uoad. h wu tht aeotlem~o who iotrodaaacl t.bll'meuure lut eo.~tou, aqd tbe locreue whlcb bt ,ob&aiaed ha bouo&y, atimalatecl the people to fQdber uer­ticiaaln tba cleariac of laod. Witb. refereace to tbo p.~rapapb ooooemlaa the e~o• of t1ae railway to tbe aorlbi be maat •1 &ba& tabubtea iaeertad for tbe ao • parpoae of deoelYiDI U.. ~pit. No oat wlll · btlitn ,.._, tbt boa tlae fremlor. ille boa .AUOrDIJ (Jeoenal, aod ... ltoa. Mr. Uoodrlclalare aoiol to ianc .... te a polloJ wblob t.beJ .Cinoa.-1 Ia 1881. n. people wen dtoeltad 1 few JIUI ._a bJ &be.....,._ ....... lba& ..... ,. ... bJ &Mat YI!J. ........... aa4 &lletr baf ~•Y wUl ao& be c•llecl tlae IIOCJM ao ballcl a~ to tile hi •Itt

~'libor . ~~race , -Atotu-

f'O.Vl.''81'Tff) .V IllY A I>Vf(,Tf.''UI,R

~~lV~;;.y.;~~~uA~·~~~~~= TBEftB waa •n•,tlrt~a l't\~nl"i.•ee~oing ot U.e

jlo.rd · ol l:ltal'h •" 2 u1cloda ou '.!'hurada.r

1\fteruoon, when a aeport. of ~be atat" ~t the town, eo fur 1\8 t ·d~ded tli•· temper i• concerned, Will\ i faom ~~o ~t.Onl. The no...'tl, w llM vte~U~e<t ~0 ~e~trn, has no• eve:-y rtlfiiOI to bt~lievtt ~llt the dial!lellfl i~t UJ.ulea· good llt.I'VI, "lui tlu,.t liOt much, if any furtht!l' dtta ~lJI' ~0 l>ha vuhlip l1ealth may h~uct:fort-b lJe u ~ltouuutl rron:~ it. The Doctors art~ auti.lsfitc.l thett., ahouiiJ any other C~tAts of Juuullt~t•~ \!lllorlml~ttoly urise, tmch WiJ~ ~~ 9,r ~ ~ilu .t,Yt.e, f..odttif'd by VItO•


As tbiR is tJJe•piuet~~th ~11y sinctl tl1oae persons l~ttely 1111d yet undet• &\•l'ervieion were iu contact witlt the via·uleM qi ellse, atul ~s tL~ •re now nil well, uot comrJI~inioB in t.lae least of ~he ~aRt. e[t-cts of ~~l\llpo~, ~1.\e }aublio of Hnrbor Grac~ IJil ve every a Cll&)O to beJi~ve !.hilt tJ,e COIItlll;lOn is COnfined to t.hs t.wo houses on· Lh., South Side, l)wnetl respec· tively-by John P~trsoos aJJd Willi~tm Noel, which persons ~tre "~ }Jreser.t. in hospit.ul. :For~laereuore,-a.s -.ll the pu1 ties in tl~~ iwo <.1'!-'ellings huve lleen vnocinat.ed, the sup· l,ositiou is '~arrRnl~tble t.hut. ao serious cnso of 11mallrox ill likely t.o 11ppear there in tbe lat>ar' future. So thllt public •\fiXit~t.y on the nlaove score 'should uow lau ~tllnyec:f. All dlln· ~or, it is tnir to laeliovc, is p~st.; and, it ill ;JlopeJ, we shall 1,o R(l••rP.<l from fl,trthcl' I'll v~ ~gas of the dist!11~. ¥or 'YI.JL~ lt~t. ~~~ .~e .~nkful.

· The womart, y,,;: p;_rso'l~· ~ whom 'fC :refer rt-d on W t:dnesday, is, it i11 pl,~:t~siu_g to ~tate, qui~ xecove1-ed; she hRfl no~ Let:\1 ll,;\ id uside Ly the Jist:ru~d, 11he lat:iog llLie t.l so ubo~t l.aer work ull the tiuae •.

William Noel, (1\ther of thv~rson of lhut name at. presen~ iu the hospi~.d, w11s n11uov ~:d tbe1'8 on WeJnesthtv C\'ening H A w~ts tmf· fering (roru a mild ~l,ti\Ck of \'B riolnid-(t luu is, amullpox modified by p1evion!i vncuin .. Liou) -he having Lt!en s.,oailale en0l1gh to u vai_l of t.l1e grt'llt. pre \·enti ve. 'I hill i t1 u si~nH l proof of tho luge nd\'llnta;;o nut! wisJ o111 of at. ttll times seAking tuo ~tid of Wtccituttion. Then, if the tli11eu~ llo loc l.ultl of On<', he is com­]>~tr.lti vely ~~arc fr·om the v.;o~-st eflocts of ; be Clln 1 Cllt well ljllt.isfied.

ThP patients nt. pl'CSeutconlinetl in t.he hos­piW are doin~ wt:ll, are in tt f •tir wot! to· wa1'Cia ~om.P.Ieto r~ovea~. \Vt.Jiitt'l_l. fu•~c:!ns is ao convlllt:a~nt tleat },e is :d,lt~ to wul&. ubout, to eut. laexrtily, aod is fccliu;; wt:ll. ·

Tm;.Elec.tiou ~der the Tempernn~ ~\ct \.11 the Distric~ of H arbor Grace on \Vedne day next. Of the result we have no fear. Oq,r people are fast mnking up tlleir' minds that they will not h'\ ve any change iu the presen_t 'J?enetlcent law. The interests of the couhuued peacc,good order and welfare of this and othe1· com­munities in the Ba.y are paramount on~. The existing creditable and satisfactory condition of affairs " 'fll not be disturbed -"well enough" shalll..e let alone. 'rhis \\'ednesday's poll will declare! •

The Deputation l{om lhA C.E T.S., frienda, hue l>eeu lund at w!?rk 11iuce Wed· nesdak Oq lbe ~venjng of a.h.t· cl•y a TeiJl· peraooe meeting ,..., ~ l~ave ~ J.eld at &be Soa'h Side of t.hta tooa!h. 'rhfl olmrcbea lllld the echoola having, however, bt!en clOHed o•iog 1o the t•reeence of llm~tllpo'x there, 11nd • oonaideraMe nnmber of t.he J160pltt not. be· jog vaccin~t.t>d, ~oc&.ora Al!.th at.n~ re­)JOfua'loO the Cluurna11n of the Bo"r~ of Ae~tlth that in their' OJ•inio~ it wo'11'1 ~ imprudeJ"!L to holi a~y Jml,lic gfttbftr~n; on the South Side fCJr ~me liula ti•!'e t.o corqe. Couooc • qoent.lylhp meeting referml to abov., wu-c n.ot beld. Tbia i8 a time wbe~ peop,le eatnqo~ 1101· llibly be too .:a'reful.

On following 'l'bnrsday eveqin~, how­eYer a cro.r<.led and ve•·y tmtl.usi118Lic Ti'm­j~erarice Meeting Wll& held in '"" scl!ool-romq -' Upper ~shu ad Co,·e. A. t.erupo~ry phtt iom1 wllB erectft), 1tnJ tl}e fOOIIl &.ast.efully lJecontted witlt Lanting for th') ocou~ion . We llr8 iod&bted l9 006 whq WIIS111'~nt for following iuten:eting ·~~nt o,f t.he •tteet-ipg:

.Hev. A. C • .t. 'Varren took·the chair, ~tnl introdu~d 1.he IIJ~t:at.kers ~ith M>l\l!l J•lenaant MOd wttll <Airect.ed rewRtks. ThS? ia:tmt.e!IC.Jto• lllblot ~0011 will vrevllilf'd. , •

Rev. Atr. Noel was the tint erf'n~6r. ne fiXJ.I•iucod t.he l'rt'!Wnt. J.U.ltion with reference to \ht' Per~uiMtiyf' Aer, and •JIJ.~e&led ~uc.h 4:0P'fintiY ""d "11rrnly f\)r lt\t IIUJIJ~Urt.

llr. ·u. "(. Mu~ot: l10th l•y •fl!'nment and fDdO'J\)us 12;1adot " fa,·(•lll'!lJl~ at.,Ud furc:;~bl\f i\¥· )"""'~ uu lu• "-' uOJ.

Utt w•• fullnwwd l•y Mr. Uobfrt. B.~Jcock, Jr •• aud .Yr. ~hom•• U.·~· Jr. Tt wu ~\*i ~. dad 'be •holu u.f'dao~ WJtl\ ol one muul io ••t•t.lh••~k"n.' 111'.,_1 ...

)lr • .Job~ Mud~ tlum avukt, at.nd f!lOYet) 1\ ~ .. tiut. or tl.e .. "' .. ., ...... ~·· ... ~ .. oue flon'...d "' HatliCifar OtaOit. Tiu.11 •• .._,u~· tel Mr. U ~uno in •i&.&iaWtiiUJ•GIJilte,l1~

._ ...... i. ~~

•reechu an4 no' p~ witlr" •liiG1r'tbe Uooal ADLbetA wa~eaad.e~ ~e fi anlfil. and determi~ Cbe men to abicle by l11 w and ~ , mue. th.,ir Uck.M \• "'Prqbibi~~ A • Of the 'file apeaken ~ pjtl~~·~.... ...

A\ Bay L!MII!f "Ad oqfej\.Joint ~·t tJV~{l}ng two goo<[ •Ueti"~ • )V8~'! la.eld, &~ which tl1,.e cli!pn~\ion aod tla._r fn~4a ~CU'e p~nt in forpe. 9n ~h.e pl~tforcg ·~ t.ho.L!~y .IW~rtiS meetinl wer~-3ttv. Mr. Sbean, C~irmau; ~v. ! · W~, AI A, Rttv. ?t~r. S11o1'de~; and ~le8;8ra. ~lott, Hierlihy, _Jar­diue, lUJW )(ercer, \y. U.l}ltrsell, W. Tapp, aud J. 0. llea~a·. ' · Qn.tbe pl"'form at t.he QoloJ's Poa t mee~. in~ were-O~tpt. Eli Dawe, Oh~tirrull ; Rev. .Mr. Sru~&t·~ Dr. ·MoLeocl, and Mesaas. J. F. .A,paey, 1). Muon, J . .F. HiH~ins, ul\(1 R. D.­Mcltlle.

Tbtt Uepotatioo and tJwir friends met with a oc~ial ~ptioQ at. l,qth pit~.~. Resol~t~ tiona, eimiJut· to those pJovfd ut other !Ut~t· ins-, were pft>posed uud uouuinlously e~~.rri~d; to tbe follo.wing off~t, vijo<, thl\t t.he Penl11s·· sive "Act at present arid f6i· sou1e-tirua puat in .{orcO 'W-118 R la<vle~htl oue j t.h~t h luu.l ~u uttended with good 1-Asults, und httd led to t.lttl courinnauco of tho peace 11ud JlOOd order pre­''ailiog all throughout tile Vletrict ; aotJ that 1t was d.:airablt:, and that. tbis mecstiu~ would pl.:d)(Q itaotr to ure ali !qil~hlu me11 na caloul~ttutJ to act­cute succeaa a~ ll1.9 pQile ou \\' odnesday uoxt. • Hot.,ll meeliujit \Yuru very uotllusi~tio ones, and· wil! taHollowed wilb good rcaults.·

I '• • • '·· - ..,. T~ :E)IS~ 1iATC~R~.:

~pp:csl)'tio:g. ~~y's Claims. ~ -- ·.

As onr readers are uware, t!lere recently Rrl h;ed On the shores or tj;'}:t colony li ~ntle­,!UUII1 ~r. Adolph :tieJiseo! O!\r n?w Superiu.­tcn~nt or li'U!heri~~. who e exper•enet:<.lllt:l'\'1. ces t!•u Qov~rnt,nea,t, s'lLst.llntilllli' la~tckt~u by 'the Ch~t~l.e1· or Conut~erce, Jun-o d~a~t:d i~ 'Yi~ ~9 !>ecur~and llV~til of. For ·the attain tour. t of whut useful f•UI' JIO.'Ie, iL i:t la ~:n> 1.eetl· less to tell. '1'/w.t, sut·cly, i~ well known to inwlligent reullur.

Mr. NeilsPn, HS it is r.atural to suppollf', will ocL in noujunction willa thut. \'ul u11ltlt: laooy, the Flsh.,a·it-s Commi!Sl:lion. Go•utl\)liCll 11!1 thif\ i:i of u lllll';ll11.:r ul 0111' UI!St uu~ · eu~~L e~qwnenced ·~•en, i11\ ' ing LHY.tftlc~tl 111."\jll lli~­"nce with llu: :~~plu l""~uiL iu ~ttl its l!runci11M,

d kn.owitig wt:ll, lll•)l't:O \'tr, ~h.o. i ouprt1Vl' ts Ll11it. 1ti'C dt:.'lji·11Ll~; it ill saft: tu ullirui

thnL tu~y nrc \~ull <p.a.di liutl ll,) rout).llr ~r r. Ncilstln \'uluuLit: u~i~owti\Ctl in his u~fnl c~ u. l in;porlnnt WCH j,, • 1'h.i!!, wo lir~ jn:l'bll•oJuJ, tutjy wiU freely uml ;,;t:tdly ;::rl\nt.

~uturully, ontl o~· the .lii"SL ~hir~ wl,~cla will Pllgllftl ~1' •• ~1C I~tf'II8 '.C~rt>lul. IILIUII~IOII will \10 Lhu aolccu on of u surtutalu am~ lo1· tl•e Cl$Semi~tl purpo:1e~o of a fi>1l1 lmlchery-~t plucu of size s uUiuteut Lo produco c·uou ~d<L'iuU 11.11

wnny ll8 21JO 111illion yout~g <:otl. Now, the 11er~inen~ quealioo \Vhich

llny i:~ thu ouo I >est utluptt:d fot· so 'ulu~tule n ~~nrpo'le 118 the uforegoin~ 1 \Yo uu\lco laold to bUY that. C'"•ucol'tiOJ~ Bay pt>RlleliCllllll ,·uot~t~es secouU to ) \deich pru-ewiuen~l.f eut~tlu it to u tins~ J•lliet: in the ~tLovo respc~t.-.fclvunlllgea which un­~l>tetlly give it tho }lruft:r_enco 118 LbO lJusL lt>Ctalily wluue the t!XII<lriment should finst IJe .,.•ftlljod. 'l'I.Jere are~ tben, a Vlltiot.y Of 1mlfi cienl rt:~u•opa ';'lay Conceptio':\ Jj,,y otrei'IJ Got­tor fycilities for the WOI'k Lbun )'O..fu,ps any other , pltu:a in t.he il};l•ueuillte 'icini~oy, Mutl would cousoquunloly be the mo.t ad Y&;l>OU6,

moat. dtsAirallla lt~C~&Lion. Thoats l.ll'ieOy ure C.bese -( 1) beotn110 it is cen,tal, Ia near to ~~. J ohn'•, t.he heftu·quarteait bC the Bur&&u ; h~ta ~ul•r couu!Juqi~Hon 1J1 rail lll 1111 times, and conaeqneotly ia- DIOI'8 t!Msy of aCCt~HS t.llttll a"y plaqt lt1rtber ~·•Y· For thca1' teJl.eOn~ &.he haporlanl.husioeaaC\mlu t&curried un;uo1 o exJIBdat.ioualy, anoae che-ply, •nd mo!'e .sa tis~ factoriiJ tl.utu in aoy.S.yuoL huving I ha~tfore· S~tia f .. oiJiti811 ll~d lld\'llOtKgPa. {2! t:oncAp· tion ~xlau lltl<tln IIIOr& thorough)y deplttLed of it11_tish ll!•n liD,)'"r Thty, ~tnd Lheru auust netoqll taft OU thnt lt.CCOIIDt the grouteKt l'e~Oil why jt sl~oqld h~ty9 Lhe J>rufet'tmc,- be tbe first. to get. a {I'OIIh lll!pJlly. (3J Concep­tion B,.ay aa 11\l\~ l'*rger unLI laiUJ more J)ell'­ple t.h( u IU!l' other B,Jty l!ear t.o S•: J ohu'11 •. Hllll il not, then, for thest1 good uod KutfioioM reiUIOOS lllune very lrtrgt> 9lllilll8 ~ We Llii'lk: SO~

,In ortfer ~ho better to emphuize tht~ir oriuions, and AS tb" S.'lmt! tirue BtrODIClhbn\he b11ud1 Of tbe }~ej)re~vralitt!B or the ~il!t~reo~ 1Jietr~c..•u Co~ COl'liou Ua,f,-tho~e. t'IZ. of Htrbor (irac". or Carbooe11a:: or q..y:dt:-y ur .e. of Urif[os, aud ~r Harbor M~lu' t~i~h' ip all ;-iu ordt~r, w5' sa7, to uiro ~oiqe f4, the rouonablcs coote~Liun or llu' people of theabqye 11\nce ao~ iuflnential d\lsri~la1 eneral petitioua t.) the AIHC!blz •'1 lldtr re·

vin~r aigoatqreJ, 11ud ~ill iu a ehors · &irue t». aeu' OlllO I bet IJjC'\.~btfl afor~i4Jor preaeutatiOD. h ie to bto hopei!, "'!tf ~~ lnohn:'to \ltluk, that~ (uorable rr•.,an .. "ill ~ef(l'&uteclJo the r~oeal of thtt aulluJ peol'l~t iubabitiDK \lie ~bova iut· l'Ortau~ \.laatrio._. We tlall M~t.

. . • .•. t •. . -Wt b"e j..- nG~ti•tt~ ~ 111uet ¥n~o­Cao~ ~ed 9Jt&IC!BU~· •• b&Ye n• .. .,. t '' is iaeuJbj'l'IJe ~Hie Uroa. Co. (Ud .. ) 'l'orouto, aud oouraiul deectriplion ud prlon of ne•nblax lu 1eed1, ·...,._, cli•bina viD-. !owetiu,c bull• pod .,...,.. : a book vf 11~ .,.... ... profiiHJJ II· lnt4ra&ed. bu atBQ • otiro .. ·li~lt place. ahowiac f.,ar t~ of llaeif .. Nn Art Coa· a.c.o d( ~eM~.' New aiMI rare DOYel• udtleld

The Hone··~ JJ~P,mbly dutlnc the ~'111e1 '4f¥ _,in regular lion convened. 11 .TtJ. ,IJllJPero~ hl~elra olthe St4NPABD ~ 'luae~ tD

Thtt Premier- w.~ ....,..f'oroible io hw qwkt~, aud s-.-e indication ~~ be eao a&.rike fi"'Ol t.~~\" ~"Aef. •IUiq h ~at • apici4f ~­Be puaJar~oulariT bapt•Y in hill opeai~a~ re matka and otitl~'-ro cM-ltr. Bond'• •r,eoh u a u·~eboql-:b.91.'• ~ ~ell-prepa~ed. • --

-Tlllol AbtliMIIt:e RoU, Ft~»:1G~ 1889 Tl\e Aaaaal &ieelloa of tbe C.lboUO. ••eYO·

!.Jot Jriab tlooie&J ., .. beld lb"' daJ. ' After &It• uaqaf btllio ... ¥d ~eo dilpoeld.of, the follo"-ioa Repor' ... aob~aiLted, abd oaiw~ctoo, ~-

ial Cone~nde"' (Of t~Jt aubjoloed. verJ 'concise. ~ ~bl.e Ad pithy sam:. ]J1IIry of pr®eedlN! on Taesday, Wed­nesday ~d ·Thqnd.i.v. The aubjoined '' despatch- received at 2,8Q p.m.;walJ f!rst tell 'heiJ! w~at has .lately £rp.nspitea ~the HoUJe.

SPECIAL TO~ THE ST~DARD. · l!Jt. Jo'hrt'•· p.m. to-dav.

Tbe dehat.o on Lhu A1Jr~Ua io tt,piJ cuutiu'ued YHterday. Meaa ... Sbea, PanQpe. Moriaon. Wa'· eon, aod ..l;ico" Apolre. Sciotr.'a speech was able ani.! projlreaaiwe. J' f•,orud ~ ~il•ar nor'~· lf thu cuuntry'ellnane~ WMT&nted ate conatruo~1on . So said bu wo~ld ovpoae ~ny e.Jpeu~t!lrO .l9 compel colony to aee)t relief from forci~o jlOV· oruwo!lt ~J'raO~~o~ Aloriaop we~o nl~ fayur­&..ble to \he northeru .r,ailway Sh.ea. h.o•· ~tver, oppoaed railwa7 cuJ&Jtructiop Mr \V~tleon tt.lted \hat he bad a pr9po~l to ulako for a IJul\11 e,tpeodituro for railway purp~ee

.9ih~ aad adopted :-· • · · · ~ppo,:, ~{ tAe O.lfktn ".f 1M C~tltylicJ RptrnN

•;J,rUI& ~lg f-r l}.e ~ ~~lli".. J.~. lOti. :~ In c~mp.liaueo witb t~ .r~J• of oar SoclelJ

!l'be .. veni..{l~ h~t\1"11 "ere lllled \J1 on ad· .Jour Olloera hue IOflOb plta(ll~ j.u i~atjoJ dreu tro111' Mt. M,. orino. 1'J10 blJeC\lh 1was tbt~ir Auooal Report.

. 1he taunt h,ad -~~ eUoat. . an~ hr~8bt ?tJ:r. }lond tQ )l~ fee't. He Wllrl\fd &.lle frOUii~r to lie civil h\ t.b• faturt~, 'or tba~ .oJne dw he wou!d get. a g~ter ··~·• ~htlt,\Jaad fallen to L~ ~lumt.

' d , .. .:! we .tlod oq J~tr~rejlo~ lo tho r.t·eMO··· * [AngLhy, ole•er 1\nd euttlrtatoirag. ao r~vej\ ~ counts. whmb will be-placed before JP~. tba' J.b.6. th~ presttnt. potlj~i<P(d( tlaa Or$1.-;hile expon· c;oauci~tl cpnqition of lbe ~ooielJ' i•.MUJf~~'l.l en~. or toe ~Yhi~eWilf policy. Ho retiewed 'J:bie ie indeed a ma~tea of couatratu'-\iP.P., 1?9.».: 'tt~o whole HJ'16~h, d~velliog on each aeoLion altJeriu.r,bo depre-.ed a.t...te or 'V~ t\m611i.• ' io succeMion. llnd tllking OCCilsion in passing Ma~cb tue l7,b, tbe fuau of tbe-&ciety'~ tQ ~t forth his own lli!O\IIiar tt<1tio.a1s since the l>atron Saio~. WM ctlebra~d \o ""The-- CQilOll!~ ttUtt meeting of L l\ltiRiatua-e. Bo no"' un.d .n,ooer.. The Soci fo.!t ltoadetf b1 1he IO•Nf,., ' · .. n • 1 .b k ILarchpd to·pr;oceaio l.t!JroyJ!'b ~hB.t9•uJ ~udAl­{lgllm Jllltled lb~ vo\·en~u~ent on t \6 1\0 • tended tbe Holy f:iaorilice qi Ute AJaaa, Art~ and b~twPeo whiles ~qu.tms~&~red to t~ ll wlaieh, haviol{ ~~~sf oq tll.q..aletn tlloi~tqJ:Q:

'1'1 (~o•eru!llenf• p~lic7 f<' far 1.8 enLirely.-q&iJd re~uke ..\ but, tha ouglacut l\11, b., tie~· .• ~to lb.~ _a all. • · ' · · • • st.rnt.ed to ltD obaervunt asaer:pbiJ that he ¥1 the r"po~~ o( tb• Bao.d ~wmittee, we lcarR oould Hi1 on-Lbe renee to Jl~rfec~ion. lha' t~~ ~~.d h~ ~d.o. "''~fa~rY. p~oA:~~~

___ dariog tho patt ·1eax:. •. u ~f\oed.oo tho subj~~ ol ' nailwf..f ,or~~ r~il -

I ....... 1,.. ::::

SSEMBLY NOT£8. · 81. John',, jl'4b. ".s1. IS~.

'WI1on the onae 1oet on Tue~~d~ty, .Mr. 0~trty presented 'the Commi•,tee'a druh nf •n AddrE:ss in ~~1ly to " lilt> gr11cions SpoPoh wi~b ~laich His EJcelloucy huu bt:en pleasetl to o're..\1 u,e ~~~emLiy." . Tbe Address WllS

reud a ria11t timu aud the HIISJlElll~ion of the a·11les of the House granted foa· i~ ~o.nsi<\c~­t ion. Severn I lailltt ttnd n111endmenU1 1.0 l, ilfs were relld for the first. time, nn l many of tho questi.-·ms of ovhich notiQe lattll IJeou given oo thP lu·e,·ious tlay of li ting, wt•re unswered or perla11 rJI pt'Oo:\i4es gl. \'un of their Leing un. ~we red,:

The u\SC~IR8inn contjou,ed lo.tJa.r. ?t~r. Mor· l'isJ a memher of wbnt. in local circlf'~ is known ps tlee J,ilJeral Oppos,tion, apo~e for a con· aideral•lu time. HiB remarks were &U&:,"t!Btive· in sevea'l\l instant$41 11S where laA described the Oo,·otmutmt lP thAia- rttil way pp,licy 1\8. " m~uer~tding in ~ia· Willi~tm',. ol<l clothflfl.'' He, ~owevtJr, 11howed a mi xto re in Ia i11 gf'o­gntphictt l hied!$ when, . in llckno\}'\odging hjl! im.lolai.Cdne$8 to the me.mbe,· for Bona\'istu for hi!! J ~t<t11onod di~oolosures anti ~lectioneerinj! ad;: ventures, he st11ted tuat lao hu•l now 1\n "in­liulate knvwle~e of the cn~et lin-" 11n~ .~1.1 tlw, hua·bora fro111 C~tpe St Jolin lo Uoosu <Ju,·o.'' Nor did he quickly recogoi:~o tha Cllnse of the lnu~later wl11cJ• th~:~n o'vt:rtook t.lee AsaeruLiy l

Aftor 11 a.laurt SI HM'Cb l•y Mr. M t:;Gru,le, the L!on .. t:1Hij o}U 11t'.d lO lllf'UL ouce~ol't'1 Ku!J t~.!s Litl.b f••r · c.Jiuuor 11!. thtt "gulaurnat.tll idl !"'lit• tlu11ce." J ~ 0 E:f. ----· .....

( f ilii Tilt~ JI,\H~OK q KACt: :N''\NUA I,IOJ

QONyl!:D.t:' ~N S13. PAU~'S HALL.

The reul inler~t of t~e cltty cen,ae: in n. incic.lent which. tho~gh t~lh;ht in itH•·I f, an!ty, like the p rO\'t:rl.i"l ~u·:~.v ~vhic:_J. ,,~11 ~huw how 1 H" livt'l' 0.1\v:c, yrt•. 1utr' \ 't1 lh ioll ib tit' thA t.,OI,(~IIIIllt!ll~ of LIIO lll't'H~II t •. l:olllllllllll<t." 1 t lirOl\11 IIJII. Ol U nuLiCb ltll' Lh~t H('pllilll)ll,.llt Of It

tltlllr· kt-111>$!1', Vol\) of' l hot lllr.wokJ'II; ,VII ~~~t: OCC.t:iiOIII KUtlt'd IJ>•t l H .,;PI ~Hill lll t"lll •llll' vf tltll 'l'lo~ ~rl't\t JII}CCe88 W)liCh lollS IIJI P.,OIIt!ll tlot' Cll·

tt!rlniuuum tll bo;:ld in 1ui11 h"ll drew n htrl!'-' uucl Q•>Vl'tlll l~ol (w luJXllll tlll t1 it wunltl lnt•'u ~·to• ·u rt-"IJt!CIKlllc Alll.lio:ucu oc \Yu•J rwsdllf C\'••III[I~. thu 11~ WI'().. to IVt'' '-' l 'l .. ntv>ucd, fur nil ka;ew II. t.J J:lr lo 111,.1 Tl.,. auuCHIIICCiut:u~ thn• lhl! llcn·io¥" luo J\1}· U~~rty) iutti H.'\itl tluo ~ LWit ti.IHI' k~t'IH::I ~ of •'.liou E'iphcr lltlll h~t:n ~C.Il(ed, ,(l.un.l• tl t>!j<t. ~d·l· Ol' llh',fiPu;;cr:c wt:~rtl tu J,e III!J>Oill lPtl,-ont: col c .. .,,.iil .. rubly lo the 11\lrllcliun 'J lt i11 l:ooly hl\11 Ho111nn O.uholiu Kllll 0111> P l'uLc.o•tniiL,-nuol clltuhil:thvl 11 loij:b r~pulnliou 111 11 pruf..qiou,.l, t.lmt Ito 11~1, 1 d111 tlvmiullti1111 of alu: H11111-.n """ i11 ~<lwl\y:s w~: ll rcceivell nl lwr "l'flt'lllfoiiCc 111 t;,,LI;ulic. Tho ulh~Jr 111 ,..111 r,cf'R of lhtl Jl tllt .. e tlo u·I.Jnpilal. llcr rccc!'l iuu on \l•e prcs~nt occn-

. - ·1011 ~'II~ rt• J!n•rly a• l'au• l. •J'u "''Y ll111l "hts 1':1!1 uf t.llliL ! •t'tHIIn~it• ll WI'W lllt:O•:t-l'rl , 11111l ~'!!llCU u ~ w "' ·~ ~ "' " '< u ,. " rich " '" ' loi::hl.f oulrovnrt:ol .roecu. i11 Lo ~Jiil tlu. li IOtllt•l l'olta:1 £,, lhA'U,H'ciiiii\Cnt, ('rlllC:IIlin;: S hu '"'' ouly· 11iu~;a ~ith t'IUIU ftlld c.rn.~. !Jut wirh

"~" i11~t· tl1n :1 u tt...:ntfic i•U~tiun ''"""v..JOU '·y reKI lJ~<Ihoa ,::illt~ \\II' IICL'Utllpnnl ~< lt Cnnu &he Lhu lhllltd•t~• fut· S L. Ukllrt:l::'"· Rtlt. d w J I'Oi e.-.c. <.;"t~i lnl IJy ~\I'll . l~IO\, \~ho io~ 11jeo .v•HY povular. C•tu.o l!.'A \o:\p (ur &!rO~~ t!J llJ.l.l••llt .'.~t.'•~iu;;. It "' ~·ly 11 pity &hat uoort: oppurtnnitlo:t 11re utH T hA JI•I:Ji ti0'1, nil fur1.t1 ... r coltl)'l it.:•th•U l.y tlu: 'rtfTor d for lh• app,.ar•tUCtl of thuo ani.J oehcr

111.1 ti 1 1 l11ol1·,.a uti "Mili iPt•,,.ll. liS · •I• e .. uot ouly afJnrtl l •re vaonll ll'lu!6rtion!t elf 11 1'. \JtU:l.Y t mt. l au op· .. ..~ ' •· • J

C!lu~i craule plc~nre ln tho.:w )l' hp Iitten lO tlocm. t~CJIICI!L of l.llli ' <'IIIIUidul~ lmJ \'ulunlnraly IOU· r.:n 1110t. tv cuhivrlle JUiblic IRstu (ur hi~th tirntl thron)!la l•n• in~ ll•cti''t-•1 •.t lli l~tih\1' up- claM 111 ~ic. nntl like" i,.l' ec:hool o1her nml\leurs !Jt•int.ll~t'lll. ft,'O,lll the -City eu.:, •• cil.· \VIae ll in lhdr t: OriS to 81111{ with IIISte nntJ precision. t.Jae IUut.iou CI\IUd t.n 1,.., K)lokt' ll 1111, U 1>00110 Ull All Q holo the COIICl'rt \\1111 Wt'll Uf) fCI the 1111 A1l. 'fhe !lten.1•~11 'lntui·~ted Wtl tl, tiHithy, 11111rl:. wKS it !!hooltlt11l:e anJ ( liU U ~ooU tlat'l or ~>lpdae· lllslll~~\cl'iug. WllC1 f'ft rli.:r iu tht• yc11r, but lhu II IIAVOifilllJie.dt:·

I l ~ r III,Y ~nly• hlld lhu t•IJcct or ~tiviu,; IOIJI.'er li o.18 IO T~·o JiviA(olls were lent unt l ~ll lur co~u- llou l•f'll~ti~l!lt o( tul\kiDJ.; ~hu &(m~s ·a nd choruses LillKlWIIH or JIUrtiCtl mndt•. PP,ntf' 110 \\'(c\'Cr, lbOro <:prrc~:t. followed upon tho ptOIIlibO of lllo Pr~mic1· to. Arter n11 instrnmentnl cl not by Mrs. E. B. tllku the m•t(~f il,, ·hitn~ Thompson 1111d Miaa Mary :-Jot!l . tho tung nnd e , , CbOrU8 \\'bito ~\.,llj:S Wl\8 lUllS, tthicJI WI" WtsJI

The rlillcuf>t.ion on t.he d~l't!IJS nf'fl~unkR" receivud nnd govc ~::reat hopu or eucccu to what Wtlfl rCIIItUleO on \Vt-!lnellduv. illr. Uond WU'-l..U rollow. . 811o1ce in u nle":ta·, intel'ti"e•.•t< ll l~tl fll'l~llledittucu M1la F~ber'e ·Solo-' Sleep well.· sleep well,'

" 0 WI\~ UPX~ ·'J'he lll'planll& willJ whiCh 11he Wfta rt~• ru~~ll\l l'r eho}fing thllt )r& wus O\'idout ly well cetv~tJ Sf!Oh "bll, uud tho Rrealest &til lops w111

JH't!JII.Ireu. ~ oriticis~ ~lao ~vLole AJ~re~ ub1u~rved wloile 11ho reudcr~:d the piece, "·hich shu uJeJiing wit I JengLJ.. tli)Qil MCI~I tiOO. -\!O diu It ith t(reol 8fd~8lUC88. Jt t:f i,citt!d a jloarty couc.lenent:d tile ~··t!erul poli~y t. li.e Q~vern ~ uncdrt~, to which Rho rc~Rouded .,.. itjl ' !•'airly meut,\;tng tlleeq e •J.epi~ll w1th w con . V~tnl:ht.' Hur second 11olo l~t• cr on· wa. equttlly sU.unoy 011 the r•l~tteJ extehsi9n oftlae nppro:ci11tcd. nnd she wM nl!aiu s:allotl for, and nti.l wr~y 1101.c.ll~urJ. In SII JIJIOrt of this n.ok uowledgtti iL. T hu ~erio-Comic Qu"rtette,

Johu Unll ~tltd hie three liulo brothers: wl\8 very cluugt~, Le qnote•l fron t.ho ' f•>t•tnea· opinion~ tliDI.IIIing-Mr. WbitlliiiO anst.iuing the chantcler of tlofl meml.aul'4 of, nud reuJ or .Juhu .ijull: Scollle, Pat nnd TttiTy being for thi;ivurpose fa·ou1 1t hook ua \vhi~la, us ho .?Jeas\11. ford. ~eymonr 11'\d Uadeock aeaprcti\'e­&tid hi'ltllelf, ho hnd ~ollected t.l.ioga " lJoth ly. Mrs J'ilot"a solo waa • ~\·e's H'!qtteat,' ntHJ 1\ud oiJ.'1

• which wu wt!ll eon.: anti npplauded. lu t lo~t anng nod choroa • llow can we mp rl!,r:lgO ~be

• · · • .l!'ertu ~· · ~Ji... fnooy Uadcock su11laio~d • tile Tlie fren~j~r ~~t>liW to thcfla Rtricltll'es, r9 pa inoipal olll\ri\Ctur. It w&apoe of tbe bOlt piecea

pel!ing t.~e ch'llrges of inconllistencf, or \Vast~- of tbu u•:eoinj:. A pa~uy tno roiiOl"Od. oong by llaln<.'flll iQ 1\dmi,nist~f.\on,, nud o( ll bttl~neu iac throe dnallSela or the ritiinst ,:eueratiop-Miaes the policy Ol!tline<.\. .fJ:e &howu~ tb,Jtt t~o•Uth M. tiponou. ~. ~oel, auu M: Fu~erald, thouJlb tbe Quvernmf'nt might ~ ~wosed td r•ihyll.t tht17 aaau'l!ed to b" 20.. 80, and 40 respectively. bnildiug by rell!Joli of tlae a"eaoluHons intro· Serel'l\1 other oonga' and cb~noaes wore given. du~J loy ~ir Ambrose ~b&t, y«;.~ thpjr tto.tiop In tiel, in uyery cue tbo·choruaea W1£ut •oil, in tba.~ ~atter was due to tlae n,eo, t\lilll' l'eltt- llle voisze• iu P.trtt ulcely ble~din~:. "IJil.s good

r~ ~ -: ti•uo w.u •n~taloed. ~n IIHII!SWfC •I net wu saog tionH f'risting at \h.e 1iule ~ot.weeu the Qov... by Mr. Eord 1\0d Mr. t:;eymout entitled. • Ae ern.meut aud the &tjlwaty Ooolpany, atnd,'· wl\icb wu locali&ttd and cootaioeot eom& conld QO~ be cou11,roed inW> ' jlenel'lll oppoai- good hitAi a\· pqlitice ,,,a poli1~ans: Also we tio'J lo l'l\ilwl\1 meait~trwe. . T~'PY h~ci sinQ& mutt uo' f"il · to uotioe tbe bumorops •ocslodJ, bu~i( t.he Bl•~n,ia bi'IIQclt, llnd now OR ita • Jn. m1 6!'¥ huabautt'u t(nw.' rendered by Miq

l · .. ~ to d rt k ll Maud Fitzl'oralll. 'I'Iua ,trunll lady •howe aigoa co P eltoo were r~ Y. nn e " ts •e ex· of bd~u1iu.JC ooe or our rut.ore •ocali .. a. •ad to:: te aion of daQ li'!e- -northward'!, o~\d lo COl}\· ~(ether witb Ou;f or t•o otbura s;ye promia, of a J' it 11.1 hJ~idly ~ lbt '!leans of the c<Siouy rapid c.lneloptDell' a_f their mq~cal abilit• Mr. WOillcl ~ll~w. lfe •~indid lbe honol'lll;le &J\l&Cioriu adrtitioo t'> ta~IDIC par' in~lhprpi~ mel}lbet tor Furtono Blly of the <¥>ndit.iou of anaintaimtd b~ .._.,utatioo far ~ conaao eo~ ia the ooq1J'rl' aucJ t.lae I)C)v~rty of the· J'eople . • Cooaio :iarala,'aocJ held audieacew,..,aleit1 (wbiob •ere «toe lo conl.ioued C.ilurea or the with J.urhter. 'l'o lai•·· io r¥'. ie (~be lattri'bq~ ~ahory) when tlte GoV>emmen' jn11t 04me in- ,.. I be @fef abaq~ iu' 1etda~o~ up aad '41~~iag tbe

LQ VO"If; ~ he14 ~ i.~ w~ ~18 d~LJ 6f ~!n: :.:::-: .. follo•ed J,y a farce ft\Htled the Gov8CIIUieft' to ba•lf ldllcM large ezptn.U.. .. wl'be AJrrioql'1\ral Uod~r'\-~ ti.o. • UaiSc~k tciaet in order tu moec. tba .preeaiog •in1t. made ..t-~11~& egulre. Mr· ford~ ebo.._t 1'be d~l'flll\on h~ ~ Lhe Goy~- 1100• aallalf. 1,.. . .,._ .. " ~~ wadq• aa~ IIJ•ntJaiul far 10111a tlouecl•a t.o Mad•• ••n $0 th• aad(ouqu• lf•U·• to 1lmo· able-IICMii~ 1'>-0f· gave . crocli' . to Lbe th7 ud the HQoa~ iato .. dllff 1l~otbJ aad &1' Ao~ (or " o~ &he .... ..,.co" U1olte ••'I &lw life ··~ ~u1 · ol

• of • d tbepJW.- • • Pl'OIIf*~'l ... n, ~·t .... te ..... •• p~aJtc~ bf MOI'I.ed tbe ...:"ldL:Aireot • .'eiCtti!IUilW.iili B. -u. 'J.llotupeo'q ••4 .Ptof,.r J'lftlll to niaed ., diMib •re da; ~ -. .. .,...

It ia with proroaud regret we b~te ~. tecor;. the deacb of two reepeotert membere-:-Mr ~nl~ Keonedy anti Mr. Tbomu J.)aley, .the ll'tt ~ ~bou1 4u lo,c. ·~ ua,, the SQoio."' ~iqjl' .tl•tUJ pre,. von led frd~ pay au~: fuo~ral .b,ooq,~•to f.J• reruainp

lo conclu81oti. we 9.eaire ~ tha9! ..r~u for yo,ur, ldud UditJaoce io carr1ln1t on the bu-iue~ of l~ tiocaety. lleapt:clfuUJ aphmitteti.

' . rtL{IIAM !H;NNESS~. AGW1g Jlr.uidt:tJI..

~~HN ~·. Kl!:~XEUY. -· S.<cr<tary.

$e .W~ce~ barj.nJexa:!aled ~~~ir aellta, Cart. ~u Str~~pp was sat.t~d Jp tll.e ~bl\ir. The lllt:c­uon of. oficel'8 for 'he ,comi'!_{ leu. "b~o tou~ place AuLI r~suhed u followa :.-Capt Wm llenueu~ ~~te.~ · ...... ...... Pt;eliden~ Mr. Joho Morpby elocuc1 ........ :: •. ::. Y~ flo. l:~Jp~ M ichat~l. O'Urieu elt:ctod .. :; .. ..• bt A .at. ~~r Thoal'lll. <.!P•IX ru·l! ......... 'l.m/ JJ..ct. ~lr Th9.11111R ~~htL1Jl ro. t~ ft;ctefl ............ 'Lrta,,trtr. Mr .J.ohu J'. Kuu•ltic:ly re-t:lt!Cit~•l. .. : ...... 't,:~lflr!J! 1\1 r \\' il1t11;,. 't" ~cu ll.r. ete,ctell ........ ..• A 111,t 1f., Mr ~ltHit'l Th111nt'y clt:tH ... d .•• . .'Ft'lrOIIcial do l'llr Holo~rt J,, h•·y cleorctl .. .. < ~Jflir r:,;ul <.'h•tril!l (.;uvt.l18 l)~MJy oJ~·g • u<.l C.l]ptr. f(t~it iC' !S' C:w~c.<·

Jll.llltf,.Ut'C ~lr l'~tlnck ~Jq,ri:~rity rc.·dt:.c;a~d f 'l~f .llur,.lt ·tL ~r llo~t~r O' llri11u ulcCicJ .: . ........ ... l f .¥.•t. ,,,; , ... . . . ....

Co}lwrritltt 'nJ.' Clt(!••il!J-:- ~~.<'~!liS lt •• h.,rt l ~ltrY. (ch11inu11n). ,J .,hu ( 'oily. ltiQUu•J .~hr,J •• lohu l..14hl'y ~<r. , J 1111~" DnfTv, ]',.lr•ck :Sc.,ul'\"· ,J ,,r, .. C11tly, S.lo:phun Slr~u. Tiutulhy 1\ ::lly uu.J Johu Sht;n:,fuu. ·

C.:unw•iUtt uf l~rni~1r npd Cor·rr.•pnmi.-Nce-M~Ii8r& Johu ll o:llltc&tl!y. jr. 1H1•I· \\'au Kt~lllltld.Y.•ul , .()lllll!ititc--Capt. \\'i lin.•11 JiPnne"".Y (ch,.irmnn).• l\l c~"ra J->hu J ,\ll,)rpiJy, ~liCI>ttc l 0 qliow, '1l1111nlls ~trnpl'· l'otrick Alu r,iaruy, au~ JuiJu ¥· )5cuuuuy. ·

Tile oQ)ccrs t:IPct '"'"in~r taken tl•l'ir plMell, the following ltesolutiuua wurcs Ul•"niu.oual, , Mluplod :- ·

Htmlwi-Thllt the 'f'!,litt)r pr the IIAII~OR fiii 40t: ~T.A~~AII I)."nd t h u B·liiOJ;e or wher IIU WII·

I•Rpt!nt -':'~0 Jln.blfllh o~r rev)I.Ctil l,!~n~qii OII~Iy RfO Jo:se rvii,IJ.! ol tue· ll~§t tl• o( tbu tico,=icly.

flt'JUtkttd-'J'IJ~t l.l~e OO~UI)' here fi.Cf\r;llt ils siucuru RJIOpalhy wi1h thu rtllativu nurl frienC.:s of 1ltc mc111bcrll dect!nsefi:dur~uc tbo J\38tyuar.

1\lceting nt.lionrnetl. ~ " • ~\'JJ:.L,l,A:U ffE~~~Y.

l'rc~titltJII. ~OU~ P. K,E.~NEI!~t.' .

· , &crdary.

(VOlt Tn£ ll~ROOR GftACE STANDAI~.) I o o • - - . . ~ . BOSTO~ ,.L.ET'l'lm.

~ Ft~ At\ ·o cC.\SIONAL'.C'C?RttESrONDEl>T.]

W e 1-aave . had fA very' roil¢. winter thu11 far. Natiu e dillplay11 no orip~oalit~ iu tier li~hc winter services, a.s it is her 'wttut to. hl\·e l!~r • "1 iu any nnrl nil 0111!08. We bappeu to bq suhjttela, nnd subrui1sioo i~t tt.t• eternal lo' o( t11~11kio\J . Our m w prel!\den\ comes in iu IWt:.QtY .~"lS. and the ol tl one it throwo "aide, .like au eg,;-ahell-tbo fa"to of all our e".-pryctidepsa.

\\'1,1\t interests Vanad11 aurl Newfpondland ill a Cree markflt for fiab hero. \\to ~o:ueaa not yet­t~e ti1115 V. uot ,.;pe. aod it can be. haateued by " swoop-you take oar jllok·~oivell anti ,cal~o. aud. wo ta~e JOt!!' tie~ aud oil. 'l'b~l i~ fair. Ottawl\, uaay r~vt and ruar ioto shr~da Ita but co11t, nnd, the only fuu tho will 6(\!l. out or it will be ~o mt:nd, it, ao~ 'flo Abo'\\ ~i.l'! a parpb i~ l•e.r l.liplomacy. Fi•e and a halfmall(oa dollars aa a lfOOd roaod lum to keep 'ooe'i ln~~Ot)' f,_h, Oil tJi.e oalue re­cri">ttl \\" e bttlie~ "" Unhed Sta&e. desire a vor7 close rolf'tiooe~ip wlt"h tbe North American B·•lia,b c .olonies. f'fOD to ~re.9 t~e i bp) it :D~UBt b6 au affair of equity-juet lo at aod not unJust to ycu. llut tbercs ~· ,OIDetlaioK atrODjler tban dtplomacy \~at faaliione 'oar lone; uJ c't.aog~ e:e.-: Jatloosbipa ; it Ia eelr-intertat. 1'be Colootea can­uot poiJ8ibl7 itolato tht!lr luteteefa. ' dependent of lbo Unite . . Tallt ~Ill D Ill, everll • leo JUri fw bra ua cl r lo~re~b w oauy , Je&ra, ~ you, bef e :EttJllaad w,ill bOrrow ; 1119n•1 ~ •• York, an Daul& that •ua t fo~;. i~· nlae o ooibtnOdltiN, 1 A l•t• Loodoa pa. pe,r .a;. tba& to-d't7 Eairl&bd hu p& to be ,t:·· ll~ted of ber moae, )srJIIdre, by oomribatioull froa t'M Daitel ~~ · ' \Y.. a.ave ShJ .. Yeo bUI\oue, In ftlae o~ !)I'OPeMJ, ~ liei ~-eix Iii I. llqa, ·~~'' ct~ll¥ ol o"i JMlPit • . 1 .._. A at~u.-!' ~oc.&Lao. tb~ p&J~er !DO"J ol .Ka­rope. Ja latiada wftb ~••ftiliudllind a ~~ua~ a®e~tdap to Brftfin ? ~o. uo& I &II• ~~hr ql*llali ctrff& aad ibif& oflbe world' ill 1eala rotoa: Jb• .._'marlin '•ttrtot. t6e aab~ ._. _,.ere ~ .. b ....... iia tbla •orld n.• tiN a&roae •f'ku­moata ofchaap. · W. H. ' ~.,· Ett. I~ JH8Q.