SERIES TEAM Bowler Name & Average/State TOTAL 1 SHERRY'S...

Post on 02-Mar-2021

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Transcript of SERIES TEAM Bowler Name & Average/State TOTAL 1 SHERRY'S...

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



1 2 SHERRY'S CREW 20 1 77 83 2040

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 196 204 225 625 18 643

77 Morris J Wilson Jr [221LA] 3 236 226 256 718 9 727

83 Sherry Barlow [210LA] 13 221 208 202 631 39 670

TEAM TOTALS 653 638 683 1974 66 2040

2 2 JASZ PARTIAL CREW 19 1090 1084 1134 2056

1090 Devin Larkins [200LA] 20 235 223 168 626 60 686

1084 Brandon Watts [184LA] 32 252 176 202 630 96 726

1134 Jasmine Harris [168LA] 51 175 145 171 491 153 644

TEAM TOTALS 662 544 541 1747 309 2056

3 2 GET IT RIGHT 18 1114 1138 173 2129

1114 Perry Giambrone [230LA] 0 235 204 300 739 0 739

1138 Roi Burns [195LA] 24 204 205 204 613 72 685

173 Bridget Wilson [161LA] 57 201 149 184 534 171 705

TEAM TOTALS 640 558 688 1886 243 2129

4 2 THE UNKNOWN'S 17 1007 511 512 1902

1007 Darnell Jackson [208LA] 13 148 183 216 547 39 586

511 Andre' Carter [218LA] 5 204 226 226 656 15 671

512 D'Lara M Carter [196LA] 26 243 143 181 567 78 645

TEAM TOTALS 595 552 623 1770 132 1902

5 3 RED IS RIGHT 16 1138 511 512 1948

1138 Roi Burns [195LA] 24 181 202 161 544 72 616

511 Andre' Carter [218LA] 5 232 237 208 677 15 692

512 D'Lara M Carter [196LA] 26 177 183 202 562 78 640

TEAM TOTALS 590 622 571 1783 165 1948

6 3 CHEDDAR 15 1 561 83 1995

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 212 191 236 639 18 657

561 Todd Barlow [205LA] 16 175 206 184 565 48 613

83 Sherry Barlow [210LA] 13 204 236 246 686 39 725

TEAM TOTALS 591 633 666 1890 105 1995

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



7 3 JUST US! 14 1007 84 1134 1774

1007 Darnell Jackson [208LA] 13 145 160 197 502 39 541

84 Kevin Richter [201LA] 19 135 187 174 496 57 553

1134 Jasmine Harris [168LA] 51 192 165 170 527 153 680

TEAM TOTALS 472 512 541 1525 249 1774

8 4 A T & T 12 511 1116 202 2095

511 Andre' Carter [218LA] 5 209 235 216 660 15 675

1116 Theron Carter [221LA] 3 199 248 220 667 9 676

202 Troy Dumas [182LA] 38 171 266 193 630 114 744

TEAM TOTALS 579 749 629 1957 138 2095

9 4 SWIRL 10 1 84 211 2059

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 214 238 243 695 18 713

84 Kevin Richter [201LA] 19 174 234 212 620 57 677

211 Kelly Richter [150LA] 67 156 147 165 468 201 669

TEAM TOTALS 544 619 620 1783 276 2059

10 4 4 BALLS IN A SPLIT 11 1125 26 1134 2023

1125 Darrell Doucette, III [229LA] 0 209 203 217 629 0 629

26 Conan Flowers [233LA] 0 236 224 237 697 0 697

1134 Jasmine Harris [168LA] 51 180 144 220 544 153 697

TEAM TOTALS 625 571 674 1870 153 2023

11 6 ONE SHOT WINS IT ALL! 14 77 922 70 1972

77 Morris J Wilson Jr [221LA] 3 211 209 189 609 9 618

922 Norman Young [198LA] 21 234 207 238 679 63 742

70 Dionne B Jackson [168LA] 51 153 163 143 459 153 612

TEAM TOTALS 598 579 570 1747 225 1972

12 6 LIVIN' ON A SPARE 13 561 84 211 1940

561 Todd Barlow [205LA] 16 158 197 167 522 48 570

84 Kevin Richter [201LA] 19 175 238 196 609 57 666

211 Kelly Richter [150LA] 67 200 136 167 503 201 704

TEAM TOTALS 533 571 530 1634 306 1940

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



13 6 PIN HIT BALL 12 784 783 786 2135

784 Peter Tran [205LA] 16 170 279 237 686 48 734

783 Chuong Chau [207LA] 14 179 180 279 638 42 680

786 Trinh Nguyen [180LA] 40 215 183 203 601 120 721

TEAM TOTALS 564 642 719 1925 210 2135

14 6 PIN WHEELERS 11 34 1007 2 1935

34 Lester Wheeler Sr [220LA] 4 223 199 221 643 12 655

1007 Darnell Jackson [208LA] 13 187 257 200 644 39 683

2 Cheryl Brown [164LA] 54 137 146 152 435 162 597

TEAM TOTALS 547 602 573 1722 213 1935

15 7 THE OREO'S 10 1103 73 1139 1895

1103 Mervin Fletcher [209LA] 12 185 212 195 592 36 628

73 Daniel Jackson III [217LA] 6 195 246 207 648 18 666

1139 Keisha Fletcher [168LA] 51 159 138 151 448 153 601

TEAM TOTALS 539 596 553 1688 207 1895

16 7 2 JACKSON'S & BARLOW 9 1007 561 70 2021

1007 Darnell Jackson [208LA] 13 232 244 249 725 39 764

561 Todd Barlow [205LA] 16 179 149 236 564 48 612

70 Dionne B Jackson [168LA] 51 152 189 151 492 153 645

TEAM TOTALS 563 582 636 1781 240 2021

17 7 WILD WILD WESTBANKERS 8 1 172 2 1932

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 221 222 192 635 18 653

172 Harrison Kaywood [214LA] 8 162 195 236 593 24 617

2 Cheryl Brown [164LA] 54 179 158 163 500 162 662

TEAM TOTALS 562 575 591 1728 204 1932

18 7 NEW ORLEANS CREW 7 1140 825 824 1967

1140 Robert Joseph [171LA] 43 171 138 170 479 129 608

825 Johnell Howard [187LA] 30 180 233 192 605 90 695

824 Alma Brumfield [178LA] 42 210 172 156 538 126 664

TEAM TOTALS 561 543 518 1622 345 1967

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



19 15 NEW IBERIA #1 3 882 987 883 1739

882 Anthony Green Jr [192LA] 26 138 168 179 485 78 563

987 Michael Landry [197LA] 22 153 156 209 518 66 584

883 Marilyn Green [145LA] 72 117 140 119 376 216 592

TEAM TOTALS 408 464 507 1379 360 1739

20 15 NEW IBERIA #2 1 344 991 993 1982

344 Albert Sigue [191LA] 27 194 159 194 547 81 628

991 Adam Richard [155LA] 56 151 187 200 538 168 706

993 Doris Richard [145LA] 72 138 124 170 432 216 648

TEAM TOTALS 483 470 564 1517 465 1982

21 15 NEW IBERIA #3 2 670 352 271 1944

670 Felton Olivier [171LA] 43 202 225 145 572 129 701

352 Charles Johnson Jr [173LA] 41 113 133 193 439 123 562

271 Sherry H Johnson [183LA] 37 213 182 175 570 111 681

TEAM TOTALS 528 540 513 1581 363 1944

22 10 THE GIMPS 16 49 755 47 2030

49 Darrin D Senegal [221LA] 3 247 226 211 684 9 693

755 Barry Doyle [208LA] 13 174 193 211 578 39 617

47 Tristan D Senegal [215LA] 9 223 224 246 693 27 720

TEAM TOTALS 644 643 668 1955 75 2030

23 10 CREATING THE DIFFERENCE 15 1162 573 1163 1959

1162 Ronald Hickland Jr [216TN] 7 208 205 223 636 21 657

573 Michael Varnado [203LA] 17 193 183 242 618 51 669

1163 Alison Strader [106TN] 107 75 115 122 312 321 633

TEAM TOTALS 476 503 587 1566 393 1959

24 10 ROAD TO THE TOP 14 852 73 1040 1892

852 Tropanny Cole [200TX] 20 192 200 181 573 60 633

73 Daniel Jackson III [217LA] 6 183 192 223 598 18 616

1040 DeLisa James [211LA] 12 215 187 205 607 36 643

TEAM TOTALS 590 579 609 1778 114 1892

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



25 10 WIN FOR JOYCE 13 194 230 214 1977

194 Vincent Capitamo III [231LA] 0 191 193 236 620 0 620

230 Jeff Juhas [224LA] 0 192 257 235 684 0 684

214 Misty Ramil [228LA] 0 235 205 233 673 0 673

TEAM TOTALS 618 655 704 1977 0 1977

26 10 LATE BUT READY 12 10 304 330 1965

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 245 256 215 716 9 725

304 Dedric Fitzgerard [209TX] 12 228 161 202 591 36 627

330 Mary L Mansur [215LA] 9 188 195 203 586 27 613

TEAM TOTALS 661 612 620 1893 72 1965

27 11 DOUBLE DEE T 10 49 304 47 2116

49 Darrin D Senegal [221LA] 3 236 216 249 701 9 710

304 Dedric Fitzgerard [209TX] 12 212 257 216 685 36 721

47 Tristan D Senegal [215LA] 9 226 214 218 658 27 685

TEAM TOTALS 674 687 683 2044 72 2116

28 11 MIX IT UP! 9 10 755 330 1912

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 257 179 180 616 9 625

755 Barry Doyle [208LA] 13 235 210 182 627 39 666

330 Mary L Mansur [215LA] 9 220 167 207 594 27 621

TEAM TOTALS 712 556 569 1837 75 1912

29 11 THREE T'S 8 1149 1151 1164 1861

1149 Jon Turnipseed [212LA] 10 201 182 210 593 30 623

1151 Josh Toepfer [167LA] 46 143 154 156 453 138 591

1164 Misty Toepfer [163LA] 55 172 166 144 482 165 647

TEAM TOTALS 516 502 510 1528 333 1861

30 11 CREATING THE DIFFERENCE 7 852 1162 1163 1888

852 Tropanny Cole [200TX] 20 223 202 151 576 60 636

1162 Ronald Hickland Jr [216TN] 7 191 176 213 580 21 601

1163 Alison Strader [106TN] 107 100 129 101 330 321 651

TEAM TOTALS 514 507 465 1486 402 1888

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



31 11 DOUBLE STUFF 6 72 1114 1105 1978

72 Braxter Smothers [214LA] 8 248 203 173 624 24 648

1114 Perry Giambrone [230LA] 0 245 203 209 657 0 657

1105 Otia Moore [177LA] 43 184 169 191 544 129 673

TEAM TOTALS 677 575 573 1825 153 1978

32 12 #1 SPOT 4 49 10 47 2152

49 Darrin D Senegal [221LA] 3 250 183 267 700 9 709

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 256 196 232 684 9 693

47 Tristan D Senegal [215LA] 9 222 268 233 723 27 750

TEAM TOTALS 728 647 732 2107 45 2152

33 12 ALL MIXED UP 1 1085 116 1105 2137

1085 Charles Moore [158LA] 53 183 161 178 522 159 681

116 Darrell Doucette Jr [210LA] 12 169 209 233 611 36 647

1105 Otia Moore [177LA] 43 221 246 213 680 129 809

TEAM TOTALS 573 616 624 1813 324 2137

34 12 MY BABY NEEDS MILK 2 309 72 202 1952

309 Alex Martin [209LA] 12 235 182 196 613 36 649

72 Braxter Smothers [214LA] 8 216 163 232 611 24 635

202 Troy Dumas [182LA] 38 193 198 163 554 114 668

TEAM TOTALS 644 543 591 1778 174 1952

35 12 LDR SHOW 3 755 304 330 1814

755 Barry Doyle [208LA] 13 179 206 168 553 39 592

304 Dedric Fitzgerard [209TX] 12 148 253 177 578 36 614

330 Mary L Mansur [215LA] 9 180 194 207 581 27 608

TEAM TOTALS 507 653 552 1712 102 1814

36 14 BACK IN COLLEGE… 16 376 1099 1165 2213

376 Gregory D Snee Jr [228LA] 0 226 279 216 721 0 721

1099 Justin Bui [241LA] 0 268 255 232 755 0 755

1165 Stacy Cox [205LA] 18 193 234 256 683 54 737

TEAM TOTALS 687 768 704 2159 54 2213

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



37 14 B P R 15 1114 1166 1167 1

1114 Perry Giambrone [230LA] 0 193 222 246 661 0 661

1166 Bryan Hale [205LA] 16 227 172 265 664 48 712

1167 Renee Gaitan [140LA] 76 155 168 176 499 228 727

TEAM TOTALS 575 562 687 1824 276 2100

38 14 DOU-FRUGE 14 1109 116 1171 1885

1109 Steven Fruge [178LA] 37 160 185 173 518 111 629

116 Darrell Doucette Jr [210LA] 12 170 239 231 640 36 676

1171 Barbara Fruge [157LA] 54 140 133 145 418 162 580

TEAM TOTALS 470 557 549 1576 309 1885

39 14 MY FAVORITE WHITE BOYS 13 1077 260 30 1895

1077 Cully Frisard [218LA] 5 181 212 172 565 15 580

260 Rusty Beach [224LA] 0 232 248 224 704 0 704

30 Christy Sturkey [199LA] 23 177 204 161 542 69 611

TEAM TOTALS 590 664 557 1811 84 1895

40 14 PIN HIT BALL 2 12 785 783 786 2080

785 Tony Giang [211LA] 11 222 172 227 621 33 654

783 Chuong Chau [207LA] 14 214 256 196 666 42 708

786 Trinh Nguyen [180LA] 40 180 223 195 598 120 718

TEAM TOTALS 616 651 618 1885 195 2080

41 14 MISFITS 11 1151 1168 1164 2000

1151 Josh Toepfer [167LA] 46 124 210 193 527 138 665

1168 Joel Albertson [182LA] 34 184 205 178 567 102 669

1164 Misty Toepfer [163LA] 55 161 167 173 501 165 666

TEAM TOTALS 469 582 544 1595 405 2000

42 14 WE SHOWED UP - YAY! 10 849 1169 1170 2007

849 Trey Field [228LA] 0 205 245 202 652 0 652

1169 Curt Dupre IV [239LA] 0 249 204 216 669 0 669

1170 Laura Dupre [181LA] 39 182 169 218 569 117 686

TEAM TOTALS 636 618 636 1890 117 2007

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



43 14 JUST NOW 9 72 852 1105 2021

72 Braxter Smothers [214LA] 8 170 222 236 628 24 652

852 Tropanny Cole [200TX] 20 203 170 204 577 60 637

1105 Otia Moore [177LA] 43 234 189 180 603 129 732

TEAM TOTALS 607 581 620 1808 213 2021

44 14 SIX FEET UNDER 8 1157 1097 1139 1902

1157 Melvin Fletcher [198LA] 21 220 161 213 594 63 657

1097 Joseph Quinns [215LA] 8 171 197 206 574 24 598

1139 Keisha Fletcher [168LA] 51 128 190 176 494 153 647

TEAM TOTALS 519 548 595 1662 240 1902

45 15 WHERE DA MEN AT?? 6 309 116 202 1848

309 Alex Martin [209LA] 12 182 199 178 559 36 595

116 Darrell Doucette Jr [210LA] 12 179 251 192 622 36 658

202 Troy Dumas [182LA] 38 189 157 135 481 114 595

TEAM TOTALS 550 607 505 1662 186 1848

46 15 GO GET THE MONEY 5 10 965 657 1866

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 163 192 209 564 9 573

965 John Barlow [203LA] 17 224 226 167 617 51 668

657 Renee Livious [188LA] 33 152 216 158 526 99 625

TEAM TOTALS 539 634 534 1707 159 1866

47 15 SHOOTERS 4 1144 1154 1161 2044

1144 Derek Chaplain Jr [145LA] 64 167 191 200 558 192 750

1154 Kerry Chaplain [153LA] 57 183 165 179 527 171 698

1161 Yvette Schubert [189LA] 32 171 163 166 500 96 596

TEAM TOTALS 521 519 545 1585 459 2044

48 15 STRIKES-R-ELSE 7 1068 35 1134 1967

1068 Alex S Handback [222LA] 2 206 191 239 636 6 642

35 Demetrius James [224LA] 0 194 248 235 677 0 677

1134 Jasmine Harris [168LA] 51 159 178 158 495 153 648

TEAM TOTALS 559 617 632 1808 159 1967

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



49 15 KASEY'S & THE BIG HEADS 8 1145 1141 1152 1999

1145 Dillon Chaplain [138LA] 69 164 188 127 479 207 686

1141 Brek Cupp [170LA] 44 160 165 206 531 132 663

1152 Kasey Cupp [168LA] 51 156 181 160 497 153 650

TEAM TOTALS 480 534 493 1507 492 1999

50 15 LATE COMERS 9 376 891 1165 2062

376 Gregory D Snee Jr [228LA] 0 247 202 194 643 0 643

891 Justin Veitch [234LA] 0 244 233 268 745 0 745

1165 Stacy Cox [205LA] 18 248 192 180 620 54 674

TEAM TOTALS 739 627 642 2008 54 2062

51 15 WRITE THA CHECK 10 21 1099 628 2008

21 Sumner H Taylor [226LA] 0 214 268 200 682 0 682

1099 Justin Bui [241LA] 0 233 182 171 586 0 586

628 LaKeya J Smith-Anthony [195LA] 27 224 246 189 659 81 740

TEAM TOTALS 671 696 560 1927 81 2008

52 15 CAN'T GET RIGHT 11 550 549 975 2127

550 Justin Davis [201LA] 19 233 279 184 696 57 753

549 Daniel (Jamie) Richard [193LA] 25 176 187 252 615 75 690

975 Lucretia Franklin [167LA] 52 144 214 170 528 156 684

TEAM TOTALS 553 680 606 1839 288 2127

53 15 NOW IS THE TIME! 12 72 1172 512 1830

72 Braxter Smothers [214LA] 8 205 203 192 600 24 624

1172 Norman Spurlock [225LA] 0 203 226 153 582 0 582

512 D'Lara M Carter [196LA] 26 215 153 178 546 78 624

TEAM TOTALS 623 582 523 1728 102 1830

54 16 HOLE IN THE BALL 13 21 26 628 1887

21 Sumner H Taylor [226LA] 0 205 166 209 580 0 580

26 Conan Flowers [233LA] 0 248 226 206 680 0 680

628 LaKeya J Smith-Anthony [195LA] 27 193 180 173 546 81 627

TEAM TOTALS 646 572 588 1806 81 1887

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



55 16 ODD ONE OUT 14 1099 891 892 2001

1099 Justin Bui [241LA] 0 215 173 232 620 0 620

891 Justin Veitch [234LA] 0 208 276 226 710 0 710

892 Hayley Veitch [230LA] 0 235 241 195 671 0 671

TEAM TOTALS 658 690 653 2001 0 2001

56 16 U N O ! 15 550 72 1134 2039

550 Justin Davis [201LA] 19 216 266 219 701 57 758

72 Braxter Smothers [214LA] 8 203 201 226 630 24 654

1134 Jasmine Harris [168LA] 51 133 197 144 474 153 627

TEAM TOTALS 552 664 589 1805 234 2039

57 16 ONE TWO BANG!!! 16 10 549 975 1972

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 192 197 211 600 9 609

549 Daniel (Jamie) Richard [193LA] 25 185 181 177 543 75 618

975 Lucretia Franklin [167LA] 52 233 174 182 589 156 745

TEAM TOTALS 610 552 570 1732 240 1972

58 17 WHAT'S IN THE NAME 5 9 16 1173 1927

9 Aaron Mercadel [206LA] 15 202 196 237 635 45 680

16 Merlin Angelain [226LA] 0 162 182 205 549 0 549

1173 Anita Poche' [182LA] 38 214 147 223 584 114 698

TEAM TOTALS 578 525 665 1768 159 1927

59 18 BURN NOTICE 7 1138 1174 1175 2013

1138 Roi Burns [195LA] 24 185 205 186 576 72 648

1174 Johnes English III [193LA] 25 221 189 179 589 75 664

1175 Revon Fontenot [152TX] 65 131 180 195 506 195 701

TEAM TOTALS 537 574 560 1671 342 2013

60 18 BEAUTY AND 2 BEAST 8 1153 327 1176 2063

1153 Kenneth Desselle [207LA] 14 195 216 234 645 42 687

327 David Brumfield [211LA] 11 202 216 258 676 33 709

1176 Mia Broussard [170LA] 49 194 190 136 520 147 667

TEAM TOTALS 591 622 628 1841 222 2063

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



61 18 KISS MY AVERAGE 9 1075 934 928 1836

1075 David Darensbourg [161LA] 51 99 174 152 425 153 578

934 Patrick Wilson [188LA] 29 175 196 207 578 87 665

928 Tatianna Duncan [170LA] 49 137 163 146 446 147 593

TEAM TOTALS 411 533 505 1449 387 1836

62 18 THE BYES HAVE IT 10 1127 35 1128 2127

1127 Robert Byes [214LA] 8 279 194 234 707 24 731

35 Demetrius James [224LA] 0 217 251 215 683 0 683

1128 Felicia Byes [179LA] 41 229 192 169 590 123 713

TEAM TOTALS 725 637 618 1980 147 2127

63 18 SLOW MOTION 11 1 16 202 1992

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 226 226 254 706 18 724

16 Merlin Angelain [226LA] 0 179 173 212 564 0 564

202 Troy Dumas [182LA] 38 203 181 206 590 114 704

TEAM TOTALS 608 580 672 1860 132 1992

64 18 TRIPLE B 12 561 958 83 1845

561 Todd Barlow [205LA] 16 191 209 147 547 48 595

958 Temple Bourgeois [236LA] 0 235 195 193 623 0 623

83 Sherry Barlow [210LA] 13 204 204 180 588 39 627

TEAM TOTALS 630 608 520 1758 87 1845

65 18 LATE BUT WE'RE HERE 13 10 9 1177 2044

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 212 258 236 706 9 715

9 Aaron Mercadel [206LA] 15 180 180 245 605 45 650

1177 Ashley C Blakley [212TX] 11 189 235 222 646 33 679

TEAM TOTALS 581 673 703 1957 87 2044

66 19 TEAM CO 6 1178 1179 1180 2023

1178 Wyatt Clement [184LA] 32 194 192 216 602 96 698

1179 Russell Owens [224LA] 0 236 237 193 666 0 666

1180 April Owens [156LA] 62 162 149 162 473 186 659

TEAM TOTALS 592 578 571 1741 282 2023

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



67 19 #WEGOTDIS 5 309 72 202 2072

309 Alex Martin [209LA] 12 205 225 202 632 36 668

72 Braxter Smothers [214LA] 8 276 235 179 690 24 714

202 Troy Dumas [182LA] 38 201 170 205 576 114 690

TEAM TOTALS 682 630 586 1898 174 2072

68 19 DROP DA MIC 4 1 16 22 2133

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 216 268 198 682 18 700

16 Merlin Angelain [226LA] 0 222 203 259 684 0 684

22 Deinira M Angelain [146LA] 71 173 196 167 536 213 749

TEAM TOTALS 611 667 624 1902 231 2133

69 19 THE SAME STREAK 3 1127 573 1128 2049

1127 Robert Byes [214LA] 8 285 207 279 771 24 795

573 Michael Varnado [203LA] 17 172 180 216 568 51 619

1128 Felicia Byes [179LA] 41 205 151 156 512 123 635

TEAM TOTALS 662 538 651 1851 198 2049

70 19 IT'S DAWNING NOW 2 574 35 564 1941

574 Reginald Lee [171LA] 43 169 201 243 613 129 742

35 Demetrius James [224LA] 0 232 169 205 606 0 606

564 Dawn Hill [167LA] 52 136 150 151 437 156 593

TEAM TOTALS 537 520 599 1656 285 1941

71 19 DON'T MATTER 1 1114 1138 1175 1864

1114 Perry Giambrone [230LA] 0 227 199 184 610 0 610

1138 Roi Burns [195LA] 24 191 182 168 541 72 613

1175 Revon Fontenot [152TX] 65 163 140 143 446 195 641

TEAM TOTALS 581 521 495 1597 267 1864

72 19 TKA!!! 7 10 1153 1177 1911

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 205 200 204 609 9 618

1153 Kenneth Desselle [207LA] 14 214 197 192 603 42 645

1177 Ashley C Blakley [212TX] 11 223 212 180 615 33 648

TEAM TOTALS 642 609 576 1827 84 1911

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



73 19 KISS MY AVERAGE 2 8 1181 1182 928 1826

1181 Curtis Perry [197LA] 22 212 190 157 559 66 625

1182 Jason Giamanco [204LA] 16 194 146 223 563 48 611

928 Tatianna Duncan [170LA] 49 187 132 124 443 147 590

TEAM TOTALS 593 468 504 1565 261 1826

74 20 #GETUPHAMMONDAMERICA 14 1159 317 214 2012

1159 Shane Donnelly [149LA] 60 137 162 165 464 180 644

317 Robert P Autin Jr (BJ) [230LA] 0 262 267 220 749 0 749

214 Misty Ramil [228LA] 0 244 192 183 619 0 619

TEAM TOTALS 643 621 568 1832 180 2012

75 20 THE D.O.C. YALL 13 1085 116 1105 2011

1085 Charles Moore [158LA] 53 170 156 176 502 159 661

116 Darrell Doucette Jr [210LA] 12 215 196 219 630 36 666

1105 Otia Moore [177LA] 43 153 189 213 555 129 684

TEAM TOTALS 538 541 608 1687 324 2011

76 20 BOWLING DREAM 12 550 72 478 1961

550 Justin Davis [201LA] 19 225 157 185 567 57 624

72 Braxter Smothers [214LA] 8 201 219 217 637 24 661

478 Sonja Franklin [181LA] 39 175 170 214 559 117 676

TEAM TOTALS 601 546 616 1763 198 1961

77 20 BALLERZ 11 1114 1138 22 1881

1114 Perry Giambrone [230LA] 0 247 200 163 610 0 610

1138 Roi Burns [195LA] 24 211 170 160 541 72 613

22 Deinira M Angelain [146LA] 71 153 138 154 445 213 658

TEAM TOTALS 611 508 477 1596 285 1881

78 20 GOTTA STAY CLEAR 10 309 893 1128 1961

309 Alex Martin [209LA] 12 213 213 197 623 36 659

893 Jerry Tolbert [212LA] 10 227 226 167 620 30 650

1128 Felicia Byes [179LA] 41 190 183 156 529 123 652

TEAM TOTALS 630 622 520 1772 189 1961

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



79 20 DO THE DAMN THING 9 1127 35 1040 1994

1127 Robert Byes [214LA] 8 170 208 277 655 24 679

35 Demetrius James [224LA] 0 186 248 258 692 0 692

1040 DeLisa James [211LA] 12 203 169 215 587 36 623

TEAM TOTALS 559 625 750 1934 60 1994

80 20 HOW SEXY 'R' U 8 1 54 1183 1727

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 152 156 211 519 18 537

54 Coleman Eaton [210LA] 12 182 206 165 553 36 589

1183 Tolanda Snowden [180FL] 40 176 120 185 481 120 601

TEAM TOTALS 510 482 561 1553 174 1727

81 21 2 DUCKS AND 1 CHICK 18 891 1099 892 2038

891 Justin Veitch [234LA] 0 255 164 246 665 0 665

1099 Justin Bui [241LA] 0 278 194 225 697 0 697

892 Hayley Veitch [230LA] 0 171 247 258 676 0 676

TEAM TOTALS 704 605 729 2038 0 2038

82 21 PURPLE RAIN 17 116 26 202 1930

116 Darrell Doucette Jr [210LA] 12 164 234 233 631 36 667

26 Conan Flowers [233LA] 0 197 233 190 620 0 620

202 Troy Dumas [182LA] 38 175 170 184 529 114 643

TEAM TOTALS 536 637 607 1780 150 1930

83 21 GIMME SOM! 16 561 172 83 1744

561 Todd Barlow [205LA] 16 138 184 150 472 48 520

172 Harrison Kaywood [214LA] 8 179 210 188 577 24 601

83 Sherry Barlow [210LA] 13 214 179 191 584 39 623

TEAM TOTALS 531 573 529 1633 111 1744

84 21 HOLE IN THE BALL #2 15 10 21 1177 2012

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 246 194 278 718 9 727

21 Sumner H Taylor [226LA] 0 212 144 205 561 0 561

1177 Ashley C Blakley [212TX] 11 231 223 237 691 33 724

TEAM TOTALS 689 561 720 1970 42 2012

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



85 22 LAST MINUTE 14 229 492 1029 2008

229 Trey LeCompte [199LA] 20 216 192 232 640 60 700

492 Nathaniel Jarve [197LA] 22 217 224 188 629 66 695

1029 Brittany Usie [195LA] 27 202 160 170 532 81 613

TEAM TOTALS 635 576 590 1801 207 2008

86 22 JUST BRING IT 13 230 1114 214 1998

230 Jeff Juhas [224LA] 0 199 248 138 585 0 585

1114 Perry Giambrone [230LA] 0 223 258 244 725 0 725

214 Misty Ramil [228LA] 0 216 224 248 688 0 688

TEAM TOTALS 638 730 630 1998 0 1998

87 22 CHEESE MODE 12 784 783 83 2030

784 Peter Tran [205LA] 16 194 236 217 647 48 695

783 Chuong Chau [207LA] 14 193 179 223 595 42 637

83 Sherry Barlow [210LA] 13 203 255 201 659 39 698

TEAM TOTALS 590 670 641 1901 129 2030

88 22 NO NAME CREW 11 965 172 786 2084

965 John Barlow [203LA] 17 180 247 207 634 51 685

172 Harrison Kaywood [214LA] 8 223 243 202 668 24 692

786 Trinh Nguyen [180LA] 40 191 170 226 587 120 707

TEAM TOTALS 594 660 635 1889 195 2084

89 22 THE 3RD EYE 10 1 54 537 1893

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 181 224 237 642 18 660

54 Coleman Eaton [210LA] 12 195 193 199 587 36 623

537 Nikole LeCompte [179LA] 41 164 152 171 487 123 610

TEAM TOTALS 540 569 607 1716 177 1893

90 22 WAIT FOR IT 9 77 73 22 2042

77 Morris J Wilson Jr [221LA] 3 205 249 267 721 9 730

73 Daniel Jackson III [217LA] 6 211 224 193 628 18 646

22 Deinira M Angelain [146LA] 71 122 166 165 453 213 666

TEAM TOTALS 538 639 625 1802 240 2042

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



91 22 TEEDY & HER NEPHEWS 8 1090 1084 202 1992

1090 Devin Larkins [200LA] 20 205 190 177 572 60 632

1084 Brandon Watts [184LA] 32 166 172 279 617 96 713

202 Troy Dumas [182LA] 38 181 182 170 533 114 647

TEAM TOTALS 552 544 626 1722 270 1992

92 22 HALEY'S COMETS 7 1004 1099 892 2046

1004 Tyler Wright [227LA] 0 216 289 267 772 0 772

1099 Justin Bui [241LA] 0 221 244 239 704 0 704

892 Hayley Veitch [230LA] 0 174 182 214 570 0 570

TEAM TOTALS 611 715 720 2046 0 2046

93 22 GET OUT 6 891 26 1177 2107

891 Justin Veitch [234LA] 0 279 249 211 739 0 739

26 Conan Flowers [233LA] 0 278 225 226 729 0 729

1177 Ashley C Blakley [212TX] 11 215 193 198 606 33 639

TEAM TOTALS 772 667 635 2074 33 2107

94 22 THE BYES HAVE IT 5 1127 116 1128 2069

1127 Robert Byes [214LA] 8 172 180 206 558 24 582

116 Darrell Doucette Jr [210LA] 12 232 222 268 722 36 758

1128 Felicia Byes [179LA] 41 196 222 188 606 123 729

TEAM TOTALS 600 624 662 1886 183 2069

95 22 WE GOT THIS 4 309 10 1134 1833

309 Alex Martin [209LA] 12 173 243 226 642 36 678

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 214 162 197 573 9 582

1134 Jasmine Harris [168LA] 51 125 129 166 420 153 573

TEAM TOTALS 512 534 589 1635 198 1833

96 23 D D' S GANG 1 1144 1188 1189 2053

1144 Derek Chaplain Jr [145LA] 64 162 180 183 525 192 717

1188 Derek Genusa [158LA] 53 200 236 158 594 159 753

1189 Brittany Schubert [140LA] 76 127 109 119 355 228 583

TEAM TOTALS 489 525 460 1474 579 2053

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



97 23 THE JACKSON FAMILY 2 1007 984 70 2017

1007 Darnell Jackson [208LA] 13 242 237 279 758 39 797

984 Daniel P Jackson IV [207LA] 14 148 199 212 559 42 601

70 Dionne B Jackson [168LA] 51 138 146 182 466 153 619

TEAM TOTALS 528 582 673 1783 234 2017

98 23 TRY THE OTHER HOLE 3 1 561 83 2031

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 216 237 203 656 18 674

561 Todd Barlow [205LA] 16 227 216 227 670 48 718

83 Sherry Barlow [210LA] 13 233 174 193 600 39 639

TEAM TOTALS 676 627 623 1926 105 2031

99 23 2ND TIME A CHARM 4 309 34 1134 2022

309 Alex Martin [209LA] 12 213 245 202 660 36 696

34 Lester Wheeler Sr [220LA] 4 248 192 185 625 12 637

1134 Jasmine Harris [168LA] 51 140 180 216 536 153 689

TEAM TOTALS 601 617 603 1821 201 2022

100 23 CUPP WAXES DONNELLY 5 1159 230 1152 2033

1159 Shane Donnelly [149LA] 60 190 154 148 492 180 672

230 Jeff Juhas [224LA] 0 279 213 215 707 0 707

1152 Kasey Cupp [168LA] 51 136 211 154 501 153 654

TEAM TOTALS 605 578 517 1700 333 2033

101 23 B.R. N.O. CONNECTION 6 54 77 975 1919

54 Coleman Eaton [210LA] 12 166 175 203 544 36 580

77 Morris J Wilson Jr [221LA] 3 197 202 215 614 9 623

975 Lucretia Franklin [167LA] 52 205 193 162 560 156 716

TEAM TOTALS 568 570 580 1718 201 1919

102 23 THE TWEENERS 7 1184 891 1185 2028

1184 Jonathan Fussell [203LA] 17 192 180 183 555 51 606

891 Justin Veitch [234LA] 0 245 239 268 752 0 752

1185 Hannah Ryan [199LA] 23 162 205 234 601 69 670

TEAM TOTALS 599 624 685 1908 120 2028

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



103 23 TRACK STARZ 8 1114 1186 1167 2067

1114 Perry Giambrone [230LA] 0 264 213 225 702 0 702

1186 Devin Baldridge [176LA] 39 161 212 188 561 117 678

1167 Renee Gaitan [140LA] 76 133 147 179 459 228 687

TEAM TOTALS 558 572 592 1722 345 2067

104 23 ALL IN THE FAMILY 9 229 84 211 2067

229 Trey LeCompte [199LA] 20 198 237 188 623 60 683

84 Kevin Richter [201LA] 19 148 221 223 592 57 649

211 Kelly Richter [150LA] 67 180 180 174 534 201 735

TEAM TOTALS 526 638 585 1749 318 2067

105 23 A LIKELY PROSPECT 10 697 73 22 1944

697 Lawrence Prosper Jr [185LA] 32 168 187 158 513 96 609

73 Daniel Jackson III [217LA] 6 200 216 218 634 18 652

22 Deinira M Angelain [146LA] 71 164 159 147 470 213 683

TEAM TOTALS 532 562 523 1617 327 1944

106 23 ATM 11 115 548 1139 1928

115 Jerome Cole [203LA] 17 202 211 203 616 51 667

548 Charles A Zardes [203LA] 17 226 193 168 587 51 638

1139 Keisha Fletcher [168LA] 51 134 181 155 470 153 623

TEAM TOTALS 562 585 526 1673 255 1928

107 23 THE UNKNOWNS 12 379 172 1040 1760

379 Willie Neapollioun Jr [211LA] 11 213 174 191 578 33 611

172 Harrison Kaywood [214LA] 8 140 195 174 509 24 533

1040 DeLisa James [211LA] 12 212 136 232 580 36 616

TEAM TOTALS 565 505 597 1667 93 1760

108 23 WE DON'T GIVE A F??K 13 1125 26 1026 1981

1125 Darrell Doucette, III [229LA] 0 237 246 237 720 0 720

26 Conan Flowers [233LA] 0 237 237 236 710 0 710

1026 Leslie Engeron [220LA] 4 150 213 176 539 12 551

TEAM TOTALS 624 696 649 1969 12 1981

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



109 23 COMIN 4 THE #1 SPOT 14 10 35 1128 1978

10 Terrance Williams [221LA] 3 226 201 219 646 9 655

35 Demetrius James [224LA] 0 233 216 236 685 0 685

1128 Felicia Byes [179LA] 41 132 210 173 515 123 638

TEAM TOTALS 591 627 628 1846 132 1978

110 23 DAM!!! 15 9 116 214 1865

9 Aaron Mercadel [206LA] 15 191 210 203 604 45 649

116 Darrell Doucette Jr [210LA] 12 161 182 166 509 36 545

214 Misty Ramil [228LA] 0 237 212 222 671 0 671

TEAM TOTALS 589 604 591 1784 81 1865

111 23 LOOK @ US! 17 1187 825 824 1793

1187 Rynelle Joseph [192] 26 180 186 171 537 78 615

825 Johnell Howard [187LA] 30 156 139 170 465 90 555

824 Alma Brumfield [178LA] 42 200 149 148 497 126 623

TEAM TOTALS 536 474 489 1499 294 1793

112 23 BLANK 18 1099 1004 892 2073

1099 Justin Bui [241LA] 0 236 226 237 699 0 699

1004 Tyler Wright [227LA] 0 247 242 279 768 0 768

892 Hayley Veitch [230LA] 0 206 220 180 606 0 606

TEAM TOTALS 689 688 696 2073 0 2073

113 24 WE STILL DA BEST 3 26 49 47 2070

26 Conan Flowers [233LA] 0 223 245 245 713 0 713

49 Darrin D Senegal [221LA] 3 211 224 222 657 9 666

47 Tristan D Senegal [215LA] 9 217 204 243 664 27 691

TEAM TOTALS 651 673 710 2034 36 2070

114 24 LET'S DO AGAIN PART II 4 1007 73 70 1857

1007 Darnell Jackson [208LA] 13 205 187 268 660 39 699

73 Daniel Jackson III [217LA] 6 159 156 200 515 18 533

70 Dionne B Jackson [168LA] 51 177 145 150 472 153 625

TEAM TOTALS 541 488 618 1647 210 1857

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



115 24 HELL NO I AIN'T DOIN THAT 5 1144 1141 1161 2145

1144 Derek Chaplain Jr [145LA] 64 180 181 147 508 192 700

1141 Brek Cupp [170LA] 44 232 169 192 593 132 725

1161 Yvette Schubert [189LA] 32 202 222 200 624 96 720

TEAM TOTALS 614 572 539 1725 420 2145

116 24 KDB 6 1154 1188 1189 1896

1154 Kerry Chaplain [153LA] 57 215 140 131 486 171 657

1188 Derek Genusa [158LA] 53 129 138 136 403 159 562

1189 Brittany Schubert [140LA] 76 133 194 122 449 228 677

TEAM TOTALS 477 472 389 1338 558 1896

117 24 RETARDS 7 309 1125 1134 1808

309 Alex Martin [209LA] 12 187 179 178 544 36 580

1125 Darrell Doucette, III [229LA] 0 211 188 204 603 0 603

1134 Jasmine Harris [168LA] 51 157 174 141 472 153 625

TEAM TOTALS 555 541 523 1619 189 1808

118 24 LDL 8 34 73 975 1812

34 Lester Wheeler Sr [220LA] 4 183 166 143 492 12 504

73 Daniel Jackson III [217LA] 6 213 236 191 640 18 658

975 Lucretia Franklin [167LA] 52 179 177 138 494 156 650

TEAM TOTALS 575 579 472 1626 186 1812

119 24 HALE'S 9 1166 1191 1167 2014

1166 Bryan Hale [205LA] 16 205 235 180 620 48 668

1191 Glenn Hale Sr [188] 29 167 177 225 569 87 656

1167 Renee Gaitan [140LA] 76 157 151 154 462 228 690

TEAM TOTALS 529 563 559 1651 363 2014

120 24 LAST CHANCE #EAT 10 1114 230 1152 2027

1114 Perry Giambrone [230LA] 0 268 300 204 772 0 772

230 Jeff Juhas [224LA] 0 204 169 185 558 0 558

1152 Kasey Cupp [168LA] 51 182 190 172 544 153 697

TEAM TOTALS 654 659 561 1874 153 2027

The 19th Annual Anchor Lady Trio Tournament Recaps (3/25/17 - 4/9/17)

Entry No.

Sqd # Blr #

Team Name Bowler Name & Average/State

Lane Hdcp

Game #1

Game #2

Game #3

Scratch Total

Total Hdcp



121 24 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 11 1187 825 824 1729

1187 Rynelle Joseph [192] 26 191 171 170 532 78 610

825 Johnell Howard [187LA] 30 176 152 117 445 90 535

824 Alma Brumfield [178LA] 42 191 121 146 458 126 584

TEAM TOTALS 558 444 433 1435 294 1729

122 24 SERIOUSLY 2 1 172 512 2018

1 Harold E Brown Sr [217LA] 6 289 223 237 749 18 767

172 Harrison Kaywood [214LA] 8 225 192 202 619 24 643

512 D'Lara M Carter [196LA] 26 133 225 172 530 78 608

TEAM TOTALS 647 640 611 1898 120 2018