Sergey Sukhoveyev- Ultra high aspect-ratio MEMS and NEMS on basis of fibrous composite technology

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  • 8/3/2019 Sergey Sukhoveyev- Ultra high aspect-ratio MEMS and NEMS on basis of fibrous composite technology


    T E C H N I C A L P A P E R

    Ultra high aspect-ratio MEMS and NEMS on basisof fibrous composite technology

    Sergey Sukhoveyev

    Received: 4 June 2007/ Accepted: 16 December 2007 / Published online: 8 January 2008

    The Author(s) 2008

    Abstract Indisputably, microelectronics is the mother

    of the MEMS/NEMS technologies. Unfortunately, themajority of developed MEMS and NEMS devices inherited

    from microelectronics technologies not only of merit but

    also deficiencies one of which is their planarity. Recently

    developed devices on the flexible base and also devices

    with the moving elements on the hinges, in principle,

    remain geometrically flat. With this micro- and nano-

    mechanisms (motors, actuators, sensors, etc.) they are not

    divided with the base (from silicon or another material)

    large part of which (volume and mass) functionally is not

    used and has usual of macro sizes (dimensions of a chip).

    As a result, these ultra modern planar technologies are

    helpless with the creation of powerful autonomous

    3D-devices with the overall sizes *(110) mm3. The

    author makes the attempt to estimate the prospects for

    development and fabrication of topology complex 3D

    MEMS/NEMS, for example, flaying microrobot and elastic

    micro motor on the basis of fibrous compositesultra high

    aspect-ratio glass structures with predetermined 3D micro-

    and nano-topologies and embedded wires.

    1 Fibrous composite mems/nems technology

    The name of fiber technology came from the process of

    product manufacture in fibrous composite. The fibers can

    be polymeric, glass or other materials but today this tech-

    nology uses glass. Fibrous MEMS/NEMS technologypreceded from micro channel plates the well known in

    electronic industry as MCP. About 70% of the area of such

    plates (thickness of*0.4 mm) is comprises of identical

    cylindrical channels with a diameter from several units to

    tens of micrometers. This process circumstance was used

    for preparing the hyperfine vacuum-tight windows-filters of

    soft X-ray for the SR beam-line (Chesnokov et al. 1991). In

    this filter geometrically high transparent MCP performs the

    role of the supporting structure.

    There are other examples of non-traditional use of MCP.

    For example, they were used in area of the mechanical

    mass separators of atoms and molecules of intensive

    molecular beams (Murphy 1989). In recent years, new

    interest in the application of MCP structures has been

    stimulated by the intensive development of laser units. In

    particular, the work (Tonucci et al. 1992) communicates

    about the development of the MCP with the diameter of

    the channels and the partition thickness between them

    *33 nm. In this case the density of openings is

    *3 9 1010 cm-2. The potential of the use of such struc-

    tures is very high since the channels of structure can be

    filled with materials with different properties (polymers,

    metals, alloys, semiconductors, etc.). A novel method of

    producing ordered arrays of glass nanocones with precisely

    controlled height, lattice constant and aspect ratio is

    recorded by (Urso et al. 2007).

    In 1989 Sergey Sukhoveyev and Edward Kolerov from

    Scientific Research Institute of Vacuum Techniques

    (Moscow, Russia) proposed some design for thick X-Ray

    masks with ultra-high aspect-ratio microstructure (Kolerov

    and Sukhoveyev 1989). In contrast to MCP, in such masks

    from lead glass, the cross-section of each channel can be

    very predictable. It was the first step (not yet realized) on

    S. Sukhoveyev (&)

    Electronics Department, Sub-Faculty of Micro System

    Techniques, Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering,

    Electronic and Automatic (Technical University),

    Pros. Vernadskogo, 78, 119954 Moscow, Russia



    Microsyst Technol (2008) 14:10991110

    DOI 10.1007/s00542-007-0519-6

  • 8/3/2019 Sergey Sukhoveyev- Ultra high aspect-ratio MEMS and NEMS on basis of fibrous composite technology


    the way to the creation of fibrous composite MEMS and

    NEMS. It was not realized since the authors creating this

    mask as a technological tool for LIGA-technology, resulted

    in an obtained fundamentally new product-microstructure

    with geometric parameters that exceed LIGA-microstruc-

    tures. Moreover, the prime cost of this new product proved

    to be to very low, and the special features of fibrous

    composite technology gave fundamentally new possibili-ties to the area of production volumetric microstructures:

    obtaining geometrically similar microstructures on any

    assigned scale in one and the same technological process.

    The author of this article proposed to fill channels with

    low-temperature alloy for the purpose of the creation of the

    built-in wires or electrodes, and on this basis developed the

    design of the fibrous composite stator of 3-phase syn-

    chronous micromotor with external diameter of (0.02 -

    2.0) mm. It is interesting that this idea was first perceived

    in earnest only Russian childrens popular periodical

    journal, Young Technician (Sukhoveyev and Ilin 1992)

    which inspired to the development of fibrous compositeMEMS/NEMS technology (Beloglazov et al. 1999).

    The essence of fiber technology consists of the process

    of drawing the bundle from the tightly packed and spliced

    fibers and (or) capillaries which primary are made of two

    sorts of glass sharply differing from each other in terms of

    solubility in the aqueous solution HCl. Most frequently

    used hexagonal fibers, Fig. 1b, c, enable the densest

    packing of the bundle and minimal withdrawal of

    topological sizes of the cross-section of the bundle during

    its pulling. The fibers composition in the bundle is deter-

    mined by the pattern of the cross section of the

    microstructure assigned on a certain scale. In this case the

    dissoluble fibers (D) form the future channels, Fig. 2. They

    further stretch the bundle into the thinner preserving the

    geometric similarity of the bundles cross-section, Fig. 3.

    The scale of pulling the bundle does not exceed the values

    *(1:20 - 1:24). The prepared bundle is cut into parts

    from which it is possible to form new bundle. This process

    can be repeated many times. For example, an X-ray mask,

    Fig. 7, was made from hexagonal fibers with the transverse

    size of*0.5 mm, and each of these fibers was obtained by

    pulling a bundle from*4,000 fibers. Cutting of the drawn

    bundle is done by diamond disk using the internal cutting

    edge. The minimum faultless length of the bundle piece in

    this case comprises*0.3 mm. A shorter length and flat or

    non-flat geometry of the microstructures can be obtained

    by additional polishing. Figure 4 illustrates formation of

    3D-structure by etching the bundle from indissolved core

    (ID) and dissoluble shell (D)Fig. 4a, and from dissoluble

    core and indissolved shellFig. 4b. Generally, the dis-

    soluble and insoluble parts can have any assigned profile

    section. The cantilevers are formed by etching the bundle

    end, Fig. 4a. In the case shown by Fig. 4b the channels are

    formed. Vacuum-tight partitions inside the channels,

    Fig. 4c, can be obtained by etching two sides of the bundle.

    In our experiments 5 lm-partitions were made inside the

    channels of the X-ray mask of lead glass with a thickness

    of the mask*5 mm. Figures 5, 6 and 7 demonstrate some

    examples of the structures with cantilevers and X-ray

    masks. In principle, the technology enables fabrication of

    the cantilevers with predictable cross-sections, including

    the channels, which can be filled with electrically con-

    ducting substance.

    Fiber composite technology gives great possibilities in

    area of creation of microdevices with embedded wires or

    electrodes. For example, Fig. 8 shows the fibers composi-

    tion in the bundle forming the stator of a 3-ph synchronous

    micromotor with a permanent magnet-rotor. The part of

    these fibers (six groups) contains capillaries filled with

    PbSn solder the melting point of which lower than the

    softening temperature of the glass. This rule is primary

    important for the pulling of the bundles containing

    Fig. 1 Packing diagram of bundle from round (a) and hexagonal

    fibers (b, c)

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    embedded micro and nanowires. It is one of the original

    properties of the fiber technology. In the pulling process,

    the bundle cross-section decreases continuously so that

    directly in one cycle of pulling, geometrically similar

    microstructures with an infinite number of standard sizes

    can be obtained. None of the other technologies provide

    this possibility. Moreover, specially selected composition

    of the hollow and continuous fibers in the bundle enables

    the fabrication of topologically complex microstructures

    with predictable cross-sections without the retention of the

    geometric similarity of the cross-section during pulling of

    the bundle. For example, Fig. 9a shows a section of the

    hollow cylinder with noncircular channels. The stator of

    the micromotor, Figs. 9b and 10, was prepared by this

    process. The channels of the stators preform were filled up

    by PbSn-alloy. These capillary wires perform the role of

    the active parts of the 1-turn phase windings. Figure 10

    shows design, electric scheme and photo of 3-ph syn-

    chronous micromotor with the stator and NdFeB rotor

    described above.

    The technology enables batch fabrication for different

    types of devices which can involve, for example, fluidic,

    light and X-ray devices. The fibers composition in the

    bundle is selected specifically for this. The example of the

    batch fabrication of the stators mentioned above, with

    external diameter of*160 lm is shown by Fig. 11.

    In principle, the plastic deformation process allows

    giving to the composite bundle any 3D-geometry. For

    example, twisting of the bundle is easily attended in

    practice. The channels can be twisted around the axis of

    bundle to some preset angle. Figure 12 gives some patterns

    of the simplest devices which could be obtained in this

    Fig. 2 Bundle packing diagram: dissoluble (D) and indissoluble (ID)


    Fig. 3 Bundle pulling diagram

    Fig. 4 Diagram of the production of the relief of the structure

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    case: Fig. 12a shows a structure with the twisted channels

    that can be used as micro turbines or micro-worm con-

    veyor, and Fig. 12b-analogous to its conical structure. The

    possible application of such microstructures is not limited

    only to mechanics. Its use in optics, X-ray and thermal

    neutron optics, and also multichannel electron micro-optics

    is distinctly evident from these figures. It is important to

    emphasize the roughness of the channels does not exceed

    *10 nm. This makes it possible to channel X-radiation by

    them on the basis of the total external reflection effect.

    Figure 12c shows the scheme of twisted cable, the

    minimum diameter in practice composes *20 lm. With

    powering this cable by 3-phase current it can be used as the

    stator of the micromotor with an external rotor. It is not

    difficult to see in this design some mechanical devices, for

    example, a cylindrical gear. If the cable is made with

    dissoluble shell for each of lived, and these shells are

    eliminated to the specific length, Fig. 12d, such device

    pretends to the use as an electrostatic actuator with

    mechanical efforts (F).

    Concluding the examination of the infinite series of the

    possible applications of fibrous microstructures, one addi-

    tional very important observation should be made. The

    Fig. 8 Stator of micromotor with six groups of the capillary wires

    Fig. 6 X-Ray code aperture (mask) from lead glass. Minimal lateral

    size of the partition *400 nm

    Fig. 7 X-Ray mask from lead glass with submicron partitions

    *(200300) nm

    Fig. 5 Micro-cantilevers (diameter*7 lm)

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    channels of fibrous microstructures can be filled with gases,

    electrolytes, semiconductor materials, and also by materi-

    als with other properties. In this case there are no visible

    obstacles for all these diverse forms and types of channels

    that would be present in one and the same microstructure.

    Specifically in this the author sees unique special featuresof fibrous composite technology.

    2 Prospects for fibrous composite nanotechnology

    In contrast to planar technologies, the production of fibrous

    nanostructures does not require special technological

    equipment and super-expensive clean rooms. Nano-

    dimensional structures, including structures with embedded

    nanowires they obtain as a result of repeated pulling of the

    bundle (amazingly simple and does not require any com-

    mentary). The author saw some other original possibilities

    of fibrous nanotechnology. One of them relates to pro-

    duction of non-planar NEMS without using any

    lithography processes (Sukhoveyev 2000) and as an

    example is explained by the schematic of the production of

    the stator of the micromotor, Fig. 13. According to this

    diagram, the glass-fiber preform carries out two primary

    tasks. First, it is used as the sacrificial body with prede-

    termined 3D geometry and thus forms the geometric form

    of the fabricated device. In the general case, this preform

    can be prepared from the dissoluble and indissolved glasses

    (partially sacrificial). Second, after removal of the surface

    layer of the perform, for example by etching process

    (Fig. 13bc) the special relief is fabricated and used later

    as mask at the next step, Fig. 13d. This technological

    approach makes it possible to fabricate devices from dif-

    ferent materials: metals, polymers, rubber, etc.

    Other prospects of using the fiber technology in the

    NEMS area include the possibility of preparing the struc-

    tures with sub-micron thickness partitions between the

    channels. In the case of using the glass ultra-thin parti-

    tions (as is known) possess membrane properties. Such

    nanostructure arrays involving the channels filled by dif-

    ferent sorts of electrolytes become similar to natural nerve

    fibers. Consequently, under specific conditions they must

    transfer signal-stimulus (information) from one end

    to the other. Fibrous structure can be prepared with a

    smoothly changing cross-section along its length. It is

    known a change of a nerve fiber diameter ensures a change

    in the speed of transmission on it of nerve impulse, and

    Nature skillfully uses this with the creation of living

    Fig. 10 Design, electric scheme and photo of the 3-ph micromotor

    with NdFeB rotor and 1-turn phase windings: 1 hollow cylinder with

    the channels inside the wall; 2 PbSn wires; 3 metal disk-connector

    for all wires (point o); 4 rotor; 5 shaft; Ax, By, Cz-phase windings,

    P power source

    Fig. 9 Hollow cylinder: before (a) and after (b) filling the noncir-

    cular channels by PbSn solder (microwires)

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    organisms. Thus, it is possible to speak about the possi-

    bility of designing of artificial nerve fibers on the basis of

    fibrous structures or, more modest-unique sensors.

    It should be noted, fibrous nanotechnology provides not

    only the possibility of preparing the structures unique in the

    topology, but also it does not require expensive equipment

    and rooms. In addition, it does not use any radiation. Finally,

    this technology can be realized at any geographical point.

    3 Prospects for fibrous composite technology in the


    Creation of self-powered mobile sensors, microrobots

    (MR) and mobile networks is at present new development

    stage of MEMS technologies. On a global scale, the net-

    works will accomplish monitoring the planets surrounding

    media, on a global scale they will be able, for example: to

    protect of a state border, inspect unattended areas of atomic

    power plants, etc. One of the important tasks of the creationof mobile MR, caused by the idea that maximally small

    overall size and the mass of detail of MR must be multi-

    functional, and their quantity in the ideal must be equal to

    one (one detailone MR). However, such MR is not

    practically realized. Actually, one brief enumeration alone

    of the vitally important knots (onboard power source,

    engine, onboard controller, sensor, and transceiver) speaks

    for itself. The author made an attempt at the estimation of

    the possibility of designing the flying micro-robot by use of

    the fibrous composite technology (Sukhoveyev 2003).

    As the prototypes in this case the plants seeds which are

    flying in air were selected. More precisely they float in it.

    Reynolds Number is so small with the small dimensions of

    the micro air vehicle (MAV) that it occurs much nearer to

    the regime of floating in viscous air. From natural objects

    the author spied the MAV prototype as dandelion seed

    with a cone-shaped parachute system from fibers, Fig. 14.

    Fig. 13 Non-flat fabrication

    process sequence

    (amin * 30 nm): a fabrication

    of a sacrificial substrate 1 from

    soluble glass with channels 2;

    b, c etching of external surface

    3 to obtain relief (mask);d fabrication of the promoter 4;

    e removing the relief (mask) by

    etching; f, g fabrication of the

    functional layers 5, 6, by

    electroplating ore another way;

    h removing of the sacrificial


    Fig. 11 The bundle with batch-fabricated seven preforms of the

    micromotor stators (external diameter *160 lm)

    Fig. 12 Schemes of the twisted structures

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    Sometimes in flight separate seeds interlace by their fibers

    and form the hovering clouds. Previously has been spo-

    ken about of ideal MR design. From this point of view,

    the MAV design similar to the seed of dandelion is very

    attractive. Fibers can perform simultaneously the roles of

    parachute system, elastic feet (landing) or elastic guarding

    shell (collision with an obstacle), and also the role of the

    onboard source of electrical energy and radio-antenna.

    In particular, the battery from the coaxial capacitors

    executed in the form of fibers can have the following cal-

    culated parameters. If charging voltage U= 2V, the outside

    diameter of the cable (external electrode) 2R = 20 lm,

    thickness of dielectric layer (R - r) = 0.5 lm, permeability

    of dielectric e = 4, and the length of each cable l = 20 mm,

    the capacity of one cable will be*87 pF. If the endsof these

    cables are fixed and connected with each other (in parallel)

    on area *4 mm2, and each cable occupies space

    *(30 9 30) lm2 the number of cables in the battery will

    prove to be equal *4444, and its capacity C* 0.4F.

    Energy of this battery will be*0.8 J. If will be used as the

    dielectric polymeric materials (density * 1,400 kg/m3) the

    mass of battery (without mass of thin film external cable

    electrode) will be*40 mg, and the specific density of the

    stored energy of the battery is 0.02 J/kg.

    The scheme of the MAV power unit with this battery

    can appear analogous to Fig. 15 on which the number of

    cables is shown in the reduced quantity. Cables can be

    located on both sides of the disk since as their function,

    they guarantee not only of planning MAV but also damp-

    ing impacts with the obstacles and landings.

    In principle, the simplest MAV can have aboard a

    reserve of energy sufficient only for the sensor functioning

    and delivery to its operator any alarm message about

    target (fire, harmful gas, etc). However, according to the

    authors intention, it must be capable of the autonomoustakeoff after landing. Therefore, in order to be joined away

    from the earth by catching random puff of wind, the MAV

    must be supplied with additional actuators ensuring its

    takeoff and support of gliding condition. For this purpose

    instead of disk 1, Fig. 15, it is more expedient to use the 3-

    or 4-blade propeller, Fig. 16, which can revolve on a shaft

    3 by magnetostatic slide bearing.

    This propeller can be made in the form of tape solar cell

    and fulfill the function of charger for the low-voltage fiber

    battery. In addition, the unipolar dc-motors supplied with

    its own propellers can be placed at the tips of the blades of

    this propeller, Fig. 17. The mass of such a propeller can be*50 mg (the 1 cm2element can provide short-circuit

    current *2.8 mA (1.8 - 2.3) V.

    Another approach can use lithium film batteries. It is

    important to note these micromotors, according to their

    operating principle, must be dc-unipolar motors since, in

    this case, their stator windings are powered directly from

    the onboard power source without use of any additional

    devices. Unfortunately, the very low power of these mi-

    cromotors is pay for the gain in mass and simplicity of

    design. Obviously, the presence of a propeller does not

    solve the problem of takeoff in all possible situations. For

    example, if the MAV sits in the grass, the possibility to

    untwist the propeller is small.

    In addition, the wing-actuator and/or micromotor on

    reactive thrust can be used. It should be noted they would be

    effective for super-light weight MAVs only. The design of

    these actuators appears as follows. The shaft 3 of the pro-

    peller, Fig. 16, can be used simultaneously as the fuselage.

    Its external surface is covered with electrically conductive

    film 3, Fig. 18. The ferromagnetic layer 4 is made over the

    film 3 in the section of shaft angular sector *300. Elastic

    Fig. 14 Dandelion seed: f fiber; s seed

    Fig. 15 Art-work of the low-voltage battery-parachute system: 1

    disk-shaped solar cell; 2 cross-section of the fiber battery; 3 cables

    Fig. 16 Solar cell-propeller: 1 blade of solar cell-propeller; 2, 3

    magnetostatic bearing

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    ferromagnetic wings 2 (one or several pairs) are attached to

    the section of shaft that is free from film 4.

    With current on the film along the fuselage, the resulting

    ring-shaped magnetic flux is locked in the air gaps between

    layer 4 and wings 2. This actuator is an electromechanical

    resonator with wings in kind of moving element. One of the

    authors ideas for the complex motion microwing is non-

    continuous wing from elastic fibers of predetermined

    length, Fig. 19. In this case we have a system of resonators

    with their own mechanical parameters for each fiber.

    It should be noted the independent application of such

    wing-actuators can be useful for other devices. For exam-

    ple, autonomous MRs designed to only creep could be

    propelled along the same surface by jumping with the aidof the wing-actuator. In this case, power consumption for

    its motion by jumping can prove to be less than con-

    sumption for rolling or sliding along the surface. Another

    scenario is possible, for example, during monitoring of

    unattended areas of harmful or dangerous production,

    storage, tunnels, etc. In these cases inspection robot with a

    wing-actuator could be moved along an assigned route,

    along a guide of cord, for example, along a powered wire-cord, passed through the fuselage.

    Another takeoff-actuator can be an engine of the reac-

    tive thrust, executed directly as a part of the bushing 2,

    Fig. 16, which in this case combines the functions of the

    bearing and the holder of the fibers (capacitors of battery).

    The author took the design of this device, initially devel-

    oped as a multichannel electron optic lens, Fig. 20, as the

    basis of this engine. When the potentials U1 and U2 are

    present on electrodes 3 and 6, an electric field 8 forms the

    meniscus 9 of liquids 7 at the open end of each of the

    channels 2. The form of the meniscus can be changed (by

    supplying potential to the electrode that is isolated from

    electrode 6 by insulator 10) to such an extent, the detach-

    ment of the drop of liquid occurs, creating reactive thrust.

    Technology provides the possibility of preparing the plate

    1 with a minimum thickness of*0.3 mm and channels 2

    with a minimum diameter of*0.3 lm. The cross-section

    of the channels 2 can have any assigned geometry and

    sizes. The distance between these channels can be also

    predetermined. In addition, channels 2 can be prepared in a

    cone-shaped core, twisted relative to the longitudinal axis

    of the plate at specific angle. Electrode 3 consists of

    capillary wires, the cross-section of which, and their

    arrangement relative to the walls of the channels 2 can also

    be predetermined. In general, the author sees the wider

    application area of this design, in particular: a plasma

    electron gun, liquid-metal ionic source, micro pump,

    electrochemical microprobe, photon crystal, the wave-

    guide of X-radiation, and also a device with all possible

    combinations of the devices in the composition of one plate

    enumerated above.

    Returning to the MAV, one say the liquid propellant

    rocket engine can also be prepared in the form of fibrous

    Fig. 17 Solar cell-propeller with unipolar dc-motors (3): 1 blade; 2

    detail of the magneto-static bearing; 4 propeller

    Fig. 18 Flapping wings actuator: 1 fuselage; 2 wing; 3 electro-

    conductive layer; 4 ferromagnetic layer

    Fig. 19 Wings from independent fibers (1)

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    composite packed in orthogonal planes. In this case, each of

    the fibers can contain one or several channels 2 with elec-

    trodes 3. This engine can shoot liquid in the three mutually

    perpendicular directions resulting in thrust vector of the

    engine being controlled. A model of this composite, in the

    form of cube*(5 9 5 9 5) mm, prepared by the gluing of

    the preformed micromotor stators (Sukhoveyev et al. 1999)

    is shown in Fig. 21. In the shear of the angle of model are

    three visible orthogonal channels with six electrodes 3 each.

    This model is a demonstration of the extraordinarily wide

    and original possibilities of fibrous composite technology in

    the field of the MAV creation. A common form of the MAV

    Dandelion is shown by Fig. 22.

    4 Micromotors on the basis of flexible fibrous

    shells and their segments

    It is known that stators winding of electric motors creates

    a moving magnetic field. One of the simplest forms of such

    a 2-phase winding appears a strip winding consisting of

    two identical periodically bent conductors displaced rela-

    tive to each other to fourth of their period along their

    common longitudinal axis. Among the practical tasks of

    MEMS there are tasks of displacement of microparticles,

    liquid or other objects along the surface or in the depth

    of body. In such micro-elevators as we find use grid

    constructions from the microwire and multilayer tape

    windings. Very often the windings with assigned 3D-

    geometry can be made as independent attached elements of

    the device only. This deficiency can be overcome by using

    fibrous technology that enables fabrication of the micro-

    structures with periodic relief of the surface. This relief iswell visible, for example, on the walls of the channels of

    the X-Ray mask, Fig. 7. Earlier has been noted (Bel-

    oglazov et al. 1999) a structure with this relief can be used

    as X-Ray diffraction grating.

    The stator involves two identical periodic surface

    structures separated from each other by the air gap, and

    Fig. 21 Example of the glass array with the microchannels placed in

    orthogonal planes

    Fig. 22 Art-work of the MAV Dandelion

    Fig. 20 Scheme of the fluidic multichannel rocket engine; 1 fiber

    glass array; 2 channel; 3 embedded microelectrodes; 4, 6 film

    electrodes; 5, 10 insulating layers; 7 fluid; 8 field lines; 9 meniscus;

    U1, U2-electrodes potentials

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    these structures are displaced relative to each other,

    Fig. 23b. The phase stator windings are obtained by fab-

    ricating a thin, continuous electrically conductive layer on

    these surfaces with a relief. The profile of the windings can

    have, for example, a form of meandering. With the pow-

    ering of the windings by currents I1 and I2 taking place in a

    direction transverse to the relief and moved between

    themselves in the gap on the phase of the stator a runningmagnetic field will occur. The field speed is determined by

    current frequency and by the period of the relief. Rotor or

    slider they place in the gap. This is the special feature of

    the described motors. They can be made on the structured

    surface of the flexible fibrous shell or its segments with any

    3D geometry and have several sections with the relief

    surface between which, in the gaps (if necessary, nonlin-

    ear), several moving elements of the motor can be moved.

    In the case of a cylindrical motor with a revolving rotor,

    one of the two parts of the stators preform with the periodic

    relief of the surface can take the form, shown by Fig. 24.

    Fibrous preforms, Fig. 24, can be hollow or continuous.Two such parts of the stator can be attached on both sides

    of the shaft with the rotor. The outside diameter of this

    stator which can be actually are made at precise dimensions

    *20 lm. This device can also be used as an angular dis-

    placement sensor. One property of fibers is their flexibility.

    The value of a safe bend radius of the fiber comprises not

    less than its hundred radiuses. Consequently, this property

    of fiber gives new possibilities to the construction of


    The author must emphasize here the selection of MAV as

    the object of the possible application of the described

    construction of micromotors is made for the purpose to

    exclusively emphasize the enormous potential field of

    activity for fibrous composite technology in the MEMS area.

    5 Electrode and 3d-winding systems

    from glass-metallic fabrics

    It is well known the micro-robotics world needs very

    powerful motors and actuators with 3D complex topology.

    One of the most significant challenges is the creation of

    some design and method of fabrication way for the

    electrical windings, having many turns, with a complex,

    predictable non-flat topology. There are similar tasks in

    the area of non-contacts manipulation of the micropartsby travelling electric and magnetic fields (Moesner and

    Higuchi 1997) and (Moesner et al. 1997). In an early

    paper (Sukhoveyev et al. 1999) an idea of utilizing the

    flexible fabrics from electro-conductive microfibers or

    microwires in MEMS-area was briefly proposed. Recently

    the glass-metallic fabrics were made by using industrial

    equipment from the fabrication of conventional glass

    fibers with low softening temperatures and metallic wires

    made from Mo, Cu, FeNialloys with diameters of 20

    120 lm (Sukhoveyev and Suetin 2003). The width of

    such an industrial fabric band is about 1.0 m. Tiny pieces

    cut from the fabric band demonstrate a high flexibility

    suited to bond such a piece to the non-flat substrate with a

    predictable 3D geometric shape. Flexibility of the fabric

    is the main key that opens a door to novel and unusual

    applications of the fabrics in the MEMS-area. Particu-

    larly, such an approach enables fabricating of the

    windings and electrode systems with numerical shapes.

    The skeleton of the electric part of the fabric involves

    long parallel elastic microwires. These microwires inter-

    twine slim and long parallel flexible fiberglass beams.

    Fig. 23 Micromotor on the basis of fibrous stator with periodic relief

    surface: a diagram of currents I1 and I2; b design of stator; 1 part of

    stator with periodic relief; 2 conducting layer; 3 ferromagnetic slider

    or rotor

    Fig. 24 Fibrous preforms of the stator (a, b, c) with the periodic


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    Figure 25 shows a general view of the fabric. The shapeof the elastic microwires is similar to a sinusoidal func-

    tion every half-wave of which, intertwines two (Fig. 25b)

    or three (Fig. 25c) fiber-glass beams. Another interesting

    architecture feature of the fabric is a periodical space shift

    of the neighboring half-wave of the wires. The shift

    period equals *(a + b) (see Fig. 25b). This fabric feature

    can be used in order to create 3D microsystems

    that explore moving electric or magnetic fields by 2- or

    3-phase windings or electrode systems. In such a system

    the field will be moved along the fabric surface (flat or

    non-flat). It is very important to mark a choice for the

    method of fabrication some device from described fabricmust contains the way of fabrication leads and intercon-

    nections between microwires manufacturing. If the fabric

    is fixed on thin substrate from material that can be plas-

    tically deformed without disruption of the fabric wires,

    some area (or several areas) of such a preform can be

    deformed by micro stamping. The wires after stamping

    can have some predictable topology. When these wires

    are powered the fabric can works, for example, as elec-

    tromagnetic coil or an electron optic lens.

    6 Conclusions

    Thus, fibrous composite technology enables fabrication of

    volumetric micro- and nano-structures with an ultra-high

    aspect ratio inaccessible in its geometry to other known

    technologies. At present, microand nanostructures from

    the glass already are found a use as MCP, MEMS/NEMS

    powerful devices, X-ray waveguides and lenses, and pho-ton crystals. It is important that one and the same

    technology for preparing these completely different in the

    functions devices is used. Exceptionally important are

    other aspects. Fibrous composite technology does not use

    radiation, it does not need extra-pure accommodations, it

    can be realized practically at any geographical point and,

    finally, it needs a minimum quantity of specialists of

    average qualification. And the latter, fibrous composite

    technology conceals the inexhaustible possibilities since

    the materials which it can use are not exhausted.

    Acknowledgments The author expresses gratitude to ProfessorPeter Maltcev of the Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering,

    Electronics and Automation (Technical University) for the fruitful

    discussions and critical relation to the work of the author in the area

    of MEMS and NEMS.

    Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the

    Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which per-

    mits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any

    medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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