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Transcript of SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2015 ELUL 5775 / TISHREI ... OCTOBER 2015 ELUL 5775 / TISHREI / CHESHVAN 5776 2 A...

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wA Publication of Oheb Shalom Congregation




A Letter From Our Rabbi

What is the purpose of prayer? !at is a valid question, not only because we are about

to celebrate the beginning of a new Jewish year by joining together for several days of

communal prayer, but because prayer lies at the heart of any congregation. We may learn

together, we may engage in Tikun Olam together, we may socialize with one another, but

gathering together to pray is undeniably at the core of what we are about. So asking about the

purpose of prayer is both an interesting and a necessary question.

!ere are several good answers to the question of why we pray. Some would say that we pray

to acknowledge and praise the Divine presence in our midst. Some would say that we pray

to express gratitude for our lives and the world in which we live. Still others would say that

we pray in order to ful"ll ourselves as human beings, creatures who are capable of spiritual

expression in ways that lower forms of life are not. In other words, we pray for the same

reason that we paint, write, and enjoy poetry, or dance expressively. Some would say that we

pray to a#rm our Jewish identity and heritage. And some would say that we pray because

prayer is an appropriate reason and activity in which to engage as a community. Prayer is one

of those things that we do best in the presence of others and not on our own.

But another answer may be found in the Hebrew word for prayer- “l’hitpalel.” Hebrew

grammarians will recognize that word as a re$exive verb form, i.e., to do something to, or

for, oneself. L’hitpalel is not easily translated into English (other than “to pray”). !e word

actually comes from the root “to judge,” so l’hitpalel literally means “to judge oneself.” By the

way, the Hebrew word for prayer, te!la, also comes from the same root and, at least literally,

means “self-judgement.”

!e Hebrew word l’hitpalel, to judge oneself, suggests that prayer is an act of self-scrutiny, an

opportunity for stock taking that is potentially both healthy and productive. Our tradition

may have given us a set of prayers to recite and a routine by which to say them, but the act of

prayer is still a very personal and emotional one. It can be, and should be, an experience of

personal scrutiny. It can and should be a time to ask ourselves pointed questions about what

we believe and how we behave. We might direct these questions to ourselves, and we might

address them to God. If and when we take note of ways in which we have fallen short of our

principles, we might use the act of prayer to seek a new direction in our spiritual lives. !us,

prayer truly can be a time to “judge oneself.” It can provide an opportunity and an incentive

to a more satisfying and meaningful life.

I truly hope that your experience of prayer, especially on these upcoming High Holidays, will

be upli%ing and ful"lling. I hope that your prayers will be thoughtfully expressed, that they

will help you to connect with our community and our tradition, and that they will help you

to "nd the part of your being that is capable of spiritual expression. And I hope that your

prayers will also be an experience of self judgement, one in which the person you are will

begin the process of being transformed into the person you wish to be. For that aspiration, as

lo%y as it may be, is very much part of what celebrating a new Jewish year is all about.

Amy, Eitan and Dita, Josh, Yoni, Benji, and Aaron join me in wishing you a Shana Tova…a

good and sweet New Year, one "lled with good health, ful"llment, and moments of joy and


Oheb Shalom Congregation

Founded 1860

Congregation Beth Torah a"liated 1983

170 Scotland Road

South Orange, New Jersey 07079

tel: 973-762-7067

fax: 973-762-4591


A"liated with United Synagogue

of Conservative Judaism

Rabbi Mark Cooper

Cantor Erica Jan Lippitz

Officers of Oheb Shalom

Bob Sandor, President

David Boyko, Executive Vice President

Jamie Breitman, Vice President

Stuart Schulman, Vice President

Eve Wasserman, Vice President

Lora Wegner, Vice President

Hugh Cohen, Secretary

Matt Sheedy, Treasurer

Professional Team

Linda Gri&er, Executive Director

Michael Dorfman, Education Director

Iris Ehrlich, Director of the

Mickey Fried Nursery School

the REVIEW of

Oheb Shalom Congregation

Editorial Staff

Editors: Sheila E. Alexander

Sue Schulman

Cover Design: Jodi Rotondo

!e REVIEW is published bi-monthly


It is printed on recycled paper.

Submissions for the

November/December 2015 issue are

due no later than September 13.


for more information.


The Cantor’s Corner

Flory Jagoda takes her place on stage, her daughters and granddaughter at her side. As she hears the !rst rich chords of the

guitar, she tells the story of large door-keys that Jewish families took from their homes in Spain, when they "ed the Inquisition.

Passing the key from generation to generation, they told their stories and awaited the return to their home.

Flory li#s up her voice as she sings songs in Ladino. She takes us to a Sephardic wedding in Sarajevo, to a Purim celebration, to

the table of her many aunts who would each host a holiday meal. “Tia Mazalta muz va a yamar nochi di Hanuka!” $e rhythm

of the Ladino rocks our ears. Flory’s gentle voice hovers and cascades.

She serenades us for an hour. She is 91 years old, and as long as she can sing and laugh, she will share the story of her life and her

family — descendants of the Jews who settled in Bosnia in 1565. Ladino was their language. Countless, rich Jewish family and

communal traditions were passed down in song.

Traditions in song are also part of this High Holy Day season. Not only are many of the melodies for our religious services more

than a thousand years old, but some of you also cherish family recipes and traditions for Shabbat, for holiday meals, for your

sukkah, for the new year.

Flory’s Nona (grandmother) used to say, “Teach your children what you want your children to teach their children.” Is that a

focused, new way of thinking for us? Did we inadvertently lose traditions that distinguished our families, our identity, and way

of celebration? Is there something we thought the next generation would simply understand that we now need to teach, before it

is lost? Can we tell our children why that is now so important to us?

I hope you will come to shul to express your joy in the holy days, and to a%rm all that Jewish wisdom has to o&er. And I so hope

that when you return home, you will make time to tell the stories of your own family, share a meal of special foods – and with

hope, con!rm or even begin a family tradition that will last for !ve hundred years.

— Cantor Erica Lippitz

SUKKAH BUILDINGThursday, September 24 at 7:00 am

Bring your muscles (and ladder, if you

have one) and help the Men’s Club to

build the Oheb Shalom Sukkah.

SUKKAH DECORATINGSunday, September 27 at 12:00 pm

Build and decorate the family Sukkah

on the nursery school playground

while munching on snacks and pizza.

Crafts and fun for all ages!



Thursday, October 1 at 8:00 pm

Sunday, September 27 at 9:00 am

Sip on various scotches and discuss

current issues with the Men’s Club.

Pick up your own lulav and etrog set

for the holiday. ($38)


For adults and older kids, a festive Shabbat service and

dinner together in the main Sukkah.

6:15 pm - Shabbat service

7:00 pm - Shabbat dinner

$18 per adult; $10 per child ages 5-13

Friday, October 2, 2015

For families with younger kids,

a professional puppeteer will tell stories, followed by dinner

in the family Sukkah on the nursery school playground.

6:15 pm - Shabbat dinner

7:00 pm - Puppet show and stories

$18 per family



Shabbat in the


T P’ M

Shanah Tovah! Please join with your Oheb family as we celebrate the beginning of another Jewish year. Bring your whole family!

Bring some new friends from the community! Let’s show o" Oheb at our best.

It’s a great time to invite a family that’s just moved in or someone that’s not connected to a synagogue to come and experience

Oheb’s warmth and friendliness along with worship that is meaningful, upli#ing, and innovative. Please contact me if you know

of a family that needs High Holiday tickets. I would also appreciate your support as ambassadors throughout the community

when it comes to Oheb. Let your friends and neighbors know the vibrant activities that take place between our walls.

We have an exciting year ahead. We’ll be implementing our strategic plan and at the same time we’ll be o"ering an exciting array

of programs. Get involved! I encourage you to take an active role in our shul this year. Our congregation has something for

everyone, whether you are looking for Jewish study, new friendships, or to participate in social action.

Also, be sure to welcome our newest sta" member, Michael Dorfman, who is joining us as our new education director. Michael

will be focusing on the Zeman School, USY, and our kids’ Shabbat programming. I wish him and his family a hearty B’ruchim


Elie Wiesel once said that God gave human beings a secret, and that secret was not how to begin but how to begin again. $is

year let’s look at the High Holidays as a gi#, a chance to give thanks for the miracle of renewal. Each of us can look toward the

coming year with new eyes and renewed purpose. Together let’s renew our commitment to Oheb Shalom.

Let’s embrace the High Holiday gi# of renewal, while we pursue making Oheb and our community the very best it can be. From

my family to yours, L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu—may you have a good year, and may you be inscribed for blessing in the Book of Life.

— Robert Sandor, President

Zeman Religious School / Teen Calendar


1 7:30 pm USY Parents/Teen Meeting13 Erev Rosh Hashana - No School

14 10:30 am Rosh Hashana Youth Service14 11:30 am Rosh Hashana Teen Service15 10:30 am Rosh Hashana Youth Service15 11:30 am Rosh Hashana Teen Service20 9:00 am Zeman School Opening Day22 6:30 pm Kol Nidrei Family Service23 Yom Kippur - No School

23 10:30 am Yom Kippur Youth Service23 11:30 am Yom Kippur Teen Service (6th-8th Grade)23 12:30 pm Yom Kippur Teen Service (9th-12th Grade)


2 6:15 pm Shabbat Service and Dinner in the Sukkah4 Sukkot - No School

7 6:15 pm USY Fall Module #1 (@Oheb)10 Opening USY Dance11 Kadima Regional Opening Event14 6:15 pm USY Fall Module #2 (@Oheb)17 USY Israel Event (@Beth El)18 USY Board Meeting (@Oheb)21 6:15 pm USY Fall Module #3 (@Oheb)23-25 USY Regional Leadership Training Institute25 3:00 pm Kadima Kicko! @ Skyzone28 6:15 pm USY Fall Module #4 (@Oheb)



I’m so honored to be the new Director of Education at the Zeman School. I know that I’ve spoken with many of you already, but

I look forward to meeting all of the members and families over the High Holidays and throughout the year.

"ank you so much for welcoming me, my wife Mandy, and our daughter Amèlie, into the community so warmly. Amèlie

participated in camp this summer at Mickey Fried and loved every minute of it. She is very much looking forward to being a

part of the Nursery School this upcoming school year.

A bit about me: Originally from Marlboro, NJ, I graduated Rutgers University with a B.A. in English and an M.A. in Education.

Later, I went back to receive an M.S. in School Leadership from Brooklyn College. I’ve spent the last $%een years in education,

both formally and informally. In the secular world, I taught middle school Language Arts for six years. Simultaneously, I

taught religious school, was a youth director, worked at Jewish camps, and planned family programs at Reform, Conservative,

and Reconstructionist institutions in the NJ/NY area. Most recently, I served as the Department Chair of Jewish Studies at the

Rodeph Sholom School in Manhattan. In addition to teaching Jewish History, Tanakh, Holidays, and Hebrew, I also coordinated

holiday and Shabbat programming, the eighth grade graduation trip to Israel, assisted with curricular technology, and coached

baseball, basketball, and soccer.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, relaxing at the beach, playing basketball and racquetball, practicing guitar,

completing the New York Times crossword puzzle, and reading a good book.

A bit about youth programs under my leadership: Oheb Shalom Congregation provides various opportunities for Jewish students

to learn, engage, and experience, including:

1) e Rose and Isadore Zeman School provides students from Kindergarten through seventh grade with the skills and

content knowledge to be active participants in Jewish life, in the Jewish community, and in the support and understanding

of Israel.

2) Shabbat Katan is a special Shabbat experience for children under the age of $ve and their caregiver. Music, stories, and

Shabbat-appropriate arts and cra%s projects await! Shabbat Katan meets select Saturdays from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm.

3) Shabbat Kef is a vibrant way for students in grades 1-6 to experience Shabbat through games, activities, stories, and music.

4) South Orange Kadima, in partnership with Congregation Beth El, provides middle school students with a fun, safe, and

comfortable environment where they can get to know their Jewish peers, as well as gain new Jewish experiences.

5) South Orange USY (SOUSY), in partnership with Congregation Beth El, is a program designed to engage and inspire teens

during a formative time in their Jewish lives. "e goal of South Orange USY is to give teens an opportunity to socialize,

study, and do social action with their peers in a safe and supportive Jewish community.

To learn more about programs and events, or if you have questions/ concerns, please email or

call (973) 762-7067. I look forward to meeting you soon, and wish you and your family a Shana Tovah.


— Michael Dorfman, Education Director

E / Z S

Mae Zelikow Book Review

"e Mae Zelikow Book Review will meet on Tuesday, October 6, at 2:00 pm. Sylvia Amato will review

Emma Goldman, by Alice Wexler. All are welcome.

— Sylvia Amato,

Chair Oheb Shalom Book Review






I hope everyone had a good summer. It’s hard to believe that it’s

already time for the new school year to begin!

"e 2015 Nursery School Summer Camp was a huge success! Many

thanks to the camp sta# for their creativity and enthusiasm. Mona

Digaetano, Paula Almiron, Rachel Breitman, Shaiheeda Singh, and

Samantha Barreiro—your e#orts were greatly appreciated.

"e campers kept busy with a wide range of activities, with the

highlight of each day being time under the sprinkler and playing on

our playground. "e kids also helped to water our fabulous garden

and then harvested vegetables to snack on. Mad Science presented

two hands-on classes, “Wiggly World of Worms” and “Listen Closely.”

So many exciting things are happening at Mickey Fried Nursery

School this year! We’re eager to see how our returning children

have grown over the summer, and we’re looking forward to

meeting all our new children as well. Need to catch an early

train? No problem—we o#er early morning drop o#. Looking for

extra classes to keep little ones occupied in the a$ernoon? Our

enrichment classes run until 2:30 we now have the option

of an extended day until 6:00 pm!

Parent orientation will be the evening of Tuesday, September 8, 2015,

and the %rst day of school is Wednesday, September 9, 2015. In

September, we’ll jump right in and learn about the High Holidays,

attend the “"e Shofar Factory,” and introduce the season of fall.

My Buddy & Me (Mommy & Me), a weekly playgroup for pre-nursery-school-age children, will begin on Tuesday, October

13, 2015. It’s a great way for smaller kids to improve their social skills! Please contact me at (973) 762-7069 or nurserydir@ for further information about this special program.

On behalf of the entire nursery school sta# and myself, I would like to wish you and your family a healthy and happy New Year.

L’ shanna tova,

— Iris Ehrlich, Nursery School Director

Our twos making friends and having fun at camp

Learning all about worms from the Mad Science program

e Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry of Oheb Shalom Congregation serves kosher food to over 200 needy families each

month. With your help and support, we provide healthy, nutritious food to those less fortunate.

Volunteers are always needed. Please contact Miriam at for details.

We always need the following items:

Please be sure donated items are kosher, have a hechsher, and are not expired.

Monetary donations are always welcome.

Food Pantry Bagging & Distribution:

September 16 & October 146:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Food Pantry Distribution:

September 20 & October 189:00 am - 2:00 pm


Mickey Fried Nursery School / Young Family Calendar


4 6:15 pm Bim Bam Shabbat8 10:00 am Nursery School Sta! Meeting 8 7:45 pm Parent Orientation 9 Nursery School Classes Begin11 9:10 am Parent Association Meeting 12 10:45 am Shabbat Katan14-15 Rosh Hashana - No School

14 11:00 am Rosh Hashana Katan15 11:00 am Rosh Hashana Katan16 Lunch, Enrichment Classes & Extended Day Starts 19 10:45 am Shabbat Katan20 1:00 pm YOFI Apple Picking @ Alstede Farms22 Kol Nidre - 12:00 pm dismissal22 6:30 pm Kol Nidre Family Service23 Yom Kippur - No School

23 11:00 am Yom Kippur Katan26 10:45 am Shabbat Katan27 12:00 pm YOFI Sukkah Building & Decorating Party 28-29 Sukkot - No School


2 6:15 pm Young Family Puppet Show & Dinner in the Family Sukkah3 10:45 am Sukkot Katan5 Shemini Atzeret - No School

5 5:00 pm Simchat Torah Young Family Bash & Dinner6 Simchat Torah - No School

6 11:00 am Simchat Torah Katan7 Music with Ronnie begins10 10:45 am Shabbat Katan11 3:45 pm YOFI KinderConcert and Spaghetti Dinner12 7:30 pm Parent Association Meeting 13 9:15 am My Buddy & Me Begins 17 10:45 am Shabbat Katan23 Challah Program Begins23 First Shabbat w/Parents 24 10:45 am Shabbat Katan24 12:30 pm Nursery Family Shabbat and Class Luncheons29 Sta! Professional Day - No School

31 10:45 am Shabbat Katan

Our B’nai Mitzvah

My name is Josh Kirshenbaum. I live in Millburn where I attend Millburn Middle School. Along with my

parents, Alan and Stacey, I have two siblings, an 11-year-old brother, Matthew, and an 8-year-old sister,

Julie. My family and friends would describe me as funny, smart, and sometimes shy. I truly enjoy school,

especially science and math. I also enjoy playing tennis, guitar, piano, and camping with the Boy Scouts. I

hope to make Eagle Scout one day just like my Grandpa Jerry. Recently, I have been learning conversational

Spanish and Hebrew. Just for kicks, my next language conquest is Japanese, as I have been enjoying Japanese

anime and would like to watch it without subtitles.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Dates

!e Bar & Bat Mitzvah date assignment process for all children born in 2006 will commence in December. If by January 1, 2016, you do not hear from June Schechner, or if you are new to Oheb Shalom, please e-mail her at Any child born before January 1, 2006 should already have a date assigned.

!e 2019 Bar & Bat Mitzvah dates will be given out in May 2016 once the assignment process is complete. Any questions, e-mail June Schechner at

We look forward to helping your family celebrate this important milestone as your child becomes a Bar or Bat Mitzvah!

— June Schechner, B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator



As many of you already know, even though my term ended in June, I agreed to

stay on as Miriam Sisterhood President to help ensure that Miriam Sisterhood is

positioned to build upon its rich past (yes, founded all the way back in 1880).

Obviously, I and the other leadership of Miriam Sisterhood can’t accomplish that

alone. We really need your help to ensure that Miriam Sisterhood moves forward

without jettisoning its original mission:

(1) Fundraising – raising much needed funds for the synagogue, enabling targeted contributions

(2) Programming – sponsoring social and educational programs of interest to all members of Sisterhood and the

congregation, including social action

(3) Jewish identity – creating opportunities for our women to participate in the Jewish life of the synagogue and the

community, and supporting Jewish "eological Seminary (JTS) through a#liation with Women’s League of Conservative

Judaism (which Miriam Sisterhood helped found more than 95 years ago, and continues to support with the annual Torah

Fund event)

How could anyone not want to be a part of this over 130 year legacy? Well, each and every one of you women of the

congregation reading this article can help make a di$erence. Just read on!

1. You can participate and/or volunteer to help organize or assist with a myriad of events (overseen by Louise Finkelman, VP


More events and celebrations are in the works including family sports outing, davening in the reservation, and cooking

competition, all aimed at bringing our women together for friendship, fun, and conversation.

2. You can purchase supermarket gi! cards for Shoprite, Pathmark, and Kings, formerly known as “scrip,” at no additional

cost to you! (available from Edye Kramer, Michelle Bobrow, or Iris Ehrlich).

3. You can shop at our community Judaica Shop (under the leadership of Sheila Kaufman); look for the monthly specials

4. You can purchase Sisterhood tributes to the Flower Fund (chaired by Norma Schechner) and the Fanny B. Ho"man Bible

and Ramah Scholarship Fund (chaired by Linda Willner)

5. You can share news (Phyllis Keil, Social Secretary; Lisa Fox, Corresponding Secretary)

6. You can join a book discussion (chaired by Sylvia Amato)

7. You can provide feedback and/or support other members of the Board (that were not mentioned due to space constraints but

are valued and haven’t been forgotten!!)

Want to join? Of course you do. If you haven’t already done so, please send a $45 check, payable to Miriam Sisterhood, to Gerda

Langendor$, One Claridge Drive, Apt. 907, Verona, NJ 07044.

I look forward to greeting you at the Oheb Shalom High Holiday Services, and at one or more of the Miriam Sisterhood activities

in the coming year, beginning with the annual Membership Appreciation dinner on October 18.

Wishing you and your mishpachah a sweet and healthy New Year!— Jo Ann Boyko, Miriam Sisterhood President

Sisterhood Paid-up Membership Appreciation DinnerSunday, October 18, 2015 5:00 pm

Honor the women of Miriam Sisterhood at this annual event.



If I can ask for a show of hands, how many of you readers out there have attended school reunions? For high school? College?

Elementary school?

If you have, then you undoubtedly have gone to these events with a certain amount of trepidation. Will I look as good as my

classmates (or, perish the thought, will all of my classmates have aged better than I have)? Will that cute girl in my class whom I

never had the courage to ask out be attending the reunion? Will she still be cute? Will she even remember me?

Reunions are by de!nition traumatic. We necessarily compare the person we are today with the person we had hoped to become

back when we attended school – and sometimes we judge ourselves far too harshly. We also inevitably compare ourselves to our

former classmates in terms of relative success in life, love, health, and family.

"e High Holidays, especially Rosh Hashanah, are also a kind of reunion – but only in the best sense of that term. We see people

at Shul that we may not have seen all summer, or maybe even since the previous High Holidays. We inquire about their lives,

their family, recent Bar or Bat Mitzvahs, graduations, weddings, and new births.

But what is wonderful about Oheb and the Oheb family is that we don’t compare, and we don’t envy. Most of us feel genuine

pleasure at the good fortunes of our friends with whom we catch up at Rosh Hashanah, and sadness for their di#culties or losses.

In essence, it is the kind of reunion that a school reunion should be.

So this year at the High Holidays, I would ask that you try to reach out to all of your fellow Oheb classmates, wish them well for

their life successes, and give them support for any of their life misfortunes. A$er all, we all attend “Oheb School” together, and

graduation is hopefully far, far away for each of us.

So now we start a whole new year of Men’s Club activities (like

barbecue tool fencing as shown in the picture right), and we are

all looking forward to a year !lled with meaningful and fun social

activities (the two not being mutually exclusive).

P.S. "at cute girl from school existed only as a !gment in my mind’s

memory, but the very cute girl I later met agreed to be my wife.

Sometimes things just work out!

— Arthur M. Cohen, Men’s Club President

Men’s Club


Sunday, October 11, 2015 5:00 pm

A signature Oheb event!

Spaghetti, meatballs, & other Italian delicacies.

$40/family, or $30 with a Men’s Club member. $10/person.





Saturday, September 5

Sunday, September 13

Tuesday, September 22

8:30 pm Selichot Under the StarsA beautiful evening of singing, discussion, study and

8:15 pm Service for Erev Rosh Hashana

Monday, September 148:45 am Sanctuary service10:00 am Chapel service10:30 am Youth Services (K-5th Grade)11:00 am Katan (Ages 5 and under)11:30 am Teen Service (6th - 8th Grade)

8:15 pm Evening service

Tuesday, September 158:45 am Sanctuary service10:00 am Chapel service10:30 am Youth Services (K-5th Grade)11:00 am Katan (Ages 5 and under)11:30 am Teen Service (6th - 8th Grade)

6:30 pm Kol Nidrei6:30 pm Kol Nidrei Family Service (ideal for families with children up to 6th grade)

Wednesday, September 2310:00 am Sanctuary service / Chapel service10:30 am Youth Services (K-5th Grade)11:00 am Katan (Ages 5 and under)11:30 am Teen Service (6th - 8th Grade)12:30 pm Teen Service (9th - 12th Grade)4:15 pm Limud (study)5:00 pm Choice of Mincha or Meditation6:15 pm Neila7:45 pm Havdalah and Shofar Sounding8:00 pm Congregational Break Fast


Condolences ToMichael and Debra Ginsberg

on the passing of Debra’s father Philip Heitner

Mark and Amy Blumkin

on the passing of Mark’s mother Rona Blumkin

September: Milestone Birthday Wishes toAndrea AlexanderArthur C. FoxDennis HermanJay JennisStephen LeitJudith MorrowShirley RabinowitzHarriet RibotBonnie Sacks Robert SandorLaurence Weiss

September: Milestone Anniversary Wishes toRonald and Audre AronowitzMark and Amy BlumkinIrwin and Eleanor CohenGerald and Phyllis KeilAlan and Stacey KirshenbaumMarc Klosner and Jill Sokol-KlosnerAlex and Lori LernerRichard and Gesilda Wasserman

October: Milestone Birthday Wishes toE. Philip GelvinGerald KeilGerald LegowFrances MargolisScott MillerMarcia NadBarbara Salz

October: Milestone Anniversary Wishes toBarry and Barbara BeargAbraham and Janice BunisHelene and Leonard GlaserDennis and Frances HermanJay and !elma JennisJanet and Joseph LeMonnierJacob and Jaqueline NoverDavid and Norma SchechnerRobert and Elayne Simandl

L C E NTo ensure that important life cycle events are included in e Review, please contact the o"ce to share the news.

!is includes information about your (or someone else’s) birthday, anniversary, marriage, birth, death, etc.

If you would like someone’s name on the Misheberach list, please email the Rabbi with all the information


SimcHa SeniorsOheb Shalom Congregation

At Simcha Seniors, we provide an opportunity to expand your horizons with interesting programs and

enjoyable activities. All are welcome, regardless of age.

Lunch & Presentation!ursday, September 10

12:00 pm @ B’nai Israel

Guest Bennett Muraskin, author of e Association of Jewish Libraries

Guide to Yiddish Short Stories

$10 per person

Film & Co#ee Wednesday, October 21

1:00 pm

Join us for an exciting !lm while we enjoy co#ee and cake.

$6 ($3 Simcha Seniors member)

Lunch & Presentation !ursday, October 8

12:00 pm

Mort Segal will present “$e Rise of the Catskills and the Comedians

Who Got $eir Start $ere.”

$9 ($5 Simcha Seniors member)

All RSVPs to Esther at 973-740-9891.

Questions? Contact Ellen 973-285-9772 or

Mazal Tov to

Helen Paktor!Oheb Shalom member and

Auschwitz survivor Helen Paktor

recently celebrated her 90th birthday.

We wish her many more!




Social Action Committee

e mission of the Social Action Committee is to provide an

opportunity for all congregants to engage in tikkun olam (repairing

the world) during the year.

Our "rst event this year, co-sponsored with Miriam Sisterhood, will be

the Sadie Margolis Social Justice Lecture on October 25 at 10:00 am.

We will be having a compelling speaker from Moms Demand

Action. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a non-

partisan grassroots movement to mobilize moms and families to

advocate for stronger gun laws. is group works on a variety of

initiatives to reduce the number of unintentional shootings and to

keep our kids safe. is lecture is open to all congregants.

Also, we will be hosting the annual Avia Bearg Blood Drive on the

25th from 9:00 am–2:00 pm. Please come to the lecture and, while

you are there, do an extra mitzvah by giving blood!

---Please join us again and watch for sign ups.

We will be returning to Willing Hearts in Newark to host breakfast.

We will also be making lunches for Bridges.

Please look out for announcements regarding many other important Social Action events this coming year:

anksgiving Day volunteering. We will be returning to Willing Hearts in Newark to host breakfast and also making

lunches for Bridges.

Awareness and preventative action against human tra$cking

Giving trunks collections

Volunteering at the Community Food Bank

Christmas Day job relief

Habitat for Humanity

We have a wonderful committee, and invite new members to join us. Also, if you have a passion for a particular social action

cause, we would be happy to help support your project.— Social Action Chairs

Michele Hilzenrath (;

Miriam Nelson (

Annual Avia BeargMemorial Blood Drive

9:00 am–2:00 pm

Save a life! Donate blood and make a lasting contribution in Avia’s memory.

Sadie MarguliesAnnual Social Justice Brunch

10:00 am

We welcome a speaker from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, a non-partisan grassroots

movement that seeks to mobilize moms and families to advocate for stronger gun laws.


Rosh Hodesh

Women of all ages meet on or about the "rst of each Jewish month to share a meal and to discuss topics of feminist-Jewish interest.

Guests are welcome at any time. is is a terri"c way to meet new people and expand your mind!

Wednesday, October 14, 6:45 pm at Oheb Shalom.

A%er dinner, we’ll attend the second session of the Talmud class with Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz. (We also encourage you to attend

the "rst, third, and last sessions on Wednesdays October 7, 21, and 28.) If you can't make it for dinner, you are still free to come

to the class.

RSVP to Arlene Silikovitz at or (973) 342-5912 by October 12.

— Arlene Silikovitz, Chair;


Jewish Learning Experience

Shana Tova to all. Now that David Boyko has been summoned to a higher calling, I have assumed his former role as chair of

the Jewish Learning Experience. !anks to David’s capable leadership and the enthusiasm and collaborative e"ort of committee

members, we have assembled a number of inspiring and engaging programs this year designed to appeal to a variety of interests.

Leading o" our fall line-up are the ever-popular Talmud study classes with Rabbi Rabinowitz. !is year’s topic: “Rabbinic

Disagreements.” Closely following will be JLE’s signature event, the Rabbi Alexander Shapiro Memorial Lecture and Breakfast,

with guest speaker Dr. Alan Cooper on the origins of the Jewish people.

On November 14, we will board a #ying carpet and journey to Jewish Persia.

Our guide will be vocalist and anthropologist Dr. Galeet Dashdarti, who will

lead services along with instrumental accompaniment. !is not-to-be-missed

program, together with Kiddush, is co-sponsored by the Music Committee.

Perhaps closer to home, our e"orts at time travel will take on a more personal

meaning this winter when our own Mark Gordon will o"er a two-part class on

Jewish genealogy entitled, “Who’s Your Daddy?” And hovering between March

Madness and the start of baseball season will be the $rst of what we hope to be

an annual series of programs on Jews in Sports.

So, in answer to the lyric, Is that all there is?, we say “Maybe not.” Stay tuned.

Hank Glickman, Chair;



9:30 am

Dr. Alan Cooper, the

Elaine Ravich Professor of

Jewish Studies and provost

of !e Jewish !eological

Seminary, will speak on

the origins of the Jewish

people. Sponsored by JLE.


“the assembly of the 8th Day”

“Rejoicing in the torah”



TORAHOctober 5, 2015 - Simchat Torah Celebration

October 6, 2015 - 9:30 am

Simchat Torah Morning Service,

Honoring Charles Wantman and Michelle Bobrow

Sunday, October 4, 2015 - 6:15 pm - Evening Service

Monday, October 5, 2015 - 9:45 am - Morning Service

(Yizkor recited)


Tikun Midot -

Personal Renewal

e goal of Jewish life is to be an ethical human being

and to strive to leave the world a better place than the

way we found it. e sages tell us that all the mitzvot

commanded in the Torah can be reduced to three central

ones: to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly

with God (Micah 6:8). Tikun Olam- repairing the world-

is an important focus of Jewish life. By performing acts

of healing and helpfulness to the weak and su"ering, we

contribute to the moral upli#ing of our world.

Tikun Olam is strengthened by Tikun Midot- repairing

our souls through acts of internal mending and renewal.

While Tikun Olam is social and outward, Tikun Midot is

inward and private. Tikun Midot represents our e"ort to

rectify the incompleteness and imperfection of our inner


Rosh Hashana is an ideal time to focus on our inner

selves. e practice of Tikun Midot requires a deliberate

e"ort to change our disposition and attitude by becoming

more self-aware. To do this, we need guidance. Our

sages have suggested moral attributes for which we might

strive. As the new year dawns, you may wish to examine

this list of Midot and decide which ones are lacking and

how you might achieve them. e list is drawn from

various sources.

List of

Positive MidotAnava

Dan l’chaf z’chut



Lo l’vayesh



Ohev zeh et zeh

Ometz lev

Sameach b’chelko

Seiver panim yafot

Sh’miat Ha-ozen




Lo anochiyut

M’chabed zeh et zeh




Oheb Shalom Congregation is proud to join 14 other

Jewish institutions in the Create a Jewish Legacy Program

under the auspices of Greater MetroWest and the Harold

Grinspoon Foundation.

We are excited to announce that Oheb Shalom has

exceeded its goal of 18 legacy commitments during

the !rst year of this vital program. But this is only the


All of us, regardless of age, have the ability to leave a

meaningful Jewish legacy. Your legacy gi$ of any size can

be customized to !t your dreams, lifestyle, family, and

!nancial needs. You can help ensure Jewish tomorrows at

Oheb Shalom.

%ank you to the following couples and individuals who

are the inaugural members of the 1860 Legacy Society of

Oheb Shalom:

%e 1860 Legacy Society of Oheb Shalom team members are:

Michael Schechner Charles Wantman

Paul Schechner Richard Slutzky June Schechner

Be part of this exciting time in the life of Oheb Shalom.

Contact Linda Gri"er, Executive Director,

at or (973) 762-7067

to learn more.

Over 150 years strong. We are Oheb Shalom!

Michelle and Harold Bobrow

Helen and Leonard Glaser

Barbara and Jerry Grunt

Renee z’l and Frank Katz

Meredith and Kevin Katz

Burt Liebman

Jaqueline and Jacob Nover

Amy Blumenau Schechner

Cynthia and Arthur Schechner

June and Michael Schechner

Norma Schechner

Paul Sheridan Schechner

Judith and Fred Simon

Alyson and Richard Slutzky

Charles Wantman

Anonymous (3)

legacy societythe 1860

of oheb shalom


Hannah R. Abeles—In memory of Ruth Z. Reichman

Sandy Abeles—In memory of Melvin Speizer

Edward Alterman—In memory of Saul R. Alterman

Audre Aronowitz—In memory of Fanny Zbar

Sheila Appel—In memory of Louis Fischman

Jolene Appleman—In memory of Gertrude Appleman

In memory of Lawrence Weinstein

Aron and Bella Barash—In memory of Malka Barash

Robert Berson—In memory of George Cofsky

Barry and Barbara Bearg—In memory of Arnold Bearg

In memory of Gerald H. Rosenberg

In memory of Avia H. Bearg

In memory of Martha Rosenberg

In memory of Ida D. Fisher

In memory of Frank Becker

In memory of Joseph Bearg

Jill Shachat Bell—In memory of Benjamin Shachat

Lorraine Blum—In memory of Morton Blum

Ruth Brunman—In memory of Clara Scotch

Jerry and Adele Buren—In memory of Louis Buren

In memory of Julius Waldstein

Nancy Busch—In memory of Lillian Busch

Susan Cohen—In memory of Nathan Horowitz

Martin and Judy Cowen—In memory of Mildred Posner

Ruth Darmanin—In memory of Sol Berkowitz

Saul and Ellyn Dennison—In memory of Leon Dennison

Marcia Solko! Eskin—In memory of Louis Solko!

Barnet Eskin and Marcia Solko! Eskin—In memory of

Jonah Solko! Eskin

Nancy Friedman—In memory of Isadore Friedman

Beverly Gershon—In memory of Louis Gershon

Maureen Gardner—In memory of Russell Goodman

In memory of Lester Besher

Marion Gold—In memory of William Klingho!er

In memory of Isadore Sol Gold

Sherry Gold—In memory of Philip Gold

Ellen Gold"nger—In memory of Max Gold"nger

Julien J. Goldenberg—In memory of Estelle Goldenberg

Estelle Greendorfer—In memory of Miriam Kirschner

In memory of Abraham Kirschner

In memory of Robert Greendorfer

Gertrude Grei"nger—In memory of Alfred Fichman

In memory of Milton Fichman

In memory of David Fichman

Sheldon Greenspan—In memory of Allan Greenspan

Bill Harrison—In memory of Harry Harrison

Susan Hebel—In memory of Doris Merkin

Evelyn Herbst—In memory of Edwin Herbst

Frank Katz—In memory of Harry Kroll

In memory of Hyman Kroll

In memory of Lena Kroll

Eliot and Judy Krause—In memory of Arthur H. Krause

Miriam Biddelman-Massin—In memory of Irving J.


Doris Lander Merel—In memory of Freda Davis

Amy Nocito—In memory of Sylvia Shapiro

Shirley Rabinowitz—In memory of Bella Rubin

Lois Racaniello—In memory of Robert Levy

Harriet Ribot—In memory of Regina Lehrer

Ribot Family—In memory of Morris Ribot

George and Judith Rothbard—In memory of Mollie Epstein

Nadine Salzman—In memory of Charlotte Salzman

Deborah Schultz—In memory of Nathan Cohen

Barbara Sender—In memory of Harvey M. Sklaw

Marilyn Shaw—In memory of Anna Shaw

In memory of Harold I. Williams

Bettie Shrensel—In memory of Estelle Frank

Doris Sherman—In memory of Anna Sperber

Sidell Shulman—In memory of Fannie G. Wishner

Bob and Mimi Sochor—In memory of Jack Blumenthal

Susan Stifelman—In memory of Spencer Ross

Stanley and Ruby Strauss—In memory of Abraham Strauss

In memory of Aaron Skinder

—In memory of Jacob Shi!man

In memory of Doris Shi!man

—In memory of Samuel Tevelow

In memory of Ada Auerbach

In memory of Sylvia Becker

—In memory of Augusta Turkel Krauter

Joseph Weintraub—In memory of Bernard Weintraub

Leah Weintraub—In memory of Herman Zelikow

Ron Weiss and Jack Greenberg—In memory of Alfred Weiss

In memory of Sylvia Weiss

In memory of Max Greenberg

In memory of Rose Greenberg

Donations & Tributes


Richard Wener—In memory of Dorothy F. Wener

Margot Wolf—In memory of Herbert Wolf

In memory of Rose Bierer

Evelyn Yudowitz—In memory of Sadie Frankl

In memory of Gustave Goldstein

Robin Zimmerman—In memory of Donald A. Zimmerman

Rhea Zukerman—In memory of Jeanette Byers

Barry and Barbara Bearg—In honor of Leslie Lebow

In honor of the Budget Committee and its work

Frank Katz—In honor of Melinda Margulies Katz upon her

graduation from the New York University college of Medicine

with the degree Doctor of Medicine

In honor of having an Aliyah on the second day

of Shavuot

Larry and Debby Rosin—In honor of Jackie Nover’s birthday

Michael and June Schechner—In honor of Beverly

Kestenbaum at Jewish Community Foundation on her

promotion to Director of Donor Services

Era Sidanova—In honor of her birthday

Stanley and Leah Weiss—In honor of the nice Shavuot


Joseph J. Weiss—In honor of Helen Paktor’s milestone birthday


Paul and Adele Nagelberg—In memory of Rachel Rose

In memory of Anat Gertner

Elsie Lederman—In honor of Barbara Zinbarg’s birthday

Ruth Shapiro—In honor of Barbara’s Zinbarg’s birthday

In honor of Jerry Horowitz’s birthday and best

wishes for a speedy recovery

In memory of Charlotte Slutzky Koom

In memory of Rachel Rose

In honor Betty Feinberg for a speedy recovery

In honor of Helen Paktor for her special birthday

In honor of Ruth Shapiro receiving an Aliyah


Sari August—In memory of Rose Goetz

In memory of Stephen Keith August

Erica Kesin Richmond—In honor of Cantor Erica Lippitz

Robin Sherer and Jordan Aronson—In memory of Rita


In memory of Abraham Isidor Sherer


Arthur Blumenau and Judy Kaplan—

In honor of Benjy Schechner graduating from

Columbia University

In memory of Charlotte Slutzky Koom

In memory of Sol Blumenau

In memory of Anat Gertner

In memory of Marcia Karpf

Elan and Emily Kandel—In honor of Cantor Lippitz. !ank

you for another great year of Hebrew for MFNS!

Paul and Amy Schechner—In honor of Barbara and Ed

Zinbarg on their being honored at the UJA

Bene#t Concert.

In memory of Judy Bary


Bernice Nadler—In memory of Nathan Cohen

In memory of Jordan Elizabeth Nadler

Al and Laurie Richman—In memory of

Charlotte Slutzky Koom

Paul and Adele Nagelberg—In memory of

Charlotte Slutzky Koom

Donations & Tributes continued


Donations & Tributes continued.. .

Paul and Adele Nagelberg- In memory of Judy Bary

In honor of Rachel LeMonnier’s Bat Mitzvah

Jaine and Franko Rahimi—In memory of Estelle Frank

Don and Sharey Slimowitz—In honor of Emma Rae’s

Bat Mitzvah

!e Caplan Family—General donation: to help you with your

important work.


June 3—Linda Willner in honor of all good things

July 8—Jerry and Rita Horowitz in honor of Jerry’s 90th




400 Woodland Place

South Orange, N J 07079



Judy and Fred Simon

Jackie and Jack Nover

Myrna and Ed Mazer

Judy and Fred Simon

Jackie and Jack Nover

Myrna and Ed Mazer

Judy and Martin Cowen

Marci and Leo Gordon

Barbara and Jerry Grunt

Myrna and Ed Mazer

Norma and David Schechner

Judy and Fred Simon

Myrna and Ed Mazer

Norma and David Schechner

Judy and Fred Simon

Barbara and Jerry Grunt

Judy and Martin Cowen

Norma and David Schechner

Joan and Steve Jay

Judy and Fred Simon

Norma and David Schechner

Barbara and Jerry Grunt

Judy and Fred Simon

Jackie and Jack Nover

Judy and Fred Simon

Judy and Martin Cowen

Marci and Leo Gordon

Norma and David Schechner

Medical School

Marci and Leo Gordon

Norma and David Schechner

Marci and Leo Gordon

Elsie Lederman

Norma and David Schechner

Marsha and Steve Blank

Barbara and Ed Zinbarg

Jackie and Jack Nover

Norma and David Schechner

Diane and Steve Weiss

Norma and David Schechner

‘ Marci and Leo Gordon

Norma and David Schechner

Fran and Dennis Herman


Jackie and Jack Nover

Norma and David Schechner

Judy and Fred Simon

Barbara and Ed Zinbarg

Judy and Martin Cowen

Adele and Paul Nagelberg

Marsha and Steve Blank

Jackie and Jack Nover

Norma and David Schechner

Adele and Paul Nagelberg

Marci and Leo Gordon

Marci and Leo Gordon


Arthur Straussberg

Norma and David Schechner

!elma and Jay Jennis

Norma and David Schechner

!elma and Jay Jennis

Barbara and Leo Sender

Judy and Martin Cowen

Judy and Fred Simon

Myrna and Ed Mazer

Marci and Leo Gordon

Rachel Rose

Rhea and Karl Zukerman




973-267-4050; awil 299088


Amy Schechner – full recovery

Jayne Mackta

Linda Willner – for all her happy occasions

Ruth Colner

Jerry Horowitz – 90th birthday

Ruth Colner

Judy and Fred Simon – Bat Mitzvah of granddaughter

Linda Willner

Frank Katz – new home

Esther Bearg, Linda Willner

Barbara Zinbarg – birthday

Rita and Jerry Horowitz

Jack Zakim – in appreciation for the ride

Esther Bearg

Helen Paktor – 90th birthday

!e Becker-Bearg Family, Elsie Lederman


Esther Bearg

William Dauber

Esther Bearg

Mother and grandmother of Gollomp Family

Esther Bearg

Hyman Izraeli

Ernie Turkel

Donations & Tributes continued.. .


September 2015 Calendar

1 .......Talmud Class, 12:30 pm; USY Parent/Teen

Meeting, 7:30 pm

2 .......

3 .......

4 .......Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm;

Bim Bam Shabbat, 6:15 pm

5 .......Shabbat Service, 9:45 am; Selichot Under the

Stars, 8:30 pm

6 .......

7 .......LABOR DAY (o!ce closed); Morning

Minyan, 9:00 am

8 .......Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:30 pm;

Nursery School Parent Orientation, 7:45 pm

9 .......Nursery School Opens, 9:00 am;

Youth Committee Meeting, 8:00 pm

10 .....Simcha Seniors (@ B’nai Israel), 12:00 pm

11 .....Nursery School Parent Association Meeting,

9:10 am; Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm

12 .....Shabbat Service, 9:45 am; Shabbat Katan,

10:45 am

13 .....Service for Erev Rosh Hashana, 8:15 pm


Sanctuary Service, 8:45 am; Chapel Service,

10:00 am; Youth Services (K-5th Grades),

10:30 am; Katan (Ages 5 and under), 11:00

am; Teen Service (6th-8th Grades), 11:30

am; Tashlich at South Orange Duck Pond,

1:30 pm (approximately); Evening Service

for Second Day of Rosh Hashana, 8:15 pm


Sanctuary Service, 8:45 am; Chapel Service,

10:00 am; Youth Services (K-5th Grades),

10:30 am; Katan (Ages 5 and under), 11:00

am; Teen Service (6th-8th Grades), 11:30 am

16 .....Zeman School Classes, 4:00 pm; Food Pantry

Bagging and Distribution, 6:00 pm

17 .....

18 .....Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm

19 ..... Shabbat Service, 9:45 am; Torah Learning

Club, 10:30 am; Shabbat Katan, 10:45 am

20 .....Zeman School Opening Day, 9:00 am; Food

Pantry Distribution, 9:00 am; YOFI Apple

Picking @ Alstede Farms, 1:00 pm

21 .....

22 .....Kol Nidrei Service, 6:30 pm; Kol Nidrei

Family Service, 6:30 pm

23 .....YOM KIPPUR: Sanctuary and Chapel

Services, 10:00 am; Youth Services (K-5th

Grades), 10:30 am; Katan (Ages 5 and

under), 11:00 am; Teen Service (6th-8th

Grades), 11:30 am; Teen Service (9th-12th

Grades), 12:30 pm; Limud (study), 4:15 pm;

Mincha or Meditation, 5:00 pm; Neila, 6:15

pm; Havdalah and Shofar Sounding, 7:45

pm; Congregational Break Fast, 8:00 pm

24 .....Sukkah Building with the Men’s Club, 7:00


25 .....Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm

26 .....Shabbat Service, 9:45 am; Shabbat Katan,

10:45 am

27 .....Zeman School Classes, 9:00 am; YOFI

Sukkah Building and Decorating Party, 12:00

pm; Evening Service for First Day of Sukkot,

6:15 pm

28 .....Morning Service for First Day of Sukkot,

9:45 am; Evening Service for the Second Day

of Sukkot, 7:30 pm

29 .....Morning Service for Second Day of Sukkot,

9:45 am

30 .....Morning services for Chol Ha-Moed Sukkot,

7:45 am; Zeman School Classes, 4:00 pm


October 2015 Calendar

1 .......Morning services for Chol Ha-Moed Sukkot, 7:45 am; Scotch in the Sukkah, 8:00 pm

2 .......Morning services for Chol Ha-Moed Sukkot, 7:45 am; Evening Service for Shabbat of Sukkot, 6:15 pm; Young Family “Stories Under the Stars” in the Nursery School Sukkah, 6:15 pm; Congregational Dinner in the Oheb Shalom Sukkah, 7:00 pm

3 .......Morning Service for the Shabbat of Sukkot, 9:45 am; Sukkot Katan, 10:45 am

4 .......Service for Hoshana Raba, 9:45 am; Service for Shemini Atzeret, 6:15 pm

5 .......Morning Service for Shemni Atzeret (Yizkor will be recited), 9:45 am; Young Family Simchat Torah Bash, 5:00 pm; Simchat Torah Congregational Dinner, 6:00 pm; Simchat Torah Celebration, 6:30 pm

6 .......Morning Services for Simchat Torah, 9:45 am; Simchat Torah Katan, 11:00 am

7 .......Zeman School Classes, 4:00 pm; USY Fall Module #1 (@ Oheb Shalom), 6:15 pm; Rabbi Rabinowitz Talmud Class #1, 8:00 pm; Youth Committee Meeting, 8:00 pm

8 .......Simcha Seniors, 12:00 pm9 .......Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm10 .....Shabbat Service/Josh Kirshenbaum

Bar Mitzvah, 9:30 am; Shabbat Katan, 10:45 am; USY Opening Event, TBD

11 .....Zeman School Classes, 9:00 am; YOFI KinderConcert, 3:45 pm; Men’s Club Spaghetti Dinner, 5:00 pm; Opening Kadima Event, TBD

12 .....Mickey Fried Nursery School Parent Association Meeting, 7:30 pm

13 .....Morning Minyan, 7:45 am; Café Europa, 11:00 am; Executive Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm

14 .....Morning Minyan, 7:45 am; Zeman School Classes, 4:00 pm; Food Pantry Bagging and Distribution, 6:00 pm; USY Fall Module #2 (@ Oheb Shalom), 6:15 pm; Rosh Hodesh Women’s Group, 6:45 pm; Rabbi Rabinowitz Talmud Class #2, 8:00 pm

15 ..... 16 .....Music Lovers’ Shabbat, 8:00 pm; Grunt Family

Retreat @ Camp Ramah in Nyack Begins

17 .....Shabbat Service, 9:45 am; Torah Learning Club, 10:30 am; Shabbat Katan, 10:45 am; USY Israel Event (@ Beth El), TBD; Grunt Family Retreat @ Camp Ramah in Nyack

18 .....Zeman School Classes, 9:00 am; Food Pantry Distribution, 9:00 am; Sisterhood Annual Paid-up Membership Appreciation Dinner, 5:00 pm; Kadima Kicko" Event (@ Skyzone), TBD; USY Board Meeting (@ Oheb Shalom), TBD; Grunt Family Retreat @ Camp Ramah in Nyack

19 ..... 20 .....Talmud Class, 12:30 pm; Board of Trustees

Meeting, 7:45 pm21 .....Simcha Seniors, 1:00 pm; Zeman School

Classes, 4:00 pm; USY Fall Module #3 (@ Oheb Shalom), 6:15 pm; Rabbi Rabinowitz Talmud Class #3, 8:00 pm

22 ..... 23 .....Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm24 .....Shabbat Service, 9:45 am; Shabbat Katan,

10:45 am; Mickey Fried Nursery School Shabbat (o" site), 12:30 pm

25 .....Annual Avia Bearg Memorial Blood Drive, 9:00 am; Zeman School Classes, 9:00 am; Sadie Margulies Annual Social Justice Brunch, 10:00 am

26 ..... 27 .....Café Europa, 11:00 am; Talmud Class, 12:30 pm28 .....Zeman School Classes, 4:00 pm; USY Fall

Module #4 (@ Oheb Shalom), 6:15 pm; Rabbi Rabinowitz Talmud Class #4, 8:00 pm

29 ..... 30 .....Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm31 .....Shabbat Service, 9:45 am; Shabbat Katan,

10:45 am



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Oheb Shalom Congregation

170 Scotland Road, South Orange, NJ 07079

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Permit No. 667

We have a delightful breakfast and a wonderful discussion.

Everyone is welcome at morning minyan. Please join us!

If you would like to sponsor a breakfast in honor of a happy

occasion or yahrzeit, please contact the o#ce at 973-762-7067

for further information.

Morning MinyanWeekday morning minyans meet at 8:00 am and Sunday minyans

meet at 9:00 am with the exception of the following dates:

Monday, September 7, Labor Day (Federal Holiday) ............ 9:00 am

Wednesday, September 30, Hol Hamoed Sukkot ................... 7:45 am

$ursday, October 1, Hol Hamoed Sukkot ............................. 7:45 am

Friday, October 2, Hol Hamoed Sukkot .................................. 7:45 am

Tuesday, October 13, Rosh Hodesh ......................................... 7:45 am

Wednesday, October 14, Rosh Hodesh.................................... 7:45 am

Friday Evening Services

September 4, Kabbalat Shabbat Service .......................... 6:15 pm; Bim Bam Shabbat ...................................................... 6:15 pmSeptember 11, Kabbalat Shabbat Service......................... 6:15 pmSeptember 18, Kabbalat Shabbat Service......................... 6:15 pmSeptember 25, Kabbalat Shabbat Service......................... 6:15 pm

October 2, Evening Service for Shabbot of Sukkot ........ 6:15 pmOctober 9, Kabbalat Shabbat Service .............................. 6:15 pmOctober 16, Music Lovers’ Shabbat .................................. 8:00 pmOctober 23, Kabbalat Shabbat Service ............................. 6:15 pm

October 30, Kabbalat Shabbat Service ............................. 6:15 pm

Shabbat CandleLighting Times

September 4 ........... 7:08 pmSeptember 11 ......... 6:56 pmSeptember 18 ......... 6:45 pmSeptember 25 ......... 6:33 pm

October 2 ............... 6:21 pmOctober 9 ............... 6:10 pmOctober 16 ............. 5:59 pmOctober 23 ............. 5:48 pmOctober 30 ............. 5:39 pm
