September 6th, 2012 Media Presentation

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Transcript of September 6th, 2012 Media Presentation

The New Rules of EngagementHow to Communicate on the Web

What Can We Accomplish Today› Shift our focus from push to pull marketing› Go from web pages to Communities› Reduce our cost and extend our reach› Go to where the people are› Learn to have fun› Build an online personality that is real› Brand Ourselves as experts on the market

not marketing experts

Evolution of the web Web 1.0 was all about connectivity and

populating the web with content

Web 2.0 was all about creating the social contract and connections

Web 3.0 will be all about mobile access with half of the U.S on smart phones and the rise of tablets

Every minute of an internet day 48 hours of video 47000 Apple apps downloaded 27,778 new blog post 347 new WordPress blogs 204,166,667 emails sent 571 new websites created 3,600 new instagram photos 684,478 new Facebook shares 100,000 Tweets 2 million Google searches 272,070 spent on web shopping 2.083 Foursquare check ins

Is traditional media dead? For all of us who are not major

corporations traditional media has two problems: First, it is beyond our reach financially. Second, it relies on a universally recognized brand. Even if you are a part of a major corporation use BOA as an example. This is also a shotgun approach where we should be using the specialty and niche marketing opportunities that the democratic web offers us.

Where America Shops The Library Travel Agent Book Store Music Store iTunes Attorney Pre-Paid Legal Technology Movie rentals Contract labor Real Estate Lots of places

“If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t

bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new

ways of thinking”

Buckminster Fuller

The Wizard of Oz marketing The story I looked forward to as a child

annually. I want to focus on once they go to the Emerald City and the Wizard’s palace. Contrast the two times they appear before the wizard and use this as the way we relate or don’t relate to people who would be our customers.

6 Key Aspects of Web 2.01. Its not about the technology its

about the change it enables2. The shift of control from institutions

to communities3. It’s about being yourself4. It’s to influence people to act on our

behalf5. It expands our scope of operations6. It will change again and fast

The Small Bang Theory What would you rather have, 100,000

people playing or 4,000 people using you?

What did the $8000 tax credit buyers Google to find information?

Why are,,, and spending money to get ranked on Edmond Real Estate?

Elements of branding 1. What are you passionate about 2. What are your Specialties and expertise 3. What’s is your personality? 4. Slogans, UPS, logos, colors 5. Who is the audience and how can we

findthem 6. How do we build our personal brand

awareness 7. Where is it used

Website Signs Business Cards Email Flyers Video Stationary

Low Cost media Blogging Video Picture sites like Pinterest Press Releases Public speaking Facebook Google Plus

Combining media Let’s use blogging and video as

examples. They can be embedded in a blog, sent to a Facebook page, shared on Google plus, put on your Pinterest site, shared on social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon.

Blog Statistics Reduces lead cost

by 60% Increases indexed

pages by 434% Increases website

visitors 55% 97% more inbound

links Biggest % of

business getting a client

More Frequency equals more business

Why used more is the economy and past success

Blogs & Inbound advertising is now 39% of small business budgets and rising

2nd to Social media in lowest cost

A Blog a Day Listing Community Green Real Estate Market Data Specialty Event Personal Story National Events Real Estate Education Video Guest Blog

What about 4 trillion views in first 4 months 53% more likely to be on Google 1st

page 78% increase in REALTOR® getting

client 2nd most searched site on the web Owned by Google Can be indexed by both It is free It can be branded

Let’s talk about Facebook 1 Billion users but ½ are in Asia Remember it is Social Divide it into Personal, Business, and

group pages PPC It can act like a billboard You can post into it It is also a news network like Twitter

Email Marketing Permission based marketing Don’t make it spam Target your market Use stationary or template Look at a program like Constant Contact or Some programs have analytics Don’t send me your listings unless I ask for it Use Mail Merge or BCC please

What in the World is Twitter?

1. It is a Micro Blog. 2. It is a Hyper Local Advertising

Vehicle 3. A Connector if the right people by

accident rather than design 4. A Local or National Breaking news

network 5. A Spam Lite Communicator

Twitter World’s biggest cocktail party The ultimate Real Time experience Explosive Growth Tweet from Iran “140 characters are a novel

when you have been shot at” Sometimes inane or profound Thing a bit also as a micro-blog Direct it somewhere and be local Don’t get crazy about the number of

followers Google is a slow climb to relevance, Twitter is

a rocket ship Does Not Have a Business Plan

The Tao of Mobile LBS is on the way Learn to use the Ipad for business Use cloud based services They are computers Immediate access is now marketing Replacing the desktop or large storage

laptop as main device Gen Y doesn’t email, they text They are the mobile generation and

the average age of our client

“Nothing in the world can takeThe place of persistence.

Talent will not; nothing is more common

Than unsuccessful men with talent.Genius will not; unrewardedGenius in almost a proverb.Education will not; the worldIs full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination are omnipotent.

The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will Solve

The problems of the human race”.

Calvin Coolidge

The Don'ts of web marketing If you don’t have something good to

say The internet is forever Do not over post on Facebook Politics and religion? Personal and professional intersect Content with out context doesn’t work Do not hard sell Don’t focus on the wrong metrics like

Facebook total users

What to do

Learn Google adword keyword tool Make sure you have Gmail for it Target your media according to your

abilities Be authentic Being an amateur is okay, you will not

get a Pulitzer or Nobel Prize Do it until you learn it Use free resources like webinars and

Google search and youtube how to Please have fun

Do you want to experiment? Create a hyper local blog Create events Create maps of amenities Create a Facebook page Send directed mail with MailChimp Your phone is instant video and pictures Create a Pinterest site, join Yelp, use

Foursquare Get on Linkedin, flesh out your Bio, join

groups, create groups

Recommended apps Evernote Dropbox Goodreader Calcmoolator Zite Google OnLive Desktop or


Wunderlist Dragon Dictation Print N Share or an

Air Printer Social apps

Facebook, Linkedin, Yelp, Hootsuite

Pinterest and Instagram


Free Education Opportunities Use Zite on the Ipad

Winston Churchill Quotes “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every

opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at results”

“Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge”

Reading List Blue Ocean Strategy Kim &

Mauborgne Tribes Seth Godin Linchpin Seth Godin The Little Big Things: 163 Ways

to Pursue Excellence Tom Peters Thoughts Without a Thinker

Mark Epstein Predictably Irrational Dan

Ariely The World Is Flat Thomas

Friedman The Seven Spiritual Laws of

Success Deepak Chopra Switch: How to Change Things

When Change is Hard Chip & Dan Heath

Funny Money Mark Singer Sermon on the Mount Emmet

Fox The End of Business as Usual

Brian Solis A Whole New Mind Daniel Pink Steve Jobs Walter Isaacson

Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman

Swanepoel Trends Report Stefan Swanepoel

The Energy Bus Joe Gordon The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Patrick Lencioni The Botany of Desire Michael

Pollan The Tipping Point Malcolm

Gladwell The 7 Habits of Highly Effective

People Stephen R. Covey The Millionaire Next Door

Stanley & Danko Mastering The Rockefeller Habits

Verne Harnish Influence, The Psychology of

Persuasion Robert B. Cialdini Give your speech, Change the

world Nick Morgan Crisis Economics Nouriel Roubini

& Stephen Mihm