SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 - Christ the...

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Transcript of SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 - Christ the...

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 20800 Grand River Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48219

PARISH MISSION We are Christ the King Parish, a richly diverse Christian Community in Northwest Detroit. We are on a journey of Discipleship with Jesus, seeking conversion, reconciliation and renewal. We reach out in welcome to all the people within our neighborhood, proclaiming the good News of Christ the King, building community, celebrating together, serving one another’s needs and the needs of all our neighbors.

From the Mind and Heart of Dea-con Chris……

We were recently Up North on a family vacation staying in a cot-tage a little south of Mackinaw City (that’s at the tip of the mitt). One evening, we visited some friends near Harbor Springs, which is about an hour or so southwest of Mackinaw City. We were returning home about 11 o’clock and there was a heavy cloud cover, meaning -- no moon or stars. We had a GPS navi-gation system in the car and set it for the address of the cottage. Little did we know though that the GPS was set for the shortest route -- which meant it would take all the back-roads to the cottage. Well, it was pitch dark, what I would call ‘ink black’. It was so dark you literally could not see your hand in front of your face. We weren’t familiar with the area, but the GPS went on its merry ole way on these completely dark, deserted, back country roads. We would hear: ‘Drive 1.2 miles, then turn left. In 500 feet, turn right.’ We had absolutely no idea where we were, and outside of our headlights, couldn’t see a thing. Well, we got back fine, but for about an hour or so, we had to put absolute faith in that gizmo in our dashboard.

How does a GPS (Global Posi-tioning System) work? In short, it connects with satellites orbiting the earth. It has a computer bank of all types of maps; then it sets a route. It later occurred to me that at times, this is how our faith works. We con-nect with our anchors – Sacred Scrip-ture and the Teachings of Jesus -- "I

am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) Our churches, parishes and families then provide us the roadmaps. Now I know, that’s a bit of an over simplification, but think about it.

Here is another thought -- Recently our Sunday readings have been from the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews defines faith this way, ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen.’ I think that is a good de-scription of faith. Faith isn’t some-thing you can nail down. It some-times waxes and wanes. Some-times we have faith and feel confi-dent, at other times, maybe not so much. I have occasionally thought of faith this way – How many of us know how to swim? Some do, some don’t. But if you know how to swim, you can simply jump into the deep end of the swimming pool. Why? You have faith in your abil-ity to swim. It is something intui-tive and you don’t doubt it.

I see evidence of faith in our community -- whether at Christ the King, St Suzanne’s Church or Re-source Center, St Vincent dePaul or St Christine’s. When we join to-gether and pray the Our Father during mass, I look around and see evidence of faith. Since we’re small parishes, I know many of the peo-ple. I know that for some of them, life has not been the easiest but their faith is what sustains them. Some of the clients we serve through St Vincent dePaul, for vari-ous reasons, are at the low end of

the economic scale. They have problems with the basics of life -- everything from food, housing, utili-ties and/or where to sleep. We serve these people. We always of-fer to pray with clients and I ad-mire their faith. In spite of their situation, they have the ability to thank God for their blessings.

On our journey of life, all of us need to navigate through both life’s joys and sorrows, ups and downs. However through faith, we have a hand to grasp, a love to em-brace, a truth to cling to and a power to sustain us (even through to death itself). We all walk in the same world as everyone else, but like having that GPS Navigator in your dash or phone, we are not alone. There is a trusted, sustain-ing, loving faith guiding us. Have a Blessed Week…..

Christ the King Parish ~ Grand River at Burt Road Rectory

16805 Pierson…………………………313-532-1211 School

16800 Trinity…………………………..313-532-1213 Parish website

St. Christine Christian Services 15317 Dacosta at Fenkell………………313-535-7272

Siena Literacy…………………….…...313-532-8404 Mrs. Jackie Jones- Love……...jjones–

St. Vincent & Sarah Fisher

Ms. Diane Renaud……………………..313-535-9200

Pastoral Staff

Rev. Victor Clore, Pastor…...… Deacon Joe Urbiel……… 248-910-0490 Deacon Chris Remus… 313-717-5672 Mrs. Maureen Northrup...…Christian Service Outreach Ms Nicole Evans………………….…..Office Manager or Mrs. Andi Kovach ………………………Bookkeeping Mrs. Amanda Lund………………………...Principal Ms. Bethanne McCall………………….Choir Director

Little Scholars - Christ the King Campus Cora Rodgers, Director 313-693-4260

Parish Council Elected Members: Jean Krystyniak……...……………..…Council Chair Rachel Conner, Joe Fitzgerald, Stacie Harris, Avia Cosey, Mark Barkey, Suzie Groenenboom, Jerry Ran-dall, Sheila Fenbert

Commissions Maureen Northrup………..………..Christian Service Carole Ann Beaman…………………...……Worship Ron Hildebrandt……………………...…Stewardship Michelle Lewis……………………...Faith Formation Dcn. Joe Urbiel….……………….....Finance Council Lois Phillips……………………….….Evangelization Bob Bruttell & Ron Eady…………………..Inclusion St. Vincent dePaul………...…………313-535-7272

Liturgy Schedule Sunday…………………………….………10:45am Wednesday and Friday……………………..8:30am

Religious Education First & Third Sunday ……………….9:30-10:30am

Becoming Catholic Adults, Children, Youth: If you are interested in becom-ing a member of the Catholic faith or learning more about the Catholic Church, the Adult Catechumenate will prepare you for this decision. Please call the Parish Office if you would like more information. Infants: Baptism is the public celebration of the beginning of life in the Church. At the celebration of Baptism, parents publicly affirm their decision to raised their child in the faith of the church. To make arrangements for your infant to be bap-tized, please contact the Parish Office. Pre-Baptismal classes for parents and godparents are necessary, held as arranged with families. Holy Eucharist and Confirmation Preparation Call the Parish Office…………………..313-532-1211 Other Sacraments Reconciliation………………….……By Appointment Anointing of the sick…………………..313-532-1211 Marriage Call the parish office; 6 months preparation

Please let an usher know if you would like to receive Communion at your pew.


Sunday September 22, 2019 10:45am Dion Buckner-Peterson By Nikki & Eddie Evans Jr. Mary Rose Bonello By The Bonello Family Tuesday 9am at SS/OLGH

Wednesday CHRIST THE KING 8:30am Hurricane Dorian Victims By People of Christ the King Thursday 9am at SS/OLGH Friday CHRIST THE KING 8:30am Rene Hubbell By Christ the King Staff Saturday ~ No Mass Sunday September 29, 2019 10:45am Pat Joy By People of Christ the King

Coffee Hour is sponsored today by Friends of Christ the King

Check the list to see what Sunday YOU can sponsor!



FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY 9/22 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 8:4-7, 1Tm 2:1-8, Lk 16:1-13 Mon 9/23 Ezr 1:1-6, Lk 8:16-18 Tue 9/24 Ezr 6:7-8,12b,14-20, Lk 8 19-21 Wed 9/25 Ezr 9:5-9, Lk 9:1-6 Thu 9/26 Hg 1:1-8, Lk 9:7-9 Fri 9/27 Hg 2:1-9 Lk 9:18-22 Sat 9/28 Zec 2:5-9,14-15a, Lk 9:43b-45 9/29 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 6:1a,4-7, Ps 146:7-10, 1 Tm 6:11-16 Lk 16:19-31

For NEXT Sunday September 29

Lectors: Sandi Miller & Mary Beth Seefelt

Servers: Khairi Simon & Nicole Lynch

Liturgy of the Word for Children: Carole Ann Beaman

Serving at the Table of the Lord: Mike Webb

Ministers of Service: Caroline Horton & Johnny Swift



Sun 9/22 10:45am Mass & Coffee Hr. Men’s Retreat

Tue 9/24 9am Mass SS/OLGH 9am Bible Study 11am Crafters 6-9pm Trinity Vicariate Meeting in Koelzer Hall Wed 9/25 8:30am Mass CK 6:30pm Choir Thu 9/26 9am Mass SS/OLGH 7pm Parish Council Fri 9/27 8:30am Mass No School Sun 9/29 10:45am Mass & Coffee Hr.

He calls them all to himself: “Come to me”, and he promises them relief and rest. This invitation of Je-sus reaches to our day, and extends to the many brothers

and sisters oppressed by life’s pre-carious conditions. . . On the fringes of society so many men and women are tried by indigence, but also by dissatisfaction with life and by frustration. So many are forced to emigrate from their homeland, risking their lives. Many more, every day, carry the weight of an economic system that exploits human beings, imposing on them an unbearable “yoke”, which the few privileged do not want to bear. To each of these children of the Father in heaven, Jesus repeats: “Come to me, all of you”. But he also says it to those who have everything, but whose heart is empty and without God. Even to them, Jesus addresses this invitation: “Come to me”. Je-sus’ invitation is for everyone. But especially for those who suffer the most.

Welcome New Parish Council Members:

3 year terms 1. Nicky Marcot 2. Mark Barkey 3. Gary Beaman Alternates 1. Sandi Miller 2. David Groenenboom




Oktoberfest is only 1 week away! Be sure to get your tickets NOW!

Wonderful German food, music and dancing, Drop Raffle Raffle of a beautiful Fall Quilt made by Mary McLeod & Paulette Washburn

Tell your friends! Plan to join us!

Quilt Tickets

$5.00 each Or

3 for $10.00

Simply Give Ends on Sept. 28

If you have not yet purchased a Simply Give card at the Grand

River Meijer, please do it this week. You can help St. Christine Soup Kitchen by purchasing a card for $10.00. Your pur-chase is turned in to $20.00 worth of food through the generosity of Meijer! Thank you to all of you who have supported this wonderful program! We appreciate YOU!

Meet Our Sports Monkey

You still have time to bid on our Monkey who is holding 2 tickets to the U of M Notre Dame Game! The game is on October 26. The face value of the tickets is $145.00 each. Our Monkey (and tickets) will go to the highest bidder. Call the rectory with your bid as soon as possible!

Thinking a little ahead As you start putting away the lawn furniture and getting ready for fall and winter, please remember our Christmas Garage Sale. We will be collecting items for the sale soon! Any Christmas decorations, house-hold items etc. will gladly be ac-cepted!

Anointing of the Sick From the day of his Baptism, Jesus went from town to town, even to Gentile places “on the other side,” proclaiming that God is taking charge of his world! Jesus demonstrated God’s power by casting out demons and healing sickness. (In those days, any sickness was caused by an “evil spirit,” who was trying to take over the person. Today we blame “germs.”)

When Jesus chose his Twelve Apostles, he sent them out to proclaim this Good News, and gave them the same power to heal. "They cast out many demons, and anointed many who were sick with oil and healed them." (Mark 6:13) In his epistle, James says, "Is anyone among you sick? Call for the elders of the church, let them pray over the sick, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save sick persons, the Lord will raise them up, and if they have sinned, they will be for-given." (James. 5:14-15)

In the Sacrament of Anointing, the Church acts in the name of Christ our Lord. Years ago, it was customary to hold off the sacrament until the last minute, just be-fore death. Parish priests would pride themselves on getting to the house of the dying person before the fire department (there were no EMS ambulances then).

But the anointing of the sick is not a sacrament only for those who are at the point of death. The prayer of faith and anointing with oil sooths all sorts of affliction – a spe-cific illness, impending surgery, aches and pains, anxiety, discouragement, depres-sion. As the prophet Isaiah said about the Suffering Servant: “He took on our infirmi-ties and bore our sickness.” We are happy to offer A Mass of Anointing of the Sick on Sunday, October 27. If you have friends or family who would like to attend, please share the date and time with them – and offer to bring them if they cannot get here on their own. Everyone is welcome. alert the office or tell a fellow parish-ioner if you are going into the hospital for a procedure or even going out of town for awhile. We can’t pray for you or keep others in-formed if we don’t know! leave the handicapped parking spaces in the front of the church available for those who truly need them. check with the office if you’d like to make a Sunday announcement or if you’d like to place any printed materials in the church. Thank You!