September 2018 • Elul 5778/Tishri 5779 Kulanu · 2019. 12. 19. · 3 IHC KULANU • SEPTEMBER...

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Transcript of September 2018 • Elul 5778/Tishri 5779 Kulanu · 2019. 12. 19. · 3 IHC KULANU • SEPTEMBER...

  • September 2018 • Elul 5778/Tishri 5779



    SEPTEMBER WORSHIP SCHEDULEShabbat – Ki Tavo: Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8Friday, August 315:30pm ............................................................................. Remembrance Service6:15pm ...................................................................................Traditional ShabbatSaturday, September 18:30am ..................................................................... Shabbat Morning Warmup9:00am ................................................................................................ Tanakh Study10:30am ......................................................................................Shabbat Worship8:00pm ............................................................. Selichot Concert and ProgramShabbat – Nitzavim: Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20Friday, September 75:30pm ............................................................................ Remembrance Service6:15pm ...................................................................................Traditional ShabbatSaturday, September 88:30am .................................................................... Shabbat Morning Warmup9:00am ................................................................................................ Tanakh Study10:30am ......................................................................................Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Elise VarhanSunday, September 98:00pm .................................................................Erev Rosh Hashanah ServiceMonday, September 108:30am .............................................................Family Rosh Hashanah Service9:00am ...........................................................Rosh Hashanah Retreat @ GUCI11:00am ................................................. Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service3:30pm .....................................................................................................Tot ServiceTuesday, September 119:00am ................................................ Second Day in the City @ Indy ReadsShabbat – Vayeilech: Deuteronomy 31:1-30Friday, September 145:30pm ............................................................................ Remembrance Service5:45pm ..................................................................................Early Oneg Shabbat6:15pm ...................................................................................Traditional ShabbatSaturday, September 158:30am .................................................................... Shabbat Morning Warmup9:00am ................................................................................................ Tanakh Study10:30am ......................................................................................Shabbat WorshipSunday, September 162:00pm ..............................................................Kever Avot: Cemetery Service (Northside and Southside)

    Tuesday, September 186:15pm .............................................................................Kol Nidre Early Service8:30pm ..............................................................................Kol Nidre Late ServiceWednesday, September 198:30am .....................................................................Family Yom Kippur Service8:30am ....................................................................Yom Kippur Nefesh Service11:00am ......................................................... Yom Kippur Traditional Service1:00pm ....................................................................Yom Kippur Study Sessions3:00pm .............................................................Yom Kippur Afternoon Service4:00pm ................................................................................................................Yizkor5:00pm ...............................................................................................Neilah Service5:15pm .....................................................................................................Tot Service6:00pm ........................................................................................................HavdalahShabbat – Haazinu: Deuteronomy 32:1-52Friday, September 215:30pm ............................................................................ Remembrance Service6:15pm .......................................................................................... Nefesh Shabbat6:15pm ..............................................................................................Z’man KodeshSaturday, September 228:30am .................................................................... Shabbat Morning Warmup9:00am ................................................................................................ Tanakh Study10:30am ......................................................................................Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Jessica BarrettSunday, September 2311:00am ..................................................................................Sukkot CelebrationShabbat – Chol Hamo-eid Sukkot: Exodus 33:12-34:26Friday, September 285:30pm ............................................................................ Remembrance Service6:15pm .....................................................................................Traditional ServiceSaturday, September 298:30am .................................................................... Shabbat Morning Warmup9:00am ................................................................................................ Tanakh Study 10:30am ......................................................................................Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Abigail Waschow Sunday, September 3012:30pm .................................................................. Simchat Torah Celebration5:00pm ..............................................................Simchat Torah Study Sessions Monday, October 110:30am ...................................................................Festival Service with Yizkor

    SEPTEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTSMonday 3Labor Day – Building ClosedTuesday 4Noon – Jewish Book ClubWednesday 56:30pm – Derech TorahThursday 6 6:00pm – ECC Back to School NightMonday 10Rosh Hashanah – ECC and IHC Office closedWednesday 126:00pm – IHC Social Justice 6:30pm – IFTY Yom Kippur Rehearsal6:30pm – Sisterhood Board Meeting Thursday 135:00pm – Adamah (Earth) Initiative Meeting5:30pm – Executive Committee MeetingSaturday 155:30pm - JIFTY EventSunday 169:00am – Religious School Parent Orientation9:00am – Religious School11:00am – Derech Torah12:30pm – IFTY Yom Kippur RehearsalMonday 17Brotherhood Constructs Sukkah

    Tuesday 18Erev Yom Kippur – ECC closed @ 2:45pm, IHC Office closed @ 3:00pmWednesday 19Yom Kippur – ECC and IHC Office closed6:30pm – LAF Break-the-Fast at MCL on 86th Street.6:30pm – IndyChai Break-the-Fast at HoiTea ToiTea in Broad RippleFriday 21ECC Shabbat in the SukkahSunday 239:00am – Religious School9:00am – Greenbriar Collection11:00am – Derech Torah11:00am – Small Chai EventMonday 24Sukkot – ECC and IHC Office closedTuesday 256:00pm – Sisters in the SukkahWednesday 265:30pm – LAF Carmel Gazebo Concert6:30pm – Derech TorahFriday 28ECC Simchat Torah ParadeBrotherhood Pray and Stay in the SukkahSunday 309:00am – Religious School; Brotherhood Grill Out11:00am – Derech TorahOctober 110:30am – Festival Service with Yizkor


    Abigail Waschow, daughter of Sarah Skwire and Darren Waschow, and step-daughter of Steve Horwitz, will be called to the Torah on September 29. Abigail is a loving big sister to Penelope Waschow. She is a seventh grader at Riverside Jr. High School in Fishers. Abigail is an avid reader who also enjoys art and singing in

    the choir. She explored her love for acting at Butler University’s theater camp and the Booth Tarkington Jr. Civic Theater’s musical theater camp this summer. Abigail is a black belt in Taekwondo and continues to train for her second degree black belt at Korea Taekwondo Academy in Fishers.

    Mazel Tov

    Jessica Barrett will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 22. Jessie is the daughter of Jackie and David Barrett, sister to Joel and Allie Barrett and the granddaughter of Paula Barrett and Arlene and Tom Grande. She is a seventh grade Honor Student at Creekside Middle School. Jessie enjoys playing soccer, basketball and hanging out with her friends.

    Elise Varhan, daughter of Fay and Kral Varhan, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 8. Elise is an eighth grader at Creekside Middle School. She loves playing tennis, hanging with friends, riding horses and annoying her older brother, Elan. Elise is a big fan of traveling and culture, which explains

    why social studies is her favorite class.

    TELL & KVELLWe note with happiness the birth of:

    • Audrey Nicole Wald, daughter of Marla and Adam Wald; sister of Margot; granddaughter of Susan and Jack Moss.

    We note with sorrow the deaths of:• Howard Katz, husband of Joan Werner Katz.• Alice Blumenthal, sister of Grace Sobel.• Michelle Roland, daughter of Shoshi and Scott

    Roland; sister of Todd and Adi Roland.

    Mazel Tov to:• Fran and Roger Hurwitz on their 59th marriage


    We announce with joy these Bar/Bat Mitzvot ...

    AARON-RUBEN-NELSON FUNERAL HOMENEEDS VOLUNTEERS for the CHEVRA KADISHA PROGRAM. Please call the mortuary if you wish to learn more. All training will be provided. 317-873-4776

    A chevra kadisha "holy society" is an organization of Jewish men and women who see to it that the bodies of deceased Jews are prepared for burial according to Jewish tradition.

    The task of the chevra kadisha is considered an admirable one, as tending to the dead is a favor that the recipient cannot return, making it devoid of ulterior motives. Its work is therefore referred to as a chesed shel emet (Hebrew: , "a good deed of truth"), paraphrased from Genesis 47:30 (where Jacob asks his son Joseph, "do me a 'true' favor" and Joseph promises his father to bury him in the burial place of his ancestors).



    Amidst rehearsals, meetings and anticipation, I lay here at 11:33pm wondering what exactly Abraham’s Facebook page would have looked like. Yes, you read that correctly. Abraham. THE Abraham. I imagine it as quite complete, featuring a relationship status of “it’s complicated” and a flattering profile picture of himself and Isaac, presumably taken with a

    selfie stick. Yes, modern-day Abraham is confusing and slightly disappointing—in my mind, even Abraham wouldn’t have been able to escape the trite pseudo-realities of social media existence.

    Almost eleven years ago, my relationship with social media began. What started as a small Facebook following of 20 people who actually knew me quickly grew into what is now 1,032 “friends,” some of whom I’ve yet to meet in person. Today I’m no different than most people over thirty-five, actively Facebooking, Instagramming, Tweeting and blogging every inch of our lives for friends to comment on and follow. But just how accurate are our profiles? Is that professional, air-brushed photo of my little family an accurate depiction of my life? And, assuming all of us are selective about what we share, are we perhaps setting up unrealistic expectations for our 1,032 peers who log in every morning only to admire our seemingly flawless existence? Forget about what our friends think for a minute. How much of this perfection-sharing is leading to anxiety and pressure in our own lives as we try to live up to our online fairy tale?

    In Genesis 22, when God speaks to Abraham and calls his name, Abraham responds distinctly. Though we might expect him to say, “Yes?” or “What can I do for you?” Abraham responds with a single Hebrew word: Hineini. This word is so immensely powerful in Hebrew that the translation barely does it justice — Here I am. Hineini does not simply mean being physically present. It means I am physically, emotionally and spiritually present, listening to you and ready to be here for whatever is needed. Hineini implies honesty and nakedness, beauty and imperfection, acceptance and vulnerability.

    Hineini is something that we Facebookers are quickly and voluntarily losing. Abraham, on the other hand, might be posting a picture of himself ready to sacrifice his only son with the ever-present hashtag, #hineini.

    Fear not, dear Instagrammers/Facebookers/Tweeters. My solution does not involve regularly posting unflattering pictures and lamenting all of our problems. My solution does mean controlling how we choose to view what we read and see. Those people with the perfect lives who appear to have it all? They, too, feed you their lives through a filter. Our computer screens prevent us from humanizing one another, leading us to place unattainable standards on ourselves. Each one of our hundreds of friends and followers has a story, filled with pain and joy, with shame and pride.

    Hineini: sleeplessly fighting off insecurity and stress. Hineini: losing the war against working-mom guilt. Hineini: fearing the inevitable and uncontrollable future. Hineini: always debating between kale and cake. As we enter this New Year together and begin a season of self-reflection, I hope we find time to be as present, humble and forgiving of ourselves as Abraham was when he honestly stated, “Hineini."

    Aviva Marer, Cantor;

    Meetings are at 12 noon at IHC in Room 206. Read the book. Bring your lunch. Join the group for a lively

    discussion. Questions? Contact Evelyn Pockrass, Librarian 255-6647, x217,

    Temple Library JEWISH BOOK CLUB

    Tuesday, September 4, 2018(Due to holidays, meeting is on first Tuesday this September.)

    ETERNAL LIFE by Dara Horn

    Looking Ahead

    Tuesday, October 9, 2018

    AMONG THE LIVING by Jonathan Rabb


    Thank you for maintaining IHC's community through your time, talent and resources. We appreciate your investment in the temple and your belief that we

    can improve Indianapolis. You are appreciated! We apologize if any names have been omitted from this list.

    Dwight Addison Melissa Clague Jerry Ancel Chuck Cohen Lori Anderson Jeff Cohen Ruth Anderson Jennifer Cohen Betsy Backe Lainna Cohen Robert Baker Rochelle Cohen Dianna Balanoff Stephanie Cohen Sharon Baldwin Jen Cohn Andy Ball Justin Coleman Lacy Barcheck Sara Cox Dilania Bargeron Shannon Cromer Jackie Barrett Julia Dakich Jason Beisel Anita Dansker Gary Bender Miriam Dant Doug Berebitsky Lilya Davidson Kim Berebitsky Judi Doehrman Cara Berg Raunick Tom Doehrman Gayle Bernstein Jon Efroymson Randy Bernstein Sharon Elfenbaum Jennifer Boehm Amy Essley Carol Bogar Diane Evans Rosemary Borek Tammy Falender Charlotte Brooks Sharyn Feuer Brotherhood Volunteers Suzan Feuer Amy Brown Bonnie Foster Ethan Brown Laurie Freeman Lisa Brown Lisa Freeman Andrea Burnett Patti Freeman Jane Butcher Dorson Seth Cahn Sarah Freeman Braca Cantor Rise Friedman Linda Cantor Michelle Fruehman Rob Cantor Roberta Frye Aimee Carroll Sarah Frye Dori Chandler Alan Galan Caren Chopp Holly Galan Elyse Chuvalas Deb Galvin

    Leslie Geller Rachel Gershin Brad Gershman Jessica Gershman Frank Giles Lynn Giles Neal Ginsberg Felice Glazer Jeremy Glowacki Sandra Goldenberg Eric Goldsmith Marcia Goldstein Marvin Goldstein Pat Goldstein Patty Goodman Kenneth Gould Jaclyn Grahl Ben Greenfield Rachel Greenfield Cameron Halberstadt Gary Halberstadt Sara Halberstadt Linda Hann Cindy Harry Sara Hastings Ron Herman David Hirsch Lori Hirsch Carolyn Hiser Ari Hodes David Honig Victoria Hyatt Cahn Amy Isaacs Sonja Kantor Matthew Kaprove Dana Katz Karen Katz

    2018 Volunteer Recognition

    And a special thank you to all our youth volunteers!


    Thank you for maintaining IHC's community through your time, talent and resources. We appreciate your investment in the temple and your belief that we

    can improve Indianapolis. You are appreciated! We apologize if any names have been omitted from this list.

    Dwight Addison Melissa Clague Jerry Ancel Chuck Cohen Lori Anderson Jeff Cohen Ruth Anderson Jennifer Cohen Betsy Backe Lainna Cohen Robert Baker Rochelle Cohen Dianna Balanoff Stephanie Cohen Sharon Baldwin Jen Cohn Andy Ball Justin Coleman Lacy Barcheck Sara Cox Dilania Bargeron Shannon Cromer Jackie Barrett Julia Dakich Jason Beisel Anita Dansker Gary Bender Miriam Dant Doug Berebitsky Lilya Davidson Kim Berebitsky Judi Doehrman Cara Berg Raunick Tom Doehrman Gayle Bernstein Jon Efroymson Randy Bernstein Sharon Elfenbaum Jennifer Boehm Amy Essley Carol Bogar Diane Evans Rosemary Borek Tammy Falender Charlotte Brooks Sharyn Feuer Brotherhood Volunteers Suzan Feuer Amy Brown Bonnie Foster Ethan Brown Laurie Freeman Lisa Brown Lisa Freeman Andrea Burnett Patti Freeman Jane Butcher Dorson Seth Cahn Sarah Freeman Braca Cantor Rise Friedman Linda Cantor Michelle Fruehman Rob Cantor Roberta Frye Aimee Carroll Sarah Frye Dori Chandler Alan Galan Caren Chopp Holly Galan Elyse Chuvalas Deb Galvin

    Leslie Geller Rachel Gershin Brad Gershman Jessica Gershman Frank Giles Lynn Giles Neal Ginsberg Felice Glazer Jeremy Glowacki Sandra Goldenberg Eric Goldsmith Marcia Goldstein Marvin Goldstein Pat Goldstein Patty Goodman Kenneth Gould Jaclyn Grahl Ben Greenfield Rachel Greenfield Cameron Halberstadt Gary Halberstadt Sara Halberstadt Linda Hann Cindy Harry Sara Hastings Ron Herman David Hirsch Lori Hirsch Carolyn Hiser Ari Hodes David Honig Victoria Hyatt Cahn Amy Isaacs Sonja Kantor Matthew Kaprove Dana Katz Karen Katz

    2018 Volunteer Recognition


    Participating in activities traditionally associated with the High Holy Days can be difficult (if not impossible) for our congregants confined to their homes or a care facility, or for those whose mobility is otherwise severely restricted. For them, worshiping at IHC or visiting the gravesites of loved ones might not be options.

    For many years IHC has partnered with WICR-FM to broadcast Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (not including Yizkor) services. To the extent that there are extra High Holy Days machzorim (prayer books) available, congregants limited to listening to broadcast services may actually pray with those at IHC while they listen by borrowing machzorim from IHC. We recognize that among those congregants unable to attend services, there might be some who can't come to IHC to borrow machzorim and who can't depend on someone else to borrow machzorim for them. If that is your situation, you can now request a volunteer from IHC's Caring Community Corps to pick up, deliver and return machzorim for you. Because there are limits


    on the number of machzorim and volunteers available, if you, or another congregant you know, wants to request a volunteer to provide this service, please contact Norm Sider as soon as possible at 317-627-2747 or at

    Caring Community Corps volunteers have also committed to bringing Moments of Remembrance for the High Holy Days to those physically incapable of attending the Yom Kippur Yizkor service or visiting the gravesites of their loved ones. Volunteers will lead prayers and readings and offer an opportunity for sharing memories. Again, the number of volunteers is limited, so please contact Norm Sider at 317-627-2747 or at as soon as possible to discuss setting a date and time for a volunteer to visit.

    As always, the Caring Community Corps is eager to hear from potential new volunteers for the Corps to help make our activities possible. Contact Norm to learn more.

    Norm Sider,


    As you can see, we are busy this month. Between the High Holy Days and YOUth activities, we are non-stop at IHC! I am happy to help with any questions you may have, so do not hesitate to ask. You can contact me at or by calling IHC at 317-255-6647, ext. 216. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    If you have not signed up for Small Chai yet, it’s not too late. Send a check for $50 payable to IFTY, or give it to me on a Sunday morning. The fee includes all programs on Sunday mornings and a t-shirt.

    YOUTH GROUPSLea Coleman, Youth Director;

    YOUth EVENTSSaturday, September 15 ...........................................................JIFTY EventWednesday, September 19 .................. IFTY Led Yom Kippur ServiceSunday, September 23 .......................Small Chai New Year’s Carnvial

    Welcome to LAF—Life After Fifty—IHC’s social program for the “more mature” members of the congregation, age 50+. Our goal is to provide you—whether single, married, divorced or widowed—an opportunity to connect with other congregants by building on existing friendships and encouraging new ones. For more information, contact Marcia Goldstein, LAF Coordinator,

    UPCOMING LAF EVENTSSign up for these events via SignUpGenius on the IHC website, You can also sign up by calling Barbara Chapman in the IHC office at 317-255-6647 x219.

    Break-the-Fast, Wednesday, September 19, MCL 86th & Township Line Rd. at 6:30pm. Purchase your dinner and join the IHC family in the private room. Friends and family are encouraged to join us.

    Carmel Gazebo Concert, Wednesday, September 26, Carmel Civic Center at 5:30pm. Enjoy the last gazebo concert of this season! We’ll gather and enjoy schmoozing until the “Endless Summer” concert begins at 7:00pm. Bring your lawn chair and dinner; we’ll have space reserved for LAF. Friends and family are welcome!

    Interfaith learning experience at St. Elizabeth Seton, Monday, November 5 at 10:45am. LAF and St. Elizabeth Seton’s “Silver Linings” group have established a lovely, warm relationship. We’ve been invited to join Seton congregants for a “slow mass,” an opportunity for Father Ted Rothrock to explain the components of the Catholic mass. We’ll then join parishioners for their 12:15pm mass followed by a reception.

    LAF IS GOING TO JEWISH CUBA, FEBRUARY 2019Join us on an extraordinary journey to Cuba to meet and bring support to the Jewish communities of Cuba. Organized by Miriam Levinson, a Cuban-born Jew, we’ll learn about Cuba’s past, present and the changes the future will bring. Included is transportation from Miami, all sightseeing, most meals and visits with the local community. Miriam has led over 200 such trips and works out of the Chicago JCC. For more information, contact Marcia Goldstein,

    If you have not signed up for Rishonim, it’s also not too late. Send a check for $50 payable to IFTY, or give it to me on a Sunday morning. The fee includes a t-shirt and all social events.

    BROTHERHOOD Neal Ginsberg, Brotherhood President;

    Brotherhood will be front and center greeting the congregation on arrival for all High Holy Day services—ushering members to the sanctuary, distributing Memorial Books and providing juice and challah to break the fast on Yom Kippur.

    We will also host a Pray and Stay in the Sukkah on September 28 and grill out with Religious School on September 30. The Sukkah will be taken down on October 7, immediately followed by the annual Brotherhood Chicken and Noodle lunch. Take out will once again be available this year.

    Brotherhood has a long tradition of service to IHC and the Indy Jewish community. All men of IHC are strongly urged to join Brotherhood for the service opportunities, as well as the fellowship at our many social events. Regardless of how much time and/or resources you are able to contribute, Brotherhood has a spot for you. Make new friends, see old friends and hang out with the Brothers.

    LIFE AFTER FIFTYMarcia Goldstein, LAF Coordinator,


    About the High Holy Day ServicesSelichot Program and ServiceBefore our traditional Selichot service, Cantor Marer will teach us about the ancient Malida Ceremony of Bene Israel Jews of India. The presentation will feature a slideshow and food tasting that explain the thanksgiving ceremony. After Cantor Marer’s presentation, join us for our traditional Selichot service.

    Family Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur ServicesIn recent years, we have expanded our offerings for all of the High Holy Days. We now in-clude a special “Nefesh” style musical service on Yom Kippur, which is in the round and more informal. We also offer special family services each day designed for school-aged children and their families. Note that these services are at 8:30am on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

    Kever Avot: Cemetery ServicesLiterally meaning “the graves of our ancestors,” this service, which takes place on Sunday between the two High Holy Days, is a time to visit our two cemeteries and pray for eternal rest and peace for those we have lost. Since biblical times, it has been customary to visit the cem-etery on special occasions. According to tradition, Jacob buried Rachel near Bethlehem so that their children could visit as they passed through the city. All are welcome to this service.

    Kol NidreThis services takes a somber tone, as we chant a mournful melody together on the eve of Yom Kippur. The ancient song's purpose is to annul any unintended vows made before G-d in the previous year. This melody is one of the most familiar during the High Holy Day season and allows us to prepare for the Day of Atonement.

    YizkorTraditionally during each of our festival services (Passover, Sukkot, Shavuot and Yom Kippur), we recite special prayers for those we have lost that year. While in the past it was thought appropriate only for those in mourning, some families consider it an important part of the High Holy Days to attend this beautiful, unique and inspiring service each year.

    NeilahAt the end of a long day of fasting and contemplation on Yom Kippur, we gather together as a full community to complete the Days of Awe. At IHC, we have timed our Tot service to end with Neilah so that we fill our Sanctuary one final time for a magical Havdalah with our arms around each other. Whether or not you have stayed with us for the day, we hope you will return for this brief concluding service.


    FALL GIFT SHOP HOURSMonday-Friday ................................... 10:00am-2:00pm Friday ....................................................... 5:15pm-6:15pmSunday* ................................................. 9:00am-12:30pm

    *When Religious School is in sessionBy appointment with Amy Micon: 317-339-9082

    We always are in need of volunteers. Both weekend and weekday shifts are available. Most volunteers work one or two 2-hour shifts per month. Interested Sisterhood members should call 317-872-7308 or email Marcella Slabosky (

    SISTERHOODKaren Rossen, IHC Sisterhood President;

    OUR MISSIONTo join together in Sisterhood and, guided by the principles of Reform Judaism, to strengthen our congregation, our community and ourselves.

    FROM THE SISTERHOOD PRESIDENTThe Sisterhood Board of Directors wishes you a happy and healthy New Year! May your New Year be filled with sweetness and Sisterhood!Our summer months are spent planning the upcoming year's activities and budget. Usually it is a bit of a crunch around this time of year to complete the budget before the Fall General Membership Meeting. Thanks to the changes that you approved this past year, we will hold our meeting a little later and have more time to gather information for the budgeting process. Already we are seeing some new programs being proposed and some events returning to the calendar after a hiatus. I'm especially looking forward to one of those events, Sisters in the Sukkah, as an opportunity for Sisterhood to welcome Cantor Marer. Check out all of our upcoming events here and in our monthly newsletter.

    Karen Rossen

    FOOD COLLECTION: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23Students in our Jewish Learning Program and Sisterhood Social Action Committee will be collecting food items on Sunday, September 23 to benefit Greenbriar Elementary School students. Below is a specific list of what we will be collecting:

    Kindergarten Chicken Noodle Soup (Pop-top cans)First Grade Applesauce CupsSecond Grade 100% Fruit Juice BoxesThird Grade Fruit CupsFourth Grade Macaroni & Cheese BoxesFifth Grade Hot Chocolate Packets & Pop TartsSixth Grade Nutri-Grain Bars & Oatmeal PacketsSeventh Grade Pudding Cups & Canned Pasta (Pop-top cans)

    Even if you do not have students in the Jewish Learning Program, please consider a donation!

    MEMBERSHIPWELCOME to our newest members, and WELCOME BACK to our returning members! If you have not yet joined or renewed, it's not too late!

    The membership form can be found on the IHC website.

    UPCOMING SISTERHOOD EVENTSSeptember12 ...............................................Sisterhood Board Meeting, 6:30pm 23 ...........................Greenbriar food collection, see details above25 ..........................................................Sisters in the Sukkah, 6:00pm

    November11 .............................................................................................Blood Drive17 ......................................SAVE THE DATE: Sisterhood Fall General Membership Meeting

    A short business meeting to install our new board and 2019 budget.

    Food, friends and fun - watch your email for details!

    OUR COFFEE SHOP with barista Andy Charboneau starts brewing again on Sunday mornings (when our Jewish Learning Program is in session) from 9:00am-noon! Don't stop for coffee on your way; get a made-to-order coffee, tea or hot

    chocolate, meet each other and maybe even start up a game of mah jongg or cards! A minimum suggested donation of $3 is appreciated to help us sustain this program. Proudly supported by Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Wendy and Phil Larman!



    The IHC Adamah Initiative, in conjunction with the IHC Staff, is pleased to announce the expansion of our recycling collection at IHC. The initiative began in 2017 when Adamah team members did a waste audit of the waste stream at IHC. We found that while we recycled office paper, other items such as cardboard, plastics #1-7, aluminum cans, tin foil, pie pans and glass bottles were thrown in the garbage. The Adamah team connected with the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center and was awarded $500 dollars to cover the cost of new recycling bins and signage for our offices, Religious School classrooms and Early Childhood Center. The Adamah Team then reached out to the custodial, ECC and professional staff to listen to their needs and hear about their concerns for the program and how to make it as easy a transition as possible. The team received quotes from various recycling services and made a final determination on which company to use. In order to cover the costs of the annual fees for the service, the Adamah team raised funds. A huge thank you to all who donated time and money to make this happen! Bins and signage were ordered, staff trained and collection services started. The Adamah team looks forward to continuing to expand our recycling efforts into public spaces and the kitchen in the upcoming year. If you would like to help out with phase two, or contribute time or resources to Adamah projects, please contact Dori Chandler, or Greg Silver,


    Rosh Hashanah Half and Full Day Retreat September 10, 2018 / 1 Tishri 5779

    Kol Yisrael Aravin Zeh L’zeh / Our community is responsible for one another Registration for the Rosh Hashanah retreat is only open to IHC Members in good standing, and is required. All-day registration is

    limited to 300. Half-day registration is limited to 100. Registration closes when the sessions are full.

    Held at Goldman Union Camp Institute (GUCI) in Zionsville, the Rosh Hashanah Retreat includes activities for everyone: families with young children and/or teens, empty nesters and adults of all ages. Come celebrate the New Year outdoors. Join us for spiritual connection through prayer, social action, study, relationship, play, nature, music and more. All-Day Session: Join us at 9:00am for check in, coffee and a morning nosh. As a community, we will walk to the outdoor sanctuary for worship. This will be followed by workshops, song sessions, casual conversations, games, sports and other activities. We will end our day with a walk to the river for Tashlich, followed by dinner, Havdalah and the final sounding of the shofar. Afternoon-Only Session: Join us at 1:00pm to check in, participate in the afternoon activities and walk to the river for Tashlich, followed by dinner, Havdalah and concluding with the final sounding of the shofar. Would you like to volunteer to help make this the best retreat yet? If you would like to help out or if you have a question, contact Brandon Hale at 317-255-6647 x210. To support IHC’s Adamah Initiative, please bring your own refillable water bottle. For more info about the environmental impact of plastic water bottles, visit

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOU MUST COMPLETE THE ENTIRE FORM

    _______________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ (Name) (Age, if child) (Name) (Age, if child) (Name) (Age, if child) _______________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ (Name) (Age, if child) (Name) (Age, if child) (Name) (Age, if child) E-MAIL:_____________________________________________________ (Help us preserve trees by using email)

    Phone:_______________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ (Street or P.O. Box) (City) (Zip Code)

    Check #:_______ Name on Credit Card: _________________________________________________________ Master Card____ VISA____ #________________________________ Exp. Date____________ Pin # ___ ___ ___

    Participation makes the Rosh Hashanah Retreat memorable. What would you like to do? Please check one or more!

    ___ Morning set up (7:30am)

    __ End of the day clean up

    ___ Bring baked goods for

    dinner dessert

    __Help with children’s activities

    __ Bring games

    ___ Something else


    # of Adults at $40 each _____

    Afternoon-Only $25 each _____

    # of Youth at $30 each _____

    Afternoon-Only $18 each _____

    # of Children at $20 each _____

    Afternoon-Only $10 each _____

    # of Children _____

    Afternoon-Only _____

    All-Day cost includes morning nosh, lunch, dinner, an afternoon snack and materials. Afternoon-Only includes dinner and afternoon snack.

    TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $____________ Check or Credit Card (circle)

    Please complete the entire form and mail along with your payment to: Brandon Hale - Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, 6501 N Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260.

    Or sign up via IHC’s SignUpGenius at


    Attention, Parents! We need addresses for post-high school

    young adults (ages 18-22) Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation likes to keep up with our post-high school young adults. We send them greetings and holiday packages throughout the year. Please fill out the form below and return it to IHC. A contribution of $36 would be greatly appreciated to offset the cost of mailings and the “care” packages. Parental contributions, in addition to a generous subsidy from Brotherhood, allows us to send packages throughout the year. If you would like to participate in the package prep, contact Lea Coleman, 317-255-6647 or ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please complete this form and return it to Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, 6501 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260, Attention: Barbara Chapman. Questions? Contact Lea Coleman. Away from Name: ____________________________________________________ Home Phone:______________

    Parents: _______________________________________________ Phone:_______________________

    Away from Home Address: _____________________________________________________________ (room, dorm, military base, etc.; any other info needed for mail) ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Street address) ____________________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip)

    Email: ________________________________________________________

    College: _______________________________ Year: ____ F ____S ____ J _____ Sr ____ Graduate

    Service: Army______ Navy______ Air Force______ Marines______ Working:______________ Birth Date: ____________________________ Amount Enclosed: $__________ (month, day, year)


    Shalom Chaverim!

    We are just about to head into our High Holy Day Season – where we celebrate our New Year (Rosh Hashanah), our Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), our festival of harvest (Sukkot) and the reset of our Torah reading cycle (Simchat Torah).

    Much is new at this time of year, and of course, we’ve added one more giant ‘new’ – our Religious School.

    As I write this (end of July) we are trying to answer everyone’s questions and address concerns about our new Jewish Learning Program (JLP = Religious School), put the finishing touches on our programming and curriculum for the year, and make sure that everyone’s learning experiences will be actively engaging, relevant and help build our children’s Jewish identities.

    As with anything new, it takes us time to settle in and get used to the rhythm, schedule, benefits and challenges inherent in the new JLP (Religious School). In addition to the short meetings we had on August 26, we will be having longer orientation meetings set up in September, and in late October/ early November we will begin our feedback process, listening directly to parents and staff (including teachers) about what is working and what isn’t.

    We ask for your patience, sense of humor and participation in this process so we can be sure that our program truly reflects IHC and its congregational family. Please do not hesitate to contact Jed, Sara Cox, Barbara Chapman, Judi Hastings, our teachers or, of course, our clergy, with any questions or concerns. While we may not have immediate answers, we promise to engage with every question and concern.

    Our Education Team wishes a healthy, happy and sweet new year to you and your entire family – L’shanah Tovah U’metukah.




    RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Sunday, September 2 ................................No Religious School or Derech Torah – Labor Day Weekend

    Sunday, September 9 ................................No Religious School or Derech Torah – Erev Rosh Hashanah

    Sunday, September 16 .......... Religious School & Derech Torah

    Sunday, September 23 .......... Religious School & Derech Torah Sukkot Congregational Celebration and Greenbriar Collection

    Sunday, September 30 .......... Religious School & Derech Torah Simchat Torah Congregational Celebration, Small Chai

    Jed Filler, Director of Lifelong Learning;

    DERECH TORAHWednesdays, 6:30pm class September 5, 26, October 3, 24, 31

    Sundays, 11:00am class September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 21, 28

    Be sure to work on your expectation opportunities. Don't forget to sign up at least one time to be a Shabbat Greeter. To volunteer, sign up on IHC’s website via SignUpGenius or email Barbara Chapman,

    When attending Shabbat worship at IHC, remember to sign in on the clip board attendance sheet located on the counter outside the education office so you will receive credit.

    Attending the Rosh Hashanah retreat counts as one Kehilah and worship. Be sure and sign in at the registration table.

    Do you need Tikkun Olam/Social Action credit? Help with High Holy Day Childcare! To volunteer, contact ECC Director Taryn Fartouh at 317-254-2186 x221.

    Rosh Hashanah: Monday, September 10, 8:15am and/or 10:45amKol Nidre: Tuesday, September 18, 6:00pm Yom Kippur: Wednesday, September 19, 8:15am and/or 10:45am




    SPITZBERG/BASSLER/ARNOLD YOUTH FUNDHonor of Phyllis and Ken Kaplan’s Grandchildren’s High School and College Graduations Evvy Moss

    DR. MORRIS STONER RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONMemory of Howard Katz Dodie Stein, Sara and Gary Halberstadt, Phil and Joyce Weisberger

    LIBRARY & ARCHIVES FUNDJoseph Cantor Library Fund Memory of Howard Katz Phyllis and Al Russell


    SENIOR RABBI’S DISCRETIONARYHonor of Rachel’s Bat Mitzvah/Rabbi’s Help Kim Berebitsky Memory of Vicki Neumann Joy Rheins Memory of Jonathan Zoll Fred Tishler Memory of Howard Katz Karla Yale

    ASSOCIATE RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY Roger Hurwitz, Andrea Burnett Honor of Adamah Initiative Eric Goldsmith, Greg Silver Honor of Adamah Initiative and our grandchildren, Audrey and Margot Susan and Jack Moss Honor of Micah’s Baby Naming Loni McKown

    CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARYHonor of Andrew and Irene Engel’s Anniversary Joanne and Stuart Engelberg


    HUNGER PROGRAMMemory of Fyodor Zamorsky Irina ZamorskyMemory of Ken Glaser Sorel Ancel

    SECOND HELPINGSMemory of Howard Harris Janet Harris


    TEMPLE GENERAL FUND Roger and Fran Hurwitz, Carol Weiss

    Honor of Fran Hurwitz’s Birthday Barbara & Charles Solomon Honor of Roger Hurwitz being awarded the Sagamore of the Wabash Dana and Marc Katz, Dorit and Gerald Paul Memory of Molly Jacobs Jan JacobsMemory of Janet Harris Howard and Anita HarrisMemory of Sol and Hilda Bergstein and Morris Hillman Renee and Jerry BergsteinMemory of Howard Katz Erni and Ken Slater, Alex and Marcella Slabosky Memory of Ieder Zamorsky Yevgeniya and Mikhail Malyovanny Memory of Aurelia Gwaltney Her Family Memory of Christopher Walsh Jan Jacobs

    IHC FOUNDATION FUNDSFOUNDATION GENERAL FUNDHonor of Donald Fisher’s Special Birthday Joan and Nathan Miller


    Certified by the American Board of Reform Mohalim Berit Milah, Brit Bat, Naming Ceremonies,

    Hatafat Dam Brit (conversion)Where Tradition Meets Professional • 317-429-0061


    YAHRZEIT T h e s e w e r e m e m b e r… S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8

    9/1/1980 Michael Baram9/1/1980 Shoshane Baram9/1/1984 Bessie Burack9/1/1972 Benjamin Finkel9/1/1993 William Gitlin9/1/1967 Sam Halpern9/1/1979 Albert Klineman9/1/2011 Gloria Lutz9/1/1979 Henry Marer9/1/1942 Harry Selig9/1/1996 Nathan Solomon9/2/1999 Joseph Barrett9/2/1958 Gertrude Breitbart9/2/1961 Zena Davis9/2/1942 Bertha Mayer9/2/2010 Jean McCann9/2/1980 Selma Rice9/2/2007 Esther Vernick9/3/1994 Albert Calderon9/3/2017 Robert Cohen9/3/1954 Esther Fairbanks9/3/1975 Sidney Herman9/3/2001 Larry Horberg9/3/2016 Mildred Kaufman9/3/1965 Helen Provisor9/3/2001 Stephen Vogel9/4/1944 Lawrence Ress9/4/1954 Arthur Shapiro9/4/1996 Kenneth Siegel9/5/1933 Jacob Goldman9/5/1983 Elizabeth Joseph9/5/1931 Charles Kahn9/5/1994 Beryl Leonards9/5/2007 Marks Levy9/5/1999 Gus Rosen9/5/1974 Florence Winter9/6/1960 Harry Cooler, Sr.9/6/1978 Arnold Gotfried9/6/2008 Geri Miller9/6/2004 Klara Peysekhman9/6/1999 Dorothy Schuman9/6/2010 J. Alan Slivka9/6/2001 Rita Werner9/6/1984 Max Wolfson9/7/1919 Sylvia Beiman9/7/1992 George Claymon9/7/2013 Jack Cohen9/7/2015 Herman Foster9/7/1983 Michael Gray9/7/2006 Esther Kusnitz9/7/1973 Ralph Newmark9/7/2000 Dorothy Spitzberg

    9/7/2010 Wendell Zellers9/8/1964 Harold Burgheim9/8/2002 Sylvia Diamond9/8/1969 William Dumes9/8/1955 Ida Goldberg9/8/1975 Gertrude Gould9/8/2012 Eleanor Nemes9/8/1965 Max Paul9/8/1973 Frieda Simon9/8/2002 Fran Weiss9/9/1955 Esther Cohen9/9/2005 Gloria Deremiah9/9/2009 Gregory Goble9/9/1974 Max Hackman9/9/2013 Judith Jaffe9/9/2015 Irwin Katz9/9/1967 Clara Kessler9/10/1975 Ben Falender9/10/1976 Albert Frankel9/10/2001 Herb Marer9/10/1991 Celia Marmelstein9/10/2017 Roberta Rosenfield9/10/2010 Karen Shlensky9/10/1983 Samuel Shorr9/10/1965 Mary Super9/11/1952 Morton Cooper9/11/1981 Richard Dorson9/11/1997 Irene Fischer9/11/2001 Anna Mirowski9/11/2015 Lawrence Reuben9/12/2009 Christopher Arnold9/12/2000 Clarence Kouts9/12/1936 Rachael Libowitz9/12/1998 Ethyl Mansbach9/12/2016 Jim McCarthy9/12/1972 Florence Sering9/12/2017 Jeffrey Siegel9/12/1945 Louis Spitzberg9/12/1980 Minnie Tuchman9/13/1976 Hilda Bleiweiss9/13/2006 Charles Hamer9/13/2003 Fred Joseph9/13/1974 Anna Purchick9/13/1955 Samuel Rappaport9/13/1996 Rosetta Rosenblatt9/13/2006 Ruth Rosenstein9/13/2017 Katherine Schmitt9/13/1976 Jacob Segal9/13/2012 Belle Swedarsky9/13/1969 Nellie Wender9/13/2005 Theresa Wiener9/14/1919 Morris Beiman

    9/14/1981 Joseph Cantor9/14/1999 Helen Cohen9/14/1960 Harry Epstein9/14/1988 Abe Goldsmith9/14/2008 Florence Kroot9/14/2002 Rae Rosenberg9/14/2010 Jone Shapiro9/15/1989 Kathleen Borinstein9/15/2003 Dora Field9/15/1960 Jenny Gavin9/15/1944 Max Gavin9/15/2007 Jenny Geddes9/15/1933 Rosa Gumbiner9/15/2009 Dorothy Herzberg9/15/1986 Lewis Lurie9/15/1982 Ruth Rothman9/15/2015 Janet Sachs9/15/2015 Lilly Schwartz9/15/1974 Sylvia Wikoff9/16/1990 Clara Burnstein9/16/2006 Barbara Fineman9/16/1993 Louis Goldstein9/16/2014 David Lutz9/16/2004 Raymond Russell9/17/2015 Terry Cage9/17/2012 Suzanne Centman- Miller9/17/1996 Marcella George9/17/2015 Geraldine Hurwitz9/17/1977 Milton Korobkin9/17/1979 Ida Lemberger9/17/2001 Ida Mickelson9/17/1989 Brooks Morris9/17/2001 Alice Rubin9/18/1993 Albert Brinn9/18/2008 Robert Deremiah9/18/1982 Norbert Loeb9/18/2007 Carol Mann9/18/1975 Harriet Simon9/18/1991 Joan Vigran9/18/1989 Lewis Wittles9/19/1957 Berta Popp9/19/1959 Floyd Beitman, Sr.9/19/2001 Bernice Braun9/19/1991 Lea Cassell9/19/1983 Evalyn Draper9/19/2013 Daniel FitzGibbon9/19/2003 Joyce Hyatt9/19/1992 Ethel Ratskoff9/19/1959 Flora Silver9/20/1981 Jeanne Bengis9/20/1976 Robert Borinstein

    9/20/1998 Harry Burnstein9/20/1995 Maurice Kaufman9/20/1987 Louis Silver9/21/2012 Margie Astren9/21/2017 Arthur Fiszbein9/21/2003 Bessie Fuchs9/21/2009 Sylvia Goldberg9/21/1994 Martin Kochman9/21/1959 John Magazine9/21/1942 Cornelia Vogel9/21/1942 Heinrich Vogel9/21/1942 Marta Vogel9/21/1942 Maxmillian Vogel9/22/2006 Gladys Abramowitz9/22/1955 Elmer Frankel9/22/2006 Elaine Greene9/22/1952 Abraham Greenberger9/22/2014 Michael Greenwald9/22/1999 Celianne Hamilton9/22/2004 Sara Herman9/22/2008 Alvin Levy9/22/1993 Esther Stein9/23/2011 Gleela Baldwin9/23/1993 Clara Bassler9/23/2014 Nahoma Deckelbaum9/23/1990 Mae Elkins9/23/2015 Richard Joseph9/23/1958 Jacob Schwartz9/23/1995 Ann Shapiro9/24/2017 Lev Bachkurinskiy9/24/1973 Jerome Blickman9/24/2012 Adele Domont9/24/2016 Evelyn Farber9/24/1968 Bert Freid9/24/2004 George Gelles9/24/1991 Kenneth Leeds9/24/2015 Patricia Linderman9/24/1952 Emma Romer9/24/2000 Edward Stempel9/25/1991 Jean Adams9/25/2010 Mary Furscott9/25/1992 Sheldon Giniger9/25/1932 Marjan Halberstadt9/25/2011 David Larman9/25/1970 Clare Lisker9/25/1941 Tilden Mendelson9/25/2005 Michelle Reis 9/25/1985 Phyllis Schlesinger9/25/1986 Betty Trockman9/26/2006 Louis Dubin

    9/26/2011 Robert Gaberman9/26/2009 Louis Goldstein9/26/1970 Ethel Gotfried9/26/1946 Hyman Loganofsky9/26/1959 Rebecca Newman9/26/1972 Celia Rossen9/26/1963 Hugo Schneider9/26/2001 Robert Smalbach9/26/1975 Robert Van Cleeff9/27/2012 Lucille Asher9/27/1967 Elya Borodaty9/27/1974 Abraham Diamond9/27/1976 Morris Fishbein9/27/2003 Sharon Jacobs9/27/1988 William Levine9/27/2014 June McKown9/27/1994 Betty Mintz9/27/1985 Irene Regenstreif9/27/2004 Gary Sicanoff9/27/1984 David Swedarsky9/28/2000 Sylvia Dansker9/28/1969 Reuben Finkel9/28/2010 Patricia Lamott9/28/1993 Albert Lieberman9/28/1979 Elias Russell9/28/1972 Samuel Shaffer9/29/2014 Bahiyyah Allen9/29/1980 Eda Appel9/29/1976 Joseph Baerncopf9/29/1996 Ruth Paul Buchholz9/29/2000 Myra Kahn9/29/2016 Tammy Kelly9/29/1990 Herbert Larks9/29/1991 Sylvia Leitz9/29/1945 Siegfried Leon9/29/1961 Samuel Leviton9/29/2013 Natalie Smulyan9/30/2017 Joy Arnold9/30/1990 Julie Bennett9/30/1998 Florence Calderon9/30/2012 Irving Calderon9/30/2005 Jacob Cohen9/30/2016 Harlan Davis9/30/2006 Sylvia Finn9/30/1992 Morris Gavin9/30/1993 Margaret Grumbacher9/30/1995 Florence Levy9/30/1965 Hans Lion9/30/1995 Robert Perk9/30/1979 George Ressler9/30/1971 Kenneth Valentine

  • Phone ................................................................... 317.255.6647Fax ......................................................................... 317.254.2187Rabbi’s Study ..................................................... 317.255.5612Early Childhood ................................................ 317.254.2186Automated Line ............................................... 317.254.2188Website

    Brett Krichiver ................................................Senior RabbiScott Fox ....................................................Associate RabbiAviva Marer ..................................................................Cantor Daniel Silien .........................................Executive DirectorJed Filler ..........................Director of Lifelong LearningTaryn Fartouh ......... Early Childhood Center DirectorEvelyn Pockrass ..................................................... LibrarianLea Coleman .............................................. Youth DirectorMarc Katz .......................................... IHC Board PresidentKaren Rossen................................. Sisterhood PresidentNeal Ginsberg ...........................Brotherhood PresidentJanice Roger .............................................. Cantor Emerita

    Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Kulanu is published 9 times per year by Indianapolis Hebrew Con gre ga tion at 6501 N. Meridian Street, India na polis, IN 46260.

    Indianapolis Hebrew Con gre ga tion 6501 N. Meridian Street India na polis, IN 46260