September 2012 eHineni

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Congregation Brith Shalom's September-October 2012 eHineni publication

Transcript of September 2012 eHineni

HineniA Congregation Brith Shalom Publication



Member of United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism

Join us for an inspiring instrumental

Erev Shabbat and Selichot weekend with

Hadar scholar-in-residence Rabbi Ethan Tucker

September 7-8, 2012

Be part of our contemporary instrumental

Prayer of the Heart service on Rosh Hashanah II

September 17, 8:15 pm

4610 Bellaire Blvd.Bellaire, TX 77401713.667.9201






A Message from

Rabbi Ranon Teller


What your Rabbi wants from you

I have a vision of Judaism in its ideal form. I believe in a Judaism that is moderate and passionate. I believe in a Judaism that has fl exibility and integrity. I believe in a Judaism that demands kindness and spiritual discipline. I believe in a Judaism that is completely egalitarian and honors personal, traditional choices. I believe in a Judaism of empowerment and subservience–grandeur and humility. I believe in a Judaism that inspires leadership and followship. I also believe in you–my community at Brith Shalom. I present a nuanced vision of Judaism, and I have the faith that we can walk this Jewish path together.

Here’s the fi rst step: I want you to own your Judaism. When someone asks you if you keep kosher, I want you to say, “Yes. I keep kosher [to whatever degree you do].” When someone asks you if you keep Shabbat, I want you to say, “Yes. I keep Shabbat [see previous bracket].” When someone asks you if you are religious, I want you to say, “Yes. I am religious [to whatever degree you are].”

A religious person is a person who makes deliberate religious choices. A religious Jew is a Jew who continually struggles with tradition and ritual. These High Holy Days you are invited to refl ect, introspect, grapple, and select your degree of religiosity and observance. Wrestle with religiosity and let that process lead toward deliberate choices. Then, you are a religious person. Own your Jewish experience, for your sake, for my sake, and for God’s sake. In that way, we will move one step closer to realizing an ideal vision for Judaism.

A Message from

Cantor Lance Rhodes


As we look toward the High Holy Days, I am pleased to report that the choir has grown in size every year and has really enhanced Judaism and music for our congregation and our community.

Last year, we began holding some of the choir rehearsals in assisted living centers that have a signifi cant Jewish population. It is our way of bringing the High Holy Days to those who are unable to attend synagogue. This summer the choir has already rehearsed at Brighton Gardens and performed at Seven Acres, and we have plans to rehearse/perform at Belmont Village. On the down side, I am sorry to announce that our previous choir director, Dr. Jaemi Loeb, has moved to Kentucky. We are on the search for a new director, but hers are big shoes to be fi lled!

This past season has been a busy and a productive one. One of the highlights for me was working with the religious school, Mosad Shalom, and adults for the Zimriyah concert. The enthusiasm was wonderful when all the different age groups combined for the concert at Brith Shalom in May.

The community-wide Yom Hashoah service, held this year at Brith Shalom, involved eight cantors, in addition to kids from fi ve different Jewish music groups. It was a highly rewarding and emotional experience to create this kind of combined ensemble and to hear our youth sing the words of L’dor Vador during the Holocaust remembrance service.

Musically yours,


Thank you!to all of our fabulous CBS volunteers - past and present! We are

constantly impressed by the spirit, dedication, and kindness of our volunteers, who are always just a phone call or email away. We could not do the work we do, or even begin to strive towards new ideas, programs,

and growth in our community, without each and every one of you. Whether you lend a hand during High Holy Days, participate in Mitzvah Day, serve on the Chesed Committee, proofread our publications, pass

out snacks to religious school students, donate a few hours of your time in the offi ce during busy periods, or even bring the offi ce staff treats, you are more help than you know. It is only through your support that our

synagogue can move forward, one mitzvah at a time.


CBS Offi ce Staff

Following the publication of the current issue of the eHineni (the September-October edition), the eHineni will be published in January, April, August, and November. The next issue will appear in early November. In order to make this publication as successful as possible, we need content from individuals and affi liates. We are hopeful that you will be a part of that process by submitting your stories, articles, bulletins, announcements, events, programs, photos, advertisements, etc., to be used in upcoming issues of the Hineni. If you have an idea for an article or would like a particular CBS program highlighted, please review the “Submission Guidelines” below:

Thank you in advance for taking part in the new eHineni. If you have any questions regarding the submission guidelines or what type of content to submit, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!

Jess FaermanProgram & Communications CoordinatorCongregation Brith

• Articles should be no more than 1000 words.• Images should be submitted in a jpeg or png format.• The due date for submissions for the November edition will be day 10 of the previous month (October 10).• The due date for submissions for the April, November, and January editions will be day 10 of the month prior to publication (unless this falls on Shabbat, in which case the deadline will be on day 9 of the month prior to publication).• All submissions should be sent to Jess Faerman, at

eHineni Content Submission

Advertising in the eHineniWe are pleased to announce that we are now accepting paid advertisements for the eHineni. To advertise a company, organization, or event, please refer to the content submission guidelines on the previous page. Advertisement costs are as follows:

¼ page ad: $30½ page ad: $50full page ad: $95

A subscription for one year of advertisements (i.e., four eHineni publications) will earn you a10% discount on the total cost of the advertisement.



Board Corner

At the Board meeting on Thursday, August 16, Milton Mosk III, President, reviewed the homework assigned to the Board at the July meeting, namely to identify up to three ideas the Board should focus on during the coming fi scal year. Martin Kay, Financial VP, provided a fi nancial summary. Since only one month has passed, there was very little trend analysis to report. Larry Estes, Executive

Director, provided an update on the two building projects currently underway: repairing the canopy at the religious school entrance and replacing the failing lighting control system for the Sanctuary. The canopy repair should be completed by Labor Day, and the lighting project by Rosh Hashanah.On Sunday, August 19, the Board held its annual retreat, this year focused on “The

Business of CBS.” After a beautiful morning service led by our clergy, the retreat continued with a presentation by Frank Todaro of Neos Marketing on current local and national trends in religious life. Two breakout sessions followed, one on how the Board should prioritize its time and the other on how to move the Endowment/Legacy program forward.


Member Musings

Dear Congregants,

As members of Congregation Brith Shalom, we can appreciate the el oquence of Rabbi Ranon Teller giving a d’var Torah in our beloved shul, but we don’t always have the opportunity to hear him speak in other settings. I attended a panel discussion at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church at which Rabbi Teller and other leaders from the Houston-area religious community spoke. They were to discuss the importance of German Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his actions against Nazi tyranny during the Holocaust; the task of creating communities free of hate and prejudice; and the need to nurture people who refuse to remain silent in face of injustice. The panel was a collaborative program of the Holocaust Museum Houston and A. D. Players.

Bonhoeffer was one of very few church leaders who had the courage to speak out against Hitler and the Nazi regime for depriving the Jews and some others of their basic human rights. He even led a plot to assassinate Hitler for which he was later hung in Flossenburg.

In addition to Rabbi Teller, the panelists included Rev. Sam Craven, Senior Associate Rector at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Dr. Randy Hatchet, Houston Baptist University Professor of Theology and Philosophy; Ms. M. Kugler, Christ the Servant Evangelical Lutheran Church; and Jeanette Clift George, Founder and Artistic Director of A.D. Players. The panel was moderated by Dr. Carl Caldwell, Professor of History at Rice University.

I was impressed by the discussion, particularly by Rabbi Teller’s clarity of thinking, his well-focused comments, and his deep devotion to Judaism. I spoke to others attending the conference, and we agreed that differences in religious practices are small compared with the overwhelming common feeling that we must stand united in protecting basic human rights and not be passive bystanders in the face of injustice toward anyone.

I thought you might like to read about it.

Anna Steinberger, Ph.D. Professor Emerita, University of Texas Medical School at Houston Holocaust Museum Houston Board of Trustees


Parashat PinchasThe following d’var Torah was delivered by

Margaret JelinekLewis, July 14, 2012, in Shabbat morning services.Congregation Brith Shalom

In this week’s parashah, the story of Zelophehad’s daughters—who asked for their deceased father’s allocation of land—often evokes comments on early feminism and women’s equality. Moses’s response—taking up the issue with God and challenging the status quo—is often cited as an example of good leadership and balancing tradition with modern ideas. Finally, although counting Jews is generally considered taboo, that is exactly what was going on in this scene. I’m going to attempt to address each of these issues. First, briefl y, on the issue of women’s equality: Because this is an egalitarian congregation, I, not my husband, who originally volunteered to give a d’var Torah, am standing on the bimah before you today. We also heard many beautiful women’s voices reading Torah this morning. Actions speak louder than words, so there’s not much more to say on that matter, except that you may be curious to know how I wrestled the honor from David. In a wonderful example of balancing modern with traditional, as David and I were driving with our three children 1050 miles from South Carolina to Houston this past Sunday, we were discussing the upcoming week’s parashah. Really. David was driving; I was reading the parashah and commentaries from the Internet on my smart-phone. As we delved further and further into the commentaries, I became animated and started jotting down notes. Just as a midrash on the phrase “Zelophehad’s daughters speak justly” (27:7) suggests that their eyes perceived what Moses’s eye did not, David recognized that I saw something he did not. Finally David said, “This really seems to inspire you. Do you want to give the d’var Torah?” So here I am. So—what inspired me on that otherwise mind-numbing 1050-mile drive? Leadership. Parashat Pinchas gives several examples of leadership: Pinchas, a zealous leader who took the law into his own hands; Zelophehad’s daughters, as brave women willing to shake the status quo; Joshua, who is chosen for his ruach as Moses’s successor; and of course Moses, both in his response to the question of land-inheritance (for which, by the way, he needed to call upon God for advice) and for discussing God’s appointment of a new community leader. I’ve often found myself in leadership roles—mostly because I’m organized and I have a big mouth. When we lived in Moscow, Idaho, I was the president of the Jewish Community of the Palouse and often led our monthly Shabbat services. I always credited my loud voice for earning me that role. Parashat Pinchas and a week with my in-laws made me think about leadership somewhat differently. Perhaps, like Joshua who was described as “a man in whom there is a spirit (ruach)” (27:18), I not only have that ruach but am also aware of the spirit within. So I’d like to propose that good leaders are those who listen to the spirit

Member D’var Torah Series


within—that still, small voice—and do what needs to be done. Naturally, “doing what needs to be done” varies, based on a particular leader’s skills and the needs of the occasion; often that means someone who is organized or has a loud voice. Last week, however, I learned to lead quietly. Whereas my family are loud northeasterners who are demonstrative about everything, David’s parents, who live in South Carolina, are more…um…Southern—quiet, reserved, less likely to argue about, well—ANYTHING. So here we are at the beach: the fi ve of us, David’s parents, my nephew Will, and David’s sister, who somehow missed the memo about being quiet and reserved. For a week of relaxation on a small barrier island, there is an odd dance of trying to coordinate activities without discussing anything or offending anyone… and this ritual has been going on long before I became a Lewis. Being an outspoken leader, for many years I attempted to organize the troops, take over planning, and set people straight. This year, I listened. I listened to what was needed, and I heard a completely unexpected answer: Patience. Patience and quiet were needed. From this I was reminded of three things: (1) Leadership can be quiet; (2) A good leader must sometimes let go of her own agenda and listen to what her constituents’ issues are; and (3) Leaders don’t always know the answers. When Moses didn’t know the answer to the land-allotment proposal of Zelophehad’s daughters, he didn’t have his own agenda: He asked for help from God and listened to the answer. Similarly, I learned that in order to fi gure out how to best navigate a week at the beach, I needed to have no agenda of my own. I needed to listen. And I needed to be patient. I needed to support my sister-in-law, and in so doing I eased the week for my mother- and father-in-law. Recall the scene in Parashat Pinchas: The Israelites were taking a new census of the generation that was about to enter the land. The idea was that each person needed to be accounted for so that land could be allotted according to each group’s needs. In modern times, we, too, use a census for this purpose. Census numbers are used to allocate funds on both a national and local level. Where does leadership come in here? Good leaders take account (or a census) of their constituents’ needs before allocating resources. We do this within the Jewish community, indeed within our congregation. And—I would be remiss if I didn’t mention this: Before Mitzvah Day this December, we will take a census of sorts to determine how to allocate our human resources in helping the community. So. What did I give up in my week of quiet leadership? Nothing. It was the most satisfying week at the beach in a long time. (The best was probably when David proposed to me, 17 years ago.) I gave to others; I breathed deeply; I learned patience in a new way. I saw the sun rise over the ocean every morning outside my bedroom window. I did yoga every day. And on Friday night, I enjoyed a two-hour-long barefoot walk on the beach. As I hugged my mother-in-law good-bye, she thanked me again for my patience and said that David chose well. That was a powerful compliment. Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam—blessed are you God, ruler of the universe, whose ruach is in each of us. May we fi nd the quiet to listen to that still, small voice. May we feel empowered to hear your suggestions for understanding and for action, even if they are unfamiliar to us. Blessed are you God, who helps us to continue to learn new ways of being. And together we say: Amen.



High Holy Day Worship Schedule September/October 2012

Elul 5772/Tishrei 5773 SELICHOT Saturday Night, September 8 Evening Program 9:00 pm Selichot Service 10:30 pm EREV ROSH HASHANAH Sunday Night, September 16 Evening Service 8:15 pm Child Care (infants to age 4) 8:15 pm ROSH HASHANAH I Monday Morning, September 17 Morning Service 8:30 am Child Care (infants to age 4) 8:30 am Torah Service 9:15 am Youth Services/Programming (Ages 5-13) 10:15 am-12:45 pm Teens Only 11:00 am ROSH HASHANAH II Monday Evening, September 17 Evening Instrumental Service: Prayer of the Heart 8:15 pm Tuesday Morning, September 18 Morning Service 8:30 am Child Care (infants to age 4) 8:30 am Torah Service 9:15 am Youth Services/Programming (Ages 5-13) 10:15 am-12:45 pm Teens Only 11:00 am SHABBAT SHUVAH (Sabbath of Repentance)

Friday Night, September 21 Evening Service 6:15 pm Saturday Morning, September 22 Morning Service 9:30 am TASHLICH Sunday, September 23 Tashlich Ceremony: meet at ERJCC parking lot 10:00 am

EREV YOM KIPPUR Tuesday Night, September 25 Kol Nidre Service 6:30 pm Child Care (infants to age 4) 6:15 pm YOM KIPPUR Wednesday Morning, September 26 Morning Service 9:00 am Torah Service 9:45 am Child care available 9:00 am-2:00 pm Youth Services/Programming (Ages 5-13) 10:30 am-1:30 pm Teens Only 11:00 am-12:50 pm Yizkor (approximate) 11:00 am Yom Kippur Discussion 4:15 pm Child Care (infants to age 4) 5:00 pm-7:45 pm Mincha 5:15 pm Neilah 6:15 pm Shofar Blast 7:42 pm SUKKOT Monday Morning, October 1 Sukkot I Service 9:30 am Tuesday Morning, October 2 Sukkot II Service 9:30 am Friday Night, October 5 Evening Service 6:15 pm Saturday Morning, October 6 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service HOSHANAH RABBAH Sunday Morning, October 7 Daily Minyan (Lulav, Etrog and Willows Processional) 9:00 am SHEMINI ATZERET Monday Morning, October 8 Morning Service 9:30 am Yizkor (approximate) 11:00 am SIMCHAT TORAH Monday Evening, October 8 Service 6:45 pm Tuesday Morning, October 9 Morning Service in the Chapel 9:30 am

Selichot Shabbatonwith Scholar-in-Residence

Rabbi Ethan Tucker

September 7-8, 2012Friday, 6:30 pm Neshama ServiceContemporary davening with guitar, featuring the soulfulmelodies of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, followed by a light dinner

Friday, 8:00 pm Study Session IRabbi Ethan Tucker: Building Sustainable Jewish Communities for the 21st Century

Saturday, 9:30 am Shabbat ServicesSermon: Rabbi Ethan Tucker Could Jewish Law Bring Us Together? Our Present Moment and the Way Forward

Saturday, 12:30 pm Study Session IIRabbi Ethan Tucker: Category Shifts in Jewish Law: Putting a Bold Halakhic Vision Into Practice

Saturday, 9:00 pm Study Session IIIRabbi Ethan Tucker: Cutting Our Losses or Preparing for Failure? Entering the High Holy Days Through an Analysis of Kol Nidre followed by a light dessert reception

Saturday, 10:30 pm Selichot ServiceThe introductory High Holy Day worship experience

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Friday, 6:30 pm Neshama ServiceContemporary davening with guitar, featuring the soulfulmelodies of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, followed by a light dinner

Friday, 8:00 pm Study Session IRabbi Ethan Tucker: Building Sustainable Jewish Communities for the 21st Century

Saturday, 9:30 am Shabbat ServicesSermon: Rabbi Ethan Tucker Could Jewish Law Bring Us Together? Our Present Moment and the Way Forward

Saturday, 12:30 pm Study Session IIRabbi Ethan Tucker: Category Shifts in Jewish Law: Putting a Bold Halakhic Vision Into Practice

Saturday, 9:00 pm Study Session IIIRabbi Ethan Tucker: Cutting Our Losses or Preparing for Failure? Entering the High Holy Days Through an Analysis of Kol Nidre followed by a light dessert reception

Saturday, 10:30 pm Selichot ServiceThe introductory High Holy Day worship experience


Fulfill themitzvah of

eating in theSukkah!

$5 per meal:1 pizza slice,

salad, cookies,& lemonade

Sunday, October 7, 12:30-1:30 pm

Pizzain the Hut

featuring culinarysample tastings

provided by


Tashlich CeremonySunday, September 23, 10:00 am

Adults, students, and parents will gatherat the ERJCC for the Tashlich ceremony

“You will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:18-20 14

High Holy Day Parking

Parking Tips:

Avoid parking challenges and arrive early for services.

We encourage you to carpool; parking spots will be limited.

Please avoid blocking driveways and lot entrances.

Parking is allowed only on the south side of Cedar Street.

Please do your best to comply with the parking guidelines so we can maintain our good relations in the community. Thank you!

Congregation Brith Shalom Sisterhood is sponsoring an E-Auction for

10 Select High Holiday Parking Spaces

Two spots are on the side and eight are located in the back. The ten highest bids in order will receive the reserved parking spaces.

The higher you bid, the better your spot! Bidding begins September 1 and will close on September 22 at 5 pm.

Minimum bids begin at $250.00

Start the bidding by contacting Jackie Furash at You can also reach Jackie at 713-334-1509 or 832-212-3579.

DON’T LOSE A PRIME PARKING SPACE – update your bid frequently! Winners will be notified via e-mail on September 23 at 12:00 pm.

All money collected from this auction goes to

Sisterhood projects that support the congregation. owers

High Holy Days Food Drive

Brith Shalom is holding its annual High Holy Day canned food Drive to benefi t the JCC Meals On Wheels program. Please pick up a bag at CBS any time after Rosh Hashanah and bring it back to the CBS cloakroom, fi lled with canned goods, by the end of Yom Kippur. Food does not have to be kosher but no glass jars will be accepted. Please check expiration dates before donating food! Contact Laurie Silverblatt at for more info.



Sisterhood of Congregation Brith Shalom

Honor your loved ones by sponsoring the High Holy Days Flowers on the bimah.

Please complete the form for your name to be included in the High Holy Days Madrich. This form is past due. Please submit your information ASAP.


Religious School




Teen Shabbat Club!

September 7October 5(in the Sukkah)

December 7January 11

May 11(Havdalah Pool Party)

Fridays, 6:30-8:30 pm

Fun Shabbat service and dinnerfull of song and discussion

RSVP: 17

USY offers a wide range of programs for teens from Conservative synagogues across the city, across the region, and internationally. USYers learn a love of Judaism and Israel and develop

life-long friendships. This year, members of HouJew, the local USY chapter, have participated in regional and international conventions, Kadima Conventions (for grades 6-8), and many chapter events. USY is peer-led, with the USYers planning and implementing the activities. In addition, USY offers life-changing summer programs in the United




States, Israel and Europe. Whether you are interested in USY on Wheels, which travels across the country, or USY Pilgrimage, USY has a summer program for you! For a full list of programs, visit For more information about USY locally, call 713-409-9814 or


for a family experience preparing for your

upcoming simcha!

B’nei MitzvahWorkshops


Sundays9:45 am-12:00 pm

October 28January 13February 3

Join Rabbi Teller & Cantor Rhodes

Coffee& breakfast

will be provided.

Upcoming B’nei MitzvahZoe BermanLeo Fiesinger

Nathan LedermanRebekah Lemeshev

Zachary RouahMaya Teller

Larissa BernsteinMacee Obermeyer

Mazel Tov!

Priya FinkMiriam Alberts

Alex RosenRaphael LevineMax MendelDaniel NadelSara Plager

Hudson Stronck


Did you know? Small communities from Iraq, Congo, Burma, Nepal, Sudan, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Rwanda, and many other places now call Houston home.

They are REFUGEES.

Hear about their journeys and explore Jewish values that can guide our response to these “strangers.”

Save the Date: Wednesday, Dec. 5, 7:15 pm

A program for Mosad Shalom students and adults, sponsored by the Diversity Outreach Committee.

Grades 4-6


March 1, 5:00 pm-March 2, 11:00 pm









Drury Inn & Suites

13770 Southwest Fwy.

Sugar Land, TX 77478Swimming


$125 per person

prior to february 21

$140 per person

after February 21fter February 2after February 21

r$140 per person

rrrpr feb u y 2prior to february 21

rr$125 per person

Being a




Junior Congregationfor students in grades 3-6

Saturdays, 10:30 am-12:00 pm

February 2March 2April 6April 27

October 6November 3December 1

January 5


Machar Back-To-School-Bowling September 9 2:45–4:45 pm Palace Bowling Lanes 4191 Bellaire Blvd. $3.00/game Kadima Nintendo Wii Tournament & Pizza September 30 12:45–2:45 pm CBS youth lounge $3.00 for pizza Machar Goes to The Health Museum October 14 2:30–4:30 pm 1515 Hermann Drive $6.00 for admission

Kadima Scavenger Hunt at the Houston Zoo October 21 2:15–4:30 pm 6200 Hermann Park Drive $9.00 for admission Machar Torah Bingo & Pizza November 11 12:45–2:45 pm Classrooms 5 & 6 $3.00 for pizza Prizes will be awarded Kadima Goes To The Movies December 16 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in 3D Edwards Greenway Grand Palace Stadium 3839 Weslayan Street


Congregation Brith Shalom Department of Education Calendar – 2012-2013

AUGUST 22 Faculty Opening Retreat 26 Parents’ Open House & Parents’ B/M Orientation 29 Teen BBQ & Elective Sign-Up SEPTEMBER 5 Opening Night Religious School (Grades 3-12) 7 Teen Shabbat Club 9 Opening Day Primary Grades (PreK-2) 9 Grade 5 Parents’ Meeting 12 Grade 9-10 Parents’ Confirmation Meeting 17-18 Rosh Hashanah Youth Services 23 Family Tashlich Ceremony 26 Yom Kippur Youth Services OCTOBER 3 Teen Israeli Dancing 5 Teen Shabbat Club in the Sukkah 6 Junior Congregation 7 Sukkah Visits & Young Family Program 7 Pizza in the Hut 21 Primary Grades Visit the Library 21 Grade 7 Trip to Barry Farm 21 Rabbi Visits Grades 4 & 5 28 B’nei Mitzvah Family Workshop I NOVEMBER 2-3 Fall Teen Retreat 3 Junior Congregation 7 Book Fair Program at JCC 10 Community Shabbat ** (Saturday Classes) 18 Rabbi Visits Grades PreK-2 17 Kindergarten Kabbalat HaTorah DECEMBER 1 Junior Congregation 2 RS Chanukkah Celebration 2 Grade 7 Trip to Medallion 5 Teen Community of Respect Program 9 Mitzvah Day – NO Regular Classes JANUARY 5 Junior Congregation 11 Teen Shabbat Club 12 Young Family Havdalah 13 B’nei Mitzvah Family Workshop II 13 Primary Grades Visit the Library 16 Jewish Camping Presentation 25-26 Winter Teen Retreat 27 Tu B’shvat Celebration FEBRUARY 1 Teen Shabbat Club 2 Junior Congregation 3 B’nei Mitzvah Family Workshop III 9 Grade 3 Kabbalat HaSiddur 9 Young Family Havdalah 17 Yom Limmud – No regular classes 22 Grade 7 Dinner at Cantor Levine’s 24 Purim Celebration

FEBRUARY (Continued) 27 Community-Wide High School Program MARCH 1-2 Grades 4-6 Retreat 3 Primary Grades Visit the Library 3 Grade 7 Trip to SEARCH 16 Grades 5-6 Torah Service 22 Teen Shabbat Club 24 Rabbi Visits Grade 3, 6 & 7 24 Chocolate Seder APRIL 5 Grades 3-4 Service & Dinner 6 Junior Congregation 14 Grade 7 Trip to Supermarket 19-20 Spring Teen & 7th Grade Retreat 27 Junior Congregation & Grade 4 Torah Event MAY 10 Grade 7 Promotion 11 Teen Shabbat Club Havdalah 15 Grade 12 Graduation 19 Yom Yisrael SCHOOL CLOSINGS Sept. 16, 19, 23, 26 High Holidays November 11 Day After Community Shabbat November 25 -28 Thanksgiving December 9 Mitzvah Day December 12 Faculty Meeting Dec. 16 – Jan. 2 Winter Break February 17 Yom Limmud March 10, 13, 17 Spring Break March 27 & 31 Passover May 15 Shavuot B’NEI MITZVAH August 11 Everett Lowenstein August 25 Zoe Katzenellebogen Oct. 20 Leo Fiesinger Oct. 27 Nathan Lederman Nov. 17 Rebekah Lemeshev Nov. 30 Zachary Rouah Dec. 8 Vanya Rosenberg-Johnson Dec. 22 Maya Teller Jan. 5 Larissa Bernstein Jan. 12 Macee Obermeyer Jan. 19 Priya Fink Feb. 2 Miriam Alberts Feb. 9 Lily Siegel Feb. 16 Alex Rosen Mar. 23 Raphael Levine Apr. 13 Max Mendel School Cancellation – In the event that HISD closes school OR afterschool events due to weather conditions, Religious School and Mosad Shalom will be cancelled for the evening.






Mechon Hadar Houston Fall 2012—Winter 2013

Join us as Rabbi Ethan Tucker, Co-Founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Mechon Hadar, the only egalitarian yeshiva in the United States, visits our community from September 2012 through February 2013. Rabbi Tucker will offer an in-person residency in Sep-tember and February and lead four interactive webinars in October through January. Rabbi Tucker was ordained by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and earned a PhD in Talmud and Rabbinics from the Jewish Theological Seminary. He was named one of Newsweek’s Top Fifty Rabbis in America in 2011 and 2012.

Scholar-in-Residence at the ERJCC February 24—27, 2013

Interactive Webinars at the ERJCC October 2012 — January 2013

Selichot Shabbaton at Congregation Brith Shalom September 7-9, 2012

Halacha and Modernity: Toward a Meaningful, Contemporary, Jewish Practice

Friday Night Davar Torah and Dinner, Shabbat Sermon, Shabbat Text Study, Saturday Evening Lecture

Shabbat: Creating A Meaningful Atmosphere with Ancient Ritual Laws

Monday, October 15 at 7:00 PM—8:30 PM

Kashrut: Toward Sensible, Meaningful, Contemporary Jewish Food Choices

Monday, November 26 at 7:00 PM—8:30 PM

Inclusion: The Halakhic Case for Egalitarianism Monday, December 10 at 7:00 PM—8:30 PM

What is a Jew? Monday, January 14 at 7:00 PM—8:30 PM

Between Wisdom and Honor: When Divine Commands Threaten Human Dignity

Sunday, February 24 at 7:30 PM .

Ethical Norms as the Foundation of the Torah Monday, February 25 at 7:30 PM

Was Abraham Asked to Sacrifice His Ethics? Tuesday, February 26 at 7:30 PM

Can Jewish Texts Be Unethical? Grappling with Difficult Sources

Wednesday, February 27 at 7:30 PM

Individual Programs $15, Series Pass $100 To participate in an individual program or the entire series contact Nomi Barancik at

713.729.3200, ext. 3288 or go online to




Wednesdays7:30 pm

January 9January 16January 23

Adult Ed Winter 2013Mini Course

RSVP requested but not

The Texas Jewish Experience

I. Jewish Life During Pre-Statehood

In the early 1500s when the first conquistadors arrived in Nueva España, a Jew was usually found among their staff. These non-Catholics were allowed in the New World to serve the recording needsmandated by the Crown and the Church. Today their descendants are labeled crypto Jews, and their family stories are fascinating to modern scholars. This session will deal with the reality that the first Jews came to what is now Texas some two centuries before Jews arrived in New Amsterdam.

II. Jewish Life in Texas

It’s fair to suggest that from the 1500s until the 1970s, many considered Texas a wilderness. And yet the Jews who arrived throughout the centuries sought to maintain Judaism in some form, even in Cisco. Jews were involved in the warp and woof of the building of Texas, even as they faced the KKK anduniversity restrictions. Despite national anti-Semitic feelings in the 1930s, Hebrew was taught at UT. This session will discuss who we were and who we are; and, if we’re brave, who we’ll be as Jews in the “empire state of Texas.”

lII. Interesting Texas Jews

Texas has been the home of some very interesting individuals who have had more than national impact. Michael Seeligson was mayor of Galveston for 120 years before Abe Beame in New York. The first Hilton Hotel was in Cisco. Henry Cohen served his congregation 62 years and helped to create the state parole board. Leo N. Levi, later the national president of B’nai B’rith, persuaded Theodore Roosevelt to protest the Kishinev pogroms in 1903 in Russia. Other outstanding Texas Jews include Sam Dreben, Dr. Grace Jameson, Albert Lasker, Adrian Levy Sr., Stanley Marcus, and evenKinky Friedman. We’ll consider some of the great and the near-great Jews of Texas.

RSVP t d b t t i d

IIIII... JJJJJJJJeeeeeewwwwwiiiiiiissssshhhhhhhh LLLLLLLLiiiiiiifffffffeeeeeeeee DDDDDDDDDuuuurrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnggggggggg PPPPPPPPrrrrrrreeeeeee---SSSSSSSSStttttttaaaaatttttteeeeehhhhhhhhoooooooodddddddd

IIInn tthhhhee eeaaarrrllllyy 1155555000000000000ssss wwwwhhhheeenn tthhhhee fffiirrssttt cccoonnnqqqquuuiiiisssttttaaaddddoooorrs aarrrriivvvveeeddddd iin NNNNNuuueeevvvvaa EEEEsssppppaaaññññaaa, aaa JJJJJeeewwww wwwaaass uussuuuaaaalllllllllyyyy fffooouunnddd aammooonnnggggg tttthhhheeeiirrr ssttttaaaaffffffff.. TTTThhhheeesssee nnoonn-CCaaaattthhhhooolllliiiiccccss wwwweeerree aaaallllllooowwweeedddd in tthhhhee NNNNNeeeewwww WWWWWoooorrlllddd ttoo sseerrvvee ttthhhee rreeccoorrrddddiiinnnnggggg nneeeeeeddddsssmmmmaaannnddddaaaattteeedddd bbbyyy tthhhhee CCrroowwwwnn aanndd ttthhhhee CChhurrcchh. TTTTooodddddaaaayyyy tthhhheeeiirrr ddddeeessscennnddddaaannntttss aarree llaaaabbbbbeeelllleeedddd crryyyypppttttoo JJJJeeewwwwss, aanndd ttthhhheeeiiiirrrr fffaaaammmiiilllyyyyy sstttoorriieeess aarree ffffaaasssciinnnaaatttiiiinnngggg ttoo mmooodddddeeerrn sscchhhooolllaaarrss. TTTThhhhiiss sseeessssssiiiioooonn wwwwiiillllll ddddeeeaaaall wwwwiiittthhhh tthhhhee rreeeeaaalllliiiitttyyyy tthhhhaaaatt tthhhhee ffiirrsstt JJJJJeeewwwwssss cccccaammee ttoo wwwwhhhhaaaatt iiss nnooowww TTTTeeeexxxaaaass ssoommee ttwwwwoo ccceennttuurriieeess bbbbeeeefffoooorree JJJJJeeewwwwss aarrrriivvveeedddd iin NNNNNeeeewwww AAAAmmmsssttteeeerrrddddaaammmmmm..

IIIIIIIIIIIIIII.... JJJJJJJJJeeeeeewwwwwiiiiiiiisssshhhhhhhh LLLLLLLLiiiiiiiffffffffeeeeeeeee iiiiinnnnnnn TTTTTTTTTTeeeeeexxxxaaaassssssss

IItt’’’ss fffffaaaiirrr ttoo ssuuuuugggggggggggeeeessstt tthhhhaaatt fffrroomm tthhhhhee 11555550000000000ssss uunnnttttiill tthhhhee 11999997777700000ssss,, mmmaaannnnyy cccoonsssiiiidddddeeeerreeddd TTTTeeexxxaaaass aa wwwwiiiilllldddddeeeerrnneeesssssss.. AAAAAAnnndddd yyyeeeett tthhhhheeeee JJJJeeewwwwss wwwwhhhhoo aarrrriivvvveeedddd tthhhrroouuuugggghhhhhooouutt tthhhhee cceeenntturriieeess ssoooouuuugggghhhhhtt ttoo mmmmaaaiiiinnntttaaaiiiinn JJJuuudddddaaaaiiiisssmm iin ssoomee ffoorrmm, eevvveeenn iin CCiisccooo.. JJJeeewwwwss wwwweeerree innvvooollllvvveeedddd in ttthhheeee wwwwaaarrrpp aannndd wwoooooff ooff ttthhheee bbbuuuiiillllddddiiiinnnngggg ooff TTTTeeexxxaaass, eevvveeenn aass tthhhheeeyyyy fffaaaccceeddd ttthhhhee KKKKKKKKKKKKKK aannndduuunniiivveeerrsssiiiittttyy rreeesssttttriictttiiiiooonnss. DDDDeeesssppppiiittteee nnaaatttiiiiooonnaaall aannttii-SSSSeeemmmiiiitttiiicc ffffeeeeeeellliiinnnnggggssss in tthhhhee 1119999933330000ssss,, HHHHeeeebbbbbrrreeewwww wwwwaaaass ttaaaauuuugggghhhhhtt aatt UUTTTT.. TTTTTTThhhhiiss sseeessssssiiiioooonn wwwwiiilllll ddddiiisssccuussss wwwwhhhhoo wwee wwwweeeerree aanndd wwwwhhhhoo wwee aarree;; aannndddd,,,, if wwwweeee’’rree bbrraaaavvvee,, wwwwhhhhoo wwweee’’llll bbbee aass JJJJJJeeewwwwss iinn tthhhheee “““eeemmmmppppiiiirrree ssttttaaattttee ooff TTTTeeexxxaaaasss...””

llllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIII.... IIIIIIIInnnnnttttttteeeerrrrreeeeesssstttttttiiiiiiinnnnnggggggggg TTTTTTTTTeeeeeexxxxaaaassssss JJJJJJJJeeeeeewwwwwssssssss

TTTTTTTeeexxxaaaass hhhhhaaaass bbbbbbeeeeeenn tthhhhee hhhhomee ooffff ssoommee vveerryyy iiinntttteeereeesssttttiiiinnnnggggg iiiinnnnddddiiiivvviiiidddduuuaaalllllss wwwwhhhhhhoo hhhhhaaavvvee hhhhaaadddddd mmoorree tthhhhaaaann nnaaaatttiiiiooonnnaaallll iiimmmmppppaaaacccctttt.. MMMMMiiiiccchhhhaaaeeeell SSSSeeeeeeelllliiiiggggssssoooonn wwwwaaass mmmmaaayyyyoooorr ooff GGGGaaallllvvveeesssttttooonn ffoorrr 112222200000 yyyyeeeaaarrs bbbbeeeeffffooorree AAAAAbbbbbeeee BBBBeeeeaaammmee iin NNNNNeeeewwww YYYYoooorrkk.. TTTTThhhhee ffiirrsstt HHHHHiiiillllttttoooonnnn HHHHHooottteeeell wwwwaaaass in CCiissccoo. HHHHeeennnrryyy CCoooohhhheeenn sseerrvveeedddd hhiiss ccoonnnnggggrrrreeeeggggaaaatttiiiiooonn 66662222 yyyyeeeaaarrs aanndd hhhheeeelllllppppeeedddd ttoo crreeeeaaatttteee tthhhheee ssttttaaatttteeee pppppaaarroooolllleeee bbbboooaaardd.. LLeeoo NNNN. LLeevvii, llaaaattteeeerrr tthhhheee nnaaatttiiiiooonnnaaall ppreeesssiiiddddeeeennnntt ooffff BBBB’’’nnaaii BBBB’’’rrriiittthhhhh,, pppppeeerrssuuuaaaddddeeeedddd TTTThhhheeeoooddddooorree RRRRoooooossseeevvveeelllltt ttoooo pprooottteeesssstt tthhhheee KKKKiiissshhhhiiinnneeeevv ppppooooggggrrrommss iin 119999900003333 in RRRRuuussssssiiiiaaa.. OOOOOttthhhheeeerrr oouuttttssstttaaannnddddiiinnnnggggg TTTTeeexxxaaaass JJJJJeeewwwwss inncclluuuuddddeeee SSSSaaammmm DDDDrrreeeebbbbbeeeenn,, DDDDrrrrr.. GGGracee JJJJaaammmeeesssonn,,, AAAAAlllbbbbbeeerrtt LLaaassskkkkkeeeerrr,, AAAAAdddddrrriiiaann LLLeeevvvyy SSrr.,, SSSStttaaannnlllleeeyyyy MMMMMaaaarrccuuss, aannddd eevvveeennnKKKKKiiiinnnnkkkkyyyyyyy FFrriieeeeddddmmmaaannn.. WWWWWWWWeeeee’’llll ccoonnnsssiiiddddeeeerrr sssoommee ooff ttthhhhee ggggrrreeeaaaatt aannndd tthhhhee nneeeeaaaarr---ggggrrreeeaaatt JJJJJeeewwwwss ooff TTTTeeeexxxaaasss..

The Texas Jewish Experience

I. Jewish Life During Pre-Statehood

In the early 1500s when the first conquistadors arrived in Nueva España, a Jew was usually found among their staff. These non-Catholics were allowed in the New World to serve the recording needsmandated by the Crown and the Church. Today their descendants are labeled crypto Jews, and their family stories are fascinating to modern scholars. This session will deal with the reality that the first Jews came to what is now Texas some two centuries before Jews arrived in New Amsterdam.

II. Jewish Life in Texas

It’s fair to suggest that from the 1500s until the 1970s, many considered Texas a wilderness. And yet the Jews who arrived throughout the centuries sought to maintain Judaism in some form, even in Cisco. Jews were involved in the warp and woof of the building of Texas, even as they faced the KKK anduniversity restrictions. Despite national anti-Semitic feelings in the 1930s, Hebrew was taught at UT. This session will discuss who we were and who we are; and, if we’re brave, who we’ll be as Jews in the “empire state of Texas.”

lII. Interesting Texas Jews

Texas has been the home of some very interesting individuals who have had more than national impact. Michael Seeligson was mayor of Galveston for 120 years before Abe Beame in New York. The first Hilton Hotel was in Cisco. Henry Cohen served his congregation 62 years and helped to create the state parole board. Leo N. Levi, later the national president of B’nai B’rith, persuaded Theodore Roosevelt to protest the Kishinev pogroms in 1903 in Russia. Other outstanding Texas Jews include Sam Dreben, Dr. Grace Jameson, Albert Lasker, Adrian Levy Sr., Stanley Marcus, and evenKinky Friedman. We’ll consider some of the great and the near-great Jews of Texas.


Shabbat Morning Learning

October 6November 3February 23

November 10January 19

April 6

October 13November 17December 15January 12February 16

March 16March 30

April 6May 11

Pure Neshama Servicewith Rabbi Teller9:30-10:15 am

Join Rabbi Teller for three soulful, contemporary experiences includingJewish spiritual wisdom, chi energy stretching, and meditative song.

Davening Like a Prowith Cantor Rhodes

10:30-11:15 am

Cantor Rhodes leads three sessions aimed at providingparticipants with greater comfort in synagogue services.

Finding Meaning in Prayerwith Cantor Levine10:30-11:30 am

Join Cantor Levine in an explorationof the liturgy-its historical developmentand theological underpinning.










young professionalsbattle it out in Kitchen Stadium

for the ultimate title.

What will the secret ingredient be?You'll have to attend to find out!

sUNDAY, November 11, 5:oo PMtICKETS: $18

Featuring Celebrity Chef Judges: TBA




Young Professionals Programming

Torah at Agora!Agora Bar & Coffeehouse

1712 WestheimerHouston, TX 77098

Spring 2012 was the launch of our new after-work social series:Last Thursday of the month happy hour & coffee-house

meet-ups with the CBS clergy!

Come network and chill with CBS clergy and young professionals!

Swing by Agora in Montrose to enjoy drinks on us, relax, mingle, and meet people you might not know! Contact Jess at or

713-667-9201 for more info.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggggggggggggggggggooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee1111111111111117777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777700000000000000000000000000000000000009999999999999999999999888888888888888888888888888CCCCCCooooo eeeee eeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttt oooooooo kkkkkkkkk aaaaaaa dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiilllllllllll iittttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh CCCCCCCBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSS

SAVE THE DATE:Fall 2012/Spring 2013

Thursday, October 25Thursday, November 29

Thursday, January 31Thursday, February 28

Thursday, April 25Thursday, May 30




Creative CocktailsHappy Hour

invites CBSyoung professionals to a

Thursday, September 65:45-7:00 pmin the CBS Foyer

schmooze with

other CBS young


enjoy drinks on usmixed byThe Next CBSIron Chef teams!

DD’swill be

available 35


Brith Shalom’s third annual Mitzvah Day will take place Sunday, December 9. Various projects are planned, from helping clean up shared gardens in low-income areas to cleaning up our own synagogue. In the evening, a special

Hannukah celebration will include music, a slideshow summary of the day’s events, a light dinner, and candle lighting. If you would like to help with

organization and planning, email Visit for more details.

Mitzvah DaySunday, December 9, 2012


JewishFoodSummitSunday, January 27, 2013More info coming soon!

ARe you eating responsibly?for you for the environment for the planet

Join usfor hands-on

learning, communIty-Building,

& eatingat the intersection


Sustainability & Jewishvalues.


Havdalah in the Park

November 10, 20126:00 pmEvergreen Park


Prepare yourselves for a powerful experience in Jewish prayer. Our Sages teach that when a group of people prays together, God’s presence (the Shekhinah) dwells among them. The essence of the Friday Night Ruach service is intense congregational participation. This service is part of a new wave in Jewish prayer that began in New York, Los Angeles, and Jerusalem, where congregations like B’nai Jeshurun, Kehillat Shira Hadasha, the Library Minyan, and Yakar are tapping into the contemporary need to participate in song. We at Brith Shalom are seeking the spiritual power of a sanctuary fi lled with voices singing and swaying in unison! We need your voice. Come sing and feel God’s intimate presence, the Shekhinah. In order to help the congregation raise their voices in song, we set traditional liturgy to Chasidic and contemporary melodies accompanied by Shabbat-appropriate instrumentation. We also provide transliterations and sheet music and, on request, can distribute the melodies on CD. After a joyous, uplifting service, people look forward to meeting in the social hall for a delicious light supper. We shake hands, schmooze, and enjoy each other’s company. When we leave, it's with a smile and a feeling of being invigorated as we look forward to coming together once again for the next Friday Night Ruach.

Join us for an engaging musical service with instrumental accompaniment followed by a delicious dinner with your CBS family. All ages welcome!

To sponsor a dinner or to subscribe to the FNR series, contactCherye-Ann DeLong at or 713-667-9201 ext. 318


Friday Night Ruach2012-2013

Celebrating the Spirit of Shabbatitt ngii thtt eh SpiSS rii ir ti ot f

October 19

October 19

November 30

mber 3 3000

January 18

uaarry 18

February 158

uary 15

March 15h 1 15

April 19i

May 17

Gourmet Shabbat Dinner Series

November 9RSVP by Monday, November 5

January 11RSVP by Monday, January 7

$20 per personRegister online:

March 8RSVP by Monday, March 4

May 31RSVP by Monday, May 27



A special Shabbatservice for kids

in grades K-2


A i l Sh bb

Kid Shul

Saturdays, 10:30-11:30 amSeptember 08September 22October 13October 27

November 24

December 08December 22

January 12January 26February 09

February 23March 23April 27May 11May 25

Youth Services


Welcome to 2012-2013 Friday Night Mini Minyan: Join us this year for an AMAZING family experience!

Shabbat experience for children six years of age and younger One Friday evening a month Singing, dancing, and eating Engage your Shabbat spirit Meet young families Connect with your community Have fun!

If you’d like to help sponsor a Mini Minyan dinner in honor of your

child’s birthday or special family event, please send a check to the synagogue

made out to Mini Minyan or visit and donate

through CBS Online.

November 9

December 7

January 11

February 8

March 8

April 12

May 10


5:45 pm (dinner to follow) 43


& GroupsHazak


Men’s Club


Services information

New members




Social Media



HAZAK ROCKS!Are you 55 or better? Are you looking for an exciting and stimulating group of like-minded seniors?


HAZAK seniors have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, a variety of exciting and stimulating activities such as:

Bus trips to fun places such as Brenham and Jewish Galveston

Guest speakers discussing elder law, politics, healthy aging, handwriting analysis, and much more

Theater and dinner trips

Films with subjects of Jewish interest

Musical programs

Each month, HAZAK offers fun and interesting events. There is something for everyone. Enjoy refreshments with friends at each meeting.


If you are a member of Congregation Brith Shalom, it costs only $12 per calendar year. Non-members of CBS - $18 per year. Everyone is welcome!!!

Contact Norma Whitman for more information: 713-723-5673.

Sisterhood:Fun & Fabulous!

Shana Tovah and may you have a wonderful year! One way to have fun is to become active in Sisterhood, and here are the “top ten” reasons (David Letterman style) to get involved.

Ten Reasons to get Involved with


10. Sisterhood is Fun! 9. We have something for everyone of every age. 8. You’ll make new friends from our wonderful group of women. 7. We have opportunities to do Tikkun Olam, individually or in a group, in an enjoyable atmosphere. 6. We have volunteer opportunities that fi t your hectic schedule. 5. We have energizing events like Dancing With The CBS Stars! 4. You’ll recognize more people at shul, your spiritual “home.” 3. Our activities are social, spiritual, and educational. 2. You’ll have opportunities to read Torah and lead services. 1. Sisterhood is fun!

BUSY STARTWe’ve begun the year being busy and productive. This summer, we had our leadership training with Toby Maser, from Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, who gave us tips on how to be creative and maximize our volunteers! Then in September, we will have a fabulous Membership Dinner, which you can read about in this issue of the eHineni. Read our Ways and Means and Torah Fund articles in this issue as well.

THANK YOU CBS DIRECTORYYasher Koach to Marc Malacoff and George Engelhart for honoring Sisterhood in the beautiful new directory. We appreciate your hard work! Thank you, Becca Evans, Sisterhood Publicity V.P., for your untiring efforts gathering Sisterhood history for this lovely book. Becca spent hours and hours looking for the information that went into her beautiful Sisterhood pages in the directory.

FALL EVENTSFuture events include a Sisterhood-sponsored speaker, at the ERJCC Book & Arts Fair (end of October/early November), Tickets can be purchased in advance on

the ERJCC Book Fair website or the night of the event. The Sisterhood Board meeting will take place there that evening at 7:30 pm (room location to be announced).

IRON CHEFDon‘t forget The Next CBS Iron Chef competition on November 11 at 5:00 pm at CBS. Sisterhood and Men’s Club are sponsoring and helping with the event. For more information or to volunteer, contact our Ways and Means chair, Doreen Lerner, at


For this shul-wide project, CBS is looking for more volunteers!! We’d love to have more Sisterhood and non-Sisterhood volunteers. Helping out for even an hour will make a difference in people’s lives. For more information, contact Iris Fisherman at


Sisterhood Shabbat is January 25 and 26, 2013. We want to involve as many women as possible in the service. If you are not



SisterhoodStudy GroupMondays, beginning

September 109:30-11:00 am

New members are ALWAYS welcome! For

more information, please contact Marge Mayer at

A special thank you to our Founding Mothers. Without your efforts, we would not be in the CBS Sukkah together.

From left to right: Lorraine Brown (Past President), Flo Slatko, and

Elaine Merwin

available for the service, there are numerous committee positions that need to be fi lled as well. Committee chairs for this year are Denise Mosk and Tracy Jakob. When you get a call or email from them, please respond as quickly as possible. If you already have a specifi c part in mind, please contact one of them to let them know. Here’s to another incredibly empowering event! For more information, please contact or


Our Ways & Means Chair, Doreen Lerner, is continuing to work on the Sisterhood cookbook, Honey fundraiser and a possible Games Night (co-chaired with Debbie Lipman). For more information, see the article elsewhere in this eHineni. Please watch for updates and requests for help in the coming months. We’re expecting publication next year!

TORAH FUNDSunday evening, April 21, 2013, CBS Sisterhood will host Torah Fund, chaired by Dori Wind, Susan Marblestone, and Karen Lukin. Come hear our new Woman of Valor (winner

of the Marcia Sheena Torah Fund award) speak in the sanctuary and enjoy dinner, all in the name of a worthy cause: Jewish Theological Seminary. Please see the article about the Torah Fund pin elsewhere in this issue of the eHineni.

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook! Search “Congregation Brith Shalom Sisterhood,” and join the group!

B’Shalom,Laurie Silverblatt& Sherri Taxman,Sisterhood 2012-2013Co-Presidents

Blanche Roubein, Aileen Zarin, Sherry Hager, Elaine Kellner, Natalie Kravitz, Marge Mayer, Elaine Merwin, Lila Lerner, Velva G. Levine, Carole Sheldon, Cookie Portnoy, Shirley Katzin, Bonnie Edelstein, Flo Slatko, Debi Mishael, Lorraine Brown














DINNER at 6:30 pmPROGRAM at 7:30 pm






Sisterhood Installs New Board

Congregation Brith Shalom’s Sisterhood held its annual board installation on May 20 in the shul’s social hall. Approximately 35 people attended and enjoyed the Yom Yerushalayim theme, refl ected in the blue-and-white motif around the room and a tasty dinner of Israeli food.Lena Malacoff, installation chair and former Sisterhood president, remarked, “When we set the date for this event, I was so happy to see that we could honor Jerusalem at the same time that we were honoring our Sisterhood.” Lena’s husband, Marc Malacoff, was commended for countless hours of computer support for Sisterhood each year. Outgoing Sisterhood co-president Frances Rubin gave an impassioned speech about how much fun the year had been and how grateful she was to everyone in the group for their hard work. Incoming Sisterhood co-president Laurie Silverblatt dedicated her speech to her mother, Rita Atlas, who surprised her by traveling to Houston for the event.

(Atlas is a former Sisterhood president of Congregation Emanuel in McAllen, Texas.) The speech’s theme was how Sisterhood helps keep Judaism alive through education, rituals, and community (tikkun olam), all under the umbrella of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. “Last year,” Silverblatt said, “we had a dynamic Sisterhood board that put on really exciting events, i ncluding the Dancing with the CBS Stars fundraiser (with Men’s Club), the Yiddish folksong event featuring Janice Rubin, and the two popular recipe-tasting events to help us develop a cookbook for next year. We also have ongoing programs, like the Sisterhood Torah Study Group and the SEARCH Homeless Services project (in conjunction with the congregation at large), where Sisterhood members and others help with breakfast and lunch each month. Looking toward the future, the incoming board is sure to be as energetic and creative as the last one.” Incoming co-president, Sherri Taxman, a longtime Sisterhood Board member and former CBS Board member, received her president’s pin during the program. Before the meal, CBS Rabbi Ranon Teller led the motzi and spoke briefl y about how Sisterhood is a perfect combination of fellowship and ritual. Denise Mosk, WLCJ’s Region



Ways and Means

Honey SalesSisterhood’s popular Rosh Hashanah honey fundraiser is back for 2012! For only $10 per jar plus shipping, you can send family and friends a sweet start to the New Year. Order online by going to and clicking on the honey jar.

Games NightAre you a games afi cionado? Sisterhood is considering hosting a games night fundraiser during the coming year, and we could use your help! Please email Doreen Lerner at to request that your favorite games be included. Be sure to vote early and often. Unlike the U.S. presidential election (only one winner), we look forward to multiple winners!

To make this entertaining, adults-only event a reality, we will need multiple volunteers to coordinate food and beverages, ticket sales, publicity, sponsorships, and numerous other tasks. If you are interested in working as a volunteer for this fun night or serving as a committee chair, please contact Debbie Lipman at or Doreen Lerner at Sisterhood looks forward to hearing from you. This special evening cannot take place without your help!

CookbookSisterhood is putting together a cookbook, and we would love to include a recipe from each CBS family. This cookbook is Sisterhood’s major fundraiser for the year, and the proceeds will benefi t many CBS programs. If you don’t cook, please send in a favorite recipe inherited from Mom or Bubbie. Recipes can be emailed to Doreen Lerner at or mailed to Sisterhood at Congregation Brith Shalom. We already have an abundance of dessert and chicken recipes, but recipes in any other category are most welcome. Or, if you prefer to “make dinner by making reservations,” let us know your favorite restaurant whose recipes you would love to have. If multiple CBS members are interested in a

particular restaurant, we will approach that business with a recipe request.

If you are verbally creative, rather than the culinary type, you can still help us with this cookbook by coming up with the perfect title for this masterpiece. Title suggestions should be submitted to Doreen Lerner, and the cookbook committee will select the winner. If your title is the winner, you will be mentioned in the cookbook and receive a free copy.

Would you like to honor or memorialize a loved one, perhaps that special person who gave you your favorite recipe, in our Cookbook Dedication pages? If so, purchase a tribute: up to two lines of text cost $18, and up to four lines of text cost $36.

We are also seeking sponsors for the cookbook. Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsorships are available for donations of $360, $180, and $90, respectively. Or, you may prefer to advertise your business in our cookbook, where your ad will be seen by hungry CBS members for many years to come! Advertising rates are $75 for a full page, $50 for a half page, or $25 for a quarter page. For more information on dedications, sponsorships, or advertising, please contact Doreen Lerner, V.P., Sisterhood Ways and Means.

Conference Chair, informed everyone about upcoming WLCJ events: National Convention (Las Vegas, December 2-5, 2012) and the Conference (Saint Louis, April 28-30, 2013). After dinner, photographers Matthew Cohen and Alan Silverblatt took Sisterhood board photos. For more info, contact Laurie Silverblatt at 281-381-6976 or, or Sherri Taxman at 713-669-9960 or


for 5773(2012-2013)

Available Soon!

Uri, Uri: Awake - Greet the New Dawn!

This year’s Torah Fund theme is inspired by the experience of Devorah, a prophet and judge in Israel, who was roused from her peaceful rest under a palm tree to lead her people’s troops into battle with the words, “Arise, arise, Devorah; arise and join in the chant” (Judges 5:12). Being roused to action is often just the prelude to awakening others, whether by the shofar (seen growing out of the letter ayin in the 5773 Torah Fund pin), or by using our voices and actions to focus attention to the critical needs of our families, our Jewish community and the Conservative movement. The imagery of dawn invokes an awareness of the challenges before us as well as our need to be alert to address them.

Your donation to CBS Sisterhood’s Torah Fund campaign helps meet these challenges by supporting the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies ,and the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano, which train our Conservative rabbis, cantors, and educators. For those donating at various pin

levels, you can pick up your pins either at the membership dinner on September 10 at 7:00 pm (just in time to wear it for the High Holy Days!), at other Sisterhood events, or by contacting Susan Marblestone (281) 491-0690, Karen Lukin (713) 526-7095, or Dori Wind (281) 242-1762. Beginning September 2, the pins will also be available in the Sisterhood Judaica Shop.


Annual Sisterhood Membership


We are thrilled to announce the details of this year’s Annual Sisterhood Membership Event, which will be held at the home of Miriam Wiener on Monday, September 10, at 6:30 pm. The event will focus on preparing us for the new year. Staff from the French Cuff Boutique in both Bellaire and by Whole Foods & Woodway Square will host a fall fashion show to introduce new fashions for the High Holidays. They will be assisted

by Barbara Derman and a few other mystery Sisterhood models. After we have determined our style, we will be able to focus on our souls. We are very fortunate to have as our speaker Chaplain Hope Lipnick, MA, LPC, CHTP, Director of Jewish Chaplaincy, Jewish Family Service, and Denominational Coordinator, MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Texas Medical Center. Lipnick will take us on a guided journey through our Jewish labyrinth, where each of us will be able to refl ect upon the past year, then, through a short meditation exercise, we will open our minds and be ready for the new year as we exit. This will be a fun and mind-opening evening that you will not want to miss. The event begins with dinner at 6:30 pm, followed by a short introduction and our program. Barbara Derman also volunteers at “Dress for Success,” so we ask everyone to bring a wearable item of business attire or an accessory to contribute to Dress for Success, an organization that assists women seeking jobs. Please mark your calendars now for September 10. For more information, or if you would like to help with the event, please contact Belinda Denn ( or Susan Marbin (

Friendships are made here! Your Men’s Club has an active calendar aimed at developing programs for you! These programs will enrich the quality of Jewish life in your home and our community. Your participation will enhance your knowledge and appreciation of our Jewish heritage and traditions. More important, you will make lasting friendships and make a difference in our synagogue. Dues are only $36 per year! For more info or to join, contact:David Marbin, President (770) 316-4520

Below: CBS Men’s Club at our annual community-wide Kosher Chili Cookoff (October 2011)

We encourage all men (and women, too) to attend our monthly Sunday breakfast speaker series, which provides an opportunity for interactive participation on important topics presented by outstanding speakers. Our breakfast speaker events (10:00 am-12:30 pm) take place following the 9:00 am Sunday morning minyan. The programs cover a wide variety of topics of current, national, local, personal, and family interest. New members are always welcome and eat free! Upcoming Sunday Breakfast Speaker Series dates are:

CBS Men’s Club

Above: CBS Senior Men’s Group having itsmonthly breakfast. Contact Ed Chaika at to get involved.


January 20February 10

March 3April 13May 12

September 9October 14

November 18December 16

High Holy Days Ushering

It is always a pleasure to work with all the volunteers and

ushers who make Brith Shalom a place of welcoming

for our congregants and the community. On behalf of David Marbin and the Men’s Club, we are asking for your

help with ushering during the High Holy Days. Please contact Hollis Hendricks

(713) 502-7854, Brian Stutt (832) 443-7252, or Ron Klein


First in a series of twelve breakfasts will take place at CBS on Sunday, September 9, at 10:00 am. An offi cer from the Bellaire Police Department will discuss safety in the home. All members of CBS are welcome.

CBS Weekly eBulletin

Content for the eBulletin is due the Wednesday (one week) prior to an eBulletin publication.


If you would like the honor of an aliyah, please contact Cantor Rhodes

ShabbatKiddush & Children

During the Shabbat kiddush, the sanctuary will be off-limits for unsupervised children. Please supervise your children and have fun in the social hall, library or playground! There are board games available in the multi-purpose room closet.

Help us Keep in Touch

Due to privacy rules, hospitals are no longer able to provide Brith Shalom with a list of Jewish patients. Please contact Cherye-Ann DeLong at 713-667-9201 • when you know of one of our members in the hospital. Please be sure to include the following: • Your name• The name of the patient/their signifi cant other• The name of the hospital & room number• Date admitted, if known

Services Information

Daily MinyanMonday - Friday 7:00 am

Sunday 9:00 am(Chapel)

Shabbat ServicesFriday Services

6:15 pm(Sanctuary)

Saturday Services9:30 am

(Sanctuary)Saturday Minyan

7:00 am

31 August 7:27 pm7 September 7:19 pm14 September 7:10 pm16 September 7:07 pm21 September 7:01 pm25 September 6:56 pm28 September 6:53 pm30 September 6:50 pm 5 October 6:44 pm 7 October 6:42 pm12 October 6:36 pm19 October 6:29 pm26 October 6:22 pm

2 November 6:16 pm 9 November 5:11 pm16 November 5:07 pm23 November 5:05 pm30 November 5:04 pm 7 December 5:04 pm14 December 5:06 pm21 December 5:09 pm28 December 5:13 pm

Candle Lighting Bellaire, TXHebrew Year


*Havdalah times occur on Saturday, one hour later than

Shabbat candle lighting time


Welcome,New Members!

Lisa & Ady GedaDavid Danielson

Karen & David Gorfi lDevinah & Jordan FinnElyse & Michael Kunick

Jessica & Armyn FreedsonCraig Lira & Guy Waguespack

David KaufmanMonica & Andrew Hoffman

Aron SilbergMarcia & Michael Zlotnick

Pascale Sharpe

We Have a National Merit Scholarship

Winner!Jonas A. Actor, Carnegie Vanguard H.S. graduate of 2012, was selected as a National Merit Scholarship winner. To receive this prestigious award, one must be actively involved in one’s school and the community, recommended by the high school administration, and have demonstrated an exceptional academic record. This is an outstanding honor, and we are proud of Jonas’s achievements.



1 Allan Rodenstein & Lou Flanz1 David Lewis & Margaret Jelinek Lewis2 Miles & Phyllis Cohn2 Allan Goldstein & Ronda Feinberg2 Joel & Sara Saber4 Elliot & Alyson Gershenson4 Michael & Carol Goldberg4 Duane & Alysa Graves5 Joe & Shari Epstein5 Fred & Fran Floersheimer5 Jay & Paula Grossman5 Jason & Norri Leder6 Benjamin & Helen Cohen6 Steve & Alice Ginsburgh6 Marc & Lena Malacoff6 Neal & Melanie Rosen8 David & Heidi Gerger9 Lionel & Gail Issen9 Daniel & Michelle Mendelejis9 Amit & Galit Pazgal20 Bob & Michele Perchonok27 Jeff & Chris Brown28 Philip Cohen & Razelle Kurzrock

7 Steve & Karen Hasson 7 Marc & Fara Koren 9 Richard & Celine Stetzer 10 Robert & Lucy Graubard 10 Jonathan & Amy Judkowitz 12 Leon & Sonia Horowitz 13 Marcelo & Vanesa Levi Kreindel 13 Abraham & Nancy Levit 13 Peter Turrin & Marcie Baker 15 Mac & Shirley Katzin 18 Isaiah Fidler & Margaret Kripke 19 Maurice & Diane Wolfthal 20 Edward & Sabrina Engel 20 Mitch Kreindler & Ellen Wallace 23 Sam & Charlotte Axelrad 23 Alan & Etna Goldsmith 23 David Flusberg & Linda Lighthill 23 Efrahim & Shahla Mezrahi 26 Sam & Debi Mishael 27 Gerald & Carole Sheldon 28 Keith & Betsy Johnson 29 Herzl & Linda Marouni 29 Russell & Judith Weidman 30 Sean & Nola Brody


September Birthdays


1 Jacquie Lappin1 Oliver Max1 Ray Wasserman2 Sam Axelrad2 Bruce Methner2 Renee Raskin3 Barry Barancik3 Becca Evans3 Jennifer Rothfl eisch4 Hazel Bensky4 Tim Corwin4 Elena Dinkin5 Barry Druckman5 Sheila Engelhart5 Shifra Gardner5 Nicki Nachenberg

5 Michelle Wasserman5 Chava White6 Linda Lighthill7 Cyril Wolf8 Michael Berkowitz8 Marni Hettena8 Betsy Johnson9 Eric Lipman9 Hannah Martin9 Margalith Rappaport10 Scott Kammerman11 Robert Kahn11 Phil Swanson12 Sheldon Kaufman12 Laura Rosenberg13 Daniel Cohan13 Sand Hicks13 Yaron Pacht13 Robert Silberg13 Lauren Singer14 Peter Gingiss14 Stuart Harris15 Simone Berko15 Anita Eigler16 Anna Dorin16 Diana Narunsky17 Sigmund Friedland

17 Julie Hershorn17 Peter Loftspring17 Judith Rosenstock18 Marc Malacoff18 Gregg Sheena19 Nancy Freed19 Martha Lehner19 Robert Rolnick20 Nathan Miller20 Stephan Rubin21 Seth Alberts21 Sidney Brown22 Kari Schiffman22 Lawrence Waldman23 Naomi Barancik23 Jonathan Judkowitz23 Lena Malacoff24 Caren Harris24 Laura Kay24 Randy Zarin25 Steven Goodman25 Scott Weissman26 Marsha Hurwitz26 Madeline Jason26 Deborah Kaplan26 Jenny Narrod26 Eve Weisfeld26 Michael Zilkha27 Fred Levine28 Mac Katzin29 Eric Kleiman29 Ian Sack29 David Vener30 Cherye-Ann DeLong


October Birthdays

1 Joyce Helfman1 Vicki Klein1 Margo Martin3 David Berko3 Howard Lang4 Prof. Jeffrey Actor4 Samuel Bernstein4 Steven Cohen4 Christopher Gonzales4 Alysa Graves4 Phyllis Wenig5 Edythe Greenberg7 Stephanie Beasley7 Norma Whitman7 Lisa Yifrach8 Ellen Fiesinger8 Sally Pehr8 Lori Rubin9 Bashe Joselevitz9 Eve Lapin9 Jacob Tal9 Diane Wolfthal10 Alisa Davis10 Adam Martin10 Fuad Sheena10 Maurice Sklar10 Richard Stetzer11 Richard Jaffe12 Paula Bottecelli12 David Fradkin12 Elinor Goldberg12 Paul Scott13 David Ebro13 Leonard Kammerman13 Mallory Robinson13 Candace Schiffman

13 Leslie Slatko15 Michael Darlow16 Dita Dafny17 Ilya Itkin17 Keith Johnson17 Abigail Rappaport17 Midge Wische18 Sabrina Engel18 Richard Freed18 Barbara Silberg18 Carolyn Wade18 Amanda Wolf19 Elliot Gershenson19 Shira Moses19 Sarah Tillis19 Cantor Renee Waghalter20 Nikki Lahana21 Amir Halevy21 Diana Kaplan21 Gail Klein21 Joel Saber22 Marvin Beasley22 Benjy Hershorn22 Sam Merwin22 Sidney Moran23 Leonard Goldstein23 Seth Topek24 Marty Buck24 Amy Kaufman24 Dan Kleiner24 Irene Shaw25 Iris Fisherman25 Michelle Mendelejis25 Louis Sokol25 Janet Winters26 Todd Wasserman

27 Bradley Bortz27 Traylyn Evans27 Pablo Kurewasky29 Martin Ginsburg29 Hilary Kamin30 Patti Altman30 Rosita Goldberger30 Eddie Katz30 Haya Varon30 Ruth Wolfert31 Roslyn Markman

Donations to Congregation Brith Shalom: April 2012-present


Adult Education FundPaul & Judi Scott

Axelrad AdultEducation FundAaron Howard & Marilyn SvobodaAl Feiveson & Marsha HurwitzEdward & Glori Chaika Jacobo & Haya VaronJerald & Aileen ZarinMelvin & Marty Buck Sam & Charlotte Axelrad Steven & Wendy Lerman Stewart & Marla Feldman

Brown/Steinberger Adult Education Fund Anna Steinberger Sidney & Lorraine Brown Steve & Alice Ginsburgh

Cantor’s Discretionary FundAl Feiveson & Marsha Hurwitz Alan & Etna Goldsmith CBS SisterhoodCharles Guez Jason & Norri Leder Mac & Shirley KatzinMark & Nancy Picus Melvin & Marty Buck Michael & Eva Engelhart Midge WischeSeven AcresStephen & Barbara Robbins

Chesed FundAlan & Laurie Silverblatt Barbara Horowitz Benjamin & Elaine Patel Bob & Michele GoodmarkJerald & Aileen Zarin Edythe GreenbergFred & Fran Floersheimer Jon & Amara Biro Judy Greenberg Martin & Deborah Segal Moshe Vardi & Pam Geyer Ray & Ruth Eagle

Sanford & Leslie Weiner

Choir Fund Stuart Miller & Lolly Friedman Miller

B’nei Mitzvah Tzedekah FundAl & Estrella GarsonEdythe GreenbergEric Kleiman &Amelia Ribnick KleimanMark & Fran Katzenellenbogen

Deena GrossmanReligious School Fund Kenneth & Helen LesartreMark & Elise NewmanMartha Schrager &Rosalyn Holmes Samuel & Karen BernsteinSally Jacobs

Friday Night Ruach FundAllan Goldstein & Ronda FeinbergHenry & Susan WiseLarry & Renee SternMarc & Lena MalacoffMelvin & Marty BuckMichael & Ellen KleinmanPam GeyerRenee RaskinSeth & Carol AlbertsMarian PragerSadie Urbach

General FundAndrew & Sandra RemsonAndrew HagenBen & Arline GuefenBeth MarksCarol Fisherman Claudia O’Neal David & Heidi Gerger David & Laura Duchen David & May Litowsky Isidoro & Miriam Wiener Emily Grush Fred & Patsy Sklar

Gerald & Carole SheldonGerald Falchook &Carolyn ShulmanHy & Shirley WarshawJack & Sondra Laves Jacob & Cari Brandt Jacob & Merle Tal Jacobo & Haya VaronJanet HalbertJerry Dubin & Rabbi Debbie IsraelJoanne Epstein Judith GoldmanKamal Sheena Larry & Renee Stern Lawrence & Joan Katz Leon & Sonia HorowitzLeonard & Susan Kammerman Leonard Goldstein & Helen WilsLila Flanz Lynn Abrams Mallory Robinson Marian Prager Michael & Carol Goldberg Milton & Gail KleinPeter & Phyllis Gingiss Ray & Ruth Eagle Ray Wasserman Richard & Celine Stetzer Robert & Anita Eigler Ron & Eta Paransky Ruth TynesSam & Elaine Merwin Sandra Seigle Daily Schlomo & Carmen VakninSheldon & Linda RubenfeldSidney & Lorraine BrownStephanie KelsoSteven & Maxine GoodmanTerry Cweigenberg Waldman Bros. L.L.P. Walter & Ruth Karger

Gerger Scholarship FundEllis & Goldie Rushefsky Miriam GergerRicki Gerger


Harriet Moser Memorial Music FundBernice BeckermanBetty ClarkMarshall & Doreen Lerner

Honey for Rosh Hashanah Howard & Joan Lang Mario & Madeline Jason Kiddush FundAudrey Winer Hans & Marge MayerMartin & Deborah Ostroff SegalSamuel & Karen Bernstein Ron & Shira Moses Library FundBenjamin & Elaine Patel Jerald & Aileen Zarin Ellis & Goldie RushefskyHenry & Elizabeth PetermanJerald & Aileen Zarin Louis & Elly SokolMac & Shirley Katzin Peter & Phyllis Gingiss Rhoda GoldbergSam & Edith Edelheit Mahzor FundHarvey & Nicci Arsham Mini Minyan FundRhoda Goldberg Robert Ullmann Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Aaron Howard & Marilyn Svoboda Alan & Etna Goldsmith Barry & Paula Druckman Benjamin Henry TrustBob & Joyce GilbertBrent & Hilary Kamin Bruce Schimmel Bryna Levi Cyril & Mignon WolfDavid & Laura Duchen David & Yael Moses Efrahim & Shahla Mezrahi Elliot & Alyson Gershenson Florence Diamond Howard & Joan Lang

Irvin & Vivien SaronJack & Saundra TurkJason & Norri Leder Jeffrey & Lori ActorJodi Shaulsky Lawrence & Joan KatzLynn AbramsMac & Shirley Katzin Marian PragerMark & Lisa Goldberg Mark & Nancy Picus Mark & Veronica Jason Marlene Rocher Martha Schrager &Rosalyn Holmes Martin & Deborah SegalMatthew & Shelley SteinMelvin & Marty BuckMichael & Eva EngelhartDenise & Milton Mosk IIISamuel & Karen BernsteinNell Gottlieb Peter & Sharon LoftspringRhoda GoldbergRichard & Nancy Freed Ronald Sonenshein Sheldon & Eve Weisfeld Stephan & Lori RubinSteve Johnson &Lyn Rosenberg-JohnsonSylvia Gidlow Thomas Kaye & Ellen LasserTom & Elli Samuels

Religious SchoolDonation Fund David & Shelley Nadel Edward & Patricia HurwitzJack & Saundra Turk Michael & Eva Engelhart Seth & Carol Alberts Traylyn & Becca Evans Rushefsky Scholarship FundEllis & Goldie RushefskyRay & Ruth Eagle Scholarship Fund DonationsReuben & Maxine GrinsteinJeffrey & Lori Actor

Sisterhood Fund Allen & Chava White Alvin & Bonnie Edelstein Asher Aremband & Marcia Katz Bob Hurtte & Frances RubinDavid Bach & Pamela MorrisEden & Phyllis WenigEve Sonik Harvey & Marcia Resnick Howard & Joan LangHy & Shirley Warshaw Jack & Sondra Laves Julian & Kay Schneider Leonard & Susan KammermanMark & Valerie Katz Melvin & Marty Buck Michael & Eva Engelhart Peter & Phyllis Gingiss Peter & Sharon Loftspring Jeffrey & Lori Actor Stephan & Lori Rubin Stephen Baker &Paula Eisenstein BakerWilliam & Claire Reingold Synagogue Enhancement FundFred & Velva LevineJohn & Michelle McGill Kamal Sheena Mac & Shirley Katzin Melvin & Marty Buck Morton & Jean Levy Rosine Chappell Weekday MinyanTzedakah Fund Bette Schwager David & Julie Pomerantz Stanley & Diane Novy Kamal SheenaPaul & Judi Scott Ruth WolfertSam & Elaine Merwin

Weiner/WallaceScholar-In-Residence FundJudith Greenberg Renee Wallace Year of the Torah ProjectSanford & Leslie WeinerHoward & Joan Lang


HONORING SCOTT DAVISYad L’yad Award Recipient

Cost: FREE but RSVP required (limited space)RSVP: 713-667-9336 ext. 221 or hebrewfreeloan@gmail.comDate: Sunday, October 21, 2012Time: 1:00-3:00 pmLocation: Kaplan Theater, ERJCC 5601 South Braeswood Blvd

STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Find out everything you need to know about starting & growing your own business at The Hebrew Free Loan Association of Houston’s informational event. This panel of business experts will address:

Writing a Business Plan

Legal, Accounting & Insurance Issues

Technology & Social Media

Franchising and more!


In Honor ofMy Children,Ricki, Alan,

David, Arlene, & Heidi- Miriam Gerger

Explore Judaism on Your Own TermsIn Pirkei Avot 2:5, Hillel says “Do not say, when I have leisure time I will study, perhaps that time will not come.” At the ERJCC’s Center for Jewish Living and Learning we say, “Now is the time to start your Jewish journey, on your own terms.”For sixteen years, the Melton program has brought hundreds of adults together to study Jewish practice, ideas, ethics, and history in our Core Curriculum. Upon completing this two-year program, participants received a certifi cate from Hebrew University and only then were they eligible to take our Scholars’ Courses on specifi c topics. Beginning this Fall, the CJLL’s adult Jewish learning program is getting a face lift. For the fi rst time Melton Scholars’ Courses will be open to everyone without the pre-requisite of completing the Core Courses. In addition, participants have the opportunity to register for a single Scholars’ Course.

The Melton Core Curriculum, which gives you the greatest immersion in Jewish Study, will continue to be facilitated by outstanding faculty. In this program, you have the opportunity to explore over 120 topics of Jewish interest including the meaning behind Shabbat observance, the ethical issues surrounding in vitro fertilization, the history of the Zionist Movement, and our tradition’s understanding of what it means to be the “Chosen People.” This core curriculum is what has made the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School the largest and most successful adult education program of its kind, with tens of thousands of graduates and schools across North America, South Africa, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

The Melton Scholars’ Curriculum has shorter courses and focuses on a specifi c topic. These courses can be taken independently, but also complement the strong background one receives in the Core Curriculum.

Registration for the new Melton is currently underway. For more info about the specifi c courses that will be offered throughout the

Taste a Whole New Melton Mini-SchoolCurious about the Melton Mini-School? Interested in either our Core Curriculum or our Scholars’ Courses? Find out if the program is right for you. Join us at the ERJCC for a Taste of Melton at one of the following sample classes: Tuesday, August 28, 7:00 pmTuesday, September 4, 7:00 pm Thursday, September 6, 9:30 amThursday, September 13, 9:30 am

RSVP to Nomi Barancik: or 713-729-3200 ext. 3288.


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