Sept 2014 cloud security presentation

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15 Minute presentation on Cloud Security. Includes classroom interactive quiz to encourage audience participation

Transcript of Sept 2014 cloud security presentation

21C Technology Issue Presentation

By Joan DembowskiTraining Specialist

Forecast: Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Data Compromise:

Internet Cloud Security

While Cloud Computing promises to offload tasks like data storage and

processing power, the model raises questions about data accessibility and


How can we be sure that our data is safe in the


Worried about your Online passwords and information being compromised in the Cloud?

We all should be concerned.

Let's take a short Quiz to find out if you’re doing all you can to protect your online


These online sites are fun, but can also cause us to share more personal information online that we should. What are they?

Online Survey Sites (aka Survey Monkey, etc)

Online Shopping Sites (Ebay, Amazon,etc.)

Social Media Sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

These online sites are fun, but can also cause us to share more personal information online that we should. What are they?

Social Media sites often encourage us to post our locations, names, ages and other identifying information online, which makes it easier for people to uncover more details -- like our social security numbers. Proceed with caution before posting too much personal information about yourself.

Social Media Sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

As of 2010, which of the following is the most commonly used password online?




As of 2010, which of the following is the most commonly used password online?


Many thousands of people use 123456 as their online password.

If you use this password, change it immediately!

True or False: You should always include numbers and symbols in your passwords



True or False: You should always include numbers and symbols in your passwords

A common phrase

True. Passwords are always harder to break if they include random numbers and symbols rather than just letters


Which of these items does NOT make a good online password?

A common phrase

A made up acronym

A random collection of letters and numbers

Which of these items does NOT make a good online password?

Common phrases are too easy for hackers to guess like “gigum” or “aggie”. Try to avoid real words like "mustang" or "longhorns" to keep predators away from your online accounts

A common phrase

Which of these options will keep your online information safest?

Consistently using the same weak password on many different sites

Consistently using the same strong password on many different sites

Using different passwords on different sites

Which of these options will keep your online information safest?

Using different passwords on different sites

If someone discovers your password, no matter how strong it is, they can use that against you if you don't change your passwords between sites.

If you are using a public computer to log online, which safety procedure should you always follow?

Hunch over your keyboard so no one can watch you enter your password

Always make sure to log out of your accounts when finished

Never log into important web sites when using public computers

If you are using a public computer to log online, make sure to follow this safety procedure:

Always make sure to log out of your accounts when finished

Make sure you never leave your accounts logged in. The next person logging into that computer

could gain access to your information. You should also close Your web browser,

when you are finished surfing the net.

Which of these popular storage cloud providers reached 25 million users in 2011?

Secure Backup

Windows Live Mesh


Which of these popular storage cloud providers reached 25 million users in 2011?

Drop Box

Dropbox has grown from a tiny start-up launched in 2008 to an extremely popular cloud storage solution.


How much does it cost to backup data in the cloud?




How much does it cost to backup data in the cloud?


If you're only saving a few gigabytes of data, the answer is $0! There are plenty of free cloud storage solutions out there.

How much Cloud storage does Dropbox offer users for No Charge?

250 Megabytes

2 Gigabytes

5 Gigabytes

How much Cloud storage does Dropbox offer users for No Charge?

2 Gigabytes

Free users start off with 2 GB, but can unlock several more gigabytes by inviting friends to use the service.

Which of these backup storage systems should you use?

Local Storage on a Hard Drive

Remote storage in the Cloud


Which of these backup storage systems should you use?


That's right, Both! Physical media can be damaged, and servers can crash, but you're much safer having your data backed up twice. Redundancy is insurance.

In Closing: How can we be sure that

our data is safe in the Cloud?

By taking the precautions outlined in this presentation,

you can worry less about the information you store in the cloud.

Our Online Cloud Future Forecast: Looks Sunny and Promising!

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss Cloud Computing Security

Skyline & Cloud FormationsCompliments of Austin, Texas