separating content and layout, HTML CSS and some web history

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of separating content and layout, HTML CSS and some web history

Content and LayoutLon Barfield

Separating content and layout

Bit of web historyContent and layout on the webWhy separation is a good thing

But first...

The Large Hadron Collider

Million GBytes per second

The Higgs Boson - July 2012

Yes it’s Comic Sans!

The God particle the Devil’s typeface

It would be nice to publish data without layout issues

Tim Berners-Lee CERN - 1989

10,000 scientists from over 100 countriesIt would be nice to publish data without layout issuesWorld Wide Web - “Vague but exciting”

Tim Berners-Lee CERN - 1989

Just content, no layout

This chunk of text is a heading, etc.Headings, Text, Title, Quote, Abstract20 Elements

Early web had no ‘design’

Designers v content purists

‘Tricks’ subverting the HTML tagsspaces, blank images, H2 for titles

Compromise - the centre tagHTML became content and layout

Nice HTML timeline

more layout oriented tagsstill mixing content and layout

Style sheets - CSS

This is the content…<H1>Blah blah</H1>

And this is how it should look...H1 {font-weight: bold;

text-transform: uppercase;}


Accessibility - screen readers for the blind won’t start by reading the navigation barsResponsive design - information can adapt for small screens, printing etc.

Advantages cont.

Better search indexing - Is the term in the title, the heading?Semantic web - what do things actually mean

Hands on - Zen Garden

download HTML and CSS sample using the links, tweak and screen grab it

Taking a peek at the CSS

The page using the the