SEPARATE ATTACHMENT · 2019. 6. 12. · PO BOX 1 Noarlunga Centre NOARLUNGA SA 5160...

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Transcript of SEPARATE ATTACHMENT · 2019. 6. 12. · PO BOX 1 Noarlunga Centre NOARLUNGA SA 5160...











145/2614/2013 Mr D Geber

Item 3.4 Attachment 1

Site and locality plans

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Site Plan

Locality Plan and location of representors

Liddiard Street, McLaren

Powell, 4 Liddiard Street, McLaren

Bridget Mains, 1 Liddiard Street, McLaren

Mr and Mrs Maglieri, 115 Main Road, McLaren Vale











145/2614/2013 Mr D Geber

Item 3.4 Attachment 2.1

Brown Falconer Plan

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145/2614/2013 Nr D Geber

Item 3.4 Attachment 2.2 Supporting statement and information by URPS

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Plan • Facilitate • Resolve

Ref: 2013-0240

8 April 2014

Mr Mark Kwia+kowskiSenior Planner

City of OnkaparingaPO BOX 1Noarlunga Centre



Suite 12/154 Fullarton(cnr Alexandra Ave)Rose Park, SA 5067

Telephone(08) 8333 7999

Dear Mark


Further to our meeting on 14 March 2014, please find enclosed a developmentapplication to increase the approved 72 bed capacity of DA 145/2614/2013.

Together with this correspondence I enclose:

Completed development application form with accompanying lodgement andassessment fee cheque for $92.50;

Amended floor plan that references the proposed variation to the approved bedcapacity to 120 beds; and

A Traffic and Car Parking report prepared by Frank Siow & Associates.


Following the receipt of Development Plan Consent, the applicant, Mr Derry Geber, hasreconsidered the facility and determined there is space to increase bed capacity fromthe previously proposed 72 beds to 120 beds.

The increase in bed numbers will primarily seek to service 'peak' periods. Based on

statistics from the applicant's Barossa facility, this McLaren Vale facility will likely operateat around 100% for approximately 3 months of the year.

The proposal will not create any negative planning impacts. In this respect, I note that:

• The increased capacity will be readily accommodated within this sizeable existinggymnasium facility. The same strict management procedures will be in place toensure all gues+s behave in accord with the Code of Conduct discussed in theoriginal proposal documents. Mr Geber currently implements a similar code at hisBarossa facility which has proven successful. This facility has operated withoutcomplaint for 3 years.

• Based on the Development Plan rate of one space per three beds, the proposal

generates 16 more spaces than the original 72 bed proposal. However, the

existing use operates as a gym, which generates between 42-70 spaces. The

proposed variation has a total parking requirement of 40 spaces which is belowthe parking generated from the existing use. A detailed discussion as to the

H:\Synergy\Projecfs\2013\2013-0240 106 Main Road, McLarenVale\Correspondencs\C001_V1_140408_Onkaparinga.docxUrban & RegionalPlanning SolutionsABN 19 104348905

merits of car parking has been undertaken by Mr Frank Siow, which concludes thisproposal is acceptable [refer enclosed report).

I note that the approach taken by Mr Siow relies largely on the "car parkingcredit" available from the existing use (as I have noted above). I note that thecar parking credits approach has been supported by the ERD Court in the matterbetween Wallis Holdings No 2 Pty Ltd V City of Holdfasf Bay. In this matter it wasstated that:

"Whilst development should provide sufficient car parking having regard to the abovestandards either on the site of the development or on another convenient and accessiblesfte f'n the locality of the development site, a lesser amount of parking may be appropriatedependant upon:

(a) the nature of the development and the past use of the development site;"

(My underline added)

Given the clear existing parking credit available on site, which as I have noted is arecognised consideration in the ERD Court when considering parking shortfalls, Iconsider the proposed variation to be acceptable from a parking perspective.


For the above reasons, I contend that this variation is acceptable and meritsDevelopment Plan Consent.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me on 8333 7999.

Yours sincerely

Matthew KingAssociate

Plan • Faciiitate • Resolve

Ref: 2013-0240

Suite 12/154 Fullarton RoadRose Park, SA 5067

7 May 2014 ,^p^(08) 8333 7999 Mark Kwiatkowski

Senior Planner

City of OnkoparingaPO Box 1NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA 5168

By email:

Dear Mark

Additional Information - Proposed Variation to DA 145/2614/2013

The applicant Mr Derr/ Geber, has requested I provide the additional informationbelow, in respect of the above proposal.

Mr Geber was contacted by Mr lan Brock from SA State Rally on 19 April 2014. MrBrock is the 2015 State Rally Co-ordinator for the Harley Owners Group, who areholding their 20th Anniversary Rally in McLaren Vale next year. They are seeking asmuch accommodation as possible for this event. There will be visitors from SouthAustralia, interstate and overseas. We are advised the rally will have an

approximate attendance of 250 persons.

The above event highlights demand for accommodation in the McLaren Valeregion and supports the proposed increase in bed numbers proposed through thisvariation.

I have addressed relevant planning considerations in my previous correspondence.

The purpose of this document is solely to make Council aware of this demand foraccommodation in the region and how this variation can assist withaccommodating this demand.

We would appreciate your attention to this application as soon as is possible, notingthat at the time of writing this correspondence, the application has not progressedto a planning officer since lodgement.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 8333 7999.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew King MPIACPPAssociate

Urban & Regional

H:\Synergy\Projects\2013\2013-0240 106 Main Road, McLaren Vale\Correspondence\C001_v1_140507_M Planning SolutionsKwiatkowski.docx ABN 19 104 348 905











145/2614/2013 Mr D Geber

Item 3.4 Attachment 2.3

Traffic report

Frank Siow & Associates

Please note that attachments on our website are separate to each report. If these documents are reproduced in any way, including saving and printing, it is an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act 1968(Cth) (the Act). By downloading this information, you acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by the provisions of the Act and will not reproduce these documents without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

FRANK SIOW & ASSOCIATESTraffic and Parking Consultants

P.O. Box 253Kensington Park SA 5068TeI/Fax: (08) 8364 1351

Mobile: 0411 445 438Email: &

7 April 2014

Mr Matthew KingURPS Planners

Suit 12/154 FuIIarton RoadROSE PARK SA 5067

Dear Mr King,


As requested, I have reviewed the parking aspects associated with a proposed change of use of anexisting buUdtag, from a gymnasium use to a backpackers and tourist accommodation.

I understand that a planning consent to authorise this use has been received for 72 beds. You have

sought my advice regarding the possibility of submitting a variation application to increase the bednumbers from 72 to 120.


The subject site is located at 106 Main Road, McLaren Vale. It is adjacent to the intersection ofKangariUa Road, TatachiUa Road and Main Road. The subject site has frontages to Liddiard Street

(a local street), KangariUa Road and Main Road.

The subject site is currently occupied by a gymnasium. I am advised that the floor area of the

gymnasium is approximately 940m2. There is also a 24-space car park provided for this existinguse. This car park has access from Main Road.

From my site inspection, I note that there is a small shopping centre located immediately adjacentto the subject site. There are also bus stops located on both sides of Main Road ra front of the

subject site. There are some public on-street parkiag spaces present: adjacent to a park in AlderseyStreet (20-30 right angled spaces and parallel spaces), in TatachiUa Road along the park frontage(8-10 parallel spaces) and Mam Road adjacent to the neighbouring shopping centre (2 parallelspaces). Parking is also permitted in the kerb space abutting the frontage of the subject site inLiddiard Street (4 parallel spaces).

Traffic Engineering Traffic & Parking Studies Road Safety Audits Bicycle Planning

Page 2


The proposal involves the reuse of an existing building. Minor alterations would be made to theexisting building to change its use to a backpackers and tourist accommodation. The ground floor

would comprise the entry area with office and other common facilities for occupants, includingchange rooms/showers/toilets, laundry room, TV room and a common room. The accommodation

would primarily be in the form of smaU bedrooms with bunk beds and some large rooms set up inthe form of dormitories.


As the proposal involves a reuse of an existing buUding, in my experience, the change of useassessment should have regard to the existing authorised use of the subject land. The gymnasium,currently operating from the site, has a floor area of 940m2.

The Council's Development Plan specifies the foUowing parking rate for a tourist accommodation:

• 1 space per 3 beds or

• 1 space per room plus 1 per employee whichever is greater.

As the proposal would include some large dormitory type rooms, the use of 1 space per 3 bedswould seem to be more relevant for this assessment.

I note that in the standard. Planning Bulletin - Parking provisions for selected land uses, there isa parking rate of 1 space per 3 beds specified for a "guesthouse/hostel" land use. This is similar tothe parking rate specified in the Council's Development Plan for tourist accommodation.

The Council's Development Plan does not have a parking rate spect&caUy for a "gymnasium",however in the standard. Guide to Traffic Generating Developments RTA NSW, which is standard

commonly referenced by traffic engineers, a parking rate of 4.5 to 7.5 spaces per 100m2 isspecified for such a use.

Based on say 4.5 spaces per 100m2, the existing authorised use of a gymnasium on the subject

land would require 42.3 spaces, say 42 spaces (rounded down).

If a parking rate of 1 space per 3 beds were to be correlated to this "authorised" number of 42

spaces, the number of beds supported by the change of use would be 126 beds, ie a 126-bedtourist accommodation would generate the same parking requirement as the 940m2 gymnasium.

The proposal seeks to provide 120 beds within the existing buUdrng. Therefore, the parking impactof the proposal would be less than that of the existing authorised use, ie the parking impact wouldbe better off compared to the current use of the subject land.

In relation to how backpackers travel around, I understand that proximity to public transport is animportant consideration for this category of visitors. The bus stops outside the subject site areserved by 3 bus services that link McLaren Vale with the Seaford Bus and Rail Interchange,

106 Main Road, McLaren Vale Frank Siow & Associates

Page 3

WiUunga, Port WiUunga and Aldinga Beach. Therefore access for this type of visitors fromAdelaide to the regions around McLaren Vale is well served by raU and bus transport.

If the use of public transport for this category of visitors is high, and the subject site appears to bewell served by existing public transport services, then the parking demand may not be as high as

the 1 space per 3 beds nominated.

In practical terms, in the event that the parking demand of 1 space per 3 beds is achieved, this

would mean that the parking shortfall would be 16 spaces.

I note that there is a significant amount of on-street parking spaces in the vicinity of the subjectsite that could accommodate the parking demand. Since these visitors would usually be touring the

region during the day and are therefore away from the subject site, the parking demand in the towncentre during the day should not be affected. Due to the different peak parking characteristics

between the proposed use and the town centre use, the on-street parking spaces would be able tobe used effectively between these two uses.

The potential overflow parking, should it eventuate, would not be expected to have a significantimpact on the existing town centre.


In summary, I understand that the proposed development seeks to utilise the existing building onthe subject land that is currently occupied by a gymnasium. This authorised gymnasium use wouldhave required a parking provision of 42 spaces (if based on 4.5 spaces per 100m2) and up to 70

spaces (if based on 7.5 spaces per 100m2).

In my experience with smular change of use applications, it would be appropriate to assess theparking requirement of the proposal, having regard to the existing use rights of the subject land.Inthis regard, the proposed 120 beds would generate a parking demand that wnuld be less than thatfor the authorised gymnasium use. Therefore, the parking situation arising from the proposal

would not be any worse off, compared to the existing use. Indeed, the parking situation should beimproved, as the theoretical parking shortfall would become less.

On the basis of the above assessment, I am able to support the proposal.

Yours sincerely,

^ficuifi Slow

FRANK SIOWMIEAust MAITPM MIPWEAChartered Professional Engineer

106 Main Road, McLaren Vale Frank Siow & Associates

Page 3

WiUunga, Port WUlunga and Aldinga Beach. Therefore access for this type of visitors from

Adelaide to the regions around McLaren Vale is well served by rail and bus transport.

If the use of public transport for this category of visitors is high, and the subject site appears to beweU served by existing pubUc transport services, then the parking demand may not be as high as

the 1 space per 3 beds nominated.

In practical terms, in the event that the parking demand of 1 space per 3 beds is achieved, this

would mean that the parking shortfall would be 16 spaces.

I note that there is a significant amount of on-street parking spaces in the vicinity of the subjectsite that could accommodate the parking demand. Since these visitors would usually be touring theregion during the day and are therefore away from the subject site, the parking demand in the towncentre during the day should not be affected. Due to the different peak parking characteristics

between the proposed use and the town centre use, the on-street parking spaces would be able to

be used effectively between these two uses.

The potential overflow parkmg, should it eventuate, would not be expected to have a significantimpact on the existing town centre.


In summary, I understand that the proposed development seeks to utilise the existing buUding onthe subject land that is currently occupied by a gymnasium. This authorised gymnasium use wouldhave required a parking provision of 42 spaces (if based on 4.5 spaces per 100m2) and up to 70spaces (if based on 7.5 spaces per 100m2).

In my experience with similar change of use applications, it would be appropriate to assess theparking requirement of the proposal, having regard to the existing use rights of the subject land.Inthis regard, the proposed 120 beds would generate a parking demand that would be less than thatfor the authorised gymnasium use. Therefore, the parking situation arising from the proposalwould not be any worse off, compared to the existing use. Indeed, the parking situation should be

improved, as the theoretical parkmg shortfall would become less.

On the basis of the above assessment, I am able to support the proposal.

Yours sincerely,

ffiank Slow

FRANK SIOWMIEAust MAITPM MIPWEAChartered Professional Engineer

106 Main Road, McLaren Vale Frank Siow & Associates











145/2614/2013 Mr D Geber

Item 3.4 Attachment 2.4

Parking comparison with other backpacking facilities

Please note that attachments on our website are separate to each report. If these documents are reproduced in any way, including saving and printing, it is an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act 1968(Cth) (the Act). By downloading this information, you acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by the provisions of the Act and will not reproduce these documents without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

Mark Kwiatkowski

From: Matthew King <>

Sent: Tuesday, 5 August 2014 10:10 AMTo: Mark Kwiatkowski

Cc: Alan Rumsby; Derry GeberSubject: FW: DA 145/1035/2014 - 104-106 Main Rd McLaren ValeAttachments: YHA Adelaide Central Parking.jpg; YHA Port Elliot Parking.jpg; Barossa Backpackers

Parking View.jpg; Barossa Backpackers Signage.PNG; MV No Camping SignOffical.pdf; Toyota Tarago Cars (5).JPG; Toyota Tarago Cars (6).JPG; Vans going tothe river (FILEminimizer).JPG; Barossa Backpackers Carpark Drawing.jpg


Further to your request yesterday I note the following additional information regarding backpackers/hostelsand their car parking, vehicle movement and management.

Backpacker Car Parking

Since my client opened 'Barossa Backpackers' he has observed that the majority of Backpackers use

public transport to travel/backpack from tourist destination to tourist destination.

Based on his experiences, approximately only 1 in 10 backpackers have their own car for transportation

purposes whilst using his facility.

Two facilities in SA are examples which have considerably lower supplies of car than the identified 1 per 3beds in the Development Plan for generic 'tourist accommodation' are:

YHA Adelaide Central (see attached aerial photo)240 Bed Hostel14 Car-parking Spaces

YHA Port Elliot (see attached aerial photo)72 Bed Hostel8 Car-parking Spaces

The above facilities have car parking provided at rates of 17 spaces per bed and 9 spaces per be, average13 spaces per bed, This is compared to the proposal which will provide 1 space per 5 beds.

Do to the fact that there has been low rates of backpackers driving their own vehicle to/from BarossaBackpackers, the business has purchased 6 Toyota Tarago's (refer attached photos) to transport

backpackers to their job sites. These can transport up to 8 backpackers per vehicle.

My client advises that such a system will likely have to be employed at the McLaren Vale Backpackers ashe foresees there will be a similar shortfall with backpackers not having their own vehicles given the Barossa

and McLaren Vale are geographically similar (both being regional, wine based tourist locations on edge ofAdelaide's metropolitan area).

Whilst the operator's facility at Barossa is well served by car parking with 58 car parking spaces for its 76beds, the majority of which is not in use/lay vacant. I have attached photos from near maps which

indicate the high degree of vacancy at this facility in April 2014 (a peak period) which is consistent withinformation provided from my client.

It is clear from the above that the proposed use is not a high generator of car parking demand and the 1per 3 bed rate for generic 'tourist accommodation' is excessive when considered against the specific

operating characteristics of a backpacker facility.

The proposal will provide car parking at a rate of 1 space per 5 beds, If you were to apply a 1 in 10backpacker/bed rate to the proposal (assuming also it is at full capacity) the proposal would only generatea demand for 12.4 parking spaces. Therefore, there will likely be vacant spaces on the land. It is likely

therefore that a shuttle system wilt be employed to aid in transportation issues given the low use of personalvehicles.

All of this is in addition to the fact that, even if you did apply the 1 per 3 space rate, the proposal will stillgenerate a lower demand for car parking than the existing gym use. As I have previously advised, car

parking credits is a well-established planning principle in the ERD Court.

Vehic I e MOV e m e nt

In terms of movement patterns from the Barossa facility, we note that:

• Peak hour movements are from 7am - 10:30 am as this is when backpackers leave for work and are

checking out of the hostel. 5pm - 8pm this is when we have arrivals at the hostel and guests arechecking in.

• Such movement patters are similar to peak movement patterns of gyms which hold their gymclasses in morning periods generally between 6:00am - 10:00am and 3:30pm ~ 7:00pm.

Car Park Management

Signage is installed in the Barossa Backpackers car park (see attached) to stop backpackers from sleepingin their cars and trying to use the hostel showers and facilities for free. The signage has eliminated

loitering/illegat camping issues and my client has never had to enforce a penalty. This same system will beemployed at McLaren Vale.

I trust this additional information wilt assist you in finalising your report.

Kind regards

Matthew KingAssociate

Suite 12, 154FullartonRd(cnr Alexandra Avenue)Rose Park, South Australia 5067Telephone: (08) 8333 7999Mobile: 0417 080 596Email: Web:

Latest News from Planning Matters...h1fo:// Matters Autumn Winter 2013.pdf

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From: Derry Geber []

Sent: Tuesday, 5 August 2014 8:16 AMTo: Matthew King; Alan RumsbySubject: RE: DA 145/1035/2014 - 104-106 Main Rd McLaren Vale

Hi Alan and Matthew,

I have put together the following information regarding backpackers/hostels and car parking in South


Since I have opened Barossa Backpackers I have observed that the majority of Backpackers use public

transport to travel/ backpack from tourist destination to tourist destination. In my opinion only 1 in 10

backpackers have their own car. Do to the fact that there has been such a lack in backpackers not having a

car (hence the expression "backpacking") Barossa Backpackers has had to purchase 6 Toyota Taragos "See

attached Photos" to transport backpacker to picking jobs which can transport up to 8 backpackers to job

sites (8 people per van). We wish to purchase up to 6 Toyota Taragos for McLaren Vale Backpackers as we

foresee there will be the same shortfall with Backpackers not having their own vehicles.

The below summary shows various hostels in South Australia and their Car-park and traffic flow;

YHA Adelaide Central (see attached aerial photo)240 Bed Hostel14 Car-parking Spaces

(Unknown) Staff Cars(Unknown) Guest Cars

1 Disabled Car-park

YHA Port Elliot (see attached aerial photo)72 Bed Hostel8 Car-parking Spaces

(Unknown) Staff Cars(Unknown) Guest Cars

1 Disabled Car-park

McLaren Vale Backpackers (see attached aerial photo)

120 Bed Hostel24 Car-parking Spaces

2 Staff Cars6 Hostel Cars

Peak 10-12 Guest Cars

Off peak 1 -10 Guest Car Parking Spaces

1 Disabled Car-park

Barossa Backpackers (see attached aerial photo)

76 bed hostel52 Car park spaces

Peak Season (January - Mid April)

Space allocation

Peak Season Usage

2 Staff cars

6 hostel Cars

6-10 Guest Cars

1 Disabled Car-park

Off-Peak (Mid April - Dec)Space allocation

Peak Season Usage

2 Staff cars

6 hostel Cars

1 - 6 Guest Cars

1 Disabled Car-park

Notes from Barossa Car-Park:

Peak hour movements are from 7am -10:30 am this is when backpackers leave for work and are

checking out of the hostel. 5pm - 8pm this is when we have arrivals at the hostel and guests are

checking in.

We have had to place sign-age around Barossa Backpackers car park (see attached) to stop

backpackers from sleeping in their cars and trying to use the hostel showers and facilities for free.

Since we have placed these signs up this has eliminated this problem and we have never had to

enforce a penalty.

Please call me on 0421757800 if you would like to discuss.

Alan would it be possible to have you and Matthew both present at the DPA meeting? The more

representation the merrier and I need to have this DA passed to make the business viable.

Hope this information helps.

Kind Regards


Derry GeberOwner

Mobile: (+61) 0421 757800


consider the environment before printing this email



Subject: FW: DA 145/1035/2014 - 104-106 Main Rd McLaren ValeDate: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 06:39:23 +0000

Hi Derry,

Showing all resutis forYHA near Adelaide SA, Australia

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145/2614/2013 Mr D Geber

Item 3.4 Attachment 2.5

Wastewater report from Tyson Enterprises

Please note that attachments on our website are separate to each report. If these documents are reproduced in any way, including saving and printing, it is an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act 1968(Cth) (the Act). By downloading this information, you acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by the provisions of the Act and will not reproduce these documents without the express written permission of the copyright owner.


104 - 106 Main Road, McLaren Vale

Project Number: 0013

McLaren Vale Backpackers





Date: 31 July, 2014

McLaren Vale Backpackers, Wastewater Engineering Report

July 31, 2014


1.0 Introduction........................................................................,......................^

2.0 Septic Tank Capacity ...................................................................................3

3.0 Appendix A-Proposed Building Floor Plan................................................4

4.0 Appendix B-CWMS Layout.....................................................................5

5.0 Appendix C - On-Site Wastewater Works Application............................... 6

6.0 Appendix D-Septic Tank Product............................................................ 10

1.0 IntroductionTyson Enterprises have been engaged to provide advice on the affluent disposal system associated with

the proposed new Mctaren Vale Backpackers building, located at 104 - 106 Main Road, McLaren Vale,

South Australia.

The purpose of this report is to provide background information on the calculations utilized in

ascertaining the required wastewater treatment system.

The sizing of the septic system is in accordance with the requirements of the Government of South

Australia, S.A Health, On-site Wastewater Systems Code Dated April 2013. Liaison was undertaken with

the City ofOnkaparinga Council throughout the preparation of this report.

This report does not formulate the design of a new on site wastewater disposal system and as such,the

internal sanitary drainage design for the new building is not within the scope of this report. Floor plans

of the proposed building have been included to assist in ascertaining the type of proposed building

connecting to the septic system.

The sanitary wastewater from the proposed building is to be treated via a traditional in-ground septic

tank. The wastewater effluent from the tank will be directed to the City of Onkaparinga's in-ground

affluent network. It is noted that council's main is a system that reticulates treated effluent only. It is

not intended to receive the discharge of solid waste. A copy of councils CWMS (Community

Wastewater Management Scheme) drainage plan is attached to demonstrate drain location in relation

to the proposed site septic tank location.

A copy of the relevant application is provided in Appendix C to demonstrate the requirements of the

lodgment process stipulated by council. Note council requires detailed building sanitary plumbing plans

to accompany the completed application at the time of lodgment.



McLaren Vale Backpackers, Wastewater Engineering Report

July 31, 2014

2.0 Septic Tank CapacitySeptic Tank capacity calculations based on the Government of South Australia, S.A Health, On-siteWastewater Systems Code, dated April 2013.

SepticTank Capacity is obtained using Equation 1 within Section 5 of the code:

Note: For daily flows and sludge/scum volumes for non-residential premises, Appendix E is used.

Building type classification = HOTELS / MOTELS / LIVE IN CONFERENCE CENTRES - Accommodation



Pl: Number of persons using the system.

S: Rate of sludge / scum accumulation in litres per person per year.

Y: Desludging frequency in years.

P2: Number of persons using the system.

DF: Daily flow in litres per person per day L/p/d.


Pl = 120 Persons.

S = 48 L/p/y.

Y = 1. The City of Onkaparinga has advised that desludging on an annual basis is acceptable.

P2 = 120 Persons.

DF = 100 L/p/d. (In accordance with Appendix E building classification).

Therefore, minimum septic tank capacity is:

Capacity = (Pl xSxY) + (P2 x DF)

(120x48 xl)+(120x100)

(5,760) + (12,000)

17,760 litres

=> 18,000 litres (rounded up total)

Therefore, septic tank capacity is to be 18,000 litres (minimum), desludged once annually.

Proposed septic tank: Rl Industries 20,000 litre concrete precast septic tank (or equal approved).

Technical data of the proposed septic tank is provided in Appendix D.

Rl Industries can provide 20,000 litre septic tanks and deliver to site for $12,200 approx.


ENiERPRiScS Page 3 of 10

McLaren Vale Backpackers, Wastewater Engineering Report

July 31, 2014

3.0 Appendix A - Proposed Building Floor Plan


R ETB"&a=



n' - -\ENTERPRISES Page 4 of 10

McLaren Vale Backpackers, Wastewater Engineering Report

July 31, 2014

4.0 Appendix B - CWMS Layout


TV-' ,,,.-•,

ENTERPRISES Page 5 of 10











145/2614/2013 Mr D Geber

Item 3.4 Attachment 3


Please note that attachments on our website are separate to each report. If these documents are reproduced in any way, including saving and printing, it is an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act 1968(Cth) (the Act). By downloading this information, you acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by the provisions of the Act and will not reproduce these documents without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

Heather Bruce-Mullins





R and N Bang <>Monday, 30 June 2014 8:04 PMPlanning Applicationsstatement of representation, development no: 145/1035/2014

Development Act, Statement of Representaion

Development Number: 145/1035/2014

Name of representors: Nicole & Ryan Bang

Nominated representor: Ryan Bang

Address of representor: 6 Liddiard St/ McLaren Vale

Contact phone number; 0413608068

We are against this development as we are concerned about our privacy, safety and the noise coming

from the premises.

The windows at the back of the building overlook into our backyard and a bedroom, We have a 5 year old

daughter so this is very concerning for us. The windows will need to be removed or totally blacked

out. Also we are concerned about the noise as there will be a rear access. We would like a 2 metre sound

proof fence erected at the back of our property so we will not hear any noise, And lastly we are concerned

about the lack of car park space available, This means we will have cars constantly parked out the front of

our house/1 would like it to be a no parking zone or restricted parking. We are concerned that some

people may park and sleep there and just use the proposed facilities.

We do wish to be heard in person, represented by Ryan Bang,

Nicole & Ryan Bang^nr

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Submission options;• aDD!ications(a)onkaDarinaa,sa,Qov,au• Via Council's website:

• Category 3 development applications (not Cat^g^jy 2 Living heroplannin^-^i^^e^pi.

• Fax; (08) 8382 8744 ^^Dil0^• City of Onkaparinga/ PC Box I/ NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA 5168

^y ^1^\ Development Act/\ ;<^\ Statement of Representation

Purs^ari}: to

^^: to Section 38 of the Development Act

sin be found at;

applications for public comment

Details of development applicationDevelopment Number:Applicant:

Location of Development:

Nature of Development;


Assessing planning officer:

145/1035/2014Mr D Geber

104-106 (Allot 59 Sec 147 FP 153245) Main Road/ MCLAREN VALE SA 5171Variation to application 145/2614/2013 (change in use of gym to touristaccommodation, internal alterations and construction of 2.4m Ti'igh fence) forincrease in capacity by 48 beds to a maximum of 120 bedsNeighbourhood Centre & ResidentialMark Kwiatkowski

In order for this representation* to be considered valid ALL of the foHowing (sections 1-41 mustbe completed.

1. The representation must be received by Council no later than 11,59pm on Monday 30 June 20142,

Name of representor(s); M8. (\ <W\f\^Ll6M ftfiO ^A^ c.^ t^A^ l^f.^^l


Nominated representor if more_than two people; A/- ^f^SA-^f^ P.iA-^fJr^^_Address of representor(s); f,0./3ff^7'n, Mc.LA-^c^^l v/»-«-6- <,,yV 5 /-r /

Contact phone number: OH-l^f ^^-35^7

3, Reasons for the representation, including whether in favour or against

,.A;^^{.^, ST.,,^-^.,,,...,...,.^,o;;e.,^,TrA:,<i.^.&i>..

4, Please indicate whether you wish to be heard by Council's Development Assessment Panarepresentation;

D I do not wish to be heard

^ I wish to be heard in person, or represented by.....1^..;.../^,e^,.£?,,^f6{~^^.(please specify name)


*AII representations will become public documents and will be forwarded to the applicaht for response pursuant to the provisions ofthe Development Act 1993,

Please note your representation may be reproduced, in full, on the council's webslte as an attachment to a DevelopmentAssessment Panel report. Please contact council's Development Services section if you wish to request that any personal

details be masked.

#If submitting this form electronically a name rather than signature is acceptable.

27™ June 2014

Mr A Maglieri and Mrs C M MaglieriC/- Ansaar PlanningP 0 Box 727McLaren Vale SA 5171

City ManagerCity of OnkaparingaP 0 Box 1Noarlunga Centre SA 5168

Attention: Mark Kwiatkowski

Dear Sir,

^'^l^ f^:^r, '/

A N S A A RPLANNINGTelephone: 8272 6683Mobile; 0419 843 547Facsimile: 8272 6786


Re: Variation to application 145/2614/2013 (change in use of gym to touristaccommodation, internal alterations and construction of 2.4 m high fence) forincrease in capacity by 48 beds to a maximum of 120 beds. At 104-106 Main Road,McAllen Vale SA 5171 under Development Application number 145/1035/2014

I write on behalf of Mr A Maglieri and Mrs C M Maglieri, who are the owners of the landalong Main Road, Tatachilla Road and Alderney Street...There properties are across theroad from the subject land, These existing buildings are located on the higher side of theroad and the subject site is readily visible from there land,

I advise that Mr & Mrs Maglieri are totally opposed to this development for the followingreasons:

1. The proposal is contrary to the Zoning provisionsThe current Development Plan does not support the establishment of a TouristAccommodation facility in either The Neighbourhood or the Residential zone.

2. Insufficient car parking & delivery facilities

The site has a total of 24 car parking spaces of which only 23 are usable, due tothe presence of a shipping container in the parking area. The traffic consultantsreport accompanying this application states that there is a shortfall of 16 spaces.

There are insufficient on-site car spaces for staff and the proposal makes no ori-site provision for delivery vehicles,

The existing gym use has insufficient on-site parking for its patrons and staff. Itis heavily reliant on the use of my clients land at the corneir of Tatachilla Roadand Aldersey Street and also neighbouring streets.



Any further increase in bed numbers is likely to exacerbate the current parkingproblems within this locality.

3. Fencing of the site with a 2.4 metre high fence.

This application has no details about fencing with respect to siting and details ofmaterials to be used. In the absence of fencing details it is difficult to knowwhether the fencing will be aesthetically pleasing or unsightly from public view.

4. Inappropriateness land use in McLaren Vale.

The township of McLaren Vale has currently a motel in Caffrey Street and acaravan park in Field Street.Together with a number of other bed and breakfastfacilities. The purported use of this site as a backpacker hostel has not beensupported by any report accompanying this application for the increase innumbers.The observations of local vignerons are that in the main, the overseas visitorsare on a limited work permit visa and are following the seasonal fruit picking jobson a shoestring budget, (See fruit picking website

5. Represents an intensification of land use

The proposed 120 bed Hostel is considered to be a highly intense use of thissite, in comparison to the existing daytime use only as a gym,

6. An unacceptable increase in traffic generation

This proposal is likely to result in the generation of high volumes of traffic, fromthis site, which would impact on the existing residential amenity of the locality.

We look forward to be heard by council in respect to this submission.

Yours faithfully

^t^<M AnsaarAnsaar Planning

• •:''i 'W'^ ,.-;'K(£

'•^' fflC'QA^

Development ActStatement of Representation

ant to Section 38 of the Development ActSubmission options;•• Via Council's website:

• Category 3 development applications (not Category 2 applications) can be found Living here>planning and development>applications for public comment'

• Fax; (08) 8382 8744• City of Onkaparinga, PO Box I/ NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA 5168

Details of development applicationDevelopment Number;


Location of Development:

Nature of Development:


Assessing planning officer:

^45/103572014Mr D Geber104-106 (Allot 59 Sec 147 FP 153245) Main Road, MCLAREN VALE SA 5171Variation to application 145/2614/2013 (change in use of'gyrrTto touristaccommodation/ Jnternal_alteratjons and construction, of 2.4m Tiigh fence) forincrease In capacity by 48 beds to a maximum of 120 .bedsNeighbourhood Centre & ResidentialMark Kwiatkowski

In order for this representation* to be considered valid ALL of the following (sections 1-4) mustbe^omBleted.

1, The representation must be received by Council no later than 11.59pm on Monday 30 June 20142,

Name of representor(s):Nominated representor if more"than two people:Address of representor(s):

Contact phone number;

^^A/-^A/ CfcW^\J^.n^L

^- /-fo^u) s^~7ic- /J^^AX \/^^Q ^-OJ^. S'6 ^ S?0

3, Reasons Jor the representation, including whether in favour or against ^ f ^ •

^'.^H 6^? 'uj^oi> Te @^ &^.../£^^....o61\.,bc^^^^^l'^^^l'Sml'l',i;S.'c^il'."^'ll^ffii.$i^^^


,.M^.-....A^4^-^-.^^.^^^^"n<p^^^..4&^P^r€Q/iW£:^^M^Q.^ o^^A^ ^4^ PleSlfe&R/hJ

representation;U^tfrL^^r^urfrs'-Kfcpme^i^^^^nt Pa^^eTofySur

a I do not wish to be heard

I wish to be heard in person/ or represented by....^Q^...,,..^.^^d^ " ^) V^A/^O-^ FOt/c^L^•-?''' " (please specify name)

SIGNED#; ,.^?^^^^^^^^^..;.....,.... DATE; .../.rS...-:.,.^.,:,,.^0/.^.,.....,*AH representationswill become public documents and will be forwarded to the applicant for response pursuant to the provisions of

the Development Act 1993,

Please note your representation may be reproduced, in full, on the council's website as an attachment to a DevelopmentAssessment Panel report. Please contact council's Development Services section if you wish to request that any personaldetails be masked.

#lf submitting this form electronically a name rather than signature is acceptable,

\'n^'s^^W'^tF ?%1

Development ActStatement of Representation

Pursuant to Section 38 of the Development ActSubmission options:• applications@onkaparinga,• Via Council's website;

• Category 3 development applications (not Category 2 applications) can be found at; Living here>planning and development>applications for public comment

• Fax; (08) 8382 8744• City of Onkaparinga, PO Box 1, NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA 5168

Details of development application^Development Number:

Applicant;Location of Development;

Nature of Development;


Assessing planning officer:

i457I035/20iTMr D Geber

104-106 (Allot 59 Sec 147 FP 153245) Main Road, MCLAREN VALE SA 5171Variation to application 145/2614/2013 (change in use of gym to touristaccommodation, internal alterations and construction of 2.4m high fence) forincrease in capacity by 48 beds to a maximum of 120 bedsNeighbourhood Centre & ResidentialMark Kwiatkowski

In order for this representation* to be considered valid ALL of the following (sections 1-4) mustbe completed.

1, The representation must be received by Council no later than 11.59pm on Monday 30 June 20142,

Name of representorCs);Nominated representor if morethan two people;Address of representor(s);Contact phone number:

6^/^^~ /v^/-/us_~~r

/ ^/^o/.^^o ^'7- /^ci^/€<^-^ /^i-Cto

~0^0^^/^ ^9^

3, Reasons for the representation, including whether in favour or against







/./- i^z'LC ^-^^ (^-^-e- <3' /^>-t^?0"y/



4, Please indicate whether you wish to be heard by Council's Development Assessment Panel in respect of yourrepresentation:

^ I do not wish to be heard ^^- ^VA- ^ ^^- ^ ^;^^ <£s- "^^ ^ •

D I wish to be heard in person, or represented by......,,,,.,...,..,.,,..,.,.,.,,,,..,.,,.....

(please specify name)

SIGNED^:..,,...,,,./€:f^hl.......,,.,..,......,.,,..,..,,,.. ^^^

*AII representations will become public documents and will be forwarded to the applicant for response pursuant to the provisions ofthe Development Act 1993.

Please note your representation may be reproduced, in full, on the council's webslte as an attachrm•Assessment Panel report, Please contact council's Development Services section If you wish to redetails be masked.

#If submitting this form electronically a name rather than signature is acceptable,











145/2614/2013 Mr D Geber

Item 3.4 Attachment 4

Applicant’s response

Please note that attachments on our website are separate to each report. If these documents are reproduced in any way, including saving and printing, it is an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act 1968(Cth) (the Act). By downloading this information, you acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by the provisions of the Act and will not reproduce these documents without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

Plan • Facilitate • Resolve

Ref: 2013-0240

Suite 12/154Fullarton(cnr Alexandra Ave)Rose Park, SA 5067


11 July 2014 (08)83337999

Mr Mark KwiatkowskiSenior PlannerCity of OnkaparingaPO BOX 1NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA 5168


Dear Mark

Response to Representations - Proposed Variation to Increase Bed Numbers for

Backpackers Accommodation -for D Geber

DA 145/2614/2013

Thank you for providing copies of the representations received in respect to the

above matter:


Representations have been received from the following notified land owners:

Bridget Mains 1 Liddiard Street, McLaren Vale

Nicole and Ryan Bang 6 Liddiard Street, McLaren Vale

Brenton Powell 4 Liddiard Street, McLaren Vale

A & C Maglieri 115 & 117-123 Main Road, McLaren Vale

I also note an invalid representation from a Ms Sarah White of no registered address

and which raises no concerns.

I note that of the four valid representations, three wish to be heard by the

Development Assessment Panel (DAP).

Given that there are similar issues raised in most valid representations I respond to the

issues, summarised below, rather than to each representor in turn. A summary of the

concerns raised by the representors is provided below.

1. Land Use

A number of representors in this matter, particularly Ansaar Planning, Town & Coun+r/

Planners on behalf of A & C Maglieri, raise issue with the need for any backpacker

accommodation and challenge the suitability of the use within the zone.

Urban & RegionalPlanning SolutionsABN 19 104348905

The subject proposal is a 48 bed accommodation increase over and above the

approved backpacker's accommodation (72 beds) and not for the use of the

subject premises per se. The substantive merits of the proposed accommodation

type including its suitability for the subject site and zoning have been establishedand accepted within the substantive Development Plan consent this application

seeks to vary.

That said, whilst the question of land use is not a matter relevant to this variation-only

DA, the applicant is an experienced operator of backpacker accommodationwithin viticul+ural regions. Mr Geber has confirmed (based on an experienced

operator's understanding of this market) the need for additional bed

accommodation at the subject site in order to service peak tourist, and seasonal

worker, accommodation needs within the district.

For the above reasons the issues raised with respect to the appropriateness of the

land use are not relevant to the circumstances of this variation-only application

which seeks to add to rather than establish the backpacker's accommodation.

Moreover, applicants are not required under the pertinent planning policies to

establish a business case for any development application.

2. Car Parking Shortfall

Concern is raised regarding the shortfall in parking that the proposal would give rise

to, ie by adding 48 additional beds to the overall bed accommodation capacity.

An expert appraisal has been made of this matter by Mr Frank Siow, Frank Siow &


I note MrSiow identifies that, at worst, the proposed additional bed accommodation

would represent a two space improvement in the existing parking shortfall applied to

the existing gymnasium use of the subject land, and potentially up to a 32 space

improvement depending on where, in the range of parking standards for the existing

gymnasium use the rate is struck.

I further note Mr Siow, in applying a 1 space per 3 bed accommodation rate for the

proposed backpacker's accommodation confirmed:

the proposed accommodation is ver/ substantially provided in a dormitory, or

larger group accommodation-style facility indicating that backpackers either

travel together, or share accommodation and their experience in groups.

Moreover, given the tight budget of the backpacker experience it is highly likelythat the cost and use of any private cars acquired by backpackers will be


within close proximity to the subject premises is a bus stop providing reasonably

regular transport access to Seaford, Noarlunga Centre and high frequency, city-

bound, public transport facilities; and

in the event that the parking demand exceeds the 26 space on-si+e capacity in

this matter, there are a number of nearby on-street parking opportunities

available to readily service any such overflow requirements.

H:\Synergy\Projects\2013\2013-0240 106 Main Road, McLaren Vale\Correspondence\C001_V1_140711_MKwiatkowski.docx page 2

Based on the writer's own experiences before the Environment Resources and

Development Court with international student accommodation, a more frequently

struck parking rate for such accommodation is 1 space per 5 beds, or less. This

underpins the importance of public transport and shared means of private transport

at such facilities.

In my view, the improvement in the parking characteristics associated with the

proposed backpacker's facility at its enlarged capacity as proposed in this matter is

likely to be at least the 2 to 32 space figure identified by Mr Siow.

3. Appearance/Locafion of 2.4 Metre High Fence

As is the case with the land use concerns raised above, the 2.4m high fence (300mm

above a standard fence height which may be erected without any planning

authorisation) is not part of the subject application but embodied in the earliersubstantive development approval for the change of use application.

Further, with respect to that fence, it is an insulated fence of a finish and design, and

with acoustic insulation to the neighbours' satisfaction. Further it is designed to

mitigate noise impacts on the resident neighbours, Mr & Mrs Wright (whom I note are

not representors in this matter). The fence height is to be placed along the common

boundary with that property only.

4. Overlooking

No change is proposed to the window detailing or potential for overview as earlier

approved. In this respect as identified in the substantive development approval, all

windows at the upper level are either high level or positioned so as to prevent

overview into neighbouring residential properties. The proposed increase in bed

accommodation does not further threaten neighbouring residential privacy.

5. Noise from Vehicle Movement

The addition of 48 beds to the approved backpacker accommodation facility willprovide for an increase in peak bed accommodation numbers, particularly for peak

tourist and seasonal worker periods. Hence, it is likely to increase the patronage of

and movements associated with the on-si+e car park. That car park is however,

located fronting Main Road.

Given the location of the subject land and its car park to a busy secondary arterial

road, there is a moderate ambient, or background noise level associated with this

location, which the proposed acoustic fence should suitably mitigate.


The proposal is in the form of a varia+ion-only application to the approved

backpacker's accommodation facility on the subject land. The substantive merits of

that change of use and the form and features on the land, have already been

addressed, considered, and approved with the original development plan consentover this site. The proposal seeks to add to the bed accommodation at peak tourist

and seasonal worker periods based on the foreseen demands for this region.

The additional bed accommodation numbers proposed are considered to have

minimal impact given the occupancy agreement and management tools in place

H:\Synergy\Projecfs\2013\2013-0240 106 Main Road, McLaren Vale\Correspondence\C001_V1_140711_MKwiatkowski.docx page 3

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