SEO... WTF? (Search Engine Optimisation for PRs)

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of SEO... WTF? (Search Engine Optimisation for PRs)

Charlotte Gunnell

Content and SEO nerd / Blogger





What is SEO?

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation


What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation

Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go...


What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation

Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go...

Google (and YouTube)


What is SEO?

Using great content and a user-friendly website to

help reach an audience searching for the answers to



Answering questions like...

Who killed Lucy Beale?

How do I register to vote?

How do you make pancakes?

Do eyelashes grow back?

Why did he dump me?



Why is SEO important?

Why is SEO important?

40,000 Google searches every second


Why is SEO important?

40,000 Google searches every second

3 billion searches a day


Why is SEO important?

40,000 Google searches every second

3 billion searches a day

1.1 trillion searches a year


Why is SEO important?

Over 2.5 million blog posts and news

articles are published every day


Why is SEO important?

Over 2.5 million blog posts and news

articles are published every day(That’s a lot of competition)


How to ‘do’ SEO in 2015


The past...

It was all about getting exact keyword

combinations into your content, wherever

they would fit


The past...

And getting as many links as possible...


The past...

...It didn’t really matter (for SEO) whether

your content was actually any good...


The past...

...Or how you treated your customers.


The past...

Now? Not so much...



Google uses over 200 factors to rank

your page



Google uses over 200 factors to rank

your page(and then some)



These include…



These include…(but are not limited to)



● What language is used in the page (titles, body copy,

URL, categories, sub-categories, meta data, alt titles)

● How old your domain is (older sites are trusted more)

● Quality: links in / out, length of content

● Engagement (bounce rate, time on page, # shares)

● Technical factors: How fast is it; how modern is the

code; is it mobile friendly?



All 200 ranking factors:



But it all comes down to...



Great content



And a fast, user-friendly website



Because it’s all about topics, not




...And giving users a website that’s a

joy to use

(quick and painless, basically)


Your content


Your content

● Identify your audience: who are they? Where do

they hang out online?

Use: Brand knowledge, Google Analytics,

competitive analysis (Moz)


● Gather your data: what are your audience interested

in? What questions do they have that are currently

not being answered?

● What inspires them to share?

● Understand the context: think topics, not keywords.

Use: Reddit, BuzzSumo, forums,,

Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, YouTube

Trends, popular blogs


● Understand the competition: what already ranks for

those subjects? Content format, length, style, number

and style of images.

● Focus on specific ‘long tail’ questions

● Start thinking now about how you can raise the bar...

Use: Google search, keyword analysis tools (Moz)


● Research, research, research: know your topic inside


● Authenticity is essential: if necessary, use or interview an



● Don’t ‘write for search’. Write for your audience. Use the

language they already use

● Make your audience want to stick around and share your

page rather than the competition’s.

● Answer people’s questions in an in-depth, interesting,

insightful and easy-to-digest way.

● Above all, remember that sharing counts too.


General stuff:

● Spend more time on your headline than any other part

of your content: make it engaging, clickable and use

the same language as you see in your research

● Make your content easy to scan: use headings, sub-

headings, bullet points and exciting (original) images

● Consider using video, audio and other multimedia to

increase time on page and get your message across in

a more digestible way

● Make use of categories and sub-categories: Google

likes to know which parts of your content are most


● Don’t expect results straightaway

Your content

The benchmark...


Your content

“10 times better than anything I can

find in the search results today”

Rand Fishkin,


A fast, user-friendly



A fast, user-friendly website

‘User interaction signals are

Google’s 2015 weapon of choice’

John Limbocker


What Google looks at

● Low bounce rate, high CTR, high # pages visited,

longer time on site, lots of return visitors

Use: Analytics software (Google Analytics,



What Google looks at

● Mobile-friendly: quick to load on mobile, easy to

navigate, easy to read

Use: Google’s mobile-friendly checker, Google

Webmaster Tools, tech support


What Google looks at

● A quality brand: high number of brand searches,

outstanding customer service, loyal readers and

customers, high conversion rate

Use: PR!!!


What Google looks at

The main thing to remember…

Google looks at everything it can to rank your

website/page amongst the competition


Real-time data: What are people

searching for right now?


Useful tools:

● Google Trends

● Social media (trending, hashtags)


● News sites


Social media

The future of SEO:

trends to be aware of


Trends to be aware of

● Even more emphasis on mobile-friendly

● Tweets now ranking in Google search results

● The Knowledge Graph: Google now understands how

entities are connected, meaning there will be less and

less focus on specific keywords and more on

becoming the most useful and/or interesting resource

for a topic@cavatica_copy

Case study: Protein Saker


Thanks for listening!
