Seo practices you can perform and still get quality backlinks

Post on 15-May-2015

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SEO is a mined field for the untrained business person. Can you make the difference between white hat SEO strategies and black hat SEO? Read this article to find out what are the SEO practices you can implement into your business and still get high quality backlinks

Transcript of Seo practices you can perform and still get quality backlinks

0:13 - Old SEO is still old, but... 0:29 - Using comments as a way to build links 1:15 - Some tricks to get links back from forum commenting 2:06 - The advantages of guest blogging 2:36 - Providing testimonials has its advantages

Hi, Fiona Lewis here from Super Savvy Business with this week’s SEO Word of the Week.

0:13 - Old SEO is still old, but...

You have heard me say many times before that the old ways of SEO are pretty much redundant. You need to have a long-term strategy in place in order to be successful online. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a couple of small wins on the way. 0:29 - Using comments as a way to build links

One of the things that is still working very well is comment marketing, and there are several ways in which you can approach it. For example, find out the two maybe three top blogs in your niche and get involved in commenting on those particular blogs. Make sure that you are adding comments that add value or insight or perhaps you might want to be a little bit cheeky and controversial (but not too much that will offend the blog owner). By doing this you are actually going to be leaving links back to your website.

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SEO Practices You Can Perform And Still Get Quality Backlinks

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The other thing I suggest is to ensure that you reply to ALL comments that are on your blog. Get into the habit of doing that: if someone leaves you a comment, reply to that person even if they haven’t asked you a question.

1:15 - Some tricks to get links back from forum commenting Another place that you can get involved in commenting and discussions is through active forums. There are two types of forums you might want to look at:

1. There are the free ones - but just be very careful whether or not they are spammy sites full of rubbish comments and links to all sorts of low-quality sites.

2. Otherwise, you can look for some of the paid forums, identify maybe one to two forums within your niche that might have a small monthly subscription on them.

You can actually set up a signature link within your profile so that every time you comment you are leaving a link back to your site. This can work in a couple of ways: it can actually give you a backlink, back to your site from an SEO point of view, but it can also send you traffic because if you are adding value in that community and you are providing good quality answers and real help coming from a genuine space then people are likely to click on those links to find out a little bit more about you.

2:06 - The advantages of guest blogging

A couple more things that you might want to do in order to get some quick wins in your online marketing strategy is to also approach some blog owners making sure that theirs are authority sites. Offer to do some guest posts for them.

This is going to give you content on somebody else’s site, which can help to give you exposure to somebody else’s database, but also ensuring that the article, that blog post that you write then has a link in the ‘About the author’ section which links back to your site.

2:36 - Providing testimonials has its advantages

Another little sneaky trick which a lot of people don’t really think about or do is to provide customer testimonials for some of your suppliers. Give them a video testimonial or perhaps a written testimonial and ask if they would like to put that on their website, where they can link back to your site.

So these are just a couple of things you can do to build some links and to drive traffic to your website; they are very simple strategies but they really do pay off especially if you do them on a consistent basis.

My name is Fiona Lewis and this has been the Super Savvy Business SEO Word of the Week update. We’ll see you again next week.

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