SEO Copywriting Secrets Revealed

Post on 13-May-2015

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Internet Marketing Expert Gloria Rand explains why and how businesses need to apply SEO copywriting techniques to generate leads and sales.

Transcript of SEO Copywriting Secrets Revealed

Search results

Page 1 Page 2 & beyond

SEO Copywriting

Secrets Revealed

A little bit about me…

What is SEO?

Drives quality traffic to your website

What is SEO Copywriting?

Gets Visitors to Take Action

Why do I need SEO?

SEO + web visitors = $ for your business

SEO Best Practices

Keyword Research

SEO Case Study

SEO Research Tools

• Google Adwords••

SEO Best Practices

SEO Best Practices

Key phrases in headlines and subheadlines

Key phrases in hyperlinks Key phrases throughout the content Key phrase-rich Title Focus on 2-3 keyphrases per page

What does Google Want?

What does Google Want?

Write Copy for Visitors, NOT Search Engines

What does Google Want?

“… put yourself in your customer’s shoes and make sure you provide them with the information they need.”

What does Google Want?

• Sales• New Products • Infographics

What does Google Want?

Blog Articles

Why Blog?

Promote ProductsBranding

Reach New CustomersCommunicate

Become Recognized Expert

SEO Solution

Better Listings on

Why Blog?

57% of companies that blog have acquired a customer

from their blog*

Source: Hubspot

Use keywords in title & body

How Do You Get Readers?

8 out of 10 read blog titles

How Do You Get Readers?

8 out of 10 read blog titles

only 2 of 10 read rest of article

How Do You Get Readers?

Numbers get 3-8x more traffic

How Do You Get Readers?

How to: “How to write a blog article”Question: “Which one ….?”

How do you find ideas?

•Read other blogs•Google Alerts •Quora•Twitter Search

Hot Tip!

Hot Tip!

Golden Rule: They Ask, You Answer!

What’s the Payoff?

154 Leads from 3/09 – 6/12 for a dozen different keywords

That one article has generated


Content formula

Answer questions based on these three criteria: •Costs •Problems•Comparisons

Keep copy short

•250-500 words

Keep copy short

•250-500 words•One idea per post

Keep copy short

•250-500 words•One idea per post •Article series

Use other social media sites

Repurpose content


Other tips…

Know your call to action• Visit website• Email for a quote • Sign up for newsletter• Social Share

FREE Breakthrough Session

“Boost Your Profits with Internet Marketing”

How to apply

Go to:

Answer all the questions completely!

For more SEO & Social Media Training, visit @GloriaRand