Seo and soccer

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Seo and soccer

Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz | March 2012

Thanh Le Cong, SEOs | May 2012

The Fundamentals of Great SEO

A Relation between SEO & Soccer


Bah, Humbug

SEO Definition

SEO is the active practice of optimizing a web site by improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines

The Use of Search Engines

Growth of Google Queries

Currently, there are more than 3 billion searches/day

on Google

Value of Search Engine Traffic

Yes, You Can Compete with the Big Guys

Good SEO is Easier

than It Looks

You Have to Get These Right

Before You Get These Right

Making Your Site SEO-Friendly

Using Wordpress? You’re 80% of the Way There

From a talk given by Google’s Matt Cutts at Wordcamp:

“(Wordpress) is a fantastic piece of software, it makes your site easily crawlable by search engines, solves some 80-90% of mechanics of SEO and is the first big step anyone can take towards creating a popular online business.”

If You Use Wordpress, Read This - I also recommend Joost’s plugin “Wordpress SEO”

Other SEO-Friendly Platforms Include:, and are all good choices if Wordpress isn’t a match.

These Are Less Ideal for SEO

I wouldn’t recommend these platforms as a first choice for SEO-friendly blogging, though some (like TypePad and Tumblr) can be customized with enough elbow grease.

Tools to Help with Accessibility

Tools to Help with Accessibility

Shameless Plug:

RSS: Essential for Bloggers(and anyone producing regular content)

Via Google’s Feedburner:, an ideal tool for setting up, managing

and tracking feeds

XML Sitemaps – Recommend, But Not Always a Must

I wouldn’t go so far as to say I recommend against it, just that for many, relatively basic sites and blogs, you don’t need to worry about submitting these (unless you use video, in which case there’s some cool options; we’ll chat about that later in the deck)

Keyword Research

A Simple Process for Choosing Good Keywords

More on this here:

High Volume(many searches/month)

Low Competition(weak sites/pages in the top 10)

High Value(large % of visitors convert)

Ideal Keywords!

Google Insights: Interesting Trend Data shows that the food blogging movement likely gained widespread popularity and interest around 2007

Analyzing the Top 10 to Determine Difficulty

Strong, popular sites w/ targeted titles + content

Analyzing the Top 10 to Determine Difficulty

Weaker, lesser known sites and

non-targeted titles

Keyword Difficulty Tool

Another shameless plug as this is an SEOmoz tool:

Value of Visits? Use Analytics Data

Via Google Analytics ( which is free!

Good proxies for the value of traffic from these sources

A Simple Process for Choosing Good Keywords

High Volume(many searches/month)

Low Competition(weak sites/pages in the top 10)

High Value(large % of visitors convert)

Google AdWords

Gut Feel (or KW Difficulty Tool)

Gut Feel (or Analytics Data)

Picking keywords doesn’t have to be a chore, and the process can often help you find topics for content you haven’t yet tried/thought of!

How Great Writing and Great

SEO Go Hand-in-Hand

High Volume Keywords = Content People Want

People really want to know this stuff!

Not Everything Needs to Be Keyword-Targeted

The Better Your Content, The Better Your SEO

Good process for getting to great content:

Great Content + SEO + Social Really Works.

Great Content



Social Sharing





More Readers

More Followers

More Influence


Virtuous Cycle of Inbound Marketing!

Link Building

Why Links Matter to Search Engines

Good primer on link building basics here:

What You Say About Yourself.

What Others Say About You.<

What Matters in a Link?

Editorially given

From a trusted source

Uses descriptive anchor text

Points to the right page

What Matters in a Link?

All of these elements are good to understand when thinking about links

<p><a href= rel=“nofollow”> SEOmoz’s Website </a> is a good resource for those seeking to learn more about search engine optimization.</p>

Anchor text(tells the engine what

this link is about)

URL(the link target)

Surrounding Text(may provide context on

the link’s relevance)

Rel=“Nofollow”(a tag that indicates search

engines shouldn’t trust/count this link)

Manual Link Building

Tactics like discovering the links of competitors, getting listed in directories, resource lists, submitting content, building profiles, etc. are all in the “manual link building” category (above via

Link Building through Outreach + Networking

Geraldine emailed the Salt Museum folks to let them know about her post (or maybe she just tweeted at them, I can’t remember), and they wrote this lovely blog!

“Natural” Link Building

The AdAge 150 is a brilliant example of link building through the creation and sharing of a resource.

Many of these blogs will use the badge and link to the list, because it makes

them look good!

Link Building & Social Sharing Resources

There are literally infinite numbers of ways to build links – creativity is your only limitation!

• Beginner’s Guide: Chapter 7 – Growing Links & Popularity

• Link Building Blog Posts on SEOmoz

• Webinar on Link Building Strategies

• 101 Ways to Build Links from SEOBook

• Link Building Presentations on Slideshare

• The Science of Retweets from Dan Zarrella

Social Media & SEO

How Social Media Helps SEO Directly

People you’re connected to in social networks can help content rank thanks to Google’s use of social annotations (Bing does this too with Facebook shares!)

Indirect Impacts of Social on SEO

This handy tool can be found at

All these shares lead to visits, which may lead to

links, comments and positive user/usage signals

Twitter & Google

Result #42

Google UK

Result #13

Google US


But correlation is not causation!

Correlation of Social Media-Based Factors(data via Topsy API & Google Buzz API)

Amazing: Facebook Shares is our single highest

correlated metric with higher Google rankings.

Facebook and Bing



Anyone logged-in to any Google service will see results like these. Time to get on G+!


Some good tips here:

Other Networks to Consider

There are many social networks potentially worthy of participation


14mm Millions 14mm 6.5mm

2.5mm 500mm 1.5mm

SEO & Soccer

Quantity, Quality, Relevance

of links

Link Analysis on The Web

PageRank Algorithm

Random walker model

Distribution of wealth

Normalized Value on Toolbar

No math details

Fifa World Ranking

Sport Competition Model

Bradley - Terry model approaching

Better Ranking for Vietnam Team

Quantity, Quality, Relevance of Match

Match Cases

1,000,000 matches with Laos ~ 1,000,000 links from small sites

A draw with Brazil ~ A link from

1,000,000 matches with Ung Hoang Phuc ~ Irrelevance or LINKSPAM

AFF Cup only ~ Ranking under 100

Small case for a player: Reputation and Skills

Let’s interact!Want to get in touch?

zzzzzz on Facebook –