SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained

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Transcript of SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained

2016 SEO Best Practice Series: Lesson 2 - Page Speed Optimizaiton6/14/2016

Join us again for lesson 3 on July 19th! Register Here:

AgendaQuick Lesson 1 RecapWhy Focus on Speed?Areas to OptimizeQuestions


Quick Recap From Lesson 1

Win at SEO by focusing on your users and the outcome you want them to take on your pages.


Why Does Page Speed Matter?

Source: Source:

Every 1 second faster meant up to a 2% conversion increase!

Reduced load time by 2.2 seconds and increased downloads by 15.4%! (10 million+ downloads per year)

"When your site or app is clumsy or slow, 29% of smartphone users will immediately switch to another site or app."

If you build it they will come. If you build it slow, they won’t stay.


Speed Is A Ranking Signal!

“Today we're including a new signal in our search ranking algorithms: Site Speed. Like us, our users place a lot of value in speed.

We use a variety of sources to determine the speed of a site relative to other sites.”

April 2010


Checking Speed: Gtmetrix Page Time

Learn how long your load time is in seconds and which optimizations GTMetrix prioritizes.

Check out your waterfall view to see if there are any page elements that are blocking other parts of your site from loading.

Page Load Time Rule of Thumb: Try to keep this under 3 seconds.


Google Page Speed Insights

Google will show your page speed optimization scores out of 100 for both desktop and mobile. Think of this score as how well optimized for speed your page is rather than how quickly it loads.

In the should fix or consider fixing sections, which optimizations are coming from your own domain?

Let’s get your page speed score!

Go to and type in your domain.

Areas To Optimize For Speed


Which Web Server and CMS?

Web Server• Is the webserver nginx, apache, or IIS?

CMS• Is our site built on WordPress or another

platform? Is it built from scratch?


Web Server

Most likely your web server is Apache, ngix, or IIS.



There is a good chance you also use WordPress.



Large images can slow your site down! An easy way to compress images without losing the images quality is to compress them.

We recommend using for this.

Compress your image and upload it back to your site.



Fonts can take a long time to load.

Google has made a resource which will let you select exactly which font typefaces, styles and weights you need. to begin using it.


Typefaces, Weights, Styles – How many are necessary?

Hosting – By using externally hosted fonts, there is a greater chance your visitor will already have the file cached.


Minify Files

JS, CSS, and HTML contain white space for people to read them a little easier. However, browsers don’t need the extra spaces.

To save on character count, you can minify all of these file types. can minify all three filetypes.


Leverage Browser Caching (on Apache)

In the example we can see that their png images are not cached with a long enough expiration. This means that visitors who come back later will be forced to download these images again. Why not make it quick for them?

You can control file extension expirations in the .htaccess file on apache like this. This code sets the expiration to one week.

<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|pdf|css|js)$">Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public"</FilesMatch>


Wordpress Guide For Site Speed

Gtmetrix has an excellent guide for optimizing your WordPress site for site speed.


Resources Recap: For Learning Where We Stand

1. Get your desktop and mobile page speed scores! or

2. Learn your site’s actual load time in seconds.

3. Learn which CMS and web server type your site is built with.

Let’s begin with speed optimizations! First, you’ll need to know a few details about your site.

Any Questions?


Please Join Us Again On 7/19/16!

We will continue our series going more in depth with lesson 3 of our SEO webinar series course. In our next lesson we are going to cover the Google Search Console!

Sign up now!