Sentrol cloud intro Agriculture Wireless Sensors by

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Smart Agriculture Solution Agriculture Wireless Sensors solution refers to precision farming, greenhouse automation and environment monitoring & control. In many sectors farmers, researchers or greenhouse owners need to measure the degree and extent of certain aspects of environment. Our Sentrol Cloud software is solution for agricultural data monitoring, management and output control. This solution is underpinned by three central functions and/or components 1: data collection in the field/greenhouse/factory-farm etc using ZigBee’s Agriculture Data Sensors 2: Data from sensors sent to Gateway Receiver and Receiver communicating with a Relay Device which takes automatic action (remedy) based on the data from the field. 3: Send Data to Users ‘control centre’ using the internet thus making data analysis and environment control possible from anywhere in the world. This program is designed to make data easily accessible, comprehensive and intuitive.The Sentrol Cloud gives the user complete control of his environment by allowing him to set ‘optimum’/’buffer’ zones for temperature & humidity, soil moisture, leaf wetness or soil temperature. In the event of the sensors registering readings that fall outside of the required optimum environment then the Relay Device will automatically take action by powering-on a predetermined power source which in turn triggers fans, heaters or irrigation systems etc. The intensity of said action can also be controlled automatically by our central Cloud technology as and when the environment drift

Transcript of Sentrol cloud intro Agriculture Wireless Sensors by