Seminar material

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Transcript of Seminar material

  1. 1. NEW TECHNIQUES OF TREATING GEOPATHY, PAIN, ELEMENT-RELATED ALLERGY, STIMULATING THE ORGANS AND ELEMINATING PARASITES BY VICTOR SPEKTOR (The materials for advanced seminars 2007) Acknowledgments This publication would not be possible without the colossal help of my friend Dr Cassandra Mougiakos MD . What are geopathic zones? Geopathic zones are places on the surface of the Earth, which can cause serious health problems for people who stay within them for a long time. The name geopathic comes from two Greek words, geo earth, and pathos suffering. Since the ancient times every nation had their own perception of dead places, where trees and grass do not grow, where people and animals get sick, where buildings fall apart. For many centuries people were thoroughly careful when choosing places for their dwellings. The Chinese system of feng-shui has been around since the times unmemorable. In accordance with this system, no one would start building anything, until a dowser makes sure that this place is not under the influence of some underground demons. Ancient Roman architect and builder Vitruvius paid special attention to the correct selection of a place for building in his works. Similar principles are also mentioned in the works of Hippocrat and Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 1 -
  2. 2. Avicenna. In Russia in the 18th and 19th century, the selection of a place for a house was entrusted to a dowser, and the decision about construction was made by the czars decree. Over time these important principles were forgotten, and houses were built in convenient places, which since the old times were considered unsuitable for a habitat. How a geopathic zone affects human organism? One of the first researchers interested in connection between geopathic zones and origins of some serious illnesses was Gustav von Pohl. In 1929, while observing 10,000 patients, he came to a conclusion that the one common thing for 58 people who died from cancer, was that each of them had a sleeping place (bedrooms) exactly within a geopathic zone. The scientist thoroughly described his results in his book Earth rays as pathogens. In 1950, Manfred Curry, MD also came to the conclusion about an important role of a special earth grid (later named the Curry grid in his honor) in development of cancer. A fundamental book by Dr. Ernst Hartmann called Illnesses as a problem of location, which was published in Germany in 1960, summarized many years of authors research of geopathic zones influence on human health. In this book, Hartmann was the first to introduce principles of projecting and constructing buildings with consideration of geopathic zones. For 14 years Austrian scientist K. Bahler was observing 11,000 people, including 6,500 adults, 3000 teenagers and 1,500 infants. Obtained results showed, that cancer, neuropsychological and various chronic illnesses of kids and adults were caused by their bedrooms located within geopathic zones. Since the early 1980s scientists from Austria, Germany, USA, Switzerland, England, Canada, and France have been studying the problem of geopathic zones. Many years of large-scale observations and research showed that: Depending on the longevity, the nature, and the location of a human being within a geopathic zone, various illnesses set in, affecting body organs and disrupting their functions. The most common illnesses are of oncological, cardio-vascular, neuropsychological nature as well as disruptions of the motor functions of the body. If the entire human body is within a geopathic zone, it affects the Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 2 -
  3. 3. entire system, including joints, circulation of blood to the brain, causes sclerosis, sores, which do not heal, etc. There exists a certain period of time, after which human organism becomes misbalanced, leading to further development of pathological condition and, eventually, death All people within a geopathic zone have one thing in common, and that is their complete insensitivity to any kind of treatment. It is practically impossible to heal a person living within a geopathic zone. How to detect a geopathic zone? It is possible to approximately locate a geopathic zone by watching animal behavior. For example, dogs avoid such places, but cats on the other hand prefer to rest in them. Horses, cows and pigs also avoid geopathic zones. Among the trees, apple tree, lime-tree, beech, and lilac usually grow better outside of the geopathic zones, but plum-tree, cherry-tree, oak, ash-tree, spruce, peach-tree, mistletoe tend to be closer to geopathic zones, because of underground water. In nature, trees with swellings, anthills, as well as trees hit by lightning bolts are the signs of a geopathic zone presence. Flowers, such as azalea, cacti, grow better in safe places, while asparagus, geranium in geopathic zones. Reactions of a human organism to a geopathic zone can vary. Some people do not feel anything, while others may start getting headaches, heartaches right away. Austrian researcher of the problem K. Bahler offers a number of reliable sign indicating that a human is living in a geopathic zone: - difficulty falling asleep - bad sleep - anxiousness - quickened heartbeat - nervousness and depression - headaches - leg cramps - numbness of legs and arms - vague pains - repeated serious illnesses in the same location (cancer houses) - complete and speedy recovery following the change of sleep area Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 3 -
  4. 4. (source: ) Geopathy stress therapy with Bicom 2000 If the patient has geopathy stress at the time of the treatment, the curative action will be unsuccessful. This is because geopathy stress completely changes the quality of blood; it loses its ability to distribute oxygen what is necessary for the metabolic processes. Therefore, it becomes impossible for the therapeutic information to reach the cells because of the polarity disturbance in the blood. As a result of the neutralization treatment of the geopathy stress with the Bicom 2000 patients feel much better and tend to have a lot more energy. This takes place either immediately following the treatment or on the next day. Program 70. Input of electrodes: left foot on a foot electrode. The magnetic mat is placed horizontally over the legs towards the hips. You can use two variations of program 701. The first is exactly like the program is set, which is with constant amplification. The second is with amplification sweep. How to diagnose geopathy stress? It has been recommended to us to examine the SP 4a point of the pancreas meridian. I have also found another point that may be examined: on the frontal center meridian which is the VC 24 point and is located in the groove between the chin and the lower lip. With this point we can verify all kinds of electromagnetic strains. Alternately, we can use the corresponding CTT ampoules. (Parasites, Environmental Loads test set kit). Touch the VC 24 point by using the index and middle fingers together. If the tensor indicates a negative (vertical) movement, this means the existence of electromagnetic stress. If the tensor shows a positive (horizontal) movement, then there is no electromagnetic stress present. How to locate the places that provoke geopathy stress? In order to find the places which cause the patient to have geopathy stress we ask the person to imagine he being at a location in which he spent time of his pasted days or years; like certain rooms of his house or his work place. While the patient doing that he has to hold in his hand one cylinder electrode connected with the tensor and we observe the movement of the tensor. If the location that the patient is thinking about has geopathy, the tensor will indicate a negative (vertical) movement. For example: We ask the patient to Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 4 -
  5. 5. imagine that hes lying in his bed. If the movement of the tensor is negative, this would mean that the location in which this particular patient sleeps causes him to have geopathy stress. How to neutralize geopathy stress? Sissi Karz has introduced in her seminars a special diagram which the Celts called Hagal. Its a drawing on a A4 sheet which can neutralize an area of one metre in diameter. We ask the patient to place this underneath his bed, chair or couch, etc. A queen size bed therefore would require nine of these diagrams. Naturally, the other solution is to move the furniture in a neutral geopathically-wise location. We ask the patient to make a drawing of his home and with the tensor we examine all the rooms by touching the draft and thus focusing on finding geopathy problems in that house. After we have conducted this examination, we may use the following statement: This is the best location for the bed and so on and so forth. If, however, the geopathy problem exists in the entire house or working place then this is exceptionally serious. Sissi Karzs diagram is insufficient to use as a solution for the neutralization of such a problem. Though, we few times used three large diagrams made of wood which we placed under floor in the basement of a house and the geopathy problem was successfully neutralized. In Montreal there are many areas with geopathy, so people live and work with this stress. I found certain gems which can help protect our organism. The best ones is black tourmaline. We first have to neutralize the geopathic stress on the body with the Bicom 2000 program (e.g. 701); then we recommend to the patient to always carry these stones in direct contact with his skin (bracelet is preferable). The one black tourmaline bracelet or two carried on patients left wrist was found as the best solution. It is imperative, however, to always examine the patient for geopathy every time he comes in for therapy. The CTT test set of the Five Elements Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 5 -
  6. 6. There are various ways that this test set can be used in order to appoint the meridians or organs with dysfunctional activity. It can also help locate the cause of this disturbance. Via filter test E.g.: we know there is a disorder with one of the organs/meridians, say the pancreas. We can determine this either by putting the corresponding ampoule (from the 5 Elements test set) in the input beaker and by using a type A program (192, 198) or either by asking the patient to place one of his fingers on that ampoule. With the tensor we check the reaction on this ampoule. The tensor will then show a negative (vertical) movement. The next step is to find out which stress factor cause the pancreas problem. We can put the strain ampoules one by one in the input beaker along with the pancreas ampoule (program 192, 198) and look for a positive (horizontal) movement of the tensor. Or we can ask the patient to hold one cylinder electrode connected with grasping electrode by one black cable and we start to touch one by one the strain ampoules. Wherever the tensor shows a positive (horizontal) movement, this means that this strain factor causes the pancreas disorder. If we find that it is bacterial strain, then we may continue the test to find out which bacteria are responsible for the problem. We put pancreas ampoule in input beaker and start a type A program again. Tensor shows negative (vertical) movement. We add different ampoules containing various bacteria (CTT bacteria set) in the input beaker and whichever one of these shows a positive (horizontal) movement of the tensor then this means that that bacteria provokes the problem. Alternately, we touch one by one the bacteria ampoules with the grasping electrode connected with the cylinder electrode in patient hand. Otherwise the grasping electrode could be connected with the input beaker directly in order to conduct the test but this time without having the patient holds anything. Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 6 -
  7. 7. Two basic rules (recommendation of V. Spektor) From my experience its a good thing to comprehend and use these two basic rules because they allow the attainment of better therapeutic results in lesser time. The Circle Rule The circle rule allows not only to diminish the number of sessions that are usually needed in order to neutralize an aggravating factor in the organism, like e.g. bacteria, viruses, parasites; it applies to reverse type programs (Ai and Di) but also could be use for any type of program (H+Di, A, H) making each therapy session more effective. Each time that a type Ai or Di program ends, we check if the frequency and amplification parameters have to re-adjust. If we find that an alternation of this program is needed we adjust the time period for it. After running different variations of a particular type of program (Ai, Di) we then choose the second type of reverse program (Di, Ai) and we do the same. Example: Neutralization of a parasite. We begin with the program 998: Ai, AF, amplification 64, 10 min. Input- vials, secretions, modulation mat on back. When this is completed, we examine the therapy type Ai. If the tensor shows us that it is needed, then we continue with the frequency parameter. If the tensor shows No for All Fr, then we test Fr Sweep. If the tensor shows that this parameter is good for the patient, then we continue with checking the right amplification and time setting, etc Step by step we check each parameter of the program and let it run. When this is finished, we re-examine the therapy type Ai and we re-adjust the program, if necessary, until the program Ai is no longer needed. We then try the therapy type Di in the same manner by re-adjusting the different parameters. We continue until this type of therapy is no longer necessary for the patient. We make sure that the patient does not need the therapy type Ai or Di any longer in this session. Note: For every new variation we test if the modulation mat is in the correct place, or it needs to be placed in a different part of the body. Also, we have to check if an input electrode or bodily substances are needed. Polarity rule Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 7 -
  8. 8. This rule has been proven very useful for all therapeutic programs of the Bicom. We know from ancient Chinese medicine that the human body is divided in Yin and Yang areas. The rule of polarity therefore says that if we have input electrode on a yang area, then the modulation mat or the output electrode should be placed on a yin area. And correspondingly, if the input electrode is on a yin area, then the mat or the output electrode should be placed on a yang area. Yang areas: These belong to the back central meridian that starts from upper lip than traverses the head, the back parts of the body and the legs. The soles of the feet also are yang area. Yin areas: These belong to the front central meridian that starts from lower lip than traverses the front part of the body. The palms also are yang area. An exception to the rule of polarity applies in the case of pain therapy, where the placement of electrodes has to be adjusted to the energetic imbalance. Parasites the cause of all disease . I absolutely agree with Alan Baklayan and Hulda Clark that parasites provoke very serious diseases to the organism. According to a statistical study, 92% of the serious illnesses may be provoked by parasite stress. How to search for parasite stress? We can test with the help of the CTT sets of Regumed (5 elements and parasites). Immediate test: if the tensor shows a positive movement with the ampoule of the parasitological aggravation (ELP 032) then this means that the parasites are provoking a problem (program type A). Identification test: test e.g. a sample of stool with the ampoule of parasitological aggravation from the Parasites CTT set (ELP 032). Test via filter: if the ampoule of the large intestine from the set of the five elements shows an energetic disturbance by adding the ampoule of the parasitological aggravation (ELP 032) the tensor will show a positive movement. Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 8 -
  9. 9. How to neutralize parasite stress? In my practice, I combine two different ways to neutralize parasites. Program 998 could be used. Input: vials with parasite information, secretions in input cup, modulation mat on the back or on abdomen. Circle rule has to be used as it was above mentioned. My own program 1003: Di, 36 KHz, wobble no, amplification 64. Input : both feet on foot electrodes. Input cup: saliva or blood or stool and all the positive ampoules of parasites. Output: the modulation mat on the hips. It is important to check exactly which secretions are needed and the mat position. The amount of therapy needed depends on the severity of the aggravation. And so here is where we need to use the cycle rule. When the program has been completed every ampoule used has to be checked again. We run the program again. We use the cycle rule until the therapy is completed. Then, we check once again all the ampoules and the substances that have been used for therapy. If we find that all material used in the input beaker has no more negative effect on the patient, then this means that the aggravation has been neutralized. The end result can also be examined with the anti-parasites ampoule (ELP 032). Important: the patient will have to be informed of the possibility of re- infection. He will have to take some caution actions against that. For example: he should replace his tooth brush, disinfect the cups, glasses, the cutlery and so on and so forth. Points and zones for stimulating organs and systems. This is new system of points and zones in the body, which could be recommended for the evaluation and activation of organs and systems. These points are found in the front part of the body. Correlating special program: A or H, FSw 20, test amplification, the mat along the back, no secretions. Duration of therapy 3 to 5. Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 9 -
  10. 10. Some of the points and the zones are found on alarm points of acupuncture in the central meridian, therefore it is easier to find them. Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 10 -
  11. 11. Points for stabilizing the 5 Elements This chart can be used to help stabilize the 5 elements, but it can also be used in the treatment of allergies. We can find which elements have been negatively influenced because of an allergen. We put an allergen in input beaker and start A program 198 and checking the patients reaction with biotensor or with kinesiology method. In a case of allergy reaction we can see negative (vertical) movement of the tensor. Patient holds one cylinder electrode connected with grasping electrode. By touching with grasping electrode each element ampoule from 5 elements kit we can found allergy- disturbed elements. When tensor changes negative (vertical) movement to positive (horizontal) this means that this element is allergy-disturbed. Also we can check in the same way directly 5 elements points but instead of grasping electrode in this case the gold finger electrode should be use. Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 11 -
  12. 12. Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 12 -
  13. 13. New chart of reflex zones on the left hand After an extensive search I have found reflex zones of the body levels on the left hand and with great success could be used for therapeutic effect in specialized reflective zones. These can be used as therapy against pain as well as for relieving problems stemming from other causes on specific levels.Two surfaces were found: Yang-on back of the left hand what is connected with the back side of body including spine and Yin-on palm of the left hand what is connected with front side of body including all internal organs. There are 4 large and 4 small zones. Input Electrode: the knob electrode on the reflex area. Input beaker: saliva or blood (check). Output: modulation mat on the back. Program Di, Ai, all Fr. or Fr. Sweep, amplification 30 or other, time 3min or other. Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 13 -
  14. 14. YANG-back side of the left hand Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 14 -
  15. 15. YIN-palm of the left hand Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 15 -
  16. 16. Priorities in Therapy How to set the priority of therapy programs? I would like to share with you my experience in the way to determine priority of programs to be used in one session. Make a list of the main groups of programs, e.g. basic program, neutralisation of geopathy and radiation, detoxification, neutralization of bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, strengthening of the immune system, pain program, psychological, unblocking of chakras, personal program, and so on and so forth. Certainly, it is very important to take under consideration the symptoms and discomforts mentioned by the patient. You may use a mental statement: The patient needs this program today and pay attention to the answers of the tensor. For example: this patient (name) needs a bacteria cleansing program today, a strengthening program, and so on and so forth. If the tensor shows an affirmative movement then this is the program that the patient needs. You can therefore create your own list of programs or you can use the programs from the Bicom 2000 manual. Dont forget to find the priority of the programs. The statement is:This is the first program,... the second,... the third...etc. Also use this test for selecting the toxic substances which has to be eliminated during the session: This toxin has to be eliminated today or this parasite in particular needs to be neutralized today. The selection is important because sometimes certain toxins that belong in the same category should not be treated together in the same session. List of recommend programs for therapy in a session Programs: 430,431, 480 (detoxification) 701 (Geopathic) 900 (clearing of gums, increasing of vitality) Bacteria Viruses Parasites Fungi Allergies Element-related allergy Chakras Toxins Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 16 -
  17. 17. Preservatives and Artificial flavours Psychological Hormonal Personal Pain Nosodes (containers with energetic series of illnesses) Organs and Systems Hand system 4 and etc. Note: n my practice I use the biotensor for testing. If though, someone feels more confident with the muscle test or with EAP testing he can use either of these methods instead. Copyright 2008 Victor Spektor - 17 -