Seminar French-English Immersion Education · October 28 & 29, 2014 Georgia Institute of Technology...

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Transcript of Seminar French-English Immersion Education · October 28 & 29, 2014 Georgia Institute of Technology...

October 28 & 29 , 2014

G e o r g i a I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y S t u d e n t C e n t e r , L e v e l 2 - C o m m o n s

C r e sc e n t r o o m ( 2 2 0 6 ) 3 5 0 F e r s t D r i v e , N W

At l a n t a , G A 3 0 3 3 2 - 0 4 5 8

Created in 2010 by the French Consulate General and the Georgia Institute of

Technology, “France-Atlanta: Together towards Innovation” is a series of events centered

on innovation and designed to foster cooperation between France and the U.S.

Southeast in the scientific, business, cultural, and humanitarian domains.

It is presented under the high auspices of the Ambassador of France to the United

States, the Governor of Georgia, and the Mayor of Atlanta, with the support of all of the

French and French-American associations in Atlanta.

For its educational segment, France-Atlanta 2014 is proud to partner with educational

state and district representatives from Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina as

well as local educators to present this seminar on French-English immersion education in

the Southeast.

-Welcome and Enjoy the Program-

S e m i n a r

F r e n c h - E n g l i s h I m m e r s i o n

E d u c a t i o n

S e s s i o n s O p e n t o t h e P u b l i c


French-English Immersion Education, why and how?

Time Round Table on the Benefits of French-English Immer sion Education & on

the Conditions to Start a Program / Q&A



10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Opening Remarks: Deputy Cultural Attaché, Consulate General of France

Moderator: Christophe Ippolito, School of Modern Languages in the Ivan Allen College at the Georgia Institute of Technology

Speakers: State Education Agency and University Representatives

-Dr. Joan Lachance

Assistant Professor

College of Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

-Dr. Greg Barfield

Program Specialist: World Languages and Global Initiatives

Georgia Department of Education

-Ann Marie Gunter

World Language Consultant

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

-Helga Fasciano

Special Assistant for Global Education

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

-Ruta Couet

World Languages

South Carolina Department of Education

Crescent Room (2206)

Time A Presentation of the French Dual Immersion Program s in the Southeast




1.30 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. Host: Deputy Cultural Attaché, Consulate General of France

Speakers: District World Language Coordinators

-Mara Cobe

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools-North Carolina

-Rhonda Wells

Dekalb County Schools-Georgia

-Jon Valentine

Gwinnett County Schools-Georgia

-Dawn Samples

Lexington School District One-South-Carolina

Crescent Room (2206)

S e s s i o n s f o r E d u c a t o r s


Resources and Methods for French Immersion Programs at Elementary Levels

Time Presentations and Workshops: Project-Based Learning Approach



8.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Opening Remarks: Deputy Cultural Attaché, Consulate General of France, Atlanta

Presenter: Mme Vanthier

Educational Director

CLA (France)


Enseigner le français langue non maternelle à l’école primaire : quelles pratiques de classe pour une pédagogie active et de projets ?

Un enfant apprend une langue en engageant ses capacités perceptives, émotives, psychomotrices et cognitives. Il a besoin pour cela de situations qui, pour lui, font sens et répondent à ses centres d’intérêt.

À travers des démarches actives et créatives sollicitant plusieurs modes percep-tifs et mettant en œuvre des formes d’intelligences plurielles, nous envisagerons comment fournir aux jeunes apprenants un environnement riche et diversifié répondant à leurs différents styles d’apprentissage et leur permettant de déve-lopper de réelles compétences communicatives orales et écrites en français.

Nous nous interrogerons sur la façon de mettre en œuvre dès les débuts de l’ap-prentissage une pédagogie de projets interdisciplinaires favorisant la participa-tion et la motivation de chacun.


• Alternance de mises en situations, d’analyses de pratiques et de réflexion théorique. Les activités proposées seront envisagées pour différents ni-veaux de développement de l’enfant.

• Une bibliographie/sitographie sera proposée.

• Une participation active de tous sera incontournable !

Crescent Room (2206)

Time Presentations and Workshops: Digital Resources

Host and Moderator: Deputy Cultural Attaché, Consulate General of France


1.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. Presentation of an Online Immersion Curriculum Map


Originally, the only function of the Immersion Curriculum Map was to capture resources created by language immersion teachers in order to create continuity of instruction with a traditionally high overturn of staff. The product, however, evolved into a dynamic, multi-functional tool far beyond its initial purpose. Its streamlined, standards-based format and highly interlinked surface allow for effective organization and navigation. Curricular and linguistic alignment issues are thus easily detected and can be approached systematically. The map pro-vides structures and tools that facilitate collaborative planning. Its consequent “All-In-One”-concept avoids abundant research in multiple websites in the plan-ning process. The Immersion Curriculum Map has become a meta-tool that incorporates all aspects of immersion instruction. A generic template version of the Immersion Curriculum Map is accessible through the North Carolina Depart-ment of Education website. Upon request, it can be cloned to any school with Wikispaces subscription with no charge. Training modules for adminis-trators, facilitators, and teachers are in the process of development.

Presenter: Nuss Bernd, E.E. Waddell Language Academy

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, North Carolina

Crescent Room (2206)

2.45 p.m. - 3.15 p.m.

Use of Digital Books in a French Immersion Elementa ry School


Digital books versus paper books

What is “Reading”?

Why do I use “Reading”?

How do I use it in my practice?

Presenter: Annie Walker, E.E. Waddell Language Academy

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, North Carolina

Crescent Room (2206)

3.15 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. Wrap Up


Final round table on the use of resources in the immersion classroom at elemen-tary levels


Dorie Bermas (Lexington School District One, South Carolina)

Hélène Vanthier

Annie Walker

Crescent room (2206)

S e s s i o n s f o r E d u c a t o r s


Resources and Methods for French Immersion Programs at Elementary Levels

D i r e c t i o n s

P a r k i n g a n d D i n i n g a t G e o r g i a

T e c h

Directions to Student Center and Parking

Driving South on I-75/85 into Atlanta

Take exit 249D (North Avenue). At the top of the exit ramp, turn right onto North Avenue. Cross Techwood Drive (the first light), continue on North Avenue and make a right onto Cher-ry Street just before the next light which is Tech Parkway. Make a left onto Ferst Drive (stop sign). Follow Ferst and turn right into Parking Area #2, the Student Center Visitor Parking Lot. The Student Center will be the building on your right as you are pulling your ticket. The cur-rent rate is $2.00 per hour with a $20.00 maximum charge.

Driving North on I-75/85 into Atlanta

Take exit 249D (Spring Street/West Peachtree). At the top of the exit ramp, proceed through the first intersection (Spring Street). At the next intersection (West Peachtree), turn left. Con-tinue on West Peachtree for approximately one block and turn left on North Avenue. Cross over the interstate and Techwood Drive. Continue on North Avenue and make a right onto Cherry Street just before the next light which is Tech Parkway. Make a left onto Ferst Drive (stop sign). Follow Ferst and turn right into Parking Area #2, the Student Center Visitor Par-king Lot. The Student Center will be the building on your right as you are pulling your ticket. The current rate is $2.00 per hour with a $20.00 maximum charge.


Parking Area

The lots near the Student Center are Area 2 and 3

Get directions here :

Student Center

350 Ferst Drive, NW

Atlanta, GA 30332-0458

Level 2 - Commons, Crescent Room

Room 2206

Get directions here :

We recommand that participants take the Metro ( ) as the current rate for parking on campus is $2.00 per hour with a $20.00 maxi-

mum charge.

-Parking Finder:

Dining Options on Campus

More options:

The French Language Department of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States works to strengthen the pre-sence of French language education in American schools and universities. The department provides training op-portunities for tea-chers including workshops, summer universities, training grants. It also supports initiatives promoting the French language, such as school competitions and festivals, encou-rages French-language immersion classes and promotes the DELF and DALF language diplomas. In addition, the Linguistic and Educational De-partment supports institutional part-

nerships between French Académies and American school districts.

More information:

Get in touch with your contact at the Consulate General of France in Atlan-ta:

A b o u t t h e F r e n c h L a n g u a g e

D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e C u l t u r a l

S e r v i c e s o f t h e F r e n c h E m b a s s y

A b o u t t h e C L A

The CLA de Besançon was founded in 1958. It is one of the first centres to have developed a practi-cal approach to the teaching of foreign languages based on research in linguistics applied to teaching and to have used modern tools and methods: laboratories, communicative methods, indepen-dent study. Today, the CLA, an inte-gral part of the University of Franche-Comté, welcomes nearly 4 000 students every year.

The CLA's missions:

-language teaching : French as a foreign language and nine other foreign languages,

-training of teachers and teacher trainers,

-university research , applied research and development,

-expertise and missions abroad at the request of numerous educative and cultural institutions.

I n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t A t l a n t a


In Midtown:

Attractions -CNN

-Georgia Aquarium

-High Museum of Art

-Atlanta History Center

-Atlanta Beltline

-Botanical Garden

More information:

Useful Websites -Ga Tech:

-Georgia Department of Industry, Tourism, & Trade:

-Metro Atlanta Chamber:

-Marta (Metro):

-Parking finder:

-Atlanta Airport:

B i o g r a p h i e s

Chritophe Ippolito Dr. Christophe Ippolito joined the School of Modern Languages in the Ivan Allen College at the Georgia Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor in 2007. He earned his PhD in French from Columbia University. Ippolito is the author of Narrative Memory in Flaubert’s Works (Lang, 2001), and the editor of Nadia Tuéni’s Lebanon: Poems of Love and War (Syracuse University Press, 2006). He teaches all levels of French language, literature and culture, including courses such as France Today, Paris, Drama Workshop and Advanced Business French.

Joan Lachance Dr. Joan Lachance is an Assistant Professor in Teaching English as a Second Language at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. Lachance completed her doctoral work in Curricu-lum and Instruction, with an emphasis on Urban Education, Literacy, and TESL at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research agenda encompasses dual language teacher prepa-ration, K–12 academic literacy, sheltered instruction, critical pedagogy, as well as teacher educa-tion for culturally and linguistically diverse students in the 21st century.

Greg Barfield Dr. Barfield has 32 years of experience in education having served as a teacher, department chair, and district supervisor. Prior to becoming the Lead Program Specialist for World Lan-guages and Global Initiatives for the Georgia Department of Education, he served as World Lan-guages and ESOL Coordinator for the Fulton County School System. He earned his A.B. and Ed.D. Degrees from the University of Georgia and his M.Ed. Degree from West Georgia College (now the University of West Georgia).

Ann-Marie Gunter Ann-Marie Gunter is the World Language Consultant with the North Carolina Department of Pu-blic Instruction.

Helga Fasciano Helga Fasciano is the Special Assistant for Global Education with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, where she is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the NC State Board of Education's strategic plan for global education. Previously she served as K-12 Programs Section Chief (Arts Education, ESL, Healthful Living, Student Support Services, and World Languages) and as World Languages Consultant. A former teacher of French and Ger-man, Helga Fasciano is involved at the state, national, and international levels in development of curriculum, policy, and standards for teachers and administrators.

Ruta Couet Ruta Couet has been the World Languages specialist for the SC Department of Education since 1994 after having taught English as world language and French in France and the US respective-ly. Passionate about immersion education, she was one the planners of the October 2014 Im-mersion Conference in Salt Lake City representing South Carolina as one of six states in the Flagship – Chinese Acquisition Pipeline (F6CAP) Consortium at Brigham Young University.

Mara Cobe Mara S. Cobe is the World Languages Specialist for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, where she supervises World Language programs in seven languages for a school district with over 145,000 students and approximately 250 World Language teachers. These programs include FLEX, im-mersion, heritage, traditional, AP and IB courses. In addition to years of curriculum development, she has taught French in grades 6-12, and Spanish in grades K-12. Her personal classroom ex-periences have extended beyond traditional secondary World Language instruction to include FLEX and immersion transition courses.

B i o g r a p h i e s

Rhonda Wells Rhonda L. Wells is the DeKalb County School District World Languages Coordinator. She is responsible for facilitating the development of curricular plans which integrate literacy skills, thinking skills, performance-based instruction and resources to support the teaching and learning of world languages. She serves on several leadership committees which support and train new teachers. She coordinates the DeKalb County School District Advanced Placement Program as well as the Governor’s Honors Program for all content areas. In 2010, she facilitated the writing of the Georgia Performance Standards for K-5 World Languages. She has implemented a dual-immersion program at three elementary schools in the district. This year the immersion schools will have students in Kindergarten and first grade.

Jon Valentine Jon Valentine is the Director of Foreign Languages at Gwinnett County Public Schools. He sup-ports proficiency-based teaching and learning of World Languages in elementary, middle and high schools across Gwinnett County. In his position he drives opportunities for college and ca-reer relevance by partnering with international consulates, cultural organizations and global busi-nesses. He also provides support for the new Gwinnett County Schools Dual Language Immer-sion Program in languages deemed vital to the economic develop of Gwinnett County, the State of Georgia and the Southeastern Region.

Dawn Samples Dawn Samples is the World Languages and Partial Immersion Coordinator for Lexington School District One in Lexington, SC. As coordinator since 2004, Mrs. Samples recruits, collaborates and plans for all district WL initiatives. She provides professional development and support for all world language teachers of Chinese, French, Spanish, German, Latin, Russian, and Arabic K-12, including the teachers in her 5 dual immersion sites.

Hélène Vanthier Hélène Vanthier served as a school teacher as well as an instructor for the education de-partment of the University of Franche Comté for thirteen years before joining the CLA (Center for Applied Linguistics) of the University in 2011. At the CLA, she coordinates professional develop-ment programs for teachers. Specialist in the field of Teaching French as a Second Language for children, she carries out consulting missions and contributes to the creation of pedagogical tools for elementary schools. Hélène Vanthier is also the author of Techniques et pratiques de classe (CLE International, 2009) and Zigzag (CLE International, 2011-2012).

Bernd Nuss Born and trained as an elementary teacher in Germany; M. Nuss worked in nine countries in Europe, Latin America, and the USA. He taught mainly in foreign language and language immer-sion programs. Since 2004, M. Nuss works at E.E. Waddell Language Academy, Charlotte, NC. For the last 3 years he has been their immersion facilitator.

Annie Walker Certified elementary French teacher from France and NC, Mrs. Walker taught in France and for the Michelin School in South Carolina. She has been teaching the 2nd grade North Carolina curriculum in French in an Immersion setting at E.E. Waddell Language Academy, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, for 16 years. She develops material to use in a k-2 French Immersion class, including flip-charts for interactive boards, PPP, wiki, and lesson plans. Mrs. Walker also uses Ipads, apps, and websites to teach.

Dorie Bermas Dorie Bermas has 21 years of French teaching experience. Her MA degree is in International Relations from the University of South Carolina, with a focus on Global Education. She also stu-died two years at l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, first as a Rotary Scholar and then as a Fulbright Teaching Assistant. She is certified in French K-12, Early Childhood, and Elementa-ry Education. She has been involved in Lexington School District One’s immersion program since the beginning and now serves on the district immersion leadership team.

Consulate General of France in Atlanta Buckhead Towers at Lenox Square

3399 Peachtree Road NE

Atlanta, GA 30326

P. (404) 495 1682 F. (404) 495 1661

S P O N S O R S A N D P A R T N E R S - T H A N K Y O U -