Selling Your Ideas in the Absence of Authority Elaine Seat, PhD, PE

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Selling Your Ideas in the Absence of Authority Elaine Seat, PhD, PE

Selling Your Ideas in the Absence of Authority

Elaine Seat, PhD, PE


At the end of this session you will:

– Understand how people gain power

– What you can do to influence others

– Get a plan of strategies for starting to get power and influence

Session Outline

• Understanding where power comes from

• Understanding what power and influence are and are not

• Understanding which influence tactics work

• Characteristics/traits/behaviors that work and don’t work

• Getting a plan to improve your own personal influence

What Is Power?Power is the potential to

influence behavior

Power is all about relationships and the dependence between


Why Power Matters

People who have POWER and use it effectively;

- attain desired jobs more quickly

- make more money

- are promoted more quickly

Power and Influence Myths

• Power & Influence are inherently slimy

• Rationality is the best form of influence

• Power stems solely from one’s position

• Involving others & sharing power weakens your own position

• First impressions & good manners are old fashioned

Types of Power

• Expert

• Connection

• Legitimate

• Reward

• Coercive

• Information

• Referent

Influence Tactics

• Ingratiation• Consultation• Exchange• Inspiration• Personal Appeal

• Pressure• Logic (Rational

Persuasion)• Legitimizing• Coalition

Understanding Your Power

Position Personal

Types of Power

Legitimate Reward Coercive Connection Information Expert Referent



Exchange Pressure Coalitions RationalPersuasion








Consequences of Influence Tactics

Tactic (in order of use)Resistance

Outcome %Compliance Outcome %

Commitment Outcome %

Rational Persuasion 47 30 23

Pressure 56 41 3

Personal Appeal 25 33 42

Exchange 24 41 35

Ingratiation 41 28 31

Coalition 53 44 3

Legitimizing 44 56 0

Consultation 18 27 55

Inspirational Appeal 0 10 90

Six Characteristics that Derail

• Insensitive to others, abrasive, intimidating

• Cold, aloof, arrogant

• Betraying Other’s trust

• Overly ambitious, playing politics & always trying to move up

• Unable to delegate or team build

• Over-dependent on others (e.g. a mentor)

Five Qualities for Promotion

• Attractiveness

• Conscientiousness

• Extraordinary Personal Effort

• Personal legitimacy

• Agreeable-ness

Do Looks Really Matter?

Five Skills for Gaining Power

• Introducing Others

• First Impressions

• Being an Expert

• Social Networking

• Build your interpersonal skills

The Spiderweb

The Spiderweb

The Spiderweb

The Spiderweb

The Spiderweb

Social Networking

• Have a positive outlook on asking for help and soliciting support

• Go beyond work and be active in other groups

• Manage the contacts you make

• Be a Friend – support others

The Bottom Line

Having Influence is about:- valuing both emotion and the task- getting to know lots of people- getting your part done well & on time- seeing the world as a place of abundance instead of scarcity- making your engineering know-how be one of a many tools in your toolbox

Getting your own Plan

1. List 3 personal characteristics you have that are a plus with your P&I

2. List 3 personal characteristics you have that hinder your P&I

3. Of the 3 that hinder, which one are you most willing to change?

4. What specifically are you going to do differently? When will you start?

Summary of Key Points

• P&I are what enable to you make a difference

• Relationships and learning the skills to build relationships are important

• You can learn skills that will help you achieve P&I


Selling Your Ideas in the Absence of Authority