Self Talk Abridged

Post on 18-Apr-2015

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Self Talk and Affirmations

Transcript of Self Talk Abridged

Self Talk for Peak Performance

Iʼll have complete confidence in myself.My will to win will be greater than ever.Iʼll have perfect coordination and reaction.Iʼll remain calm and assertive all the time.Iʼll always have the resources to achieve my aims.Iʼll have faith and conviction in my abilities.Iʼll be aggressive, I will be fearless and Iʼll meet any challenge head on. Iʼll be positive about the outcome of every situation I face.

On any high-risk call, I will survive.I’ve succeeded on dangerous calls before.I know the tactics I need.I know how to make the physical and psychological moves I need.I am skilled with my firearms.I can stay focused on what I have to do.I have options for controlling the problem.I can take each call step by step, without rushing.I can breathe deeply to control stress any time I become tense.I can decide not to be afraid.I can defeat any threat against me.I can use deadly force to save my life or the life of someone else.I can survive and keep on going, no matter what, even if I’m hit.

Today I promise myself -To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet. To make all my friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature I meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of myself that I will have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but in great deeds.

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To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side so long as I am true to the best that is in me.

It is the strong man that wins. It is the man with power that scales the heights. To be strong is to be great; and it is the privilege of greatness to satisfy every desire, every aspiration, every need. But strength is not for the few alone; it is for all, and the way to strength is simple. I will proceed this very moment to the mountain tops of the strength I now possess, and whatever may happen I will not come down. I will not weaken under adversity. I resolve to remain as strong, as determined and as highly enthused during the darkest night of adversity as I am during the sunniest day of prosperity. I will not feel disappointed when things seem disappointing. I will keep my eye single upon the same brilliant future regardless of circumstances, conditions or events. I will not lose heart when things go wrong. I will continue undisturbed in my original resolve to make all things go right. I will never be weakened when things are against me and I will grow stronger and stronger until all things will delight to be for me. I will finally have all the strength I may desire or need. I will always be strong and I will always be stronger.

When I think of Myself, I think of my Larger Self, MY Immense Subconscious Self that is limitless in both Power and Possibility.I believe in Myself, not simply in a part of Myself, but in ALL of Me.I give constant recognition to ALL that is in Me and, in that ALL, I have full faith and confidence. I give the Bigger Being on the Inside of Myself the full right of way. I believe thoroughly in My Greater Interior Self. I know that I have something within ME that is greater than any obstacle, circumstance or difficulty that I can possibly meet. In the Full Faith in this Greater Something, I proceed with My Life.

I am organized and in control of my life. I am a winner! I am healthy, energetic, enthusiastic, and I'm going for it! Nothing can stop me now. I like who I am. I am in tune, on top, and in touch. I have determination, drive, and self-belief. I am living the life I choose, and I choose what's right!,I believe in myself. I respect myself and I like who I am. I have made the decision to win in my life and that's what I'm doing

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I Imagine Myself to be RichI Imagine Myself to be SuccessfulI Imagine Myself to be FantasticI Imagine Myself to be in top FormI Imagine Myself to be Healthy and StrongThe mental picture of Myself in Myself is the strongest force within Me.

I have made great progress this year. I am mentally tough.I love the challenge of critical situations. I focus well under pressure.I have the belief that I can do what I am to do. I feel strong.Iʼm a great social climber.Iʼve done this before and itʼs doable.Iʼm definitely not out of this. I will persist.I am strong and have good people around me.I am Calm and focused.

I will be responsible for my life and my actions.I will concentrate all the energy of my body and mind on one specific target at a time.I will develop the ability to remain calm and composed, for even in the worst situations I will find opportunity.I will spend my time wisely, for it is too precious a commodity to waste.I will continually CHALLENGE myself to learn by exposing myself to others with skills greater than my own.I will develop patience in all things, for it is the essential quality of a powerful mind.I will make my capabilities exceed my limitations.

I am invincible, the drive and purpose of the winner flows through my body.There is no limit to my strength, power and quickness.I have more than enough to win every situation.My potential is great - I live with the confidence of the champion… point after point…. situation after situation.Nothing bothers me in the heat of living.I am poised and cool; I am always in control of my actions and reactions. I let go of all the past limitations and mistakes, they are gone….. forever.My enthusiasm and aggressiveness in practice pays off, in each day Iʼll act better, in every way.My moves and reflexes are smooth, quick and sure. I am the winner - each time I compete.I do the thing that is hard to do and the power comes. Over concern and over trying are unnecessary because

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I trust in the power of my subconscious.I am free to take any risk to win in every situation.I possess all the confidence, control and concentration necessary to do my best.My mindʼs energy is clearly focused here and now, nothing distracts me from living life perfectly.The positive expectation of winning feeling is always with me and I always expect to win.I have the power and the courage to successfully live the life I have imagined.I work harder, practice longer and play smarter. My quest is to be the best.

I control whatever it is within my means to control.I work tireless at what I intend to accomplish.I will face life with determination and self assurance. I see only success, any failure is only a feedback to this success. I keep before me all the great things I want to accomplish. I express myself as fully as I can without any limitation, internal or external. I go where I need to go and I do what I need to do without fear of anything. I am satisfied with the person that I am. I do not wish to be anybody else.

I will survive any difficult situation I face.I’ve succeeded on difficult situations before.I know the tactics I need.I know how to make the moves I need.I am skilled and experienced in my abilities.I have the resources I need.I can stay focused on what I have to do.I have options for controlling the problem.I have the power to control the outcome.I can take each situation step by step, without rushing.I can breathe deeply to control stress any time I become tense.I can decide not to be afraid.I can defeat any threat against me.I can use deadly force to save my life or the life of someone else.I can survive and keep on going, no matter what, even if I’m hit.

My confidence is strong and steady. I can deal with everything as it happens. I have no need for substances to boost me up.I have no need to rush or be concerned about my speech. I can talk slowly and clearly. Just as I can take one calm breath after another, I can speak calmly, one articulate syllable at a time. I have no need to stutter.I can work calmly and confidently.

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My mind will not wander. My self-confidence will not be bothered by small mistakes. I can meet all obstacles with confidence.I approach all tasks with a calm focus on the matter at hand. I do not lose my concentration by distractions. I act with discipline and resolve.I listen to and respect my own body. I can present myself to others with respect and dignity. I will listen to and respect others.I can remain calm, relaxed, and composed in any situation.I can dissolve tension and anxiety before it builds.All cravings will pass within 10 minutes. I have the patience to remain calm and to wait.My calmness and patience can result in compassion and understanding. I can get along well with anyone. I will return kindness to any insult.My experience of peace and calm is not threatened by anything outside myself. I have no need for rivals; I have no use for jealousy. I wish good to all persons. There are no “good” days or “bad” days.I can do what needs to be done at all times. I uphold my promises and value my word. In my relaxation, an unlimited source of ideas is available to help me.

I am a magnet for money. Money comes to me easily. I feel abundant. Money is all coming to me. Who I am attracts wealth, financially and emotionally. I enjoy relating to people. My Greatest Self becomes clearer and clearer day by day. My contributions to the world and to my wife become clearer and clearer each day. The person I want to become is becoming clear. I am fully engaged every day. I have unlimited energy. I find new and creative ways to contribute to others. I am enough. I let go of worry and doubt. I focus on my financial goals and I reach them. I am living abundantly. I am successful. I see myself successful with all the many wonderful things I deserve in my life.

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I am standing at the start line.I am calm and focused on what I am about to do. There is a smile playing about my lips. I know I have trained hard and prepared well.And now it's simply a matter of the gun going off and I'll be on my way. I am bursting with confidence and excited about the challenge I am about to take on. I am bold and fearless and I face life with confidence of any outcome.

Iʼll have complete confidence in myself.Iʼll manifest the Highest, I will not be satisfied with less.Iʼll have perfect coordination and reaction.Iʼll remain calm and assertive all the time.Iʼll always have the resources to achieve my aims.Iʼll have faith and conviction in my abilities.Iʼll be aggressive, Iʼll have courage and Iʼll prevail.Iʼll focus on what I need to do.Iʼll be thorough, Iʼll be brutal and Iʼll succeed.Iʼll dedicate, Iʼll commit and Iʼll assert myself.Iʼll find a way or make a way when there are obstacles.Iʼll not be moved by temporary upsets; Iʼll learn from them andIʼll triumph.

Whenever I think or Whenever I feel, Whenever I speak, Whenever I act, or Whatever may be taking place in my life, My supreme idea is that I am above it all, Superior to it all, and have control of it all. I simply take this higher ground in all action, Thought and consciousness and Direct the forces I possess.

I cannot alter external things, nor shape other people to my liking, nor mould the world to my wishes, but I can alter internal things - my desires, passions, thoughts - I can shape my liking to other people, and I can mould the inner world of my own mind in accordance with wisdom, and so reconcile it to the outer world of men and things. The turmoil of the world I cannot avoid, but the disturbances of mind I can overcome. The duties and difficulties of life claim my attention, but I can rise above all anxiety concerning them. Surrounded by noise, I can yet have a quiet mind; involved in responsibilities, my heart can be at rest; in the midst of strife, I can know the abiding peace.

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I see no difficulties only solutionsI see no death but eternal lifeI see no poverty but richesI see no darkness but infinite lightI see no evil but divine goodI see no failures but successI see only that which is GODLYI see only that which is GOODI see only that which is PEACEFULI see only that which is PERFECTI see only that which is DIVINE

I am as capable as anyone else out there.I know with time and effort I can accomplish anything.I am comfortable in front of people and say the right things.I know who I am and I am special.Anyone who meets me will remember how fascinating I am.I can accomplish any task set out before me.I find things out when no clear answer is defined.I am worthwhile, successful, and happy.

I only spend money on what is essential.I constantly seek other ways to make money.I am generous with my money and give back to others.I am confident in my career and I am worth a lot.I am successful in anything I try.I always keep plenty of money on hand.I am able to make money because I am smart and talented.Money helps me do great and wonderful things.

I don't worry about anything.I accept the things I cannot control.I always give my best effort and that is good enough.I am smart, confident, and capable.I seek the best in other people and accept their weaknesses.I love challenges and the gain from overcoming them.I can solve any problem.Anything is possible with a little faith.

I am always cool, calm, and understanding.I always observe before reacting.Being busy means I am important.I am organized and know what I need to do.

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I know where I am going in life.I accept the choices of other people.I am learning and growing.I love to meditate and reflect on life.

I am stronger and more intelligent because of this.I am special, unique, and very important.I do not require the approval of anyone, except myself, to be happy.I love myself for my own uniqueness and value.I am beautiful, both inside and out.I am kind, loving, and smart, and that is who I will be with.I will focus on the awesome opportunities that are ahead.I am industrious and continue to accomplish great things.

I do not worry.I am in full control of my own thoughts.I choose only those thoughts that are positive and productive.My mind searches for the positive in every situation.I am calm, positive, confident and self-assured.My mind is focused and full of good thoughts and ideas.I deliberately choose what I want to think and I only choose thoughts that are healthy, balanced and add to my entire well being.My mind no longer dwells on the negative. Instead, it dwells on the positive in every situation.I am able to relax my mind and I feel comfortable in my body.I always choose the thoughts I want to think.When I find negative thoughts in my mind, I quickly let them go and replace them with positive, truthful, encouraging thoughts.I am determined and persistent and will continue to change my unwanted thoughts to productive, healthy thoughts.I am optimistic about life and I am able to encourage myself when things don't go the way I want or expect.I take care of myself and I only do those things that are healthy for me.I control which thoughts I want to think. No one else has the ability to think for me. I think for myself at all times.I keep my mind busy thinking thoughts that are good, healthy, positive, constructive, and productive.I never have enough time to worry.No thought can stay in my mind without my permission.I am a good problem solver. I focus my mind only on the things I can do something about.I will accept the things that I cannot change.I do not worry. Worry is unproductive and unhealthy and I only do what's best for my mind and body.I focus only on the positive.

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When someone else is worried, I help them by encouraging them and pointing out the positive.I do not accept anyone else's negativity as my own.I always encourage myself by repeating positive truths to myself throughout the day.Worry is an obstacle that I can conquer every time by reinforcing positive truths to myself.I have changed this bad habit to a healthier habit of positive thinking.I no longer worry.

I am safe and secure.Everyday I focus more on the positive and less on the negative.I am exactly where I belong in life.I feel calm and relaxed. When I am calm and relaxed, I can handle any situation.I do not stress over the things I cannot change, instead I accept them.I accept the things that I cannot change. I learn from them.I choose to live in the present moment.I worry less and less about the future and I no longer dwell on the past.I no longer focus on negative things, instead I focus on the positive.When I notice negative thinking in my mind, I quickly replace those thoughts with positive ones.I am calm and relaxed even in stressful situations.When I am feeling stressed, I use my relaxation breathing to relax my mind and body.My body is relaxed and comfortable. I release my muscles from all tension.I choose a positive attitude. Optimism comes naturally for me.I take good care of myself.My mind is focused and full of positive thoughts and ideas.I am able to relax my mind anytime I choose.When stressful situations arise, I will accept and float with it.I am able to encourage myself when things don't go the way I expect or plan.I do not have enough time in the day to worry.I focus my mind on things I can change and let go of the things I can't.I always repeat healthy, positive thoughts to myself throughout the day.When I am calm and relaxed, I am helping to create a healthy mind and body for myself.I feel good when I am calm and relaxed. My brain feels focused and alert.I exercise and eat right. I understand that both of these things contribute to my good health.I am strong, capable and self assured.I am responsible for myself and my life.I make good choices for myself.When negative situations arise, I remind myself "this too shall pass".I can handle anything that comes my way. I am a good problem solver.

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When I am overwhelmed, I will prioritize and only do those things that are most important to me at that time.I no longer worry. Instead, I focus my mind entirely on the here and now.Everyday I feel more and more in control of my feelings and emotions.I enjoy taking care of myself. It makes me feel good inside and out.I choose to stay relaxed and focused no matter what situation I am facing.I am calm, relaxed, safe and secure. My body and mind are strong and capable.Stress is manageable. I will manage the stress in my life in a positive, healthy way.

Depression will not last forever.I am not hopeless or helpless.I can make myself feel better by telling myself the truth with an attitude of optimism.I am okay. I am getting better everyday.I am a wonderful, unique person.I will recover from depression.I no longer accept negative thinking as part of who I am.When I notice negative thoughts coming into my mind, I quickly let these thoughts go and replace them with truthful, positive thoughts.I am a loving and kind person.I have the ability to help others and help myself.I am loved and I am worthy of love.I can ask for help when I need it.It's okay to feel the way I do.I search for the positive in every situation.I enjoy being a positive thinker.Today is a good day. My mind and body are healing.These challenges in life only make me stronger.I am overcoming these challenges.I am peaceful and content.I no longer sabotage my happiness with negative thinking. Instead I think on positive things.Each day I see myself becoming more successful.I give myself permission to be happy and to feel joy inside.I choose to forgive those who have offended me in any way.I see the good around me and the good in other people. I see the good in myself.I am not perfect. Nobody is perfect.I let go of all anger and frustration. I no longer have room for these things in my life.I am in full control of the thoughts I think. I think only those thoughts that are beneficial to me.I am confident and I am getting stronger everyday.I love myself and have compassion for others.I am confident and capable of reaching my goals.

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I enjoy life and the many opportunities before me.I resist all negativity and draw close to things that strengthen and empower me.I think only on those things that promote a healthy mind and body.I take the time to invest in myself and my own happiness.I am human. It's okay to make mistakes. I don't have to be perfect.With each breath I take, I feel more focused than before.Peace and calm fill my mind.I am no afraid of how I am feeling. My feelings will not hurt me.

A panic attack will not hurt me.When I am anxious, I will slow down and accept the way I am feeling.I no longer hurry through anxious situations or feelings.I am able to feel the fear and do it anyways.It is not my surroundings that make me feel the way I do, it is my own self talk that causes anxiety and panic.More than ever, I pay attention to the way I talk to myself.I no longer accept negative thinking as part of who I am.When I notice negative thoughts coming into my mind, I quickly let these thoughts go and replace them with truthful, positive thoughts.I understand that as soon as panic comes, it leaves all by itself.I understand that these feelings cannot hurt me.Panic is distressing but never dangerous.Should I panic or feel anxious, I will remind myself that I am strong and capable.I no longer run from these scary feelings. Instead I accept them for what they are and nothing more.I will not lose control or go crazy. I am in control of myself and the thoughts and choices I want to make.I am choosing to accept how I feel and not run from it anymore.I am okay. I am normal and I am working on building a stronger, more confident self than ever before.If panic comes, I will use my relaxation breathing methods and I will allow it to come and I will not fight it.I accept how I feel no matter what. My feelings will not hurt me.When I am feeling anxious or panicky, I will focus all my energy on the "here and now".I will stay in the present moment and notice everything good around me.I do not care what others may think of me. I am allowed to be me without apology, guilt or shame.Each time I panic and accept it, I am training myself to overcome it.I am proud of myself and my accomplishments, no matter how small.I am calm, positive, confident and self-assured.What I feel in my body when I am anxious are only normal feelings that are exaggerated. They do not mean anything else is wrong or that something bad is going to happen.

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My body is only bluffing me when I am anxious or panicky. I will let go and not fight these feelings.Fighting anxiety and panic will only provoke more anxiety and panic. I no longer fight them but instead I welcome them.I am confident and I am getting stronger everyday.When I notice panic creeping in, I will make my body limp, accept and float with it.I remind myself often that I am okay and doing well. I am healthy and strong.When I notice anxiety or panic, I immediately and deliberately focus all my attention on things outside of myself. I notice others and their own humanity and imperfections. I sympathize with others.I am not losing my mind, anxiety is a liar. That is a fact.I will not entertain "what if" thinking unless it is positive and encouraging for me.I will persevere and do whatever it takes to overcome this anxiety and panic. I take full responsibility for myself and my own recovery.I no longer avoid situations because of the way I am feeling.I have the power to control the thoughts I want to think. I think what I choose to think. If I don't like my thoughts, I can change them.I no longer choose thoughts that are negative or self-defeating. Instead I choose thoughts that are encouraging and helpful to me.I am no longer afraid of anxiety or panic. They will not hurt me.

I will live the rest of my life as if I am a great person.I will live as if my dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen.It doesnʼt matter if I am ten years old or ninety years old, I can still live as if I am great.  Any age is the right age to work on my dreams, and any place is the right place to make them come true.I donʼt know how much time I have left, but in whatever times remains, I will live as if I am great.I will be all that I can be and do all that I can do.  I will find an area of excellence that I can develop and give to the world.  Planet earth will be a better place because I became great in one area.  I can never fail as long as I develop the excellence that I have within.I will live the rest of my life as if I am a great person.

I am what I think about all day long.  Whoever I am, I am that person first in my mind.  Whatever I accomplish, I accomplish it first in my mind.  Whatever I become, I become it first in my mind.The way I use my mind defines what it means to be me.  At the most basic level, I am what I think about all day long.  My mind is the only part of me that can change or that would ever be worth changing.  If I want to change who I am, I must change the collection of thoughts that defines what it means to be me.What I think about is important, because it changes who I am.  When I think positive thoughts, I become a more positive person.  When I think empowering thoughts, I become a stronger person.  When I think resourceful thoughts, my

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life moves in the direction of excellence, and I become a better person.  When I think unlimited thoughts, I realize there is no limit to how good my life can become. I become what I think about all day long.

I am loving and generous.I am a courageous and accepting of my physical experiences, recognizing the soul learning they offer.I am a vessel of light, and bring light to every situation.I love and recognize the divinity in each person I meet. All things are possible.I am happy, creative, abundant and fulfilled.I am strong mentally and physically.I am abundant and prosperous.

The sky is the limit to what I can have.I put all past mistakes and failures behind me; I delightfully look forward to a new day and new opportunities.I am what God says I am, I can do anything He says I can do.I choose to exercise patience as I go along my daily journey.I live one day at a time, I do not worry about the future.I commit adequate time daily to praying and studying the Word of God.I set realistic goals; I write them down and I put a plan of action in place to accomplish them.I choose to set a positive environment for my loved ones, circle of friends and other social environments in which I interact.I remove all limits off myself, for with God, I can excel to a new dimension in my life.I think positive thoughts at all times and I accept the confidence I feel because of it.I love the balance I get from weekly fellowships with my friends.I am inspired because of the great strides Iʼm making in my career.I devote time to myself daily because I know I deserve it.Because I take pride in what I put in my body, I engage in eating 3 healthy meals a day.God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love and of a sound mind.I choose to operate in peace and love.I thrive off of my past failures for they inspire me to succeed.I immediately seize every opportunity and open door as they are presented to me.I refrain from putting unnecessary pressure on myself and do my best in everything I do.I value my relationships and I delight in reaching out a helping hand.I value difficult challenges for they provide opportunities to improve my weaknesses.I accept myself for who I am, and I also accept others for who they are.

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I make wise decisions that are beneficial for me in the present day and in my future.I create balance in my life. I devote adequate time to myself, family, and my career and I keep them all within perspective.I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

I AM the Open Door which no man can shut.I AM the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.I AM the Way.I AM the Truth.I AM the Life.I AM the Resurrection.I AM the Ascension in the Light.I AM the fulfillment of all my needs and requirements of the hour.I AM abundant Supply poured out upon all Life.I AM perfect Sight and Hearing.I AM the manifest Perfection of being.I AM the illimitable Light of God made manifest everywhere.I AM the Light of the Holy of Holies.I AM a son of God.I AM the Light in the holy mountain of God.

I always do everything I need to do, when I needto do it.I never argue or let my emotions work against me.I have a good memory. I easily and automaticallyremember any name or anything that is importantto me.I eat only what I should.I am a good listener. I hear everything that issaid. I am attentive, interested, and aware ofeverything that is going on around me.I have the courage to state my opinions. I takeresponsibility for myself and everything I say and do.I never spend more than I earn. I am financiallyresponsible, both for my present and for my future.I set goals and I follow them. I set my sights, takethe appropriate action, and achieve my goals.I spend time with my family and my loved ones. Ienjoy sharing their lives with mine and my lifewith theirs.

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I do not worry. I am in control of my own thinkingand I think only those thoughts which create and fulfill the best in me.My mind is constantly in tune with the positive. Itis bright, cheerful, enthusiastic, and full of good,positive thoughts and ideas.I am able to relax easily and comfortably in mybody and in my mind. I am calm, confident, andself-assured.My mind is orderly and well-organized. I consciouslychoose what I think and I always choosethose thoughts which are the most positive andbeneficial for me.All of my thoughts create healthiness within me.My mind dwells only on those thoughts whichcreate more harmony, balance, and well-beingwithin me and in the world around me.I automatically, and always, think in a decisiveand determined way.I am full of resolution and the absolute assuranceof the best possible outcome in everything that I do.I choose to look at the world around me in thebright, healthy light of optimism and self-assuranceI do only those things which are best for me. Icreate the best within myself, I attract the best inothers, and I find the best in the world around me.I willingly, and without fail, take care of the dutiesand obligations which I have accepted for myself.I commit only to those responsibilities which Iknow I can fulfill.I focus the attention of my mind only on thosethings that I can do something about. If l cannotaffect it or direct it I accept it.I keep my mind too busy thinking good, healthy,positive, constructive, and productive thoughts toever have any time for worry.I control the thoughts I choose. No thought, atany time, can dwell in my mind without my approvalor permission.I never worry.

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I take full responsibility for everything about me, eventhe thoughts that I think. I am in control ofthe vast resources of my own mind.I alone am responsible for what I do and what Itell myself about me. No one can share thisresponsibility with me.I also allow others to accept their responsibilitiesfor themselves and I do not try to accept theirresponsibilities for them.I enjoy being responsible. It puts me in charge ofbeing me and that's a challenge I enjoy.I allow no one else, at any time, to assume controlor responsibility over my life or over anything thatI do. My responsibility to others is an extension ofmy own responsibility to myself.I choose to leave nothing about me up to chance.When it comes to me and anything in my life, lchoose to CHOOSE!My choices are mine alone to make for myself. Ido not, at any time, allow anyone else to make mychoices for me. And I accept full responsibility forevery choice and decision I make.I always meet all of the obligations which I accept.And I accept no obligations which I will notmeet.I am trustworthy. I can be counted on. I haveaccepted winning responsibility for myself-and Ialways live up to the responsibilities I accept.There is no “they” on whom I lay the blame, or withwhom I share my own personal responsibilities. Ihave learned the great secret of masteringmy own destiny. I have learned that "they" isme!"I have no need to make excuses and no one needsto carry my responsibility for me. I gladly carrymy own weight and I carry it well.Each day I acknowledge and accept the responsibility not only for my own actions but also for myemotions, my thoughts, and my attitudes.I accept the responsibility for living my life in a way which creates my strengths, my happiness,my positive, healthy beliefs, and for my past, mypresent, and my future.

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I really am very special. I like who I am and I feelgood about myself.Although I always work to improve myself and Iget better every day, I like who I am today. Andtomorrow, when I'm even better, I'll like myselfthen, too?It's true that there really is no one else like me inthe entire world. There never was another mebefore, and there will never be another me again.I am unique from the top of my head to thebottom of my feet. In some ways I may look andact and sound like some others but I am notthem. I am me.I wanted to be somebody and now I know I am. Iwould rather be me than anyone else in the world.I like how I feel and I like how I think and I likehow I do things. I approve of me and I approve ofwho I am.I have many beautiful qualities about me. I havetalents and skills and abilities. I even have talentsthat I don't even know about yet. And I amdiscovering new talents inside myself all the time.I am positive. I am confident. I radiate goodthings. If you look closely, you can even see aglow around me.I am full of life. I like life and I'm glad to be alive.I am a very special person, living at a very specialtime. I am intelligent. My mind is quick and alert andclever and fun. I think good thoughts, and mymind makes things work right for me.I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm and vitality. I am exciting and I really enjoy being me.I like to be around other people and other peoplehave to say and know what I have to think.I like to be around me. I smile a lot. I am happy on the inside and I am happy on the outside.I am interested in many things. I appreciate allthe blessings I have, and the things that I learn,and all the things I will learn today and tomorrowand forever just as long as I am.I am warm, sincere, honest, and genuine. I am all of these things and more. And all of these thingsare me. I like who I am, and I'm glad to be me!

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I am organized and in control of my life. I am incontrol of myself, my thoughts, my time, myactions, and my future.I know what to do and when to do it, and I doeverything I need to do, when I need to do it.l program my mind to make the maximum use ofmy time. I am in control of my time and how touse it. I like being organized, efficient, and on topof things. Controlling my time keeps me that way.I never waste time I always "plan" time. Andbecause I plan my time I always have time to dothe things I choose to do.Each day I become more organized and in controlof all areas of my life, at home, at work, in mymind and in my thoughts and in everything I do.l am very well organized. Each night I make a list of things I need to do the next day. I set my priorities and I follow them.I am always on time. I am always right where Ineed to be, exactly when I need to be there. Beingon time is easy for me and the more I control mytime and the more organized I become, the easierit is. I am in control of my feelings, my emotions, my attitudes, and my needs. I control them; they donot control me. I have the winning vote in the outcome of my own actions. And I choose to live my life by choice, notchance. Therefore, I take the time to take control.I have an organized and orderly mind. Because Ithink in an organized way, I conduct my life in anorganized manner.I think in the most positive and productive way atall times and in all things. The way I think is theway I live and I think "right."I am the director of my destiny. I know where I amgoing and I know why I am going there. Myearthly life is in my hands and in my control.I control my goals and the achievement of mygoals. I organize my goals by writing each ofthem down, along with the steps I need to reachthem. One of the reasons for my success is thatmy goals are clearly defined and organized.I am in complete control of what I think and how Ithink. Therefore, I choose to think only those

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thoughts which help me and which are of genuinebenefit to me.

I can do anything I believe I can do! I've got itand every day I get more of it. I have talent, skills,and ability.I set goals and I reach them. I know what I wantout of life. I go after it and I get it.People like me, and I feel good about myself. Ihave a sense of pride in who I am and I believe in myself.Nothing seems to stop me. I have a lot of determination.I turn problems into advantages. I find possibilities in things that other people never give a chance.I have a lot of energy. I am very alive! I enjoy lifeand I can tell it and so can others. I keep myselfup, looking ahead, and liking it.I know that I can accomplish anything I choose,and I refuse to let anything negative hold me backor stand in my way.I am not afraid of anything or anyone. I havestrength, power, conviction, and confidence! Ilike challenges and I meet them head on, face toface, today especially!I am on top of the world and I'm going for it. Ihave a clear picture in my mind of what I want. Ican see it in front of me. I know what I want and Iknow how to get it. I know that it's all up to meand I know I can do it.Roadblocks don't bother me. They just mean thatI am alive and running, and I'm not going tostand still for anything.I trust myself. I have got what it takes--plenty of it andI know how to use it. Today, more than ever.Today I am unstoppable! I've got myself togetherand I'm getting more together every day. Andtoday-look out world, here I come!Limitations? I don't even recognize them as limitations.There is no challenge I can't conquer;there is no wall I can't climb over. There is noproblem I can't defeat or turn around and make itwork for me.I stand tall! I am honest and sincere. I like to dealwith people and they like me. I think well; I think

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clearly. I am organized; I am in control of myself,and everything about me.I call my shots and no one has to call them for me.I never blame anyone else for the circumstancesof my life. I accept my failings and move pastthem as easily as I accept the rewards for myvictories.I never demand perfection of myself, but I expectthe very best of what I have to give--and that'swhat I get!I never give myself excuses. I get things done ontime and in the right way. Today I have the innerstrength to do more than ever.I am an exceptional human being. My goals andmy incredible belief in myself turn my goals into reality. I have the power to live my dreams. I believe in them like I believe in myself. And that belief is so strong that there is nothing that diminishesmy undefeatable spirit.

I start my day in front of a mirror with the following affirmations - I like myself,I am the best,I am Wonderful,I can do it,I will rise above this,I see only a situation not a problem,I see only a challenge to overcome.I see opportunities to take advantage of.I draw to my self the best in all things.I am Rich, I am Abundant,I am Fantastic, I am Wonderful.I feel Good about MYSELF.I am HAPPY, I am GREAT.I am the BEST.I am always CALMI am CLEAR as to what to doEverything is completely under control.

I Believe in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life.I Resolve to be cheerful and pleasant in every situation. I Resist every temptation to respond to a situation negatively. I View disappointment as an opportunity to grow stronger and better.I talk to myself and others about any situation in a positive and optimistic way.I am POSITIVE about my life

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"I Believe I Can Fly"

I used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveI'm leaning on the everlasting arms

If I can see it, then I can do itIf I just believe it, there's nothing to it

[Chorus:]I believe I can flyI believe I can touch the skyI think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly awayI believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can fly

See I was on the verge of breaking downSometimes silence can seem so loudThere are miracles in life I must achieveBut first I know it starts inside of me, oh

If I can see it, then I can be itIf I just believe it, there's nothing to it


Hey, cause I believe in me, oh

If I can see it, then I can do it (I can do it)If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

[Chorus]Hey, if I just spread my wingsI can flyI can flyI can fly, heyIf I just spread my wingsI can fly-eye-eye-eyeHum, fly-eye-eye

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In stillness there is. In stillness is Presence. In stillness I am. In stillness I become.I amI am ʻmeʼItʼs good to be ʻmeʼAll is well with ʻmeʼAll is meI am allI amI loveI love myself because I am.In and of myself, alone, I amI love myselfI believe I am.I am LoveI connect with Universal SourceI connect with GodI connect with LoveI am LoveMy emotions areMy emotions guide meI believe in emotionsEmotions are my true selfEmotions are my inner selfMy inner self is emotionI trust my inner selfMy inner self isInner self is true selfI hear my true selfI listen to emotionI listen to inner selfI heal my inner self

Energy isI am energyGod is EnergyGod is SourceI tap energy through beingI tap GodI amI am aware

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I seeI see because I amI see because I am presentI see when I amI see when stillness surrounds meI see

Look at my body. You will see the entire universe there. And all are part of the same, which is ME.Energy isEnergy is my bodyMy body is energyMy body isMy body is emotionMy body is meI am my bodyI amThe Universe isThe Universe is my bodyThe Universe is GodGod whispersEnergy whispersMy body whispersI am awareI feel my bodyI am my body

God speaksEnergy speaksMy body speaksI hearI listenMy body speaksMy body is emotionI am awareI hear my bodyMy body is myselfMy body is meMy body is EnergyEnergy is my bodyEnergy is GodEnergy isMy center is my coreMy core is my being

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My core is the center of my beingMy being is centeredI am centeredI am wholeMovement is EnergyEnergy is my bodyMovement is my bodyMovement is perceptionPerception is healingMovement is healingI moveI perceiveI healI am healedI am healingI am one with my bodyI am my bodyMy body, mind and soul are OneI am OneI am One with GodI am One with Godʼs ImageMy image is of God

Stillness isStillness is waitingI silence my mindI am mindful of stillnessI am mindful of thoughtsI am mindful of soundsI am mindful of Energy I am mindful of PresenceI am mindfulI am PresentI am ToleranceI am PeaceI am JoyI am LoveI radiate EnergyI radiate FlowI radiate HealthI radiate Unlimited Potential I radiate LoveFeelingBeingBelief

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FeelingEnergySourceGodFeeling BeingBecoming

Affirmations 1

1. There's only God. All seeming else is a lie.2. I will have faith and conviction in whatever I do and I will succeed.3. Gods unlimited good will be done.4 This too will pass away.  Everything passes away except God. God alone is    sufficient.5. Divine God working through me now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete.6. If God be for me who can be against me.7. It's  the Fathers will to give his kingdom. The kingdom of God is within    me.8. I am positive about the outcome of every situation I face for God is in     absolute control.9. Nothing is too good to be true.10. To God all things are possible. All things are possible to those who       can believe.  11. Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. Everything passes      away except God. God alone is sufficient.12. I can do all things through God which strengthens me. I am strong in the      Lord and in the Power of his Might.13. My faith will accomplish anything and everything I wish to accomplish.14. I reside in the peace and quiet of an All Powerful Inner Strength.15. Not in an entire forgetfulness and not in utter nakedness but trailing cloud      of glory do I come from God who is my home.17. Fear not I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God.18. I will remember the Lord Jehovah He it is that gives me Power to acquire      wealth.19. The Lord shall be for me an everlasting light and the days of my mourning shall be ended.21. He gives power to the faint and to them that have no might he increases strength.22. The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the      strength of my life of whom shall be afraid?23. By your grace I remember my light and now gone is my delusion. My      doubts are no more my faith is firm. And now I can say Your will be done

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23. Today I look forward to a happy and  fulfilling life.24. I am convinced of a constant availability of power in and around me. This power is God.25. I am at Peace with myself as I make peace with my world.26. Peace be still, My Peace I give you.27. The Gods having given me life also gives me the means with which to      live it and to live it more prosperously and more abundantly.28. I believe in my self. I believe in my God-given powers and abilities.29. I am a child of God. I am a child of God. My soul lives in paradise, I am a  child of God.30. This is the Lords doing. It is marvelous in my eyes. This is the day the Lord gives. I will be glad and rejoice in it.31. There is nothing to be afraid of nor is there anything to be worried about. God is here and all will be well.32. I believe I am divinely guided. I believe God gives a way when there is no way.33. I am pure I am pure, I am pure. My purity is the purity of the divinity of the Holy Temple. Therefore evil shall never befall me here on earth because I even I know the laws of God which is God.34. To succeed I think of only success. I know that I cannot fail. My mind      refuses to consider the possibility of failure.35. Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is       risen upon you.36. I am not afraid of living nor am I afraid of dying. I am not afraid of the angels of heaven nor am I afraid of the angels of hell. I am not afraid of success nor am I afraid of failure. I am not afraid of this world nor the next world. I am not afraid of man nor am I afraid of beast.37. God is my refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble. Therefore will I not fear though the Earth be removed though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.38. Of course I believe in myself. I am the best. I am wonderful, I am brilliant, I      am smart, I am successful, I am rich and abundant. I am positive. I feel so      good about myself. I am no. 1, the one and only Sam Brefo. Mr Wonderful, Mr Assertive, Mr Positive.39. My thoughts are thoughts of peace. My thoughts are thoughts of goodness. My thoughts are thoughts of power. My thoughts are thoughts of abundance. My thoughts are thoughts of wisdom. My thoughts are thoughts of joy. My thoughts are thoughts of greatness. My thoughts are thoughts of peace. I am relaxed, I am composed and I am ready for constructive action.40. Everything is working out brilliantly in accordance with divine plan for me.41. It's a piece of cake. It's not difficult at all. It's just my mind playing games    with me. Nothing is going wrong. Everything is working out brilliantly.42. If it takes prayer, I will pray. If it takes understanding, I will understand. If it

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    takes strength, I will use my strength. If takes hard work, I will work hard. If it takes faith, I will believe. There's nothing beyond the spirit in me. 

Affirmations 2

1. I will be what I will to be. I "can" and I "will" be Free.

2. Locked up in my soul is All-Power,-- All-Wisdom,-- All-Love. My first, last and only mission in life is to give Explicit Expression to the Soul-Force--the All-Go(o)d--implicit in my being. I live for Self-Perfection.

3. I yield to no external agencies . . . be they human or non-human. He that fights for me is Within me and he is strength itself. My inner nature is a battery of irresistible force.

4. By the way of nothing I resolve to realize the Parambramhan--the Supreme Self--the Absolute, who alone exists away beyond Time and Space; beyond Cause and Effect, beyond Light and Darkness; beyond all relative manifestation.

5. I renounce all thirst for Life on Earth or in Heaven. I resolve to be cold to Pleasure and to be calm to Pain. I am "Desire-Free."

6. Henceforth I obey no Law, man-made or God-made, but what is sanctioned by my own highest Intuition and Inner Judgment. I am a Disembodied Spirit working, living and breathing for all that is related to me by Spiritual Affinity. I care little for this world with its thousand-cloven tongues of gratis advice, praise and censure. I can but obey my polarity. I want nothing. I seek Strength in Chastity. I seek Wisdom in the Silence of my own heart, which is assuredly the Seat of Divinity and the Fountain of all Virtue and Goodness.

7. I dedicate myself--body, soul and spirit to the service of the "Great Orphan"--humanity. I worship God by serving Man.

8. I resolve in this life, so to train myself, that I shall be a tremendous centre of Spiritual Force. My entire personality must reflect Divine Splendour. It must be a living and powerful lever to Uplift, Ennoble

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and Purify all such as come into contact with me. I am a Spiritual Exemplar of greatness.

9. I strive for the Christ-Life, the Buddha-Life, and the Great-Lives whose touch has brought me Light of Knowledge.

10. I resolve to be serious, devoted and constant in my principles every moment of my life, awake or asleep; at work or at rest; in society or in solitude; in joy or in grief; in praise or in blame; in earth-life or. hereafter. I am determined that nought shall shake my purpose, which is unalterably fixed. By the sword of Knowledge I will cut asunder and dispel all fear, within and without.

11. I resolve to be Fearless. I deny the Power of anything, within or outside of my physical form, to weaken me. I am resolved that my nerves shall be steady and obey my mandates.

12. I resolve to be Pure and perfectly Chaste, Clean, Contented, and studious. I shall by force of my Will-Power crush and starve out all sensual and unclean thoughts; and conquer, most thoroughly, "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life." I am the embodiment of Continence.

13. I resolve to live above the animal stage, above the merely human stage, above all, as far as possible, that pertains to either or both. I resolve to live the Divine Life--which is not only superhuman but is above it.

14. I resolve to master my mind and body. The education of the Will and the Expansion of my spiritual Stature is the aim of my existence, since what appear to be trials beyond the endurance of common humanity can have no terrors for the Expanded Intellect of the Yogi. The dawn of Spiritual Greatness heralds the death of Pain. Pain fructifies in the soil of Ignorance.

15. I resolve to thoroughly master all the principles of Spiritual Unfoldment and to spare no pains for the acquirement of right Knowledge; since the emotion that is a constant impulsion to noble living and lofty aspirations is baffled in its efforts and becomes a source of Pain unendurable, when the Clear Light of the Intellect does not shine upon the Path.

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16. I resolve to mount guard over Speech, Thought and Action, lest by recklessness or I should, in any way, however slightly, sully myself Spiritually and thus give myself cause for self-condemnation. I resolve to put Emotion under the yoke of Reason.

17. I resolve to be Gentle, Quiet and Loving to others. My bearing towards others shall be one of perfect sweetness. I radiate the Supreme Power--the Love-Force--the Expansion of which shall be my constant endeavour and a source of all-bliss to mankind.

18. I resolve to be a staunch upholder of the Great Law of Compassion and Non-injury. From me there can be no danger to anything or anybody. I wish everyone perfect Soul-Bliss.

19.I resolve to hold myself ever Calm and Serene. I can never be a slave to worry, anger or any other emotional disturbance, I am Master everywhere and always, over everything and all conditions.

20. I am independent of the body and use same as an instrument. I am and have Eternal Life. I am a Soul indestructible and have a body. I am one with All. I am the All.

Affirmation 3

1. Today I learn to enter more fully into my divine companionship. I speak my word of good, knowing that it will not return unto me void because it bears the peace and joy and perfection that is of God. I rightly accomplish and prosper as I persistently keep my desires in accord with God's nature.

2. I now permit the Spirit within me to express Itself in freedom, bringing increased joy and harmony into my experience. I allow the divine wholeness to flow through me into ever-widening fields of activity bringing peace where there was confusion, joy where there was discord. Order, the law of God, reigns supreme in my life.

3. I silence my turbulent thoughts and direct my attention to the acceptance of God's perfect action in my experience. As I do so, all power is delivered unto me, and this I use for my own and everyone's good.

4. My body is the temple of the living Spirit. It is spiritual substance now. Every part of my body is in harmony with the living Spirit within me. The life of this

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Spirit flows through every atom of my being, vitalizing, invigorating, and renewing every part of my physical body.

5. There is a pattern of perfection at the center of my being which is now operating through every organ, function, action, and reaction. My body is forever renewed by the Spirit, and I am now made vigorous and whole.

6. The life of the Spirit is my life, and its strength is my strength. I am born of the Spirit. I am in the Spirit. I am the Spirit made manifest.

7. Today I accept God's gift of abundance. Today everything that I am and have is increased by it. I identify everything I do with success. I think affirmatively, and in all my prayers I accept abundance. Whatever I need, whenever I need it, wherever I need it, for as long as I need it, will always be at hand.

8. I no longer see negation or delay or stagnation in my undertakings but, rather, claim that the action of the living Spirit prospers everything I do, increases every good I possess, and brings success to me and everyone I meet.9. Everything I think about and do is animated by the divine presence, sustained by the infinite power, and multiplied by the divine goodness.

10. I now allow the divine wholeness to flow through me in ever-widening circles of activity. Every sense of limitation melts away, and every good I have experienced is now increased. Every joy that has come into my life is multiplied, and there is a new influx of inspiration into my thought. I see more clearly than ever before that my divine birthright is freedom, joy, and the experience of good.

11. The Divine is not limited, so as a creation of the Divine, I let go of all restricting ideas. Knowing that life gives according to my faith, I lift my thought, I elevate my faith. I accept the divine presence as now bountifully expressing as peace and harmony in my life.

12. I am one with God. Nothing can separate me from the Spirit within. With complete faith in Its presence and power, I know that all that I am and do is the divine presence expressing itself through me.

13. I now speak my word of health for my body, my feelings, and my thoughts, knowing that the Spirit within is the power which brings this wholeness into complete being. I speak the word of joy, and the Spirit within frees me from loneliness and sadness. The thoughts I think and the words I speak are brought to pass because it is God speaking them through me.

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14. Today I affirm that all my thoughts are formulated in the divine Mind; all of my actions are sustained by the infinite energy; all the power there is and all the presence there is is right where I am. I now open the channels of my thought to the influx of this divine presence which is doing something unique and different through me. I sense its impact on my thought and imagination. I see it operating through all my actions. There is that within me which doeth all things well. As I now surrender myself completely to that one power, that one all-knowing Mind, that one presence, I become a channel for Its successful expression and achievement.

15. My mind is centered in Infinite Intelligence that knows my good. I am one with the creative power that is materializing all my desires.I have enough time, energy, wisdom and money to accomplish all my desires.I'm always in the right place at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activity.

16. Money is my friend. I have plenty of money.My infinite life stream has the ability to heal every cell in my body.I daily make valuable contributions to the aliveness of myself, to others and to humanity. Everything works out more exquisitely than I'd planned.Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.

Positive Self-Talk

One of the most powerful influences on your attitude and personality is what you say to yourself. It is not what happens to you, but how you respond internally to what happens to you, that determine your thoughts, feelings, and your actions. By controlling your inner dialogue, or your “self talk,” you can begin to assert control over every part of your life.

Your self-talk determines the majority of your emotional life. This is because, the words that you use to describe what is happening to you, and how you feel about external events, will trigger the emotions of happiness or unhappiness that you experience. When you see things positively and you look for the good in every situation and in each person, you will become a very positive and optimistic person.

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Since the quality of your life is determined by how you feel moment to moment, you should make it a habit to only think and talk about what you want and keep your mind off of what you don’t want.

You are constantly faced with challenges, difficulties, and problems every day of your life. They are unavoidable and one of the inevitable parts of being human. But as you draw upon your resources to respond effectively to each challenge, you grow and become a stronger person.

When you look back over your life, you’ll see that you are the kind of person that you are because of all the difficulties and problems that you have had to overcome in your life. Without those setbacks, you could not have learned what you needed to know to develop the character and strength that you have at this point in your life.

Much of your ability to succeed comes from the way you deal with life. Having a positive mental attitude is indispensable for success and happiness. It is the key to success in business, and it is vital to building strong relationships with other people. Everyone wants to be around a positive person with a cheerful attitude towards life. But no one wants to be around a negative person who is always pessimistic about everything. Your ability to develop and maintain a positive mental attitude, no matter what the situation may be, will play a critical role in any success you achieve.

One of the best ways to define a positive mental attitude is having “a constructive and positive response to adversity.” It is only when you are confronted with a setback or adversity that you really know if you have a positive attitude or not. Anyone can be positive when things are going well. It is only when things are going against you, that you are able to demonstrate to yourself and others, that you have a positive character and personality.

One of the common characteristics of all high achieving men and women is that they recognize the inevitability of temporary setbacks and disappointments. They accept them as a normal and natural part of their life. They do everything possible to avoid problems, but when they come up; successful people learn from them and rise above them. They continue to move forward towards their goals.

Optimistic people develop the habit of talking to themselves in constructive ways. Whenever they experience adversity of any kind, they immediately describe it to themselves in such a way that it looses its ability to trigger negative emotions. They are able to exert a sense of control by how they describe any event or situation to themselves.

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There is a natural tendency in all of us to react emotionally when our expectations are frustrated in any way. When something we wanted and hoped for fails to materialize, we feel a temporary sense of disappointment and unhappiness. We feel hurt and disillusioned. We react just as though we had been punched in the “emotional solar plexus.”

A person who is positive and optimistic is resilient and bounces back fast when he or she encounters a problem or setback of any kind. He or she responds quickly to an adverse event and interprets it as being temporary and only external. An optimistic person takes full control of his or her inner dialogue and counters any negative feelings by immediately reframing the event so that appears positive in some way.

Since your mind can hold only one thought at a time, either positive or negative, if you deliberately choose the positive thought to dwell upon, you keep your mind optimistic and your emotions positive. Since your thoughts and feelings determine you actions, if you keep your words and thoughts positive, you will automatically be a more positive person and move more rapidly toward your goals.

It all comes down to the way you talk to yourself on a daily basis. When a problem or difficulty comes up you must learn to change your language from negative to positive. For example, you should learn to use the word situation instead of problem. A problem is something you wrestle and struggle with. It represents a potential loss and difficultly. A situation, on the other hand, is just something that you deal with. The event is the same. But the way you interpret the event to yourself is what makes it sound and appear completely different.

An even better word to substitute for problem is the word challenge. When you are faced with a difficulty of any kind, instead of saying, “I have a problem,” you should say, “I have an interesting challenge facing me.” The word challenge is inherently positive. It is something that you rise to and that makes you stronger. It is again the same situation, only the word that you are using to describe it is different. As a result, your emotional response will be different as well.

The best of all possible words for any event or situation is the word opportunity. When you are faced with a difficulty of any kind, instead of saying, “I have a problem,” you should say, “I am faced with an unexpected opportunity.” Within ever difficulty or problem, there lies the seed of an equal or greater opportunity or benefit. If you focus your attention on finding out what the valuable lesson is, you will always find it.

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You should start your day in front of a mirror saying affirmations, such as “I like myself,” “I am the best,” and “I can do it.” These are personal and positive affirmations that will build your levels of self confidence and self-esteem. You should say these affirmations out loud in front of a mirror at least 50 times a day. By doing this, you will be driving these new positive thoughts deep into your subconscious.

When you first begin to do this, you’ll feel kind of funny doing it, only because your mind over many years has been programmed with so much negativity that it will take time to reprogram your mind with these new positive affirmations.

The hallmark of the truly successful and happy person is the ability to be objective and unemotional when caught up in the inevitable storms of daily life. The high achieving individual has the ability to continue talking to himself or herself in a positive and optimistic way no matter what the situation is. They are always calm, clear, and completely under control. As a result, they are able to exert a far greater sense of control and influence over their environment, and are less likely to be angry, upset, or distracted by problems or difficulties.

The starting point of becoming a more positive person is to monitor and control your self-talk every minute of the day. Keep your thoughts and words positive and consistent with your goals. Keep your mind focused on what you want and on becoming the person you want to be.

Remember that it is impossible to learn, grow and become successful without adversity and difficulties. You must rise above them in order to become a better person. So, welcome each difficulty as a learning experience and look into the situation to find something good or beneficial in it.

Always, keep your thoughts on your future and on your goals. Constantly think about the person you want to become. When things go wrong temporarily, respond by saying to yourself, “I believe in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life.” Resolve to be cheerful and pleasant in every situation. Resist every temptation to respond to a situation negatively. View disappointment as an opportunity to grow stronger, and talk to yourself and others about it in a positive and optimistic way.

When you practice positive self-talk, and keep your words and your mental pictures consistent with your goals, nothing can stop you from being the success you are meant to be.

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Science of Mind video

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