Self management self-talk-first_aid_kit

Post on 18-May-2015

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Self-Talk First Aid Kit

Self-Talk First Aid Kit

Reprogramming or visualizing to change your self-talk are in-depth, systematic, disciplined procedures that take time.

Self-Talk First Aid Kit

The Self-Talk First Aid Kit includes six quick “catching yourself” tools that are temporary ways to adjust your self-talk in the moment.

Self-Talk First Aid Kit

The Self-Talk First Aid Kit is a supplement to reprogramming and visualizing.

Switching Channels

Switching Channels

Switch channels when you find yourself focusing too much on the negative.

Switching Channels

Imagine your mind as a TV set and choose to focus on a more self-supporting, self-motivating, constructive channel.

Switching Channels

Your mood focus is a personal choice.



Take the definition of a particular situation and reframe it with another meaning.


Focus on promise, potential, the positive and possibilities that motivate you.


Choose a meaning that is useful to you, that motivates you, that works for you instead of against you.

Camera Check

Camera Check

Use when you catch yourself slipping into trash-talk that is “all-or-nothing” thinking.

Camera Check

This kind of exaggerated, globalized, untrue language causes emotional upset and de-motivation.

Camera Check

Imagine your mind like a camera and ask yourself, “Would a video camera see and hear this?”

Jumping to Conclusions

Jumping to conclusions is a subset of this kind of unrealistic thinking.

Jumping to Conclusions

Instead of making a mountain out of a molehill, use the camera check image to just describe the mountain or the molehill.

Fire Your Critical Parent

Fire Your Critical Parent

Your critical parent is the voice in your mind that puts you down.

Fire Your Critical Parent

Avoid beating yourself up, threatening yourself and name-calling.

Fire Your Critical Parent

You do have an “inner child” inside of yourself that is a vulnerable, fragile part of yourself.

Fire Your Critical Parent

Avoid discouraging and de-motivating language.

Fire Your Critical Parent

Find that kinder and gentler parent inside of yourself.

Stay in the Present

Stay in the Present

Focus and be self-motivated.

Stay in the Present

Stay in the present when you find yourself stuck obsessing about the past or worrying about the future.

Stay in the Present

Catch yourself and switch channels to the present moment, because that’s where performance excels.

Stay in the Present

Peak performance occurs in the present, not in the future nor in the past.

Stay in the Present

Be aware of the present and believe that you can change it and then do it.

Keep Perspective

Keep Perspective

Keep Perspective through:

1. A balanced life

Keep Perspective

Keep Perspective through:

1. A balanced life

2. Remembering your blessings

Keep Perspective

Keep Perspective through:

1. A balanced life

2. Remembering your blessings

3. A sense of purpose

Keep Perspective

Keep Perspective through:

1. A balanced life

2. Remembering your blessings

3. A sense of purpose

4. A sense of humor

Balanced Life

Remember the importance of friends, family and community.

Remember Your Blessings

Remembering your blessings like your health, a great job and your family can serve as an instant antidote to a negative focus.

Sense of Purpose

When you’re de-motivated, off track, off course or feeling down, you can snap back by remembering your sense of purpose—your vision, your life meaning.

Sense of Humor

Maintain a healthy sense of humor.

Sense of Humor

Laughter enhances the immune system and increases motivation, productivity and performance.

Where to Start

Where to Start

First, take yourself off automatic and eliminate trash-talking.

Where to Start

Secondly, believe you can change your self-talk.

Where to Start

Thirdly, choose specific strategies from the Self-Talk First Aid Kit.

Where to Start

Choose the strategies that work for you and that you’re comfortable with.

Where to Start

Find the strategies that fit you and that you’re at ease with.

Where to Start

Cut yourself some slack. If you blow it, be patient with yourself.

Where to Start

Changing your self-talk isn’t an overnight affair. It takes time.

Self-Talk First Aid Kit