Self image Aug19f

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Transcript of Self image Aug19f

Self Image and Performance

UWECI August, 2013

Quick Introductions This is a Safe Place to Talk, we display mutual respect What's your name? What would you like to tell us about yourself?

Work, School, Family, Passionate Interests, whatever!

I love to see people Flourish!

Talking Points

This advice from Simon Sinek is to Start with Why

And Dan Pink's To Sell is Human – our inherent need to communicate and persuade

I would earnestly like to motivate you - - to get all that you want out of life

Starting Today!

What does Success look Like to you?

Talking Points

For One Person, Success might be

Popping Cork, Icy Cold, Sparkling, Bubbly Champagne, Cameras “Job Well Done!”

For Another, it might be

The patter of little feet, leap to your arms, smiles, Shining eyes “Mommy, Daddy, You're Home!”

Whatever your vision of success,do you ever feel that you're NOT getting enough of it?

Talking Points

Few people will tell you that they experience “Too Much Success”

You ask “How's Life?' You get “OK” “Fine” “Not too bad”

However, If you would like to experience a BIGGER HELPINGOf WHATEVER your Vision of Success might be

I'm going to tell you 3 THINGS you can do to make it happen

What does it cost you to settle for less?

Talking points

Too many people settle for so much less “Aliveness” in their life

The News is filled with observations of these things in our society

How many of us know people - who are angry, frustrated?- struggling with money?

Estimates 1 in 10 in US – suffer from depression Could There be Something Better?

What about Something Else?




Talking points

If you only remember1 thing from today, - make it these 3 words

- talked to scores of people - read dozens of books - watched a hundred programs and videos

Everybody wants some combinations & degree of these 3 things

- What do I mean by my buzzword 'Skinny'?(Physical Vitality!) - by buzzword Rich? (Adequate or Abundant, your choice!) - by Happy? (In every dimension of fulfillment you need!)

However you define these PERSONALLY, let's get you MORE

About now I hope you're thinking

“Yes, I deserve More of that!”

Skinny Rich and Happy!

Talking points

Sinek said too many leaders manipulate people to motivate them.

But we both know how much more effective it can be to - INSPIRE someone in order to motivate them!

Are you inspired to whet your “Appetite of Aspiration” for the Things you sincerely care about?

I Said there were 3 things, So #1 “Describe Success”

Talking points

Write out SUCCESS for yourself (welcome to use the cards)

- Be vivid, emotional

Spend Time

Ask yourself “What is my purpose?” “What would it look like for me to Self Actualize?”


Do these apply? Health? Finance? Happiness?

#2 Listen to how you talk to yourself ….

and Change it!

Talking points – rubber bands

Listen to your Self Talk in your Thoughts and in your actual Words

Modify your Self Talk – Nurturing – Positive – Encouraging

Choose words to Describe the CHANGE you want, the SUCCESS

That OLD Self Talk - keeps you stuck where you are today– gets you too little out of life

Why live your life in chains never knowing you HAVE the KEY?

#3 Open your mind to “Possible”

And to all the “Possible Combinations”

Talking points

More money? Need a better job? Need training first?Begin to put together the pieces, the steps you need.

EX. I need both time and money, what if I cut out cable TV?

Could I avail myself of - a coach? - a counselor? - advice? - books? - videos? - listen more? - ask for help?

Be a better parent through “Attitude Adjustment” - parent's not necessarily the children's! Examples


Frames of Reference

and the Word Trap

Talking points

The power of our WORDS! Give me 2 unrelated 'nouns'Frames; 'same, similar', 'If-Then', 'Before-After', 'near-far''bigger-smaller', 'I focused – You focused'

We all have painful experience, wrapped in words, - and closely related to other words

Supressing thought doesn't work....,

A man may choose not to stop and watch a sunset because......

Don't you deserve Success and Happiness?

Skinny Rich And Happy is just my Bumper Sticker

Define Yours and Start to Claim it by- Thinking seriously about your purpose and goals- Pay attention to your Self Talk, use Affirmations- Open your mind and plan with greater possibilities

Talking points

I do this because I want people to have the happiness and Success That is within their reach

Write down your most earnestly felt ASPIRATIONSMonitor your words and change them deliberatelyOpen and expand your mind to what is Possible - What Resources are out there waiting for you?

And this is a gift you can give others...

- improved speaking in the home

-improved speaking in the workplace

Change your talk Change your thought Change your life

Change the world you live in!

An easy guide, filled with examples and great practical guidance

Recommended Format for Affirmations Speak of the future in the present Belief is key, most of us are far more capable than we believe we are You move toward the strongest vision in your mind so affirmations are deliberately programming your thoughts toward the future you want I love a full life of satisfying food and abundant activity because it makes my body feel so good every day - Skinny I feel confident and assured about my future as I thoughtfully and wisely manage all of my financial resources - Rich I nurture and develop my relationships with everyone I know and meet because it makes me feel vibrant and alive - Happy

Read/Speak/Listen + Visualize Vividly + Experience the Emotions