Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i

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  • 7/25/2019 Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i


    Selection and Uses of OutcomeMeasures in Stroke Rehabilitation

    Research & Practice

    BYAshiru Hamza MuhammadPT, MMedPH,MNSP, MMPHC.

    PhD Research Student

    Center for Population Health

    Dept. of Social & Preventive MedicineFaculty of Medicine

    niversity of Malaya, Malaysia

  • 7/25/2019 Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i



    Issues Incorporating the concept of ICF

    Psychometric Properties

    Type of Outcome Measures

    Purpose of Measurement

    Methods of Data Acquisition

    Most commonly used tro!e Outcome

    Measures "ses of Outcome Measures

  • 7/25/2019 Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i


    Issues tro!e is a ma#or Pu$lic %ealth issue

    &ndcommonest cause of death and the ma#or cause of chronic

    disa$ility Impact can $e de'astating( lea'ing a person )ith residual

    impairment of physical( psychological( and social functions

    *ength of time to reco'ery depends on stro!e se'erity

    Assessment of reco'ery in indi'iduals after stro!e is important for

    $oth clinical practice and research But selecting outcome measures is a di+cult process

    Due to the 'arious aetiologies of stro!e( heterogeneity of symptoms('aria$ility in se'erity( and the possi$ility of spontaneous reco'ery

    after stro!e

    Despite comple,ities( se'eral strategies can facilitate the selectionin clinical trial research and practice-

    American Heart Association. 2001 heart and stroke statistical update. Dallas, TX, 2000.

    Carod-Artal J and et al (2000. !"ualit# o$ %i$e Amon& 'troke 'uriors )aluated 1 *ear A$ter 'troke + )perience o$ a 'troke nit.!

    Journal o$ the American Heart Association ('troke !"+ 2/-000.oerts %, Counsell C. Assessment o$ clinical outcomes in acute stroke trials. 'troke 1342+35 61

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    The IC!International Classi"cation of unctionin#$ Health &


    Body Functions Activity Participation

    Health Condition

    (disorder / disease)

    Environmental factors Personal factors

    & Structure

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    In the conte,t of health/

    Im(airments are pro$lems in $odyfunction or structure such as a signi.cant

    de'iation or loss

    Acti)it limitations are di+culties anindi'idual may ha'e in e,ecuting acti'ities

    Partici(ation restrictions are pro$lemsan indi'idual may e,perience inin'ol'ement in life situations-

  • 7/25/2019 Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i


    %isabilit &


    Body Functions Activity Participation

    Health Condition

    (disorder / disease)

    Environmental factors Personal factors

    & Structure




    0ducation!ills training0mpo)erment

    Ad'ocacyBuilding rampsA)areness raisingChanging attitudes

  • 7/25/2019 Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i


    Psychometric properties Critical to the selection of any outcome measure

    The essential psychometric properties are relia$ility('alidity( responsi'eness( and sensi$ility-

    1alidity 1alidity is the a$ility of an instrument to measure )hat it

    is intended to and presumed to measure-

    Many types of 'alidity are referred to in the literature(such as face( content( discriminati'e( con'ergent(predicti'e( and criterion-

    Of these( the most important are criterion and predicti'e

    'alidity- Criterion alidit#refers to the performance of the

    instrument against an e,ternal gold standard or theactual outcome that the test )as de'eloped to assess-

    Heit7mann CA, 8aplan 9. Assessment o$ methods $or measurin& social support. Health :s#chol 134;+;/610.

    'alter 8, Jutai JC, ?itensk# J. @ssues $or selection o$ outcome measures in stroke rehailitation+ @C= od#$unctions. Disail ehail 200/42;+11620;

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    :redictie alidit#is a form of criterion 'alidity and isthe degree to )hich a test can predict ho) )ell anindi'idual )ill do in a future situation-

    Reliabilit This is the e,tent to )hich a score is free of random

    error such that measurements for the same indi'idualon independent occasions or $y di3erent o$ser'ersproduce compara$le or appro,imate results

    There are three $asic )ays to e'aluate the relia$ilityof a gi'en instrument/ internal consistency( interraterrelia$ility( and test4retest relia$ility

    'alter 8, Jutai JC, ?itensk# J, ?a#le# 9. @ssues $or selection o$ outcome measures in strokerehailitation+ @C= participation. Disail ehail 200/42;+/0;6/23.

    'alter 8, Jutai JC, ?itensk# J, ?a#le# 9. @ssues $or selection o$ outcome measures in strokerehailitation+ @C= actiit#. Disail ehail 200/42;+1/60.

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    test-retest reliailit# is the measure ofcorrespondence $et)een scores achie'ed $y the

    same person on t)o di3erent times A suggested minimum test4retest relia$ility of 5-65

    is proposed to e'aluate the on7going progress of anindi'idual in a treatment condition

    The pro$lem is in ascertaining )hether o$ser'edchanges are due to chance( impro'ement ordeterioration o'er time

    Turner . ehailitation+ issues in $unctional assessment. @n+ 'pilker ?, editor. "ualit# o$ li$e and pharmacoeconomics in clinicaltrials. :hiladelphia+ %ippincott-aen :ulishers4 15. p. 363/1.

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    inter-rater reliailit# pertains to the e,tent of correlationo$tained $et)een t)o or more o$ser'ers that assess samerespondent-

    8enerally( 95: agreement $et)een o$ser'ers is the leastrequired

    @nternal consistenc# reliailit#is the most commonly usedestimate of the relia$ility of an outcome measure-

    It is the a'erage degree of association among the items ona test-

    Cron$ach2s coe+cient ;alpha2 is used to e'aluate thee,tent of equi'alence and association $et)een responsesto items

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    >esponsi'eness >esponsi'eness is sensiti'ity to changes )ithin

    patients o'er time( )hich may $e indicati'e oftherapeutic e3ects-

    Most commonly e'aluated through correlation )ithother scores( e3ect si?es( standardi?ed response

    means( relati'e e+ciency and sensiti'ity of change scores-

    0-g-( )hen e,amining sensiti'ity to change in ane,pected direction( the standardi?ed e3ect methodcategori?es 5-@ as small( 5-@4 5-9 as moderate( and5-9 as large-

    'alter 8, Jutai JC, ?itensk# J. @ssues $or selection o$ outcome measures in stroke rehailitation+ @C= od# $unctions.Disail ehail 200/42;+11620;.

    'alter 8, Jutai JC, ?itensk# J, ?a#le# 9. @ssues $or selection o$ outcome measures in stroke rehailitation+ @C=participation. Disail ehail 200/42;+/0;6/23.

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    ensi$ility ensi$ility refers to the o'erall appropriateness( importance(

    and ease of use of an instrument

    It is a ma#or factor determining the success or failure of aclinical measure-

    The primary consideration in choosing an outcome measure isthe correspondence $et)een the dimensions of the measureimpairment( acti'ity( or participation and the goals of theinter'ention and the study-

    0-g-( if the goal of the inter'ention is to impro'e upper e,tremitymotor reco'ery( select measures that reect upper e,tremitymotor function-

    In addition( the measures that are selected must not $e$urdensome for the patient( yet should capture the range oftheir a$ilities-

    Duncan :e *ork+ =utura :ulishin&4 13. p. 22/620.

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    %as the measure $een used )ithin the stro!epopulation

    An important factor to consider )hen e'aluating outcome measures2

    psychometric properties is )hether or not the measure has pre'iously $eenused )ithin the stro!e population-

    >elia$ility and 'alidity are not .,ed qualities of measures-

    They should $e regarded as relati'e indicators of ho) )ell the instrumentmight function )ithin a gi'en sample or for a gi'en purpose-

    ensiti'ity to change may li!e)ise $e condition7 or purpose speci.c-

    0-g-( Barthel Inde, has a ceiling e3ect in stro!e patients )ith mild de.cits(

    yet it may $e one of the most sensiti'e measures in patients )ith morese'ere impairments-

    It is important for a measure to ha'e $een tested for use in the population)ithin )hich it )ill $e used

    Ehen considering the use of an outcome measure or the time of

    assessment( natural history of stro!e and stro!e se'erity should $econsidered-


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    8eneric and Disease7peci.c Outcomemeasures

    8eneric instruments Proposed to $e applica$le to e'eryone including

    )ide range inter'entions

    Allo) for comparisons $et)een groups )ith 'arious!inds of illnesses

    They cannot address the pro$lem associated )ith aspeci.c diseased condition and may not $eresponsi'e to signi.cant ad#ustment in O*

    8eneric measures are similar to intelligence test and

    are of t)o essential categories pro.le andpreference7$ased-

    ?uck D and et al (2000. !)aluation o$ 9easures sed to Assess "ualit# o$ %i$e A$ter 'troke.! 'troke!"+ 200-2010.

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    %ealth pro.le e,plains %>o* in numerousdimensions including physical( functional(

    psychological and social health and isstrategi?ed to produce scores on numerousdynamics of o*

    Preference7$ased are utility measurements that

    are designed to yield single summary 'aluenormally ranging from 5 for dead to G forcomplete health that co'er se'eral domains of


    In generic measures( some domains areapplica$le to all groups of patients $ut aspectse,ceptional to a particular condition may $e


    Do#le :. J (2002. !9easurin& Health utcomes in 'troke 'uriors.! Arch :h#s 9ed ehail #!(2+ '-'.

  • 7/25/2019 Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i



    0-g- ( Medical Outcomes hort7Form %ealth ur'eyF7H( IP 4 ic!ness Impact Pro.le IP(

    Jottingham %ealth Pro.le J%P( 0uroqol 7D The hort Form7H F7H is the e,tensi'ely used

    generic measure of %>o* tool that assessesphysical( psychological( and social functions

    But )as disco'ered to su3er high oor and ceilinge3ects in some domains and there$y diminishing itscapa$ility to detect ad#ustment )ith regards to ol

    Due to the limitations associated )ith the generic

    measures( tro!e speci.c measures )ere de'elopedto deal )ith elements peculiar to tro!e patients

    9ar&areth B. % and et al (200. !@mpact o$ chronic disease on Eualit# o$ li$e amon& the elderl# in the state o$ 'Fo :aulo, ?ra7il+ apopulation-ased stud#.! e :anam 'alud :ulicaG:an Am J :ulic Health

    $%(+ 1-21.

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    Disease7speci.c instruments Measure o* only for distinct su$populations

    In tro!e trials( they )ere de'eloped to deal )ith the items)hich are most pertinent to stro!e patients

    Because of the greater a$ility to pinpoint signi.cantchanges( they are li!ely to $ecome the more suita$lemeasurement of post tro!e O*

    Eea!ness stems from the fact that these scales are stillrelati'ely ne) and there are still not enough data a'aila$lefrom clinical trials

    0-g- The tro!e Impact cale I( The tro!e peci.c

    uality of *ife Measure 7O*( The tro!e Adaptedic!ness Impact Pro.le A7IPH5 -

    Daina 8 and Daia (2005. !9easurement o$ Eualit# o$ li$e in stroke patients.! 9edicina (8aunas%$(+ ;0-;15.

    8urcay 0 and et al &556- K%ealth >elated uality of *ife in .rst7e'er tro!e patients-K Ann audi Med*+G/ H7L5-

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    Purpose of Measurement Discriminati'e scales

    "sed in $et)een7su$#ects e,perimental design Distinguished $et)een indi'iduals or groups )ith

    respect to underlying dimension )hen no e,ternalcriterion or gold standard is a'aila$le for 'alidating

    these measures 0-g( if one had t)o groups of patients )ith stro!e

    and )anted to e,amine the di3erences $et)een thet)o groups in AD*s( one )ould require adiscriminati'e scale-

    Bu#att BH, Jaeschke , =een# DH, :atrick D%. 9easurements inclinical trials+ choosin& the ri&ht approach. @n+ 'pilker ?,editor. "ualit# o$ li$e and pharmacoeconomics in clinical trials. :hiladelphia+ %ippincott-aen :ulishers4 15. p.16.

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    Predicti'e scales

    "sed to classify indi'iduals in to a set ofprede.ned measurement categories )hen a goldstandard is a'aila$le

    8old standard is later used to determine )hether

    indi'iduals ha'e $een classi.ed correctly- 0-g-( an in'estigator had de'eloped a mo$ility

    instrument that too! G hour to administer-Because an hour represents a rather long test( it)ould $e desira$le to ha'e a shorter 'ersion-One might choose a su$sample from the originaltest and e,amine the performance of the ne)(shorter instrument using the original as a goldstandard-

  • 7/25/2019 Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i



    0'aluati'e scales

    "sed to measure the e,tent of longitudinal changein an indi'idual or group )ithin su$#ectse,perimental design

    Compare treatment e3ects $y loo!ing at changes inperformance )ithin each participant acrosstreatments-

    Thus( for an e'aluati'e scale( )e might as! )hethera particular change in a patient2s AD* scorerepresents a tri'ial( small $ut important( moderate(

    or large impro'ement or deterioration-

    Bu#att BH, =een# DH, :atrick D%. 9easurin& health-related Eualit# o$ li$e. Ann @ntern 9ed 14113+5226 52-

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    0+cacy and 03ecti'eness trials 0+cacy trials

    The goal of e+cacy trials is to optimi?e the chance ofdetecting a $iological e3ect )ith as fe) patients aspossi$le-

    Because impairment scales may $e the mostsensiti'e to change and ha'e the greatest capacityto di3erentiate $et)een treatment groups( they are

    particularly useful for e+cacy studies-

    Thus( the study endpoint )ill most li!ely reect theimpairment the treatment is attempting to minimi?e-

    9arch J', 'ila 'B, Compton ', 'hapiro 9, Cali , 8rishnan . The case $or practical clinical trials in ps#chiatr#. Am J :s#chiatr#200/4152+35635.

    Deu#st B, ?o&ousslask# J. ecent pro&ress in dru& treatment $or acute stroke. J >eurol >eurosur& :s#chiatr# 145;+206 2/.

    'troke Therap# Academic @ndustr# oundtale @@. ecommendations $or clinical trial ealuation o$ acute stroke therapies. 'troke200142+1/3 61505.

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    Duration of follo)7up for clinical endpoints

    functional outcome does not need to e,ceed Hmonths in typical e+cacy studiesN shorter periodsmay $e possi$le-

    A shorter time period )ill li!ely reduce 'ariation in

    clinical outcome due to su$sequent e'entsunrelated to the study-

    =uhrer 9J. erie o$ clinical trials in medical rehailitation+ impetuses, challen&es, and needed $uture directions. Am J :h#s 9edehail 200432+'3 6'1/.

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    03ecti'eness Trials The aim of e3ecti'eness trials is to determine )hether

    inter'entions ha'e $ene.cial results )hen they areadministrated in the conte,t of ordinary clinical practice-

    Principally concerned )ith the e,ternal 'alidity oftreatment outcomes-

    tudies that focus on e3ecti'eness are $roadlyconceptuali?ed( use heterogeneous samples that arerecruited in a 'ariety of practice settings(

    And are assessed not only for primary outcomes $ut alsofor a )ide range of outcomes rele'ant to pu$lic health(

    such as co7mor$idity( quality of life( and coste3ecti'eness-

    =uhrer 9J. erie o$ clinical trials in medical rehailitation+ mpetuses, challen&es, and needed $uture directions. Am J :h#s 9edehail 200432+'3 6'1/.

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    Participants tend to $e follo)ed for a longerduration( and data analysis can place greater

    emphasis on di3erences among su$groups- 0nhance the generali?a$ility of a study( $ut

    they may also introduce possi$le confounds

    that allo) the results to $e attri$uted tofactors other than the inter'ention itself-

    In e3ecti'eness studies( the most clinicallyrele'ant outcome must $e assessed- For the

    most part( these )ill include acti'ities andparticipation measures-

    'choenald '8, Hoa&ood 8. )ectieness, transportailit#, and dissemination o$ interentions+ hat matters henI

    :s#chiatr 'er 20014/2+110 611;.

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    The most commonly used outcome measure ine3ecti'eness studies ha'e $een the Barthel Inde, andthe modi.ed >an!in scale

    The tro!e Impact cale I has $een de'eloped to $e amore comprehensi'e measure of health outcomes forstro!e populations-

    The I incorporates meaningful dimensions of function

    and health7related quality of life into one self7reportquestionnaire-

    The I 'ersion H includes @6 items and assesses eightdomains strength( hand function( AD* and IAD*( mo$ility(communication( emotion( memory and thin!ing( and

    participation or role function-

    ?urns ?J. Children and eidence-ased practice. :s#chiatr Clin >orth Am 200425+//6;0

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    Methods of Data Acquisition

    Inter'ie)er Administered Inter'ie)s

    elf Administered uestionnaires

    O$ser'ational Assessments

    Telephone Administered

    Assessments )ith patients or )ith pro,y

    Face7face Method or Computeri?ed

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    Most commonly used tro!e Outcome Measures

    Body tructure Impairments

    Jeurological scales Jational Institutes of %ealth tro!e cale

    Motor function

    Fugl4Meyer Assessment Modi.ed Ash)orth

    Cogniti'e scales Jeuro$eha'ioral Cognition tatus 0,am

    Mini Mental tate 0,amination

    peech and language functions Boston Diagnostic Aphasia 0,amination

    Eestern Aphasia Battery

    1isual perception

    Motor7free 1isual Perception Test

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    Most commonly used tro!e Outcome Measures

    Depression scales Bec! Depression In'entory Centre for 0pidemiologic tudies


    8eriatric Depression cale

    Acti'ities Acti'ities of Daily *i'ing

    Barthel Inde,

    Functional Independence Measure

    Balance Berg Balance cale

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    Most commonly used tro!e Outcome Measures

    Mo$ility and motor function Timed "p7and78o

    G5 Meter )al!

    Minutes )al!

    Eolf Motor Function Test

    Motor Assessment cale >i'ermead Motor Assessment

    Motricity Inde,

    Chedo!e McMaster tro!e Assessment cale

    Modi.ed >an!in %andicap cale

    Instrumental Acti'ities of Daily *i'ing Frenchay Acti'ities Inde,

    Older Americans >esources and er'ices

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    Most commonly used tro!e Outcome Measures


    %ealth status and quality of life Medical Outcomes tudy hort Form

    tro!e peci.c uality of life


    tro!e Impact cale

    ic!ness Impact Pro.le stro!e7adapted'ersion

    Family Family assessment de'ice

    Multidimensional cale of Percei'ed ocialupport

  • 7/25/2019 Selection and Uses of Outcome Measures i


    "ses of tro!e Outcome Measures Pro'ide 'alua$le information and strategies to $e utili?ed

    $y health care pro'iders and professionals in their attemptto impro'e the quality of life of tro!e patients

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    "ses of tro!e Outcome Measures er'es to inform policy ma!ersN

    7 >esource allocation7 Policy formulation in a resource poor country

    Planning of reha$ilitation ser'ices as )ell as speci.ctherapeutics-

    7 Indi'idual as )ell as macro le'el health careplanning and decision ma!ing

    7 useful in the assessment of the e3ecti'eness( cost7$ene.t and cost7utility of 'arious old and emergingprophylactic( therapeutic and reha$ilitati'einter'entions

    O'erseeing disease period( and for healtheconomics and planners2 designing ne) ideas andsolutions to the disclosed pro$lems

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    T%AJ YO"T%AJ YO"

    This is not the end.'t is not even the(e)innin) of the end.*ut it is, perhaps, the endof the (e)innin)+

    -inston Churchill

    %o)e'er( Coming together is a$eginningN !eeping togetheris progressN )or!ing together issuccessQ Ford%-