Selection and posting

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Selection and posting




The process of choosing the most

suitable candidate for a job from

among the available applicants is

called selection.

Selection procedures:Selection procedures:

1.Information gathering2.Prediction3.Decision making4.Information supply

Resumes/ C Vs Review

Initial Screening Interview

Conducting Test & Evaluating performance

Core& Departmental interview

Medical Examination

Analyse the Application Blank

Job Offer

Preliminary interview

Reference Check


Offer to next suitable candidate

Process of selection

Rejection by Candidate

Accepted by candidate


Intelligence TestsAptitude TestsAchievements TestsPerformance testsPersonality TestsSituational Tests

Intelligence TestsIntelligence Tests

Generally companies use this tests to ensure about the quick learning, alertness of the candidates.

However, developing of accurate and reliable intelligent tests need professional expertise.

LIMITATIONS: No general agreement amongst the

psychologists about the concept of ‘intelligence’ itself.

Aptitude Tests:Aptitude Tests: It measures the potential ability of the

candidate to learn a new job. Developed large number of

specialised aptitude tests such as clerical, mechanical and sp[atial relationship and manual dexterity abilities.

Limitations: Do not measure the motivation levels and

are supplemented by interest and personality tests.

Achievements Tests:Achievements Tests:This test requires the candidates

who are assigned a particualr task which measures the confidence and spotanity levels towards achieveing the target.

Performance tests:Performance tests:

The simplest and the perhaps the most obivous type of testing procedure is the performance testing in which the applicant is asked to demostrate his ability to do the job.

Ex: prospective typists are asked to type some pages and their speed and accuracy are then calculated.

limitations: Cannot be developed for each and every


Personality TestsPersonality Tests These tests seek to access an individual’s

motivation,adjustment to the stresses of everyday like capacity for inter-personal relations,emotional maturityand self image.

Most popular personality tests is pencil and paper variety.

It proceeds on the assumption that the persons respondiong have sufficient self-insight to be able to describe themsleves accurately.

Most valued because the most important component of any managerial jobs is the ability to deal efficiently and effectively with the people.

Situational Tests:Situational Tests:

The aspects of both performance and personality testing are combined in situational tests to observe how job applicants react to stressful but realistic real life situations.

Applied in leaderless group situations. Several candidates for managerial

positions are presented with a problem that requires ‘group collabration’.

It is through such techniques men are able to exercise and gain acceptance of their leadership skills.