Segment 1: Gasteneau Channel, looking northwest ... -...

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Transcript of Segment 1: Gasteneau Channel, looking northwest ... -...

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-1

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

AML Terminal, Juneau

Segment 1: Gasteneau Channel, looking northwest towards Juneau, AK

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-2

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Jaw Pt

Segment 1: Looking up Taku Inlet, Jaw Point towards mudflats at low tide

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-3

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Approximate location of transfer from ocean tug to shallow

draft tug / amphitrac

Segment 1 – Segment 2: Start of sand flats at low tide

Jaw Pt

Taku Inlet

Taku River

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-4

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 1 – Segment 2: Annex Creek Power Station. Note low tide at time of photo, tides in this area typically >14ft

Power Plant & Dock

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-5

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 2: Start of sand flats at very low tide. Looking east towards Davidson Creek. Note that tides in this area provide ample water depth

Davidson Pt.Davidson Cr.

Annex Cr. Power Stn

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-6

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Taku Point

Segment 2: Lower Taku River sand flats, looking upriver (north) towards Taku Pt.

Taku Glacier

Taku River

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-7

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 2: Lower Taku River sand flats, looking upriver (north) at Taku Pt.

Swede Point




Taku Point

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-8

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 2: Lower Taku River sand flats, looking downriver (south) from Hole-in-the-Wall Glacier

The Rock Pile

Taku River

Barrel Point

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-9

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 2 – Segment 3: Taku River looking upstream past Taku Lodge

Taku Lodge

Taku River

Location of upper sand flat constriction / shoal

Twin Glacier Lake

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-10

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 2 – Segment 3: Taku Lodge, looking upstream (northeast)

Taku River

Taku Lodge

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-11

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 2: Lower Taku River, looking downriver (south) from Taku Lodge

Taku RiverTaku Lodge

Location of upper sand flat constriction / shoal

Location of lower sand flat constriction / shoal

Hole-in-the-Wall Glacier

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-12

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 2 – Segment 3: Taku River, looking downriver (south) towards Hole-in-the-Wall Glacier

Taku River

Taku Lodge

Hole-in-the-Wall Glacier

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-13

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Taku River, looking upriver (north)

Taku River

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-14

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Taku River at lower extent of Taku River cabins, looking upriver (north)

Taku River

Wright River


Martini Row

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-15

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Martini Row, looking upriver (north) towards Canyon Island

Taku RiverMartini


Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-16

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Martini Row, looking downriver (south)

Taku River

Martini Row


Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-17

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Lower end of Canyon Island, looking upriver (north)

Taku River

East Channel

Canyon Island

Summer Overland Route Behind Canyon Island

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-18

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Canyon Island narrows, looking upriver (north)

Taku River

Canyon Is. Narrows on

West Channel

Canyon Island

Summer Overland Route Behind Canyon Island

Sittakanay River

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-19

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Canyon Island, looking downriver (south)




Canyon Is. Narrows on

West Channel

Canyon Island

Summer Overland Route Behind Canyon Island

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-20

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Canyon Island, looking upriver (north)Tak

u R. Fish Creek

Canyon Island

Summer Overland Route Behind Canyon Island

Spawning Area

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-21

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Taku River, British Columbia, looking upriver (north) towards Cranberry Is.




Cranberry Is. & TRTFN Landing


British Columbia


Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-22

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Taku River, British Columbia, looking upriver (north) at Jet Bar

Taku River

Jet Bar

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-23

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Taku River, looking upriver (north) at Snaggy Bend towards mouth of Tulsequah River

Taku River

Snaggy Bend

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-24

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Taku River, looking upriver (north) from Snaggy Bend towards mouth of Tulsequah River

Taku River

Tulsequah River

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-25

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Taku River, looking downriver (south) from mouth of Tulsequah River




Tulsequah River

Snaggy Bend

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-26

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: Taku River, looking upriver (north) at mouth of Big Bull Slough

Taku River

Big Bull Slough

ACB Landing Site(note gravel bar)

Appendix B: Taku River Barge Route Photographic Log

Photographs: May 18, 2007 B-27

Tulsequah Chief Mine – Air Cushion Barge Transport System – Project Description

Segment 3: ACB Landing Site at Big Bull Slough

Big Bull Slough

Existing Big Bull Landing

Proposed ACB Landing Site