Segmantics Cyber Security Reporting and Incident Management

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Segmantics Cyber Security Reporting and Incident Management

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Cyber Attack Reporting and

Incident Response Co-starring Blockchain

Product Launch 28th September 2016

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Agenda1. Cyber Attacks• Examples, statistics, Cyber Store

2. Demonstration• Simplified example

3. Blockchain Use Case• Security by Segmantics

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Video - Bruce Schneier on CyberReality, feelings and models See Video 8.47 to 10.47 -

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Segmantics Cyber StoreStandards, Best Practice, Frameworks, Analysis Methods, Research

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Video - Reporting and Incident ResponseClick here -

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Simplified Example of Platform

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Cyber Attack Reporting and

Incident Response

Co-starring Blockchain

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ReporterIncident ManagerInvestigator

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Reporter RReported by People Reported by IT Systems

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Incident Manager – Assess ReportsM

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Incident Manager – Add ReportsM

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Incident Manager – Understand AttacksM

Cyber Store

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Incident Manager – Analyse CausesM

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Incident Manager – Plan ResponseM

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Incident Manager – Manage Process M

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Investigator – Carry out WorkI

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Investigator – Identify VulnerabilityI

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Investigator – Mitigate AttackI

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Incident Manager – Complete ProcessM

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Key ReportsCritical Processes Key Investigations

Communicate to Management

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Blockchain Example

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Solidity Contracts

Development Environment

Blockchain Security by Segmantics

Use Case



Incident Management

Analyse Inherent Risk

Assure Implementation Risk

Manage Operations Risk

Risk Assessment

Reporting & Incident M


Review Security Policy, Configuration, Errata,

Standards, Best Practice, Vulnerabilities & Controls

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Blockchain Use Case & SecuritySee video -

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Solidity Contracts

Development Environment

Blockchain Security by Segmantics

Use Case



Incident Management

Analyse Inherent Risk

Accredit Implementation Risk

Manage Operations Risk

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for r



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EndEmail for more information