Seeds of Revolution By Morgan,Nolan,Delana. Britian’s colonies Over 200 years ago, a rag tag group...

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Transcript of Seeds of Revolution By Morgan,Nolan,Delana. Britian’s colonies Over 200 years ago, a rag tag group...

Seeds of Revolution

By Morgan,Nolan,Delana

Britian’s colonies

Over 200 years ago, a rag tag group of colonists fought in a war against an empire .The 13 colonies began to develop their own ideas . And ways of thinking separate from Great Britian .

The French and Indian War

The French tried to take over the Native American land. Britan declared war on France in 1756 in the

Ohio River Valley. Britan won the war and the Treaty of Pairs and shared the land.

Taxation without Represention

in 1764 just a year after treaty of paris Britians parliament passed the sugar act.In 1766 king George agreed to repeal the stamp act.Britian’s soldiers lived with colontists and were not required to pay rent or

help the family in any way.

Acts of frustration and retaliation

Large numbers of soldiers had lived fairly peacefully in Boston after the French. March 5,1770,a group of Boston colonists picked a fight with some British soldiers . Adams called the fight start by colonists the Boston Massacre.

The War Begins

• On the night of April 18, 1775, Gage also planned to arrest the leaders of the rebellion. Samuel Prescott found that the british were coming. The british soldiers tried to walk past the militourmen but an unordered shot rang out.

Battling for Independence

The Second Continental Congress

• These soldiers would be fighting against powerful Britain , with its well-trained and well-supplied army and navy. Washington believed so strongly in the cause of American independence. Not every colonist wanted to be independent from Britain.

The Patriots take TiconderogaOn the same day the second congress met the coloists soldiers scared a victory over the british at fort Ticonderoga.The congress asked the green mountain boys to capture the British fort on lake champlain in New York.Both arnoln and allen wanted to be the leader of the attack but they managed to conquer the fort on May 16,1776.

Declaring IndependencePatriot Tomas Pain wrote a pamphlet, Common Sense in witch he declared independence to be the only correct choice for the coloists. In June 1776,the continental congress selected a committee to write a statement about the colonist right to be self-governing.the conteinential congress approved the declaration of independence on July 4,1776.

Battle For FreedomIn October 1776 Patriot denict Arnalds gunboats were defeated at lake champlain in Canada. Washington defeated the british at princeton New Jersy. The battle Saratoge was turning point of the war because proved France and European countries the Patriots might win the war.

Southern battles British forces captured Savannah,Georgia in December 1778.Many coloists in the southern colonies were loyalists.The tide of war started to turn in favor of the patriots I october when they won a battle at king’s mountain South Carlinoa in a speedy sixty-five minutes.

Major players in the revoulutionary war

John Burgoyne : Britsh commander of the northern army; captured Fort Ticonderoga but was defeated at Saratoga. William Howe :Commander of the British army in north america , 1775-1778. Henry Clinton: Replaced Howe as British comander in 1778.

Building a Nation

THE Articles of ConfederationIn 1777,delegetes appointed by each state to the Second Continetial Congress agreed to send the new plan for government to the states for review.Each state created its own constitution and printed its own money.Congress also did not have the power to change the articles if the union of the states decided something about the plan was not working.

Treaty of pairsIt took almost 5 years for all 13 states to come to an agreement and approve the articles of Coniedration . In 1781 the major revolutry War ended with U.S. General George Washting win over British General Charles Cornwell is at Yorktown , Virginia but the war it self wasn’t offically over for 2 more years . Representatives from the Unnited states and discussed peace tearms in Pairs France , from the middle of 1782 until the Treaty of Pairs was singed on September 3 , 1783 .

Money ProblemsThe nation owned more than $76 million to foregin countries individval Americans, and state banks. In Massachusetts, money problems at home inspired a rebellion. In 1786, Daniel Shay’s , a former Kevolotionary War aiptain, and about a thousand farmers and other workers marched on the lawn of springfield , Massachusetts, and than headed to Boston.

Constitutional ConventionThe goal of the meeting was to change the Articles of conferdation to make the federal government stronger.they would work on drafting a constitution that would establish an excutive to lead the union give congress the power to tax and create a way to change the governing document.Twelve of the thirteen states sent delagates.

Argument over landAnother problem faced the new country-what to do with the enormous land the united states gained after winning the revolutionary war. The land ordinance of 1785 spelled out how to divide the new property into townships and sections . It endured that the united states would hold no colonies as Britian had held the thirteen colonies.

THE Louisiana PurchaseWith all this prosperity and expansion leaders of the United States started making plans.The United States approached Napoleon Bonaparte France’s emperor to try to New Orleans.Bonaparte had some major setbacks in a war in Europe and he needed troops and money.

Exploration and WarIn May 1804, President Thomas Jefferson sent two army officers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark a 45 member group to find a route across continent, explore Louisiana Territory.