Secure wireless modem

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Secure wireless modem

• Access Restriction using Password

Login to the ADSL Router on username and password by default are ‘admin’ and ‘admin’.Click on ‘advanced’

Click on ‘wireless security’

Select the WEP security.Enable WEP security.Key in the desired security password.Click on Apply.

• Access List (MAC based)

• To add the clients to the access list, find out the MAC id of the clients (wireless interface card) where the connectivity is required, using the command ipconfig –all.

• To find out the MAC id from already active clients, follow the following method.

•Click on ‘lan clients’ under the ‘advanced’ menu

Copy the MAC ids for the clients whom access has to be permitted.

• To add the clients to the access list find the following method.

•Click on ‘wireless management’ under ‘advanced’ menu.

Select the check box ‘enable access list’Select ‘allow’Enter the MAC id in the space provided.Click on add.

Click on ‘apply’

• Save the entire configuration by following the method given below.