Secure Balance Planning of Off-blockchain Payment Channel...

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Secure Balance Planning of Off-blockchainPayment Channel Networks

Peng Li∗, Toshiaki Miyazaki∗, and Wanlei Zhou†∗The University of Aizu, Japan. Email: pengli,

†University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Email:

Abstract—Off-blockchain payment channels can significantlyimprove blockchain scalability by enabling a large number ofmicro-payments between two blockchain nodes, without commit-ting every single payment to the blockchain. Multiple paymentchannels form a payment network, so that two nodes withoutdirect channel connection can still make payments. A criticalchallenge in payment network construction is to decide howmany funds should be deposited into payment channels as initialbalances, which seriously influences the performance of paymentnetworks, but has been seldom studied by existing work. In thispaper, we address this challenge by designing PnP, a balanceplanning service for payment networks. Given estimated paymentdemands among nodes, PnP can decide channel balances tosatisfy these demands with a high probability. It does not rely onany trusted third-parties, and can provide strong protection frommalicious attacks with low overhead. It obtains these benefits withtwo novel designs, the cryptographic sortition and the chance-constrained balance planning algorithm. Experimental results ona testbed of 30 nodes show that PnP can enable 30% morepayments than other designs.

Index Terms—blockchain, payment network, balance planning,chance constraint


With the inception of Bitcoin [1], blockchain has showngreat promise in implementing decentralized cryptocurrencieswithout trusted third parties. Later, Ethereum [2] has been de-signed to significantly extend the blockchain functions by im-plementing smart contracts, which are essentially autonomouscomputer programs executed by all blockchain nodes.

Blockchain uses a serious of sophisticated designs toachieve decentralization and consistency, but sacrifices thescalability because of the consensus protocol involving allnodes. Currently, Bitcoin can handle only 7 transactions persecond, and Ethereum increases the performance to about 15transactions per second. Some recent work [3]–[5] has pro-posed novel consensus mechanisms that can support thousandsof transactions per second, but it is still far from satisfyingthe performance requirement of large-scale applications. Forexample, Trillo [6] has reported that Visa handled about 47,000transactions per second during 2013 holidays, which cannot besupported by any existing blockchains.

Instead of struggling with consensus mechanism design,payment channels [7], [8] have been proposed to address thescalability challenge by creating a private channel betweentwo blockchain nodes. Payment channels can be implementedusing smart contracts. Specifically, two nodes create a specialchannel contract that locks a certain amount of funds as initial

balances. After that, they can make transactions over thechannel and maintain their channel balances by themselves.Since transactions over the channel are not committed to theblockchain, the scalability of blockchain can be significantlyimproved.

Multiple payment channels among nodes form a paymentnetwork, so that two nodes without direct payment channelcan still make off-blockchain transactions in a multi-hopmanner. Payment networks have been supported by manyblockchain systems. For example, Lightning Network [7] hasbeen designed for Bitcoin, and Ethereum also has its ownpayment network implementation called Raiden Network [8].

To establish a payment channel, a critical problem is todecide how many funds should be deposited into the channelas initial balances. With fewer funds, the channel needs to befrequently reconstructed, leading to more blockchain accesses.On the other hand, locking funds more than payment demandson the channel is unnecessary. The problem becomes morechallenging when we consider a payment network with multi-hop transactions. Although many research efforts [9]–[11]have been made on payment channels and payment networks,they ignore this issue by holding an unrealistic assumption thatthere are always sufficient funds in payment channels. Khalilet al. [12] have started to pay attention to this challenge bydesigning REVIVE, which enables nodes to rebalance fundsamong their payment channels. However, merely rebalancingis not always a good solution because the amount of paymentsamong nodes are usually asymmetric in practice. Furthermore,REVIVE adopts a centralized design that needs a trustedthird-party to run the rebalancing algorithm, which would bevulnerable to malicious attacks.

In this paper, we study the balance planning problem ofpayment networks, i.e., deciding initial balances of paymentchannels, given the estimated payment demands among nodes.We design PnP, a balance planning service that can be easilyintegrated into existing payment networks. PnP can exploitthe knowledge of payment demands, even with estimationerrors, to minimize the total channel deposits. It does not relyon trusted third-parties and can resist attacks from maliciousnodes. Moreover, it has low communication and computationoverhead. PnP reaps these benefits by addressing two mainchallenges.

First, it is difficult to accurately estimate the paymentdemands among nodes. An intuitive idea is to predict futurepayment demands according to historical transaction records

and accordingly design algorithms to decide initial channelbalances. However, the amount of payments that actuallyhappen in practice would be more or less than the prediction.Once the balance of a channel is exhausted, all transactionsassociated with this channel fail. Of course, we can improvethe prediction method to get more accurate estimation ofpayment demands, unfortunately, which cannot fundamentallysolve this problem. In this paper, we deal with the uncertaintyof payment demands by expressing the balance planningproblem as a chance-constrained optimization problem. Wethen design an algorithm to solve this problem, which cantheoretically guarantee that payment demands can be satisfiedwith a high probability.

The second challenge stems from the untrustiness of opendistributed systems like blockchain, i.e., malicious nodes mayexist in the payment network and they attempt to compro-mise the balance planning service. Many existing work onpayment networks assumes the existence of trusted third-parties. However, this assumption is too strong, and sometimesimpossible in practice. PnP allows a portion of Byzantineadversaries who can behave arbitrarily and manipulate balanceplanning results. To protect the system, PnP randomly selectsa group of nodes as a decision committee to generate correctbalance planning results. Without any trusted third-parties,PnP guarantees safety by addressing two critical issues: whoshould be selected into the decision committee and how thedecision committee achieves agreement on correct planningresults. We propose a cryptographic sortition mechanism forcommittee member elections. Each node in the committeeindependently runs our proposed balance planning algorithmand then achieves agreement via the Byzantine protocol.

We integrate PnP with the Lightning Network Daemon (lnd)[13], a complete implementation of the Lightning Network [7]nodes, and use it to create a virtual payment network as thetestbed for performance evaluation. Since PnP is the first workfor balance planning, we compare it with several variants withdifferent design choices. The main contributions of this paperare summarized as follows.

• We design PnP for balance planning of payment net-works. To the best of our knowledge, PnP is the firstwork targeting on solving the balance planning problem.

• To protect PnP service from attacks, we use cryptographicsortition to select a decision committee responsible forrunning the planning algorithm. It has low communica-tion overhead because of no interaction among nodes.

• We formulate the problem of minimizing the total fundsdeposited into payment channels, while satisfying thepayment demands among nodes. We use chance con-straints to describe the uncertainty of payment demandsand solve the corresponding problem using approxima-tion techniques.

• We evaluate PnP on a testbed of 30 nodes. Experimentalresults show that PnP can satisfy payment demands witha high probability while completing at most 30% morepayments than other designs.

The rest of this paper is organized as follow. Some pre-liminaries about payment networks and the motivation of PnPare presented in Section II, followed by the system model inSection III. In Section IV, we present the PnP design for pay-ment networks with unidirectional and bidirectional channels.We present experimental results in Section V. Related work isgiven in Section VI. Section VII finally concludes this paper.


In this section, we present some necessary preliminariesabout payment channels and payment networks, followed bysome observations that motivate this paper.

A. Payment channels

Payment channels can be implemented by smart contracts.When two nodes agree to open a payment channel, theycreate a smart contract that locks some cryptocurrency coinsas channel balances. Once the channel is established, theycan make transactions over the channel and maintain channelbalances by themselves, without committing these transactionsto the blockchain. The payment channel can be unidirectionalor bidirectional. An example of unidirectional channels isshown in Fig. 1(a). Alice creates a unidirectional channel,represented by α, to Bob, and their balances on the channel aredenoted by αA and αB , respectively. Alice deposits 3 coinsfrom her blockchain account (with 10 coins) into this channelas her initial balance, i.e., αA = 3, which is committed tothe blockchain. After that, Alice can make payments, withouttouching the blockchain, to Bob if her channel balance αA

is sufficient. Since α is a unidirectional channel, it does notallow Bob to pay Alice over this channel.

The bidirectional channel allows two-way payments. Asshown in Fig. 1(b), both Alice and Bob can deposit some coinsinto the channel, which are recorded by the blockchain whenthey open the channel. Then, they can make transactions in anydirection and maintain their channel balances accordingly. Aninteresting observation of the bidirectional channel is that it ispossible to let a node pay more than its initial deposit. In theexample in Fig. 1(b), Alice pays Bob 3.5 coins in total, buther initial deposit is only 3 coins. That is because the paymentfrom Bob to Alice can charge Alice’s balance. Therefore, thebidirectional channel has stronger payment capability.

Either Alice or Bob can close the channel, usually becausetheir balances are insufficient for more transactions or they donot agree on channel balances. Their final channel balancesare committed to the blockchain.

B. Payment networks

It is usually impossible for a node to establish a paymentchannel with every other node due to the high overhead ofmaintaining a large number of smart contracts. To enabletransactions between two nodes without direct channel con-nection, the concept of payment network consisting of multiplepayment channels has been proposed. An example of paymentnetworks with unidirectional channels is shown in Fig. 2. Ifnode A would like to pay node C, it can ask node B to forward

(a) A unidirectional payment channel

(b) A bidirectional payment channel

Fig. 1. Payment channels.

this payment, which forms a payment path (A, B, C). A criticalchallenge here is to guarantee that the node B forwards correctamount of coins, without stealing the money. The Hash Time-Lock Contract (HTLC) [7] has been proposed to address thischallenge. The basic idea of HTLC is to let both A and B lockthe same amount of coins on the channels along the path. TheHTLC uses cryptographic techniques to guarantee that nodeB can get the coins locked on the channel (A,B) only when itsuccessfully makes the payment to C.

In practice, intermediate nodes along a payment path do notforward payments for free, but charge some forwarding feesthat could be a fixed amount of coins or be proportional tothe amount of forwarded payments, which depends on theircharging policies. Due to the existence of forwarding fees,each node needs to prepare coins more than its actual paymentdemand. In the example shown in Fig. 2, node A intends to pay5 coins to C. Since node B charges 1 coins as forwarding fees,node A needs to pay 6 coins to B. There are usually multiplepaths between two nodes and the ones with less forwardingfees are always preferred.

C. Motivation

In larger payment networks with many payment demands, itis challenging to decide how many coins should be depositedinto these payment channels, and which paths should beselected for multi-hop transactions. We use an example in Fig.2 to elaborate on these challenges that motivate our work.This example contains 4 nodes, each of which has a budget of10 coins that can be used for creating unidirectional paymentchannels.

1) Balance planning: In an intuitive scheme, we supposethat each node knows his payment receivers, but is unaware ofpayment amount. This assumption has been widely adopted byexisting work [9]–[12]. As shown in Fig. 2(a), each node uses































Fig. 2. A motivation example of 4-node payment network. The paymentdemands are as follows: A → B : 1, A → C : 5, A → D : 2, B → A : 3,B → C : 1, D → C : 2. Node B charges 1 as forwarding fee, and D charges0.5.

all its budget to create payment channels. Note that node A canask either B or D to forward its payments to node C. We applythe rebalancing scheme advocated by [12], which deposits anidentical amount of coins among channels belonging to thesame node. In this example, node A deposits 5 coins intochannels (A, B) and (A, D), respectively. However, such akind of budget allocation cannot satisfy A’s payment demandsno matter which path it chooses. For example, if A choosesthe path (A, B, C), the total payment over the channel (A,B) is 6, exceeding its payment capability. On the other hand,if A asks D to forward payments, the total payment overchannel the (A, D) is 7. Meanwhile, node B wastes its budgetbecause its payments over (B, A) and (B, C) are 3 coins and1 coin, respectively. An alternative scheme is shown in Fig.2(b). Suppose that node B forwards the payment from A to C,and charges 1 coin as forwarding fees. All payment demandscan be satisfied and the total channel deposits are 20 coins.

2) Payment path selection: In the example shown in Fig.2(b), the payments from A to C can go through two paths(A, B, C) and (A, D, C), which incurs different forwardingfees. The node B charges 1 coins, but node C charges 0.5.Compared with Fig. 2(b), the total channel deposits canbe reduced to 19.5 if the path (A, D, C) is selected, asshown in Fig. 2(c). This example indicates that payment pathselection plays a critical role in reducing the cost of multi-hoppayment. Intuitively, the nodes charging less forwarding feesare always preferred, but they usually have limited budgetsfor payment channel construction and thus cannot afford toomany forwarded transactions. Therefore, it is still challengingto decide payment paths for each demand, given the constraintsof forwarding fees and node budgets.

3) Uncertainty of payment demands: In the above example,we assume that all payment demands are accurately estimated.However, such an accurate estimation is unlikely to happen inpractice. Even though some payment patterns can be found,the actual amount of payment may fluctuate. For example, ifthe actual payment from node D to C is 3 coins, more thanthe expected demands of 2 coins, the channel (D, C) would beexhausted before satisfying all payment demands in Fig. 2(c).


A. Network model

We consider a payment network that is modeled as a graphG(N,E), where N denotes the set of nodes and E is the set of

payment channel candidates. The possible neighbors of node iare maintained in set N(i) = j|(i, j) ∈ E. Each node i ∈ Nholds a budget of Bi, which can be used to create paymentchannels to its neighbors. These channels can be unidirectionalor bidirectional ones, whose differences in balance planningwill be studied in Sections IV-C and IV-D, respectively. Eachnode i ∈ N charges forwarding fees proportional to theamount of forwarded coins. We let ϕi denote the chargingproportion.

The expected amount of payments from node u to node v isdenoted by duv . Note that the actual payment may randomlyfluctuate around duv . We consider only one-to-one paymentdemands. The one-to-many or many-to-one payment demandscan also be accommodated in our model by dividing them intomultiple one-to-one demands. All node pairs with paymentdemands are maintained in set D. For each pair of nodes(u, v) ∈ D, there exist multiple payment paths, which areincluded in set Puv . We define payment outage as events thattransactions fail due to channel exhaustion along all paths inPuv before satisfying duv .

Each node i ∈ N holds a pair of public key pki and privatekey ski. Nodes can exchange messages with each other viaan underlying peer-to-peer network. All messages are signedby private keys and are propagated through a gossip protocol[14], which guarantees that messages can be delivered withina known fixed time, but their arriving order is unnecessarilypreserved.

B. Threat model

In the payment network G, there are malicious nodeswho can behave arbitrarily, e.g., sending wrong messages ormanipulating planning results, but they hold a limited amountof budgets that account for less than one-third of total budgetsof all nodes. They can launch the Sybil attack by forgingmultiple identities. Since messages are signed by private keysof their senders, malicious nodes cannot compromise messageexchanges among nodes. The remaining nodes in the networkare honest and faithfully follow the instructions of PnP.

C. Goals

Given a payment network G, we study the balance planningproblem to decide how many coins should be deposited intochannel balances, so that the payment demands in D can besatisfied with a high probability. We focus on achieving thefollowing goals.

Economy goal. An easy way to satisfy payment demandsis to deposit all budgets into channel balances, especiallywhen payment demands cannot accurately be estimated, aswe assume in this paper. However, it incurs unnecessary wastewhen there are fewer transactions. Since coins deposited intopayment channels come from blockchain accounts, the nodeslocking too many coins into payment channels may be shortfor funds to run other smart contracts or transactions on theblockchain. Therefore, it is imperative to minimize the totalamount of channel balances, while theoretically guaranteeingoutage probability.

Safety goal. The main attack launched by malicious nodesis to manipulate balance planning results to increase outageprobability. If the attack successes, many transactions overthe payment network would fail before satisfying paymentdemands. Moreover, nodes need to frequently access theblockchain to reconstruct payment channels, which furtherburdens the blockchain. PnP needs to protect the systemfrom this attack by guaranteeing correct balance planningresults. Another kind of attacks is to deviate from balanceplanning results by depositing more or less coins or makingexcessive transactions to quickly exhaust payment channels.Fortunately, it is easy to detect such attacks and therefore toeliminate associated malicious nodes, because these activitiesare recorded by the blockchain or the payment network.

Efficiency goal. PnP is designed for the payment networkwithout centralized control or trusted third-parties. In such adistributed environment, nodes need to exchange messages toconduct balance planning in a safe way. Therefore, PnP shouldincur less message exchanges and impose low computationalburden on nodes.

PnP aims to achieve the above three goals simultaneouslywith a series of new designs, which will be presented in thenext section.


In this section, we study the balance planning for paymentnetworks with unidirectional or bidirectional channels. We firstgive an overview about system design, and then elaborate onkey techniques of decision committee selection and balanceplanning algorithms for both kinds of channels.

A. Overview

The balance planning is conducted in epochs. At the begin-ning of each epoch, nodes estimate their expected paymentsto corresponding payees. The length of each epoch dependson the tradeoff between the estimation accuracy of paymentdemands and the overhead of blockchain accesses. Longerepochs can reduce the frequency of blockchain accesses, butneed more coins locked into channels as more transactionsneed to be handled. Moreover, the error of payment estimationbecomes bigger, which makes the design of the balanceplanning algorithm harder. On the other hand, with shorterepochs, it would be easy to estimate payment demands withsmall errors, but payment channels with less deposits could bequickly exhausted, leading to frequent blockchain operations.

The payment network is essentially a distributed systemwith malicious nodes. It would be unsafe to rely on a cen-tralized control or a trusted third-party to run the balanceplanning algorithm, because they could be compromised bymalicious nodes. At the beginning of each epoch, PnP usesthe cryptographic sortition to randomly select a set of nodes,which is called the decision committee, responsible for runningthe balance planning algorithm. The cryptographic sortitioncan work in a distributed environment and require no inter-action among nodes. As the first line shown in Procedure1, the function Sortition(·) takes the private key as well as

Procedure 1 Procedure of each node i ∈ N in epoch r

1: (hashi, πi, si) = Sortition(ski, r, seedr);2: if si = True then3: Send the message ⟨hashi, πi, si⟩ to all nodes in N/i;4: Nc ← i;5: end if6: Listen and receive sortition messages from other nodes;7: for each received message ⟨hashj , πj , sj⟩ do8: if VerifySortition(pkj , hashj , πj , r, seedr) = True

then9: Nc ← j;

10: end if11: end for12: Send message ⟨Bi, di0, di1, di2, ..., N(i)⟩ to all nodes

in Nc;13: if si = True then14: Listen and receive messages of payment demands;15: Solve the balance planning problem of uniBP linear or

biBP linear;16: Run the PBFT [16] protocol to achieve agreement on

solving results;17: Send balance planning results to nodes in N/i;18: else19: Listen and receive balance planning results;20: end if

other information, whose details will be given later, as inputand returns a Boolean value si that indicates whether nodei is selected as a decision committee member. Meanwhile, italso returns a hash value hashi and a proof πi, which can beused to verify the correctness of sortition results. Although asimilar sortition method has been proposed by [15], it targetson voting for block proposal and cannot be directly applied inour scenario.

The nodes who are selected as decision committee membersdisseminate their sortition results using the gossip protocol.Meanwhile, every node listens to communication channelsand receives sortition results. For each received sortitionmessage, node i verifies its correctness using the functionVerifySortition(·) and maintains a decision committee byincluding any node j with sj = True, as shown in lines7-11. Once the decision committee is setup, all nodes sendtheir budgets, payment demands and neighbor informationto the committee. The members of the decision committeesolve the balance planning problem independently. It shouldbe noted that malicious nodes may be selected into the decisioncommittee, and they can arbitrarily manipulate balance gresults. Therefore, PnP runs the PBFT [16] protocol amongdecision committee members, so that they can achieve anagreement on the correct planning results. After that, theplanning results are sent to the corresponding nodes in thenetwork.

Procedure 2 Sortition(ski, r, seedr)1: ⟨hashi, πi⟩ = VRFski

(r, seedr);2: δi =

wiw∑j∈N w2


3: if hashi

2hashlen ≤ δi then4: return ⟨True, hashi, πi⟩;5: else6: return ⟨False, hashi, πi⟩;7: end if

Procedure 3 VerifySortition(pki, hashi, πi, r, , seedr)

1: if VerifyVRFpki(hashi, πi, r, seedr) = True then

2: δi =wiw∑j∈N w2


3: if hashi

2hashlen ≤ δi then return True;4: else return False; end if5: else return False; end if

B. Selection of Decision Committee

The selection of decision committee is critical for balanceplanning. A good design should be able to defend against Sybilattacks by minimizing the probability of selecting maliciousnodes as committee members. In addition, it should requireno centralized control and has low complexity with minimummessage exchanges among nodes.

To achieve the above design goals, we propose the cryp-tographic sortition to select a subset of nodes as the decisioncommittee according to their payment contributions in history.Specifically, we let W denote the total amount of channeldeposits of all nodes during the last τ rounds, and the portioncontributed by node i is wi, which is also called the sortitionweight. We aim to select a decision committee whose totalweight is about w and w ≤ W . The cryptographic sortitioncan guarantee that the probability of choosing node i into thedecision committee is proportional to wi, so that maliciousnodes with limited budgets have low probability of beingselected into the decision committee. The information ofsortition weights wi|i ∈ N can be obtained from theblockchain. When nodes open or close payment channels, theirchannel balances are included in channel contracts stored bythe blockchain, which can be seen by all nodes.

The pseudo codes of sortition function are shown in Proce-dure 2. A verifiable random function VRFski(r, seedr) [17] isinvoked first, where r is the epoch ID and seedr is a randomseed associated with r. The seedr is generated by the decisioncommittee in the epoch r − 1 using the similar techniques in[4], [5]. The VRF function returns a hash value hashi and aproof πi, which uniquely depend on the private key ski, r andseedr. The hash value hashi contains hashlen bits. Then,we check whether hash

2hashlen is no greater than the thresholdδi, which indicates the probability of selecting node i intoto the decision committee. The value of δi can be calculatedaccording to wi|i ∈ N readily available on the blockchain asfollows. As an admission control, we constrain the total weightof decision committee members as w ≤ W . Therefore, we


i∈N δiwi = w. Meanwhile, the value of δi should beproportional to wi, i.e., δi

δj= wi

wj. Based on above constraints,

each node can easily calculate the values of δi = wiw∑j∈N w2


independently, without message exchanges.As shown in Procedure 3, to verify sortition results, we

use VerifyVRFpki(·) [17] to check the correctness of hashi

according to public key pki, πi, r and seedr. If hashi iscorrect, we continue to check wether hashi

2hashlen is no greaterthan δi that can be calculated according to wi|i ∈ N.The function returns True if passing both condition checks.Otherwise, False is returned.

C. Balance planning for unidirectional channels

To achieve the economy goal of network planning, weneed to design an algorithm to minimize the amount of coinsdeposited into payment channels. We use bij to denote theinitial balance of the unidirectional channel (i, j) ∈ E, andfpuv(i, j) to denote the payment from node u to v over the

channel (i, j) along the path p ∈ Puv . The balance planningproblem can be formulated as follows.

uniBP chance: min∑



bij ≤ Bi,∀i ∈ N ; (1)

(1− ϕj)fpuv(i, j) = fp

uv(j, k),∀(i, j) ∈ p, (j, k) ∈ p,

p ∈ Puv, (u, v) ∈ D; (2)∑(u,v)∈D


f luv(i, j) ≤ bij ,∀(i, j) ∈ E. (3)

Pr ∑



fpuv(u, j) ≥ duv

≥ 1− ϵ,

∀(u, v) ∈ D. (4)

Each node i ∈ N has a limited budget Bi for channelconstruction, which is constrained by (1). Due to the forward-ing fees charged by each intermediate node i along a pathp ∈ Puv , the payment of its previous-hop channel (i, j) shouldbe more than the next-hop channel (j, k), which is representedby constraint (2). The constraint (3) indicates that the totalpayments over each channel (i, j) ∈ E cannot exceed its initialbalance bij . Finally, the total payment over all possible pathsshould be no less than the demand duv , which can be expressedby ∑



fpuv(u, j) ≥ duv,∀(u, v) ∈ D. (5)

However, it is hard to accurately estimate the payment demandduv between each pair of nodes in practice. To circumvent thisdifficulty, we model the payment demand duv as a randomvariable, and express the constraint in a chance-constrainedform (4), which allows a small outage probability ϵ.

The main difficulty in solving the problem uniBP chanceis to address the chance constraint (4). In the following,we apply the Bernstein approximation [18] to transfer (4)

into a linear constraint, while guaranteeing the feasibilityof corresponding solutions. Suppose that the distribution ofduv is bounded within [dmin

uv , dmaxuv ], which can be obtained

by analyzing the transaction records in history. By definingαuv = 1

2 (dmaxuv − dmin

uv ) and βuv = 12 (d

maxuv + dmin

uv ), duv canbe normalized within [−1, 1] as follows:

ξuv =duv − βuv

αuv∈ [−1, 1]. (6)

The chance constraint (4) can be equivalently written as

Prβuv −



fpuv(u, j) + αuvξuv ≤ 0

1− ϵ,∀(u, v) ∈ D. (7)

According to Bernstein approximation [18], the above con-straint can be approximated by:


[βuv −



fpuv(u, j) + ρ log



+ρΩ(ρ−1αuv)]≤ 0,∀(u, v) ∈ D, (8)

where Ω(ρ−1αuv) can be expressed as

Ω(ρ−1αuv) = logE[exp(ρ−1αuvξuv)]. (9)

Theorem 1: For a given ϵ, suppose that there exists a solutionsuch that (8) holds. Then, this solution satisfies (4).

The proof can be completed by following [18]. We omitdetails due to space limit. Moreover, another useful conclusionoffered by [18] is that the upper bound of Ω(w) is given by

Ω(w) ≤ maxµ−w, µ+w+ σ2w2

2, (10)

where −1 ≤ µ− ≤ µ+ ≤ 1 and σ ≥ 0 are constants thatdepend on the given probability distribution.

By applying (10), the constraint (8) can be approximatedby


[βuv −



fpuv(u, j) + ρ log


ϵ+ µ+αuv



]≤ 0,∀(u, v) ∈ D. (11)

The inf(·) in above constraint can be removed by substi-tuting ρ = σαuv√

2 log ϵ−1, so that (11) can be equivalently written


βuv −∑



fpuv(u, j) + µ+αuv


2 log ϵ−1σαuv ≤ 0,∀(u, v) ∈ D. (12)

Finally, we obtain a linear programming formulation asfollows.

uniBP linear: min∑



(1)− (3), and (12).

!"#$% &'(!!A= 1 !B=1

"#$ % & "$# % &

)'* +,-./-$0#'./ !A !B

1 !23&4541 6 7

7 &23!4541 1 1

8 !23&4541 6 7

9 &23!4541 1 1


!"#$% &'(!!A= 2 !B=1

)'* +,-./-$0#'./ !A !B

1 !23&4541 1 6

6 &23!4541 6 1

7 !23&4541 1 6

8 !23&4541 9 7

: &23!4541 1 6

; !23&4541 9 7

"#$ % & "$# % '


Fig. 3. Examples of payments over bidirectional channels.

Since BP linear contains real variables and linear constraints,it can be efficiently solved by well-developed algorithms, e.g.,simplex algorithms or interior-point algorithms [19].

D. Balance Planning for Bidirectional Channels

Bidirectional payment channels have stronger payment ca-pability by allowing two-way payments. Since a node canmake payments more than its initial deposit, the constraint(4) cannot be applied for bidirectional channels. We use anexample in Fig. 3 to motivate the formulation of bidirectionalchannels. We first assume that Alice and Bob have paymentdemands of 2 coins to each other, i.e., dAB = 2 and dBA = 2.It is unnecessary to let them deposit 2 coins as initial balances.As shown in Fig. 3(a), their payment demands can be satisfiedwith initial balances of αA = 1 and αB = 1. If the paymentdemand from Alice to Bob grows to 4 coins, Alice needs todeposit 2 coins, as shown in Fig. 3(b). By carefully examiningthe payment process in the above examples, we find that theAlice’s initial balance αA should be no less than the amountof incoming payments minus that of outgoing payments. Bobhas no such a constraint because it makes less payment toAlice. The above facts can be expressed by:




fpuv(i, j)−∑



fpuv(j, i)

≤ bij ,∀(i, j) ∈ E. (13)

According to (13), Bob’s initial balance can be 0 in theexample shown in Fig. 3(b). However, this setting would stuckall Bob’s payments until he receives some coins from Alice. Inour model, we impose no requirement on the payment delayand it is fine to finish all payments before the end of the epoch.However, we still let each node deposits some coins bmin

ij asinitial channel balance to reduce payment delay in practice.The value of bmin

ij can be estimated according to the paymenthistory and the requirement of payment delay, but it cannotprovide strong delay guarantee in theory. The balance planningproblem for payment networks with bidirectional channels canbe described by:

biBP chance: min∑




fpuv(i, j)−



fpuv(j, i) ≤ bij ,

∀(i, j) ∈ E; (14)bij ≥ bmin

ij ,∀(i, j) ∈ E; (15)(1), (2), and (4).

The above problem can be transferred as a linear versionbiBP linear using the similar techniques developed in SectionIV-C.

E. Complexity Analysis

We first study the number of message exchanges incurredby PnP. The number of nodes in the network is denoted byn = |N |, and m nodes are expected to be chosen as the de-cision committee. Since sortition process needs no interactionamong nodes, only the dissemination of sortition results incursO(mn) messages. In addition, O(mn) messages are neededfor reporting payment demands by nodes. The PBFT protocolincurs O(m2) message exchanges among decision committeemembers. Finally, counting O(mn) messages for disseminat-ing planning results, the communication complexity of PnPis O(mn + m2). Fast polynomial-time algorithms exist forverifiable random functions and linear programming problemsuniBP linear and biBP linear. Considering blockchain nodesare usually equipped with strong computational capability, PnPimposes minor computational overhead on them.


A. Experiment settings

We implement PnP as a pluggable service that can interactwith the Lightning Network Daemon (lnd) [13], a completeimplementation of a Lightning Network node, over RPCinterfaces. PnP contains two main modules, i.e., the sortitionand the planning solver. In the sortition module, we useCurve 25529 to implement signatures and VRFs. The hashvalues are generated according to SHA-256. We create atestbed of 30 nodes to evaluate the performance of PnP.The potential payment channels among nodes are randomlygenerated according to the Watts-Strogatz small-world model[20], which has been widely adopted to describe real-worldconnections. In our settings, each node holds a random budgetamong [1000, 1500] coins and can create channels to at most6 neighbors. Forwarding fees are charged proportional to theamount of forwarded payments, and the ratios are randomlydistributed within [0.01, 0.1]. We also set w = W/3, i.e., thesortition weights held by decision committee is about one thirdof total weights of all nodes. The payment outage probabilityis set to 0.05. All experiments run 50 epochs. Since PnP isthe first work for balance planning, we compare it with severalvariants using different design choices as follows.

PNP greedy: For each demand, we first choose the shortestpath with the minimum forwarding fee from the candidate path

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829

Node ID









Initial balance averaged over epochs Initial balance averaged over epochs







The tim

es of being decision committee m


The times of being decision committee member

Fig. 4. The sortition results of dif-ferent nodes.

0 10 20 30 40 50

Epoch ID









The value of w


Fig. 5. The sortition weights of de-cision committee in different epochs.

set and open channels along this path. If the residual budget ofthis path is insufficient to satisfy this demand, we then choosethe next shortest path, until all candidate paths are used.

PNP exp: The decision committee solves balance planningproblems based on the expectation of payment demands, byreplacing the constraint (4) with (5).

PNP rebalance: We combine the rebalancing idea of RE-VIVE [12] with PnP by letting nodes periodically rebalancetheir channels. Due to the overhead of rebalancing, we con-strain rebalancing operations within 3 times in each epoch.

B. Experiment results

1) Sortition results: We first evaluate the sortition functionby checking the probability of being decision committeemembers. As illustrated in Fig. 4, black bars indicate nodes’sortition weights averaged over 50 epochs and the othersrepresent the times of being decision committee members.The results show that the chances of being chosen roughlycoincide with the proportion of sortition weights. The nodescontributing more channel deposits have more opportunitiesto be decision committee members. Since malicious nodeshold limited budgets, they have lower probabilities of joiningthe committee and therefore manipulating planning results. InFig. 5, we show the value of w and the total weights holdby the decision committee in each epoch. Although a slightdeviation exists, the average error is only 17%. We randomlymark several nodes as malicious ones, and they always accountfor less than one-third of the decision committee population, asshown in Fig. 6, so that the PBFT protocol can well guaranteethe correctness of planning results.

2) Balance planning results: We show the number ofsatisfied payment demands under different demand estimateerrors in Fig. 7. The estimation error has little effect, less than3%, on PnP, but PnP exp strongly depends on the estimationaccuracy. The number of satisfied demands under PnP expincreases from 27.8 to 36.6 when the average error reducesfrom 30 to 10.

The number of satisfied demands under different schemesis shown in Fig. 8. The results are averaged over 50 epochsand each epoch has 50 demands whose estimation error isabout 20. PnP completes about 95% of payment demands,which is coincident with the outage setting, while PnP greedyperforms worst, with less than 30 demands satisfied. We setthe minimum amount of coins included in transactions to

0 10 20 30 40 50

Epoch ID








Decison committee populationThe number of malicious nodes

Fig. 6. The population of decisioncommittee.

10 20 30

Estimation error








The number of satisfied demands




Fig. 7. The number of satisfied de-mands under different estimation er-rors.

PNP_greedy PNP_exp PNP_rebalance PNP0







No. of total demandsNo. of satisfied demands

Fig. 8. The number of satisfied de-mands.

PNP_greedy PNP_exp PNP_rebalance PNP0






No. of channelsNo. of exhausted channels

Fig. 9. The number of exhaustedchannels.

0.2. If the channel balance is less than 0.2, we say thischannel is exhausted. Fig. 9 show the number of exhaustedchannels. We observe that PnP creates about 82 channelson average, but exhausts only about 4 channels. Due to re-balancing, PnP rebalance has about 13.3 channels exhausted,outperforming PnP greedy and PnP exp.

We then study the influence of payment demands on initialchannel deposits and completed payments. As shown in Fig.10(a), the amount of budgets deposited into channels increasesas the number of demands grows from 20 to 60. Note that PnPand PnP rebalance use the same amount of budgets becausePnP rebalance also uses the results of chance-constrainedoptimization, but periodically rebalancing channels. AlthoughPnP and PnP rebalance consume more budgets, they havestronger payment capability in practice. The evidences canbe found in Fig. 10(b) that shows the amount of completedpayments under different number of demands.

We then randomly remove some nodes from the networkand show the influence of network size in Fig. 11. As thegrowth of network size, the total budgets deposited into thenetwork increase. That is because the paths between two ran-dom nodes become longer in larger networks. All nodes alonga path need to deposit their channels to forward payment,leading to the growth of channel deposits. On the other hand,there is slight decreasing of successful payments as the growthof network size because the probability of channel exhaustionincreases in longer paths. Although PnP uses more budgets,it enables more successful payments thanks to the chance-constrained optimization.

Finally, we study the performance of PnP with unidirec-tional channels and bidirectional channels. As shown in Fig.12, PnP with bidirectional channels needs less budget, but

20 30 40 50 60

The number of payment demands







The amount of initial balance

s PnPPnP_rebalance



(a) The amount of channel depositsunder different payment demands.

20 30 40 50 60

The number of payment demands









The amount of successful payments




(b) The amount of successful pay-ments under different payment de-mands.

Fig. 10. The influence of payment demands.

15 20 25 30

Network size






The amount of initial balance





(a) The amount of channel depositsunder different network sizes.

15 20 25 30

Network size







The amount of successful payments




(b) The amount of successful pay-ments under different network sizes.

Fig. 11. The influence of network size.

with strong payment capability. Moreover, the gap becomeslarger when more payment demands are generated. That isreasonable because bidirectional channels show advantages inhandling payments with reverse direction, which exist withhigher probability under more payment demands.


1) Blockchain: Bitcoin [1] is the first successful cryptocur-rency based on blockchain, which is a distributed transactionledger maintained by a number of participants connected overa peer-to-peer network. To keep a consistent view of the ledger,participants run a protocol called Nakasato consensus basedon a proof-of-work (PoW) process. Inspired by the successof Bitcoin, various cryptocurrencies with different featureshave been invented [21]–[23]. For example, Ethereum [24]has extended blockchain to support smart contracts, and Zcash[25] protects user privacy by enabling confidential transactionsusing zero-knowledge proof. However, almost all popularblockchain-based cryptocurrencies face a common challengeof poor scalability, which stems from the consensus protocolthat involves all blockchain nodes. A straightforward idea isto improve the performance of consensus protocols, whichhas been paid a great attention by both academia and indus-try. Algorand [15] uses an enhanced Byzantine Agreementprotocol to reach consensus among users. OmniLedger [4]divides blockchain nodes into several shards and optimizesperformance via parallel intra-shard transaction processing.RapidChain [5] is also a sharding-based consensus protocolthat achieves complete sharding of communication, computa-tion and storage.

20 30 40 50 60

Number of demands






Total budgets of each



(a) The amount of budgets under dif-ferent payment demands.

20 30 40 50 60

Number of demands









Total payments of each



(b) The amount of successful pay-ments under different payment de-mands.

Fig. 12. Comparison of unidirectional and bidirectional channels

2) Payment channels and payment networks: The mostfamous payment network is the Lightning Network [7] that hasbeen designed for Bitcoin. The bidirectional payment channelshave been studied by [26]. Raiden Network [8] has beenproposed as an off-blockchain scaling solution for Ethereumblockchain. Sprites [9] has enhanced the performance ofpayment channel by reducing the worst-case cost that eachhop along the route may incur. Flare [27] has been designed asa hybrid routing algorithm for payment routing in LightningNetwork. Yu et al. [28] have proposed a distributed routingmechanism called CoinExpress. The concept of general statechannel has been proposed by [29] to allow the executionof arbitrary complex smart contracts on payment networks.Dziembowski et al. [10] have proposed the virtual paymentchannels that apply the channel technique recursively, so thattwo nodes without direct channel connection can still enjoy thebenefits of payment channels, without building new channels.Molavolta et al. [11] have shown the privacy challenge ofexisting Lightning Network and have proposed a protocolcalled Fulgor to enhance the privacy guarantee. Moreover, theyhave addressed the concurrency issue of payment networks.REVIVE [12] allows a set of nodes in the payment networkto securely rebalance their channels, but requiring a trustedthird-party to run the rebalancing algorithm.


This paper presents PnP, a balance planning service for pay-ment networks. Given inaccurate estimated payment demands,PnP can minimize the total funds deposited into paymentchannels while guaranteeing small outage probability. Mean-while, PnP requires no trusted third-party and can resist attacksby designing an efficient cryptographic sortition algorithm toselect a decision committee responsible for running balanceplanning algorithms. We implement PnP on Lighting NetworkDaemon and experimental results on a testbed of 30 nodesshow that PnP outperforms other designs.


This research is partially supported by the JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research grant number JP19K20258.Prof. Wanlei Zhou’s work is partially supported by the ARCDiscovery Project DP180102828.


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