Sector Partnership Planning Grant...

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Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application

Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development Program Delivery Support Branch 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M7A 2S3

Call for Proposal Application

All applications and supporting documentation

must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. 1 (EST) on July 19, 2017 to the following email


Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application



The following format and sequence should be followed in order to provide

consistency in the applications and ensure that each response receives

full consideration. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Please attach:

• Letter of commitment from partners (see #6 below)

• Letters of support from the community (see #6 below)

• A work plan (see #8 below)

• Budget template (see #10 below)

(*) Required entry

1. Project Contact Information*

Legal name of lead organization

Contact name

Mailing address

Telephone number

Email address

2. Partner Organizations – Add Rows as Applicable*

1. Legal name of organization*

Mailing address

2. Legal name of organization*

Mailing address

3. Legal name of organization*

Mailing address

4. Legal name of organization*

Mailing address

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


3. Declaration*

This section is to be signed by the applicant’s signing authority.

Through submission of this application, I agree to all of the terms and conditions and that the

information provided in this application is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge..

Does the organization meet the requirements set out in Section 1.2 of the

Application Guide “Who Can Apply?”

☐ Yes ☐ No


Print name

Job title


4. Project Rationale and Supporting Evidence (10 points) *

i. Provide a summary of the proposed project objective(s) and rationale. (250 word


Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


ii. What is the evidence you have used to formulate your project objective(s) and rationale.

Please include justification for selection of regional industry including factors such as size

of industry, job quality and growth potential. (500 word maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


5. Labour Market Issue(s) (10 points)*

i. What is the issue(s) you are trying to better understand or address through the project?

Please describe the employer (demand side) and job seeker/worker (supply side) issues you are hoping to better understand and address. (500 word maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


ii. What is the evidence that you have used to identify the issue(s)? (500 word maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


6. Partnership and Stakeholder Support (20 points)*

i. Describe what each project partner, including the applicant (lead organization), is going

to contribute to the project (financial or in-kind) and their respective roles. Please attach a

letter of commitment from each partner who will be working with the applicant, including a

description of their role and contribution to the project. (250 word maximum)


iii. Aside from the partners who will be contributing financial or in-kind resources to the project, do you have broader partnerships in place? If yes, describe them. If no, how will you develop one? (250 word maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


iv. What community, sector, or industry support including from employment, training and social service providers is there for this project? Please attach supporting documentation (e.g., support letters). (250 maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


7. Organizational Capacity and Experience (10 points)*

i. Describe your organization such as how long you have been in operation, geographic

coverage, ties to the sector or industry being analyzed, and any other details you think

are important. (150 word maximum)

ii. Describe how your organization is structured (i.e., roles and responsibilities,

reporting relationships including financial oversight). (150 word maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


iii. Will current staff members be tasked with undertaking project activities? If so, please

describe their qualifications and what they will be doing. If additional staff is required,

please describe what position(s) you will fill and the qualifications you will be looking for.

(150 word maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


8. Planned Activities (30 points)*

i. Describe your goals and full description of objectives of the project. (500 word maximum)ii.

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


iii. What is your plan for achieving project deliverables? Please include a work plan with

timelines. (500 word maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


iv. Will you be developing a strategy to access non-traditional labour sources, such as: youth not in education or employment, underemployed, older workers, persons with

disabilities, lower-skilled incumbent workers, workers in precarious employment,

newcomers, etc.? Please describe. (250 word maximum)



Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


9. Focus on Lower-Middle Skilled and/or Marginalized Unemployed Job Seekers

(15 points)*

i. Describe the needs and barriers of lower-middle skilled workers and/or marginalized

unemployed job seekers targeted through your planned strategy? (250 word maximum)

ii. Describe how your strategy will address the needs and barriers of the targeted

population? (250 word maximum)

Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application


10. Proposed Budget (5 points)*

Please create a proposed budget which details the costs required to undertake all

activities outlined in the Sector Partnership Planning Grant Application Guide. Refer to

eligibility of costs in Section 2.4 of the Application Guide. Proposed budgets should be

attached to the final submission in PDF format.

Budget Template

Lead Organization Name:

Item Total Cost



(Financial or




from the


Rationale for Item and

how cost determined


Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Application – APPENDICES 1/5


The following terms have meanings assigned in the Sector Partnership Planning Grant Call for Proposal.

“Applicant” means the lead organization applying for consideration to undertake the activities described in the

Sector Partnership Planning Grant Application Guide.

“Capital Costs” exceed $1,000 (excluding tax) at time of purchase.

“Industries and Sectors” are categories used to classify all businesses and organizations, as defined by the

North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). Information about NAICS is available online.

“Industries” are groups of companies and enterprises engaged in the same type of activities related to

production or delivery of services. Examples include non-residential building construction (NAICS

2362), and architectural, engineering and related services (NAICS 5413).

“Sectors” are groups of industries defined by broadly similar activities; using the previous examples

these would include construction (NAICS 23), and professional, scientific and technical services

(NAICS 54).

“In-kind contributions” are the contribution of goods, services, labour or fixed assets that would otherwise

have been provided and paid for to execute the project and are necessary for its success. All goods and

services shall be valued at cost to the contributing partner, and shall not include any mark-up nor exceed

market value. The following are not considered as in-kind contributions/expenditures:

• Donations in the form of goodwill and other such intangibles

• Opportunity costs

• Standard discounts

• Interest charges

• Any items or services not directly related to the project.

“Labour market” means a defined geographic area in which workers offer their skills, experience, and

knowledge to employers in exchange for wages and benefits.

“Legal entity” means an individual, a sole proprietorship, a corporation, a partnership, a joint venture, or

another legally recognized entity, that conducts business in the province of Ontario.

“Partnership/Partners” means a relationship where two or more parties, having compatible goals, have an

arrangement to work, share the risk, and share the results or proceeds. Partnership implies the sharing of

decision making, risks, power, benefits, and burdens. It should add value to each partner’s respective services,

products or situations.

“Response” means all the documentation submitted by the Applicant in response to the Call for Proposals (CFP).


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“Stakeholder” means somebody or something with direct interest: a person or group with a direct interest,

involvement or investment in something; individuals or groups that are affected by a decision and have an

interest in its outcome.

“Successful Applicant” means an organization that has entered into an agreement with the Ministry to

undertake the project described in the Sector Partnership Planning Grant Application Guide.

Examples of Eligible and Ineligible Expenditures

Eligible Expenditures

Eligible expenditures shall be claimed to the extent that they are reasonable and are within the intent of the

project agreement in the opinion of the Ministry. Such expenditures are actual cash outlays that can be

documented through invoices or receipts. Evidence of payment must be maintained for audit purposes. The

Ministry will have the final word in determining expenditure eligibility and valuation.

Eligible expenditures are directly related to the development and delivery of the approved project which

include but are not limited to:

• Administrative costs incurred; this includes such things as payroll and Human Resource administration, insurance, use of common resources, space or facilities, the provision of data collection, and financial tracking and reporting for the project.

• Legal costs specifically related to entering into an agreement with the Ministry. No other legal fees shall be eligible.

• Honoraria to professionals (e.g., Elders, guest speakers, etc.)

• Rent and supplies for the delivery of the project (includes computers valued at less than $1,000 at time of purchase and computer software).

• Furniture

• Salaries and Wages: Direct salaries and wages, including reasonable benefits, of staff directly employed on the project and in proportion to the amount of time spent working directly on the project. The Applicant is required to maintain timesheets or appropriate records for all employees working directly on the project to verify time spent on project work and to verify expenditures for audit purposes.

• Consultants/Sub-Contractors: Costs related to work performed by companies or individuals that contribute to the project under contract are normally eligible.

• Consulting or other services directly related to the project must be charged at fair market value or less. Satisfactory evidence demonstrating that the services do not exceed fair market value may be required.

• Professional Fees: Fees directly related to and required for the management of the project or to conduct the work of the project may be eligible. Evidence or a contract may be required. Costs must not exceed fair market value.

• Capital costs will be considered on a case by case basis. If the successful applicant (i.e., funding recipient) acquires supplies, equipment or services with funds, they shall do so through a fair and transparent process that promotes the best value for money.


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Ineligible Expenditures

Ineligible expenditures are not directly related to the development and delivery of the approved project and


• Core organization costs or core institutional programming

• Curriculum development

• Initiatives that are already fully funded

• Supplies or equipment not directly related to the delivery of the project

• Legal costs (other than those described under Eligible Expenditures)

• Debt reduction costs

• Indirect and fixed expenditures which are not directly attributable to project activities.

Other Information

Ownership of Proposals (Applications)

All responses submitted to the Ministry become the property of the Ministry. They will be received and held in

confidence by the Province, subject to the provisions of the FIPPA.

Intellectual Property

A. Ownership of Products. A Successful Applicant shall own the products.

B. Successful Applicant’s Grant of Licence. Subject to section C, a Successful Applicant grants, to all organizations who have entered, or will enter, into an agreement with the Ministry to carry out a project under the Sector Partnership Planning Grant, or a successor Government of Ontario program, a world-wide, non-

exclusive, royalty free, licence to use, modify, reproduce and distribute, in any form, the products.

C. Limitation on Licence. The licence is applicable solely for the purpose of an organization carrying out a project under the Sector Partnership Planning Grant, or a successor Government of Ontario program, and cannot be used for any other purpose.

D. Representation and Warranty. A Successful Applicant represents and warrants that the grant of licences pursuant to section B shall not infringe or induce the infringement of any third party intellectual property rights.

E. Acceptance of Terms of Licence. If at any time, a Successful Applicant is granted a licence for other products pursuant to an agreement with the Ministry and another organization to carry out a project under the Sector Partnership Planning Grant, or a successor Government of Ontario program, a Successful Applicant acknowledges and agrees:

(a) that the licence for the other products is solely applicable for the purpose of a Successful Applicant carrying out the project or a subsequent project under the Sector Partnership Planning Grant, or a successor Government of Ontario program;

(b) the licence expires on the day that a Successful Applicant does not hold a valid agreement with the Ministry to carry out a project under the Sector Partnership Planning Grant, or a successor Government of Ontario program; and

(c) to immediately cease using, modifying, reproducing or distributing the other products upon the expiry of the licence.


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Accessibility Considerations

A Successful Applicant is responsible for ensuring that its facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities,

and that it is in compliance with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal statutes and codes.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Applicants are solely responsible for familiarizing themselves, and ensuring that they comply, with the laws

applicable to the collection and dissemination of personal information, including resumes and other personal

information concerning employees of the service providers or other collaborators. If this CFP requires Applicants

to provide the Ministry with personal information of employees who have been included as

resources in response to this CFP, Applicants will ensure that they have obtained written consent from each of

those employees before forwarding such personal information to the Ministry.

Such written consents are to specify that the personal information may be forwarded to the Ministry for the

purpose of responding to this CFP and use by the Ministry for the purposes set out in the CFP. The Ministry

may, at any time, request the original consents or copies of the original consents from Applicants, and upon

such request being made, Applicants will immediately supply such original’s or copies to the Ministry.

Visual Identity and Communications

All projects must comply with the Visual Identity and Communications Guidelines for Employment Ontario Service

Providers, which may be amended from time to time at the sole discretion of the Ministry, available on the

Employment Ontario Partners' Gateway web site.

Prohibited communications

Applicants must communicate only through the channels set out in this CFP, and should not communicate

directly or indirectly with the Ministry about the project described in this CFP or otherwise, in respect of the CFP.

Negotiation of Agreement

This CFP is not an agreement to purchase goods or services. The Ministry is not bound to enter into an

Agreement with any Applicant. Applications will be assessed in light of the evaluation criteria. Notice in writing

to an Applicant that it has been identified as a Successful Applicant and the subsequent full execution of a written

Agreement will constitute an Agreement for the goods and services.


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Conflict of Interest

Each Applicant must declare whether it has an actual or potential Conflict of Interest.

If, at the sole and absolute discretion of the Ministry, the Applicant is found to be in a Conflict of Interest, the

Ministry may, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity, disqualify the response submitted

by the Applicant.

The Applicant, by submitting the response, warrants that to its best knowledge and belief no actual or potential

Conflict of Interest exists with respect to the submission of the response or fulfilment of the contemplated

agreement. Where the Ministry discovers an Applicant’s failure to disclose all actual or potential Conflicts of

Interest, the Ministry may disqualify the Applicant or terminate any agreement awarded to that Applicant

pursuant to this CFP process.

Performance Management

The Successful Applicant will be subject to performance management of its project(s), expenditures and reports

by the Ministry as set out in the signed agreement, to determine how effectively the Successful Applicant is

meeting the agreement requirements. The overall success of the project will be determined through ongoing

monitoring, submission of reports and completion of risk assessment(s) if necessary.


Sector Partnership Planning Grant 2017 Sector Planning Partner Grant 2017