Section Page Introduction to Positive Pay...Introduction After you sign onto MIZUHO e-Treasurer and...

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Transcript of Section Page Introduction to Positive Pay...Introduction After you sign onto MIZUHO e-Treasurer and...

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Positive Pay

In this Chapter This chapter contains the following Sections. Section Page

Introduction to Positive Pay Overview of Positive Pay Reverse Positive Pay


Using Positive Pay Positive Pay Main Account Page Add Issued Items Edit/Cancel Items Added Provide Pay/No Pay Decisions on an Item View All Items




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Introduction to Positive Pay Introduction The MIZUHO Positive Pay application allows MIZUHO

and its customers to more easily identify fraudulent checks presented for payment on an account. Positive Pay is a web-based service tool that can help combat check fraud and forgery by matching checks presented for payment against a list of checks issued by your company. If there is a suspect check as a result of matching, you will receive an email notice.

Topics Page

Overview of Positive Pay 4-3

Reverse Positive Pay 4-4

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Overview of Positive Pay How Positive Pay Works

Refer to the following table for a description of how Positive Pay works.

Stage Process 1 The SSO User logs onto the Positive Pay (PP) web application on the MIZUHO

e-Treasurer website. The user can send Positive Pay issued items to MIZUHO at any time before the items have cleared. If there is the possibility of a check being presented the same day it was issued, the issued items list must be sent to MIZUHO by 3PM EST, otherwise it will appear in the Suspect Item List.

2 The user inputs items or sends a file containing a list of all the checks written against your company’s account(s) to Mizuho by 3pm. The file includes a record of each check’s:

Amount Check number/account, and Payee name

3 Positive Pay matches the Issued check item to the presented check item. Issued check items are those that the customer sends to MIZUHO

through e-Treasurer. Presented check items are those checks that were presented for

payment to MIZUHO. Example: By matching the issued check item to the presented check item, Positive Pay confirms that the check that was issued by the customer matches the check that is presented for payment.

4 If the details on the check

differ from those your company provided, the item is rejected as suspect and an email notification is sent to your company..

match the details your company provided, it is processed and paid.

This auto-generated notification has been sent to you as a result of suspect items against your account, which requires your attention. Please log in to MIZUHO e-Treasurer and review the suspect items. Please do not respond to this email. If you need assistance, please contact your account officer for further assistance.

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5 The user logs onto the Positive Pay web application and selects those items

that require a Pay/No Pay decision. The user has until 11am EST the following business day to make Pay/No Pay decisions. After this time the system will revert to the default decision (either to Accept or Reject the item) selected by the customer at time of registration. Note: The user can view an image of a suspect item by selecting the check icon next to the item information.

6 The decision is reported back to Mizuho through the MIZUHO e-Treasurer screen. Result: The bank will either process or not process the suspect item(s) depending on the user’s decision.

Reverse Positive Pay Reverse Positive Pay

Reverse Positive Pay is similar to the Positive Pay process but instead of marking only the suspect items for the customer’s review, it marks every item. This requires the customer to make Pay/No Pay decisions on all items rather than only those marked suspect by Positive Pay. Reverse Positive Pay is an effective alternative to Positive Pay if you want to self-identify your company’s discrepancies.

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Using Positive Pay Introduction This section will explain how to

Select an Account. Add Items to your Positive Pay issued items list Edit or Cancel added items Provide Pay/No Pay decisions for an item View All Items

Topics Page Positive Pay Main Account Page 4-6 Add Issued Items 4-8 Edit/Cancel Items Added 4-17 Provide Pay/No Pay Decisions on an Item 4-18 View All Items 4-20

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Positive Pay Main Account Page

Introduction After you sign onto MIZUHO e-Treasurer and select the Positive Pay application, you are presented with the screen below.

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Positive Pay Main Account Page, continued Customer Account Information

The top half of the page displays information regarding the customer’s accounts. You can select the account you want to view and select items to provide Pay/No Pay decisions The Top panel displays the currently selected account number and the Customer Decision Cut-off time.

The arrow to the left of the list identifies the currently selected account. To select another account, click the row of the account.

The Customer Decision Cut-off time is the latest time a customer can make a decision regarding a suspect item. After this time, the system removes the item from the list and chooses the customer’s default decision (either to Pay or Not Pay).

Account Attentions

The bottom half of the Positive Pay Account page displays a list of check items for the currently selected account that require you to make a Pay/No Pay decision. This information appears only if there is a suspicious item.

Customer Accounts

Decision Cut-off time

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Add Issued Items Introduction The customer can add items to Positive Pay in one of two ways:

Add a Single Issued Item, or Add Multiple Issued Items via an Issued Items File

_______________________________________________________________________ Single Issued Item

You may want to enter individual check items one at a time rather than uploading a single file containing all of the items or you may need to add an item to a previously uploaded file.

_______________________________________________________________________ Issued Items File

The Issued Items file contains details of all check items written for the account. It is a comma separated values (CSV) file, containing one line for each check issued by the customer.

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Add a Single Issued Item Step Action 1 Click on the Positive Pay tab from the main e-Treasurer page.

Result: The Positive Pay Account page appears.

2 Click Add Item on the left hand side of the screen.

The RT and Account Number fields provide a drop-down list of possible values for the account. If you wish to work with a different account, select a new RT and Account Number from the drop-down list. Input Check No., Amount, and Payee.

3 Click Add.

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Result: The item will appear below Issue Details Review.


Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you have added all issued items.

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Add a Single Issued Item, continued Step Action 5 Verify added issued items in the Issue Details Review screen. At this point the user may do

one of the following:

Edit the item: Click the field(s) to be modified and make any modifications. Clear: Click the Clear button to remove all the items inputted before the items are

added to the system. Delete the item: Select the issued item, click the Delete button to remove this single

item before the issued items are added to the system.

6 Click OK to submit the item(s) to Positive Pay.

Result: The issued items are submitted to Positive Pay and a summary of your submission appears.

Note: The details of the item you added are checked for errors and a message displays if something is incorrect.

Note: If an item already exists in the Positive Pay database and has been processed by the bank, it cannot be updated. This will result in an error message indicating the problem. The item containing the problem will be displayed as the first item in the list. Click Delete to remove the item from the list, as it cannot be imported.

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Add an Issued Item File Issued Item File Requirements

The Issued Item file must conform to the following requirements: Must be a valid Microsoft name File extension must be .CSV

Reference: See .CSV File following the table below. Maximum length of filename is 100 characters Separate line for each check item Each line delimited by a Carriage return and line feed

Field Value Validation

Route & Transit RT Number from the check Must be numeric (9 digits) Omit dash if any in actual RT

Account Number Account Number from the

check Must be numeric Must be the full 11 digits of the

account number minus the beginning letter and dashes.

Check Number Check Number of the check Must be numeric

Amount Amount (in cents) check is written for

Must be numeric No Decimal point. $53.34

entered as 5334. $1 entered as 100

Payee Who the check is written to Alphanumeric – up to 49 characters

Spaces, punctuation and special characters will be removed during comparison

The Payee Name should be enclosed in double quotes if the Payee includes commas (i.e. "Doe, John")

Valid Special Characters @ $ & ( ) - _ :

Invalid Special Characters ~ ! # % ^ * = + \ | ; ? < > { } [ ] /

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Add an Issued Item File, continued .CSV File CSV stands for Comma Separated Values or Comma Delimited. It is a simple

way of formatting data within a plain text file. A .CSV file contains the values in a table as a series of ASCII text lines organized so that each column value is separated by a comma from the next column's value and each row starts a new line. Why a .CSV File? The advantage of a .CSV file is that it can be read by spreadsheet or database software very easily. It's important that the individual "records" within a CSV file NOT contain commas, as this may break the simple formatting when using the file in another application. Example:

026008905,10757000000,11111,50000,John Smith

026004307,10740000000,222222,4578,John Doe

This file contains two items one from RT 026008905 and account 10757000000 and one from RT 026004307 and Account 10740000000

RT 026008905 & Account 10757000000

Check Number is 111111

Amount is $500.00

The check was paid to John Smith

RT 026004307 & Account 10740000000

Check Number is 222222

Amount is $45.78

The check was paid to John Doe

How to Create a .CSV File

The following links contain helpful information on creating .CSV Files: Once you create your file in Excel, do the following to save it as a .CSV file.

1. Open your Excel document; go to File Save As.... 2. Change the "Save as type" or "Format" field to read: "CSV (Comma

delimited)". 3. Name the document and save it.

To ensure that your CSV file was created correctly, open it from a plain-text reading program such as Notepad. Ensure that there are no extra commas, other than between fields.

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Add an Issued Items File, continued Step Action 1 Click on the Positive Pay tab from the main e-Treasurer page.

Result: The Positive Pay Account page appears.

2 Click Add Item on the left hand side of the screen.

Result: The Issued Item File screen appears.

3 Either enter the name of the file to be imported in the File Name field or select the file using the Browse button. Note: The payee name verification feature is an option in Positive Pay. If you do not subscribe to this option, the payee name field will not be available.

Result: The full filename will appear in the File Name field box.

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Add an Issued Items File, continued 4 Click Upload to import the items in the file into the Review Details list.

Result: The file is uploaded into Positive Pay.

5 Verify added issued items in the Issue Details Review screen. At this point the user may do one of the following:

Edit the item: Click the field(s) to be modified and make any modifications. Clear: Hit the clear button will remove all the items inputted before the items are

added to the system. Delete the item: Select the issued item, click the Delete button to remove this single

item before the issued items are added to the system.

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Add an Issued Items File, continued Step Action 6 Click OK to submit the item(s) to Positive Pay.

Result: The issued items are submitted to Positive Pay and a summary of your submission appears.

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Edit or Cancel Items Added Introduction All issued items were added to the Positive Pay system. The customer has

the opportunity to edit and/or cancel issued items before the Positive Pay matching process begins.

Edit/Cancel Items Added

Follow the steps in the table below to edit/cancel items added.

Step Action 1 From the main Positive Pay screen, select the account to view, then click on View All.

2 From the View All Items screen, click the line to be edited or canceled.

3 Edit button: Click the Edit Item button to modify either the Amount or Payee.

Click the Modify button to update the edited information.

4 Cancel Button: Click the cancel button if decided that this item should not be added to the Positive Pay system.

Note: Once an item is canceled it cannot be undone and cannot be re-added. Also, this cannot be used for Stop Payments on checks. Please contact Mizuho for Stop Payment process.

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Provide Pay/No Pay Decisions on an Item Step Action 1 From the main Positive Pay Page, select an account to view at the top of the

screen by clicking on the box to the left of the RT Number or directly on the number itself.

Result: An arrow appears next to the account you selected and the suspect details appear below.

2 Click check icon to the right of the item where you wish to make a Pay/No Pay decision.

Result: A new page appears with details of the item you selected.

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Provide Pay/No Pay Decisions on an Item, continued Step Action 3 Compare the details of your issued items list with the check details MIZUHO has

provided and make a decision to Pay or Not Pay.

Note: The form provides details of the suspect item. The details provided by your issued items list for the check are displayed along with the details MIZUHO has processed for the check item. An image of the check is also displayed.

4 If the user wants to pay the item, select Accept Item from the Customer Action drop-down list and click Confirm. If the user doesn’t want to pay the item, select a reason from the Customer Action drop-down list and click Confirm.

pay (accept) the item, the status is changed from Suspect to Accept. do not pay the item, the status is changed from Suspect to Reject.

Note: Customer can change their pay/no-pay decision an infinite amount of

times up until the system cut-off time.

5 Click OK. 6 Repeat this procedure for all suspect items until all decisions are made.

Note: If the cut off time for the item has expired, the item cannot have its status modified. The Customer Action will display the message “Decision cut off expired” and no changes to the items are permitted.

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View All Items Introduction View All will let you see a list of all items currently in the Positive Pay

system for the currently selected Account. The View All Items screen is shown below.

Display All Items Screen

Display All Items Screen Fields

The table below lists and defines the fields in the Display All Items screen.

Field Description Date Processed This is the Date the item was processed by the bank. It will be set to

zero if the bank has not received and processed the physical check. Check No This is the Check number of the item, as processed by the bank. Check Amount This is the amount of the item, as processed by the bank. Payee This is the payee of the item. The bank processes this if Payee

verification is requested. If no verification is requested, this field will be blank.

Date Issued This is the date the item was input into the Positive Pay system. Status See the Status Field table below for details on the Status field.

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View All Items, continued Status Field Table (continued) Field Description Issued Item This status means the customer has added the item but the item has not

been presented/processed by the bank yet. An item at this status may be either edited or cancelled.

Edit Item o Select the item and press the Edit button to change the check

number, Amount, Payee. Cancel Item

o Select the item and press the Cancel Item button, changing the status of the item to Cancelled.

Auto Accepted The item has been processed by the bank and was automatically accepted. It passed the Positive Pay verification and will be paid.

Suspect Items at this status require attention by the customer. Items marked as suspect indicate that the information used by the bank from the check item does not match the issued item information for the check provided by the customer. In this situation the customer will decide if the item is to be paid or not. Items at this status will be shown on the attention items form.

Bank Accepted

The item failed the automatic Positive Pay verification. However, during the manual review of the check item and the data from the customer, the bank accepted the item.

Bank Rejected The item failed the automatic Positive Pay verification. During the manual review of the check item and data from the customer, the bank rejected the item. For this installation, this status will never be achieved, as all items will be marked as suspect in this case.

Customer Accepted

The item status was suspect. The Customer processed the item with a Pay decision.

Customer Rejected

The item status was suspect. The Customer processed the item with a No Pay decision

Accepted (Default)

The item status was suspect. The customer did not make a decision on the item before the suspect item cut-off time. The application used the customer default decision, which was Pay the item.

Rejected (Default)

The item status was suspect. The customer did not make a decision on the item before the suspect item cut-off time. The application used the customer default decision, which was Do Not Pay the item.

Customer Cancelled

The customer imported the item into the system. Before the bank processed the item, the customer modified the status to Cancelled. Items of status Issued Item can be modified or cancelled (See Status Issued Item above). If the item is cancelled the status will change to Customer Cancelled. If the item is at any other status and the suspect cut off time for the item has not expired, the status of the item can be modified.