Section B.docx English

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Transcript of Section B.docx English

  • 8/14/2019 Section B.docx English


    Section B: Continuous Writing

    Question no. 3

    I did not understand why this happened to me until it was too late. I stood there in front of

    her grave. All these years, she waited for me but I rejected her. Why does God have to be so unfair?

    Why did I not see it? She was so happy being with me but Why was I not? I then realised that I was

    not looking for the one but more to perfection. I was looking for perfection.

    It all started that one day. The day I broke up with her. I grew tired of her as if she was a toy

    that was constantly been used and I just threw her away as if she were trash. Yet, she just smiled

    and nodded understanding our situation. But before she left, she gave me a book.

    Do not open it until it is the right time to do so.

    I kept the book safely with all my junk in the closet. Somehow, I felt weird when I threw her

    book in the closet. Then, my phone vibrated. It was from Mark. I answered the phone only to hear

    that Maria was transferred to Japan for her companys recognition. I did not care for such trivial

    matters. Instead, I went my own ways. I told my parents that I would be heading to the States for my


    Even though years went by, Maria would still visit the estate under my parents invitation

    only to keep up the familys good name. As for me, every year without fail, I would always bring

    along all the other eligible bachelorettes that my parents had a second thought about and every year

    Maria would come alone to the Christmas party that we always had every year.

    Every one of those bachelorettes was fine young ladies but none of them had me get the

    feeling of knowing that she was the one for me. So, I changed my partners every year. Maria

    however, just stood there and smiled as she watched me mingle around with those ladies. I know

    that she has a lot of hope in getting back together. She thought that I still had the spark but I never

    did. I used to but now it was getting sad.

    I went out with Melanie the daughter of the Duke of Hounslow, then Arianna the daughter

    of a wealthy merchant who was constantly thinking about my next meeting with the board of

    directors. Next, was Rowena the daughter of the Earl of Haringey, she was a bit peculiar when comes

    to socialising with the other socialites. Then, it was Isabella daughter of the famous Spaniard actor,

    Antonio Banderas. I can never get her accent right. Lastly, I finally dated Angela a psychiatrist of the


    Angela however was the most sensible one. I thought she was the one for me but one day as

    I stopped by her office, she had an affair with another man. I was heartbroken but somehow I got

    over it fast. That year at the Christmas party, Maria did not attend as she was busy with work my

    parents told me. So, I was alone that year. Then, all my five recent girlfriends confronted me at the


    So, wheres your current girlfriend? asked Melanie harshly.

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    Haha Im alone this year, I answered them

    Then, Angela took hold of my arm and dragged me out of the manor. We both chatted

    between ourselves. She apologised for her affair. She told me that she had to do it because sheknew that I had someone else in mind. I was confused when she told me that. I asked her how and in

    what way.

    Through us Each one of us is part of Maria. Melanie, a charming lady indeed. Arianna, who was

    constantly worrying about you. Rowena, her peculiar sides. Isabella, her enthusiasm at speaking.

    Finally, me. I have a lot of patients with a love crisis but not as bad as your case, said Angela firmly.

    Thats ridiculous. Youre wrong. How would you know? I answered back.

    Michael, you were not searching for the one. You were searching for perfection. When right in front

    of your eyes, Maria was truly the one for you. For heavens sake, even our names spelled M. A. R. I.

    A. explained Angela pointing out their names in a row.

    I listened to her advice and pondered on all that she said to me earlier. I could not eat or

    sleep for a few days. Then, as I was doing my work in the office, I noticed the flowers outside the

    garden. They were white roses. Maria loved white roses. In fact every morning, she would water the

    roses as she sang Beautiful in White by her favourite boy band. I thought it was a very annoying

    song but now I recalled her sweet voice singing.

    So as long as I live I'll love you

    Will have and hold you

    You look so beautiful in white

    And from now to my very last breath

    This day I'll cherish

    You look so beautiful in white


    How was she not being here I finally realise my feelings? I quickly called with my cell phone.

    My heartbeat was pounding so hard that I heard it loudly. Then, she picked up her phone.

    Hello? Mike? Is there something wrong?, asked Maria confused with me calling her out of the


    I apologised to her for all the things that I have done all those years. I confessed that I still

    had feelings for her. There was silence in the phone. Then, I heard the sound of crying from the

    other line. I asked her what was wrong.

    Nothing is wrong. I am just happy that you finally said that. I was waiting for you all these years

    and I still am, said Maria sounding so happy.

    Maria, I was blind for all these years. You are the one for me. Marry me, I proposed to her.

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    Yes, I will marry you. Mike, I will be on the next flight to London. Wait for me, said Maria as she

    disconnected the line.

    I then checked the next flight back to London was later around 2 pm. I counted

    approximately 12 hours flight from Tokyo to London. She should arrive the next day. What I did not

    realised was my mother standing at the door of the office. She looked so happy that she ran across

    the room and embraced me.

    Im so proud of you, son. Here, your father and I bought you something a few years ago when you

    courted Maria, said mother as she dragged me to fathers office.

    Mother explained everything to father and he stood up and embraced me. They then went

    to the safe behind the family portrait. They took out a small box. Mother handed it over to me. I

    opened the box to find two rings. They were wedding rings. Mother slipped one on my finger and

    kept the smaller one in the box. As I walked out of the office, I felt excited that I literally jumped for

    joy within the halls.

    The next day, I sprint out of the mansion and went to buy white roses for her at the florist.

    She would arrive at 8 in the morning that day. After buying the roses, I waited at the airport. I was

    anxious of seeing her again. It was almost 8 and I walked over the arrivals. Then, the doors were

    opened. There were a lot of people on that flight. Still there were no signs of her. I sat at the

    benches waiting for her when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned over excitedly to find that it

    was only my parents.

    They looked at me sadly. They told me that Maria was involved in a freak accident when she

    was on her way to the airport and died in the accident. I literally broke down and cried as my mother

    embraced me.

    Now, as I paid my last respects to her. I looked at the glass that was covering her. She was

    wearing a white dress. I then opened the coffin glass and everyone was shocked to see me do such a

    thing. I slipped the wedding ring that I was going to give her that day. I then kissed her lifeless lips as

    I cried. My father then took me away.

    Back at the estate as I was pondering in the office, I recalled the book that she gave me

    when we broke up. I searched in the closet. Just as I was about to give up, I found the book sitting

    there in the box. I opened up the packaging of the box to find a handwritten letter. I sat at the desk

    reading it quietly.

    Dear Mike,

    Since I met you a few months ago, I knew from the beginning that you are the one for me.

    You made me laugh and smile even if you were not there with me. The thought of you makes my

    heart pound. I hope you will be with me till the end of my days. I will always love you.

    Love, Maria.

    P.S. This letter is only to be read before the altar that we are going to be wed.