Section A Period 2 Words and expressions guitar sing swim dance draw chess play chess n. 吉他 v....

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Transcript of Section A Period 2 Words and expressions guitar sing swim dance draw chess play chess n. 吉他 v....

Section APeriod 2

Words and expressions




play chess

n. 吉他v. 唱歌v.&n. 游泳v. 跳舞n. 舞蹈v. 画n. 国际象棋下国际象棋

speakspeak English


be good at…tell


v. 说 ( 某种语言 ) ;说话 说英语v. 参加;加入n. 俱乐部;社团 擅长于……v. 讲述;告诉n. 故事;小说

Words and expressions





talk to…

Kung fu

v. 写作;写字n. 演出;节目v. 给……看;展示conj. 或者;也不 ( 用于否定句 )

v.&n.说话;交流跟……说n. ( 中国 ) 功夫

Words and expressions


speak English

play the guitar play



Can you…?Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.


B: I can … but I can’t…

A: I can… but I can’t…

draw play the guitar




Do you know the club?

art club

swimming club

music club

chess club

English club

basketball club




4 5

_______ club _________ club

_____ Club

_____ club _____ club




chess art

What club do you want to join?I want to join ...

join the swimming club

the dancing club

the singing club

the music club

the art club

the English club

the chess club

the sports club

the basketball / tennis / golf club


I can play the guitar but

I can’t play it very well.

Tom _______ chess ___

he_________ it very well.

Look and say

can play but

can’t play

He________________ but



We ________ ____we


can speak English

can’t speak it very well

can draw but

can’t draw very well

Can you swim? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Can he play chess? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.

Can you and Tom play chess? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

can’t = cannot

Can Jane and Jill swim? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

What club do you want to join?

I/We want to join the chess club.

What can you do? I can dance. I can’t sing.

1. 情态动词 can 的用法:(1) 能;会(说明能力、意愿等)。I can sing and dance, but I can't play the guitar.

(2) 它不随主语人称的变化而变化。I can speak English, and my brother can draw.The boys can play basketball, but she can't.

(3) can 可作助动词用,否定、疑问都要用到它。 否定句直接在 can 后加“ not”.

      He can’t (can not) swim. 疑问句直接把 can 提前

 I can dance.( 一般疑问句 )     I can dance.( 划线部分提问 )

Can you dance ? What can you do ?

2. want (想要)的用法( 1 )想要某物 want sth.

I want ice-cream and hamburgers.

( 2 )想干什么用 want to do …

    I want to play ping-pang.

    They want to join the sports club.

( 3 )主语是第三人称单数时 , want 变 wants 。   He wants to play basketball.

    She wants to join the chess club.

    Li Xiaweng wants to play the piano.

( 4 )变疑问、否定句要借助动词 do/does 。 I want to play soccer ball.( 一般疑问句并肯定回答 )

Do you want to play soccer ball?   Yes , I do .

  He wants to go home by bus. ( 一般疑问句并否定回答 )

Does he want to go home by bus ?  No , he doesn’t.

3. like (喜欢)的用法 喜欢某人 ( 物 ) : like sb./sth.;

喜欢做某事 : like to do sth. like doing sth.   例如:  I like vegetables and fruit.

  He likes ice cream but he doesn’t like broccoli.

  They like listening to music.

  She doesn’t like playing basketball.

4. Are you good with kids?

你善于和孩子们相处吗? be good with sb. 意为“善于和某人相处;

和某人相处得好”。如: Miss Wang is good with us.


5. Can you help kids with swimming?

你能帮助孩子们学游泳吗? help sb. with sth. 意为“在某方面帮助

某人” ,with 后接名词(短语)、代词或 v-ing 形式。如:

She often helps me with math.


3a Write questions and answer with the words and phrases.

1. Wu Jun/speak English/speak ChineseCan Wu Jun speak English?No, he can’t, but he can speak Chinese.

2. Mike/play basketball/play tennis

Can Mike play basketball?No, he can’t, but he can play tennis.

3. Jane and Jill/dance/singCan Jane and Jill dance?No, they can’t, but they can sing.

4. Grace/play soccer/play volleyball

Can Grace play soccer?No, she can’t, but she can play volleyball.

5. Bill/write stories/tell stories

Can Bill write stories?No, he can’t, but he can tell stories.

Play sing tell dance

Students Wanted for School Show

We want students for the school


Can you ___________ or ___________ ?

Can you _____ the guitar? Can you _____

stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after


sing/dance dance/sing

play tell

3b Complete the poster with the words in the box.

A: What can you do, Li Xin?

B: I can do kung fu.

3c What can your group do in the school show? Make a list.

Name What can you do?

Li Xin do kung fu



Lu Han play guitar

Wu Fan dance