Sea Lions

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Sea Lions

Sea LionsBy: Hellie

Sea Lion NamesThe scientific name of California Sea Lion is,


Zalophus comes from a Greek word that means high crest.

Adult Sea Lions

Female Sea Lions are called cows.An adult California Sea Lion cow Weighs between 120 and 250 pounds and is from 16 ½ feet long.Her coat is some what lighter that that of the male , and she has no bump on her head . Females are able to make for the first time when they are about five years old.

Sea Lion BodiesThe reproductive organs of both male and female Sea Lions are located inside their bodies , so until an animal has reached maturity it is hard to tell its sex.

The Group That Sea Lions Are InSea Lions belong to the order ofsea mammles called pinnipedia , latin word meaning fin foot orwing foot. All the animals in this order have flat flipper like feet , and when they are swimming , they sometimes look as if theyare flying through the water.Pinnipeds are found in coastal waters all over the world.