SD42 Parent Letter - August 25 2014

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Transcript of SD42 Parent Letter - August 25 2014

  • 7/21/2019 SD42 Parent Letter - August 25 2014


    August 25, 2014

    Dear parents/guardians,

    I hope you have all had an opportunity this summer to enjoy the beautiful weather. As the summer nears its end and the

    beginning of the school year approaches, I am writing to give you an update on the ongoing labour dispute.

    As you are aware, the BC Teachers Federation (BCTF) and the BC Public School Employers Association (BCPSEA) reached

    an impasse with regard to negotiating a new contract during our last school year, and the BCTF escalated to a full-scale strike

    on June 17, 2014. Unfortunately, the two parties have not made significant progress over the summer months and so the

    possibility of schools opening following Labour Day is uncertain.

    We remain hopeful that the two parties will reach a negotiated settlement before schools are due to open. As a result, a decision

    on school opening will likely not be made until as late as Monday, September 1 st to provide the maximum amount of time to

    reach a negotiated settlement. We encourage you to consult our website ( follow the local media for anychanges over the long weekend. There are two main possibilities:

    1. If there is a settlement, our expectation is that all public schools in the Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows School District will openat the usual time on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014. Administrators and teachers will work hard to ensure that students areactively engaged in learning opportunities as class placements at elementary and course scheduling at secondary arefinalized.

    2. If there is no settlement, some or all schools in the Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows School District may be behind picket lines. Inthis scenario, a withdrawal of service will again impact the school districts ability to provide educationalservices for students. While schools will remain open, we will not be able to offer our regular instruction as we anticipate thatunionized staff will not cross the picket lines. As a result, we will again request that parents not send their children to schooland seek alternate childcare arrangements. The safety of our students is our highest priority. Should any students arrive atschool while picket lines are in place, our school administrators will ensure that they are supervised until they can be safelyreturned to the care of a parent or guardian.

    Kindergarten gradual entry may also have to be modified because of the current labour situation. We encourage parents to

    watch for a School District No. 42 Parent Portal message that will provide you with specific school information regarding

    kindergarten startup.

    We have an outstanding public school system in British Columbia, and we are proud of the hard work and support provided by

    all staff in our school district. It is our hope that the labour impasse is resolved quickly at the bargaining table, and that we can

    soon return to normal operations.

    Information about how parents and guardians can access the $40.00 per day per child support announced by the provincial

    government can be found at Other websites that provide information about the labour issues include,,

    I want to thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.


    Laurie Meston

    Acting Superintendent of Schools

    School District No. 42 Maple RidgePitt Meadows