SD-WAN 2.2 Silver Peak Collector Installation Guide · 2019-03-11 · Data Insight Version 1.5.3...

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Transcript of SD-WAN 2.2 Silver Peak Collector Installation Guide · 2019-03-11 · Data Insight Version 1.5.3...

SD-WAN 2.2 Silver Peak Collector Installation Guide

08 March 2019Version 1.2

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 3

2 Prerequisites 3

2.1 Resources and Other Requirements 4

2.2 Network Requirements 4

3 NMS Appliance Setup 5

4 Installation Steps 10

4.1 Verify that Data Appears in SevOne NMS 17

5 Useful Commands 19

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SevOne Documentation

All documentation is available from the .SevOne Support customer portal

Copyright ©2019 SevOne Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

All right, title, and interest in and to the software and documentation are and shall remain the exclusive property of

SevOne and its respective licensors. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means nor modified,

decompiled, disassembled, published or distributed, in whole or in part, or translated to any electronic medium or

other means without the written consent of SevOne.

In no event shall SevOne, its suppliers, nor its licensors be liable for any damages, whether arising in tort, contract,

or any other legal theory even if SevOne has been advised of the possibility of such damages, and SevOne

disclaims all warranties, conditions, or other terms, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, on software and

documentation furnished hereunder including without limitation the warranties of design, merchantability, or fitness

for a particular purpose, and noninfringement.

All SevOne marks identified or used on the SevOne website, as updated by SevOne from time to time, may be, or

are, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered or pending registration in other

countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks contained and/or mentioned herein are used for

identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

1 Introduction

This document covers the installation of the SD-WAN Silver Peak Collector using SevOne NMS and

SevOne Data Insight 1.5.3.

2 Prerequisites

In order to install the collector, you need to contact SevOne's Production Team for the tar file, sdwan- -silverpeak

. The tar must contain following components:installation-<release-tag>.tar.gz

Docker Installation files and dependencies

Silver Peak Collector (sdwan-silverpeak.tar.gz)

Ansible script to automate the installation/upgrade

For sdwan- -installation-<release-tag>.tar.gzsilverpeak , <release-tag> must be replaced with the SD-

WAN release version. For example, sdwan-silverpeak-installation-2.2.tar.gz

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2.1 Resources and Other Requirements

SevOne NMS Version

An administrator-level account in SevOne NMS. This is necessary in order for the SD-WAN 2.2 Silver Peak Collector to communicate with SevOne REST API.NMS

User name and password for the administrator-level account.

IP address of the PAS.

20k (vPAS_20K_CentOS) appliance (minimum requirement).

Data Insight Version 1.5.3

DSPlugin must be dsplugin-pas5x-1.5.3-hotfix.2.x86_64 .

Silver Peak Version

Docker Version 18.06.1-ce

CPUs 4 or more

RAM 8 GB or more

Hard Disk Drive 20 GB or more

Other Crontab, Logrotate, Ansible Version 2.x

2.2 Network Requirements

2.2.1 Firewall Configuration

The following ports must be open for component access.

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2.2.2 Non-HSA Deployment

There are two option for non-HSA deployment.

Option 1: NMS and Collector are co-hosted.

Number of IP addresses needed: 2

IP for Data InsightD


Option 2: NMS and Collector are on separate hosts.

Number of IP addresses needed: 3

IP for Data InsightD


IP for CollectorC

3 NMS Appliance Setup

NMS appliance setup is only required if it is being done for the . If not, please skip this section.first time

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Perform the following steps on your NMS appliance.

Using , login to NMS appliance as .ssh root

$ ssh root@<NMS appliance>

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Change hostname. Hit <Return> or provide a unique hostname.

$ SevOne-change-hostname


cat: /etc/hostname: No such file or directory


Current Hostname = . Enter New Hostname:


About to change hostname to

You have 4 seconds to press Ctrl-C to abort

sed: can't read /etc/hostname: No such file or directory

sed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression


--- /etc/hostname:

cat: /etc/hostname: No such file or directory


--- /etc/hosts: localhost

::1 localhost localhost



--- Output of hostnamectl status:

Static hostname: n/a

Transient hostname: localhost

Icon name: computer-vm

Chassis: vm

Machine ID: 6fd9c385cd7c4d24a51a1b162f70dbbe

Boot ID: 8cda94813b5341dcaca22cac599310a4

Virtualization: vmware

Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7

Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-693.17.1.el7.x86_64

Architecture: x86-64


If this cluster is configured to use host files for peer name resolution remember

to run SevOne-fix-hosts-file


=== Restarting Kafka.

kafka: stopped

kafka: started


=== I now highly recommend that you reboot.

SevOne-shutdown reboot

Execute the following command and type at prompt.yes

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$ SevOne-fix-hosts-file

Placed a backup copy of the hosts file in /root/hosts.backup

--- appliance IP is

>>> Continue(yes/no)?


--- moving on...

Creating new hosts file from scratch.

Restarting Kafka and Zookeeper

kafka: stopped

kafka: started

zookeeper: stopped

zookeeper: started

Done!!! If you have any issues, immediately copy your backup from /root

/backuphosts over /etc/hosts and restart Kafka

Your new /etc/hosts file:

# /etc/hosts: Local Host Database


# This file describes a number of aliases-to-address mappings for the for

# local hosts that share this file.


# In the presence of the domain name service or NIS, this file may not be

# consulted at all; see /etc/host.conf for the resolution order.


# IPv4 and IPv6 localhost aliases localhost

::1 localhost


# Imaginary network.

# myname

# myfriend


# According to RFC 1918, you can use the following IP networks for private

# nets which will never be connected to the Internet:


# -

# -

# -


# In case you want to be able to connect directly to the Internet (i.e. not

# behind a NAT, ADSL router, etc...), you need real official assigned

# numbers. Do not try to invent your own network numbers but instead get one

# from your network provider (if any) or from your regional registry (ARIN,


# localhost

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Shutdown and reboot NMS appliance. If you do not want to reboot, you can execute supervisorctl restart

to ensure that Kafka service is up and running.kafka

$ SevOne-shutdown reboot

You will automatically log out from the appliance after executing this step.

After the shutdown and reboot, into the appliance again. Execute the following command to check the ssh

status of Kafka service.

$ ssh root@<NMS appliance>

$ supervisorctl status kafka

If Kafka service is not up and running, execute the following command to start the Kafka service.

$ supervisorctl restart kafka

Ensure all NMS services are running.

$ SevOne-act check checkout

[OK] No Errors Detected

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4 Installation Steps

The automation/ansible script must be executed on NMS appliance only.

Using , login to NMS appliance as .ssh root

$ ssh root@<NMS appliance>

Using scp, copy the tar file received from SevOne's Production Team (sdwan-silverpeak-installation-

<release-tag>.tar.gz) to directory of the NMS appliance./root

Extract the tar.gz file.

$ cd /root

$ mkdir sdwan-silverpeak-installation

$ tar -zxvf sdwan-silverpeak-installation-<release-tag>.tar.gz -C sdwan-silverpeak-


$ cd sdwan-silverpeak-installation

Using the text editor of your choice, configure the variables in file.config.yaml

$ vi config.yaml

Example: config.yaml

# Collector Configuration


# True when Upgrade collector and for first time installation it would be false

collector_upgrade: 'false'

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# ReRun Installer when Upgrade collector is true

run_installer: 'false'


# Collector installation to be done on remote/local machine

collector_install_mode: 'local'

collector_release_tag: 'replace_release_tag'


# Provide values for the following only if collector_install_mode is remote

collector_vm_ip: '' # <VM-IP>

collector_vm_username: '' # <ssh-username>

collector_vm_password: '' # <ssh-password>


# Client must provide the NMS details

sevone_api_host: '<Nms IP>' # NMS HostIP

sevone_api_user: 'admin' # NMS admin level login username

sevone_api_password: '' # NMS password

sevone_nms_rest_debug: 'false'

sevone_api_config_port: '80'

sevone_api_security: 'false'

log_severity: 'info'

sevone_api_collection_port: '80'

sevone_api_config_version: 'v2'

sevone_api_collection_version: 'v2'


# Client must provide the vendor specific data collector details.

silverpeak_host: '<Orchestrator IP or DNS>' # Tenant level Orchastrator Host

IP or DNS name

silverpeak_user: '' # Orchestrator username

silverpeak_password: '' # Orchestrator password

silverpeak_tenant: '' # Orchestrator tenant name

silverpeak_enable_https: 'True' # Configuration for enable https

msp_name: 'SILVERPEAK' # MSP Name

poller_threads: '50'


### Update these values when need to enable individual poller

# Preference is to set following flags to true, as it will run each poller in

separate container and will make it optimum

enable_interface_poller: 'true'

enable_tunnel_poller: 'true'

enable_device_summary_poller: 'true'

enable_interface_stat_poller: 'true'

enable_tunnel_stat_poller: 'true'

enable_metadata_poller: 'true'



# Update Interval values for respective pollers, in minutes

device_summary_poller_interval: '5'

interface_stat_poller_interval: '5'

tunnel_stat_poller_interval: '5'

metadata_poller_interval: '30'

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# Redis version configuration

redis_version: '4.0.11'

redis_password: 'Silverpeak123!'

redis_port: '7934'

Predefined set of configuration variables for Silver Peak Collector in file.config.yaml

The configuration file config.yaml contains the default values for the environment variables. You

need to edit the configuration variables and save the file.

collector_upgrade - Flag to install or upgrade the collector. To the collector, set it to . upgrade true

For , it must be set to . The default value is .first time installation false false

run_installer - Flag to reinstall SD-WAN object/indicator types and exit when is collector_upgrade

set to true. The default value is .false

collector_release_tag - The collector release tag. The default value is .latest

collector_install_mode - The mode of installation for Silver Peak Collector. Value can be or remote

. The value must be set to for collector installation on another VM rather than the NMS local remote

VM. The default value is .local

collector_vm_ip - IP address of the Virtual Machine where collector needs to be installed. This value

must only be set if is set to .collector_install_mode remote

collector_vm_username - SSH username of the VM for collector installation. This value must only be

set if is set to .collector_install_mode remote

collector_vm_password - SSH password of the VM for collector installation. This value must only be

set if is set to .collector_install_mode remote

sevone_api_host - The IP address of the SevOne NMS Appliance. The default value is .localhost

sevone_api_user - The SevOne NMS user name for an administrator-level account. The default

value is .admin

sevone_api_password - The SevOne NMS password.

log-severity - Log Level. Value can be or or . The default value is .info debug warning info

sevone_api_config_version - The REST API version for the SevOne NMS PAS. The default value is

. .v2 This shouldn't be changed

sevone_api_collection_version - The REST API version for the SevOne NMS PAS. The default

value is . .v2 This shouldn't be changed

sevone_api_config_port - The API config port. HTTP on port 80 and HTTPS on port 443. Please set

value to . .80 This shouldn't be changed

sevone_api_collection_port - The API communication port. HTTP on port 80 and HTTPS on port

443. Please set value to . .80 This shouldn't be changed

sevone_api_security - SevOne REST API uses HTTPS by default. Please set value to

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silverpeak_host - The IP address of targeted tenant level Orchestrator.

_user silverpeak - Username for the tenant level Orchestrator.

_password silverpeak - Password for the tenant level Orchestrator.

_tenant silverpeak - Orchestrator tenant name.

silverpeak enable_https_ - The protocol for the targeted tenant level Orchestrator. The default value

is .true

msp_name - The MSP name to which the configured tenant level Orchestrator belongs to.

poller_threads - Threads to be used for polling. The default value is 50.

enable_interface_poller - (recommended) Flag to run the poller in a separate container for interface

better performance. The default value is .true

enable_interface_stat_poller - (recommended) Flag to run the poller in a separate interface stat

container for better performance. The default value is .true

enable_tunnel_poller - (recommended) Flag to run the poller in a separate container for tunnel

better performance. The default value is .true

enable_tunnel_stat_poller - (recommended) Flag to run the poller in a separate tunnel stat

container for better performance. The default value is .true

enable_device_summary_poller - (recommended) Flag to run the poller in a device summary

separate container for better performance. The default value is .true

enable_metadata_poller - (recommended) Flag to run the poller in a separate container metadata

for better performance. The default value is .true

interface_stat_poller_interval - Interval set in minutes to run the poller. The default interface stat

value is .5 minutes

tunnel_stat_poller_interval - Interval set in minutes to run the poller. The default value is tunnel stat

.5 minutes

device_summary_poller_interval - Interval set in minutes to run the poller. The device summary

default value is .5 minutes

metadata_poller_interval - Interval set in minutes to run the metadata poller. The default value is 30


redis_version - Redis version. The default value is .4.0.11

Execute the following command to install the Silver Peak Collector.

$ ansible-playbook silverpeak.yml

While running the Silver Peak ansible script, when you receive the following prompt. The script please wait

automatically continues the execution after the pause.

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Docker upgrade issue

In case of any error related to docker installation, check the docker version as shown below.

: fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unable to start service docker: Example

Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See \"systemctl

status docker.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"}

Check docker version

$ docker version



Version: 18.06.1-ce

API version: 1.38

Go version: go1.10.3

Git commit: e68fc7a

Built: Tue Aug 21 17:23:03 2018

OS/Arch: linux/amd64

Experimental: false




Version: 18.06.1-ce

API version: 1.38 (minimum version 1.12)

Go version: go1.10.3

Git commit: e68fc7a

Built: Tue Aug 21 17:25:29 2018

OS/Arch: linux/amd64

Experimental: false

The docker version must be . If not, run the following commands.18.06.1-ce

Reboot the VM to reflect the docker version changes.

Collector running on NMS: SevOne-shutdown reboot

Collector running on remote VM (i.e. not NMS): reboot

(using command as Verify the docker version for both client and server docker version

shown above) .has been updated to 18.06.1-ce

Execute the Silver Peak ansible script again to install the Silver Peak Collector.

$ ansible-playbook silverpeak.yml

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You can check the docker images for Silver Peak Collector have been imported using the following


Check docker images for Silver Peak Collector

$ docker images



5c735aede75a 19 minutes ago 216MB

redis 4.0.11

a38ee13679d8 3 months ago 83.4MB

In case of remote installation, please check the docker images on the remote appliance. You

can into the remote appliance and check if the dockers images for SD-WAN Silver Peak ssh

Collector are loaded.

You must be able to see the following docker containers running for Silver Peak Collector.

Check docker containers for Silver Peak Collector

$ docker ps



dc1be7c6ef0e redis:4.0.11 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 5 minutes

ago Up 5 minutes 6379/tcp,>7934/tcp silverpeak-redis

There must be at least this container up and running. In case of remote installation, please

check the docker containers on the remote appliance. You can into the remote ssh

appliance and check if the docker containers for SD-WAN Silver Peak Collector are running.

Ansible script sets the cron jobs to run the collector and delete the containers.

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Execute the following command to ensure the are set and running.cronjobs

Check cronjobs set for Silver Peak Collector

$ crontab -l

#Ansible: silverpeak device summary poller

*/5 * * * * docker run --rm --net=host --env-file /opt/sdwan-silverpeak

/collector-poller-settings.env -e ENABLE_DEVICE_SUMMARY_POLLER=true docker.sevone.

com/sc/collectors/silverpeak:develop >> /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak

/silverpeak_device_summary_poller.log 2>&1

#Ansible: silverpeak interface poller

0 */6 * * * docker run --rm --net=host --env-file /opt/sdwan-silverpeak

/collector-poller-settings.env -e ENABLE_INTERFACE_POLLER=true

/collectors/silverpeak:develop >> /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak

/silverpeak_interface_poller.log 2>&1

#Ansible: silverpeak tunnel poller

0 */6 * * * docker run --rm --net=host --env-file /opt/sdwan-silverpeak

/collector-poller-settings.env -e ENABLE_TUNNEL_POLLER=true

/collectors/silverpeak:develop >> /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_tunnel_poller

.log 2>&1

#Ansible: silverpeak interface stat poller

*/5 * * * * docker run --rm --net=host --env-file /opt/sdwan-silverpeak

/collector-poller-settings.env -e ENABLE_INTERFACE_STAT_POLLER=true docker.sevone.

com/sc/collectors/silverpeak:develop >> /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak

/silverpeak_interface_stat_poller.log 2>&1

#Ansible: silverpeak tunnel stat poller

*/5 * * * * docker run --rm --net=host --env-file /opt/sdwan-silverpeak

/collector-poller-settings.env -e ENABLE_TUNNEL_STAT_POLLER=true

sc/collectors/silverpeak:develop >> /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak

/silverpeak_tunnel_stat_poller.log 2>&1

#Ansible: silverpeak metadata poller

*/30 * * * * docker run --rm --net=host --env-file /opt/sdwan-silverpeak

/collector-poller-settings.env -e ENABLE_METADATA_POLLER=true -e


>> /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_metadata_poller_develop.log 2>&1

4.1 Verify that Data Appears in SevOne NMS

Once the collector has been running for 15 to 20 minutes, data should appear in SevOne NMS. Perform the

following steps to verify this.

Log into SevOne NMS.

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From the navigation bar, go to , select from .Administration Object Types Monitoring Configuration

From the navigation bar, go to , select and then select .Devices Grouping, Device Groups

From the navigation bar, go to , select and then select .Devices Grouping, Object Groups

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From the navigation bar, go to and select . Click on to Administration Metadata Schema Add Namespace

check metadata creation.

5 Useful Commands

Execute the following command to check the log.

Tail log

$ tail -f /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_collector.log

$ tail -f /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_device_summary_poller.log

$ tail -f /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_interface_poller.log

$ tail -f /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_tunnel_poller.log

$ tail -f /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_interface_stat_poller.log

$ tail -f /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_tunnel_stat_poller.log

$ tail -f /var/log/sdwan-silverpeak/silverpeak_metadata_poller.log

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Execute the following commands to cleanup old containers, SD-WAN 2.2 Silver Peak Collector image, and

any other images.

$ docker rmi<collector-release-tag>

$ docker images -qf "dangling=true" -q | xargs -r docker rmi

$ docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs -r docker volume rm

To stop the collector, manually remove the cronjobs.

$ crontab -e