scurvy ~cabigas

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Transcript of scurvy ~cabigas

  • 1. SCURVYby: Cabigas, Princess Ann

2. DefinitionA condition where an individual has a vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency. Usuallycommon in elderly people, alcoholics, or those that live on a diet devoid of fresh fruits and vegetables. 3. Considered as an environmentaldisease because it is not transmittedgenetically or infection. Itis caused by nutritional or physical factors in the environment. 4. CAUSESThe primary cause of scurvy is insufficientintake of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Thismay be due to: ignorance famine anorexia restrictive diets (due to allergies, foodfads, etc.) difficulty orally ingesting foods. 5. Signs and Symptoms Appetite lose Poor weight gain Diarrhea Rapid breathing Fever Irritability Feeling ofparalysis 6. Tenderness and discomfort in legs. Swelling over long bones 7. Bleeding (Hemorrhaging) Periungal Hemorrhage 8. Bleeding in the eye Hyperkeratosis (a skin disorder) 9. Constochondral beading Corkscrew hair 10. PreventionScurvy can be Strawberriesprevented by Carrotsconsuming enoughvitamin C, either in a Bellpepperdiet or supplement. BrocoliFoods that contain Potatoesvitamin C includes: Cabbage Oranges Spinach Lemons Paprika Blackcurrants Liver Guava Oysters Kiwi fruit Papaya Tomatoes 11. Treatment Treatedby providing the patient withvitamin C, administered either orally orinjections. Physicians will initially conduct physicalexam, looking for symptoms. Sometimes, radiological procedures areordered for diagnostic purposes and tosee what damage scurvy has alreadydone. 12. Dental Correlation Present bleeding gums Loosenedteeth 13. Hyperkeratosis (tongue)