Script draft two (1)

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Script draft two (1)

Throughout the years technology has evolved dramatically from simple devices to complex devices

that do more than its purpose. For example a phone which was once just a device to make phone

calls can now perform a number of functions such as taking pictures, browsing the internet and

sending and receiving messages. All these functions pose the question: do we really need all these

things for one device?

In this series we take a look at how technology has evolved over the years particularly looking at the

development of computers, video games and mobile phones. These three devices have improved

dramatically over the years and are now completely different to their traditional forms.

Last week we looked at the development of computers over the years. We visited the convent of

Jesus and Mary Language College and observed how computers have benefited education. We also

took a look at how portable forms of computing have become popular and how it benefits society.

In this episode we’ll be looking at how video games have evolved over time. We’ll be looking at how

the images have gone from pixel images to computer generated images known as CGI’s, how games

have become more interactive ,representation of gender and the violence within video games. We’ll

be interviewing expert sociologists and asking members of the public their opinions on the matter.

Over the years the technology of games has changed we have seen a movement away from pixel

images in video games such as Mario and Tetris to computer generated images in games such as

final fantasy and LA noir. CGI’s make the games look more realistic and the game becomes a more

enjoyable experience. This movement towards CGI’s is probably a way of making the player feel

more involved with the game by including images that look similar to society. Players who play video

games have now become more interactive in a way that was not possible years ago. For example

players can now play with others around the world. This advert from Italy shows just how big this

experience can get.

In video games violence has become such a norm within them that it has been said to have

desensitized players to the violence that is shown. Players can steal cars and kill people in different

ways without the game showing the real consequences of their actions. In games such as GTA, final

fantasy and Call of duty players can express violence and aggression using various types of weapons.

The representation of gender has also changed over the years women are no longer presented as

the damsels in distress they have become more sexualised and in some games they have even

become the heroes .

In modern video games women are highly sexualised and represented as sex objects. These

representations are stereotypes that show that women's role in the media is related to sex. In

games such as GTA women are represented as prostitutes and the players are allowed to do

whatever they like to them. In another game God of war the player can have sex with the females

after they have completed a mission in a place named the brothel. We visited the Convent of Jesus

and Mary language college to talk to expert sociologists about what they thought of these

representations of women in video games. In order to find out what affect these images were

having on people we asked members of the public what the thought of this image promoting Grand

theft auto vice city.

On a more positive note not all women are presented as sex objects in video games they can also be

the heroes. In tomb raider Lara Croft the main character is a female who fights all her own battles

within the game.

After the break we'll be looking at the representation of men with in video games and how

violence within video games is now affecting people, the physical and mental affects.