Screwdriver Plus

Post on 15-Mar-2016

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Philipp Loidolt - Tobias Schreier

Transcript of Screwdriver Plus

Screwdriver Plusby Tobias Schreier and Philipp Loidolt

A screwdriver is a tool for driving screws or bolts with special slots, and sometimes for rotating other machine elements with the mating drive system. The screwdriver is made up of a head or tip, which engages with a screw, a mechanism to apply torque by rotating the tip, and some way to position and support the screwdriver. A typical hand screwdriver comprises an approximately cy-lindrical handle of a size and shape to be held by a human hand, and an axial shaft fixed to the handle, the tip of which is shaped to fit a particular type of screw. The handle and shaft allow the screwdriver to be positioned and supported and, when rotated, to apply torque. Screwdrivers are made in a variety of shapes, and the tip can be rotated manually or by an electric motor or other mo-tor.

Screwdriver (definition from Wikipedia)

The goal of the project “Screwdriver Plus” is to design a screwdriver with an additional function, whereas it is not of importance if the screwdriver is manual or automatic, has attachable/detachable objects or serves for two independent operations as secondary function. Furthermore the size of the screwdriver must fit depending on its desired purpose of function.

Existing products on the market

The Project’s goal

too big, heavy, unhandy, bitstorage limited, ...

solution a product that has an adjustable bit, flexibly changeable in every situation, for every type of screw head or every size of screw.

- Consumer (needs screwdriver from time to time, very unwilling to buy new screwdrivers)- Semi-Professional (repairs different kinds of products quite often, uses screwdrivers for private projects or constructions, maybe as a hobby)- Professional (uses screwdriver very often in similar tasks, needs extra comfort and durability)

According to the findings in the target group and problems you face with the different screws available, there is need for a screwdriver that has an adjust-able bit. Not only different kinds of bits available, but a universal bit, that can adjust to every shape of a screw head.

We came up with the idea of a bit that consists of tiny 0.2mm tips which are forced onto the screw by a thread and a micro particle composite inside the bar of the screwdriver. This solution enables the screwdriver to shape any bit desired.

Target groups

Design/Idea for screwdriver


With our basic idea in mind we did not anly focus on the technical details but also on the perfect ergo-nomical shape to satisfy our needs.

We used plasteline to test all differnt kind of shapes until we found the optimal form that follows its funktion.

Working progress

design and construction sketches guided us through our working progress...

and lead in the end to the shape that satisfied us and the function of our product most.

The thread spirals to the front by turning the back of the screwdriver clock-wise. When the 0.2mm tips have shaped the needed bit the tips are placed in different positions lengthwise to the bar, which is possible through the micro particle composite between the tips and the thread. It fills every space that is more outside of the bar and leaves the space for the tips that need to be more inside the bar. By pushing the button at the end of the screwdriver, the mecha-nism to push the thread is locked and the whole bar can be turned turn.

Our screwdriver consists of two handles, for use with left and right hand. One hand holds the non-turning handle (between the steel bar and the second, turning handle at the end).

When a different shape is needed, the button at the end of the screwdriver has to be pushed again, what releases the lock and the thread can spiral back by turning counter-clockwise. The new shape for the screw can then be shaped as usual by placing the screwdriver on the screw and turning the second han-dle to turn the thread inside the bar).

If a smaller diameter for a smaller screw head is needed, the diameter of the tip can be adjusted by moving the control in the middle of the steel bar to the front.

How it works

the basic shape was found...

we just had to build the model to visualize the function and the design in a better way.

innovationby Tobias Schreier and Philipp Loidolt