
Post on 22-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Screenshots

ScreenshotsA few screenshots of some steps I

took to create my front cover, DPS and contents.

Front Cover

Started with my original image. Then using magnetic lasso I I cut the image

of me out and pasted it so I had the image repeated so I could then place

it next to the original.

Using magnetic lasso again I took parts of the collage of images I had as the background and pasted them

over the gaps, over the door, bed and other items that could be seen. I then added the masthead which is

from dafont, then the cover line and other text I wanted onto my magazine.

I then realised things were missing such as barcode, price and a skyline or slogo, so I then added them in.


On this contents page, I went with the untidy look, as I think it looks interesting with scattered text and images. I chose to

make the main image black and white and not the other because those colours would bring out all the colour images

and my main image becomes a background image yet it’s the first things you’ll notice when turning the page because

its quite a strange image.

I cut an image I took and pasted it onto my magazine template which gave me an idea of my

main image for my contents as I wanted it to be different to my

front cover. I incorporated various images I took and gave

them all page numbers and small introductory sentences. I used brushes again and also strokes and shadow to make my images stand out more.

DPSI started by placing my main image where I

wanted it, moving it a lot until I decided I was happy with it taking up one side of the double

page. I then had another image I liked so I decided to place that near the big one as they were showing two sides of the bands, them messing around and them for the shoot and

the image with the main artist pulls it all together. I used brushes on my pages

because it finished of the whole thing and it linked with the style of my main heading. In

nearly all magazines they have small boxes in which state whose in what image or what's

going on in that image so I incorporated text in the next stage of production, as well as adding my written article and pull quotes.

I used the colours of black and white as it goes with

the colours I have

within my main

image and it keeps with a

constant house style..