Screen grabs of documentary

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Screen grabs of documentary

When editing Natalie Warren, we took quite a lot of the information out, because what she said wasn’t relevant we used the cutting tool to delicately cut out the parts of the documentary that wasn’t needed.

This is what it looked like after cutting the parts up that we needed, we would then need cutaways to put over each of these to stop jump cuts and it had a smooth flow.

We then rearranged all of the small parts to be in the right order so they flowed and they made sense to the audience.

Cutaways were then added to stop jump cuts and it the made it look more professional.

To show the audience different shoe shops we then added a montage of images which would explain different shops that we are talking about and make it more clear to the audience.

We then filmed more cutaways as we some of the cutaways weren’t suitable.

We added voice over in the places that we had planned to.

Then to finish we then added the music bed which finished off the documentary and gave it a more professional feel.