Screen grabs front cover

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Screen grabs front cover

Screen Grabs For Front Cover

This is the main image I used for the background of my front cover. I cut around her head, to get rid of the uneven background of the photograph.

I then added the title of my magazine along the top and the bar code in the bottom right hand corner. Also, I added a white box along the bottom.

I added my main cover line to the bottom half of my magazine.

I added the rest of the cover lines and made sure they were lines up to make my magazine look organised. I also used the white box along the bottom to add “bonus features”.

I added a slogan and website underneath the title then added an issue number and price to the bar code.

Once the main parts of my magazine were finished, I added a gradient background, sticking to my colour scheme. I also altered a few effects on my cover lines to make them look better on my final product.